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Source: Cleasby/Vigfusson, page b0454, entry 26
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The following entry has been hand-corrected once.

NIÐ, f., pl. niðar, N. G. L. i. 29; dat. pl. niðjum, Vsp. 6 (later niðum); the gender is seen from the pl. niðar (l. c.) from the compd niðar- below, as also from the provinc. Norse and Swed. near; [Swed. nedar; Dan. næ; Ivar Aasen near] :-- the wane of the moon, when there is 'no moon;' it is in use in Sweden and Denmark, but now obsolete in Iceland, except in the compd niða-myrkr, qs. niðar-myrkr; in old writers esp. in the allit. phrases, ok nið, full moon and no moon, Vþm. 25; Máni stýrir göngu tungls ok ræðr nýjum ok niðum, Edda 7; um ny hit næsta ok niðar (acc. pl.), N. G. L. i. 29; nótt með niðum, Vþm. 24; nótt ok niðjum (i. e. niðum) nöfn um gáfu, Vsp. 6; máni, ný, nið, Edda 76: poët., niða borg = the heaven, Skálda (in a verse). COMPDS: Nlða-fjöll, n. pl. a mythical local name, Vsp. niða-myrkr, n. ' nið-mirk,' pitch darkness and no moon; þeir höfðu skriðljós með sér, en niðamyrkr var úti, Ó. H. 71, Fms. ii. 5; n. var á, Eg. 216, 235, Fms. viii. 429: the word is now used without thinking of the moon, simply = pitch darkness; also kol-niðamyrkr, coal-pitch-dark.

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