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Source: Cleasby/Vigfusson, page b0099, entry 17
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DETTA, pret. datt, 2nd pers. da/, l, pl. duttu; part, dottinn; pres. dett; pret. subj. dytti :-- to drop, fall: d. niðr dauðr, to drop dmvn dead, Fms. iii. 132; of a bird when shot, i 79; þeir tóku brandana jalhskjott sem ofan duttu, Nj. 2OI; spjótið datl or hendi, Kl. 91; duttu þa:r ofan, they tumbled down, Fas. ii. 84; draga þ:i suinduin npp, en lála stundum d., Karl. 161: to drop, die suddenly, sauðtY-naðr datt niðr unnvörpuni í megrð, Bs. i. 873; þau hafa niðr dottiö í hor, tbf cattle dropped down from starvation, 875: to sink, of the heart, Fbr. ioS: nietaph., lit' dettr or e-m, the life drops out of one, Fms. iii. 214: denoting to come on sud- denly, daudinn dettr;'i, Al. 90; láttu nidr d., cngn er nytt, ilrop it, it is all false, Fs. 159: the phrases, t-in dettr e-t í hug, a thing drops i, ito one's mind, i. e. one recollects it suddenly; d. ofan ylir on, to be over- whelmed, amazed; d. í slufi. tn full in pieces (as a tub without hoops), to be amazed: cp. datta, dotta.

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