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óða-got, n. hurry, flurry.

óða-kapp, n. = óðaönn.

ÓÐAL, n., pl. óðul; in Norse MSS. it is usually contracted before a vowel (whence arose the forms öðli eðli), and owing to a peculiarity in the Norse sound of ð an r is inserted in contracted forms, örðla, orðlom, N.G.L. passim: [akin to aðal, öðli, eðli, = nature; öðlask = adipisci; oðlingr, q.v.; A.S. êðel = patrimony; it is also the parent word of Germ. edel, adel, = noble, nobility, for the nobility of the earliest Teut. communities consisted of the land-owners. From this word also originated mid. Lat. allodium, prob. by inverting the syllables for the sake of euphony (all-od = od-al); oðal or ethel is the vernacular Teut. form, allodium the Latinised form, which is never found in vernacular writers; it may be that the transposition of syllables was due to the th sound in oðal; and hence, again, the word feudal is a compd word, fee-odal, or an odal held as a fee or feif from the king, and answering to heið-launað óðal of the Norse law (heið = fee = king's pay), N.G.L. i. 91.]

B. Nature, inborn quality, property, = aðal, eðli, öðli, q.v.; this seems to be the original sense, þat er eigi at réttu mannsins óðal, Sks. 326 B; þat er helzt byrjar til farmanns óðals, a seaman's life, 52; þat er kaupmanna óðal ( = mercatorum est), 28; jörlum öllum óðal batni, Gh. 21. II. a law term, an allodium, property held in allodial tenure, patrimony. The condition which in the Norse law constitutes an oðal was either an unbroken succession from father to son (er afi hefir afa leift) through three or more generations, N.G.L. i. 91, 237, Gþl. 284; or unbroken possession for thirty or more years, N.G.L. i. 249; or sixty years, Gþl. 284; or it might be acquired through brand-erfð (q.v.), through weregild, barn-fóstr (q.v.); and lastly heið-launað óðal, an allodial fief, was granted for services rendered to the king, see N.G.L. i. 91: the oðal descended to the son, and was opp. to útjarðir (out-lands), and lausa-fé (movables), which descended to the daughter, Gþl. 233; yet even a woman, e.g. a baugrygr (q.v.), could hold an oðal, in which case she was called óðals-kona, 92, jörð komin undir snúð ok snældu = an estate come under the rule of the spindle, N.G.L. i. 237; the allit. phrase, arfr ok óðal, 31, Gþl. 250: brigða óðal, N.G.L. i. 86; selja óðal, to sell one's óðal, 237. The oðal was in a certain sense inalienable within a family, so that even when parted with, the possessor still retained a title (land-brigð, máldagi á landi). In the ancient Scandin. communities the inhabited land was possessed by free oðalsmen (allodial holders), and the king was the lord of the people, but not of the soil. At a later time, when the small communities were merged into great kingdoms, through conquest or otherwise, the king laid hold of the land, and all the ancient oðals were to be held as a grant from the king; such an attempt of king Harold Fairhair in Norway and the earls of Orkney in those islands is recorded in Hkr. Har. S. Hárf. ch. 6, Eg. ch. 4, cp. Ld. ch. 2, Orkn. ch. 8, 30, 80 (in Mr. Dasent's Ed.); cp. also Hák. S. Goða ch. 1. Those attempts are recorded in the Icel. Sagas as acts of tyranny and confiscation, and as one of the chief causes for the great emigration from the Scandinavian kingdoms during the 9th century (the question of free land here playing the same part as that of free religion in Great Britain in the 17th century). The attempt failed in Norway, where the old oðal institution remains in the main to the present day. Even the attempts of king Harold were, according to historians (Konrad Maurer), not quite analogous to what took place in England after the Conquest, but appear to have taken something like the form of a land-tax or rent; but as the Sagas represent it, it was an attempt towards turning the free odal institution into a feudal one, such as had already taken place among the Teutons in Southern Europe. III. gener. and metaph. usages, one's native land, homestead, inheritance; the land is called the 'oðal' of the reigning king, á Danr ok Danpr dýrar hallir, æðra óðal, en ér hafit, Rm. 45; eignask namtú óðal þegna, allan Noreg, Gauta spjalli, Fms. vi. 26 (in a verse); banna Sveini sín óðul, St. Olave will defend his óðal against Sweyn, 426 (in a verse); flýja óðul sín, to fly one's óðal, go into exile, Fms. iv. 217; flýja óðul eðr eignir, vii. 25; koma aptr í Noreg til óðala sinna, 196; þeim er þar eru útlendir ok eigi eigu þar óðul, who are strangers and not natives there, Edda 3; öðlask Paradísar óðal, the inheritance of Paradise, 655 viii. 2; himneskt óðal, heavenly inheritance, Greg. 68; njóta þeirra gjafa ok óðala er Adam var útlægr frá rekinn, Sks. 512: allit., jarl ok óðal, earl (or franklin) and odal, Gh. 21. 2. spec. phrase, at alda óðali, for everlasting inheritance, i.e. for ever and ever, D.N. i. 229: contr., at alda öðli, id., Grág. i. 264, D.I. i. 266; til alda óðals, for ever, iii. 88: mod., frá, alda öðli, from time immemorial.

C. COMPDS: óðals-borinn, part. born possessor of an óðal, noble, Gþl. 298. óðals-bréf, n. a deed proving one's title to an óðal, D.N. óðals-brigð, f. redemption of an óðal, Gþl. 295. óðals-jörð, f. an allodial estate, Gþl. 240, 284, Fms. i. 225 (= native country); áðr Gyðingar næði óðalsjörðum sínum (i.e. their Land of Promise), 655 viii. 2. óðals-kona, u, f. a lady possessed of óðal, N.G.L. i. 92. óðals-maðr, m. [mod. Norse odels-mann], an allodial owner, like the 'statesman' of Westmorland, Gþl. 289, 296: metaph., væra ek sannr óðalsmaðr til Noregs, rightful heir of Norway, Fms. ix. 326. óðals-nautr, m. an 'odals-mate' or co-possessor, Gþl. 293, 296. óðals-neyti, u. a body of óðalsnautar, Gþl. 294. óðals-réttr, m. allodial right, allodial law, D.N. iv. 593. óðals-skipti, n. the sharing out óðal, N.G.L. i. 43, 91, Gþl. 285. óðals-tuptir, read aðal-tupt (q.v.), N.G.L. i. 379, v.l. óðals-vitni, n. a witness in a case of redemption of an óðal, Gþl. 296.

óðal-borinn, part. = óðalsborinn, Eg. 40, Hkr. i. 125: of a king, óðalborinn til lands ok þegna, Js. 15: native, indigenous, Al. 152.

óðal-jörð, f. = óðalsjörð, Fms. vi. 339.

óðal-nautr, m. = óðalsnautr, N.G.L. i. 93.

óðal-torfa, u, f. patrimonial land, Skv. 3. 60.

óðal-túptir, f. pl. a homestead, Sighvat.

óðal-vellir, m. pl. patrimony, Rm. 33.

óðal-vitni, n. = óðalsvitni, N.G.L. i. 87.

óða-málugr, adj. = óðmálugr, Fas. i. 230.

óðask, að, = óask, to be struck with terror, Bs. i. 335.

óða-stormr, m. = óðaveðr, Róm. 384.

óða-straumr, m. a violent current, Bs. i. 386.

óða-veðr, n. a violent gale, Clem. 27.

óða-verkr, m. a violent pain, Bs. i. 259, ii. 180.

óða-önn, f.; vera í óðaönn, to be deep in business, very busy.

óð-fluga, adj. with violent speed, as lightning, Fms. viii. 405, Hkr. i. 150, Nj. 144.

óð-fúss, adj. madly eager, Þkv. 26, Band. 8 new Ed.

óð-gjarn, adj. = óðfúss, Ísl. ii. (in a verse).

ÓÐINN, m., dat. Óðni; [A.S. Wodan; O.H.G. Wodan, in the Old High German song Phol ende Wodan vuoron zi holza; in the Norse the w is dropped, whence Odinn] :-- Odin, Wodan, the name of the founder of the ancient Northern and Teutonic religion, who was afterwards worshipped as the supreme god, the fountain-head of wisdom, the founder of culture, writing, and poetry, the progenitor of kings, the lord of battle and victory; so that his name and that of Allföðr (Allfather, the father of gods and men) were blended together. For Odin as an historical person see esp. Yngl. S., the first chapters of which were originally written by Ari the historian, who himself traced his pedigree back to Odin. For the various tales of Odin as a deity see the Edda and the old poems; for the legends explaining how Odin came by his wisdom, how he was inspired, how he pawned his eye in the well of Mimir, see Vsp. 22; how he hung in the world-tree Yggdrasil, Hm. 139 sqq.; and the most popular account, how he carried away the poetical mead from the giant Suptung, etc., see Hm. 104-110. and Edda 47-49; for his travelling in disguise in search of wisdom among giants and Norns, Vþm., Gm., Vsp. For Odin's many names and attributes see Edda (Gl.) The greatest families, the Ynglings in Sweden, Skjöldungs in Denmark, and the Háleygir in Norway, traced their pedigrees back to Odin, see the poems Ýt., Ht., Langfeðgatal. In translations from the Latin, Odin was, strangely enough, taken to represent Mercury; thus, kölluðu þeir Pál Óðin, en Barnabas Þór, they called Paul Odin, but Barnabas they called Thor, is an ancient rendering of Acts xiv. 12, cp. Clem., Bret., and passim. This seems to have originated with the Romans themselves; for Tacitus says, 'deorum maxime Mercurium colunt,' by which he can only mean Wodan; the Romans may have heard the German tales of Wodan's wonderful travels, his many assumed names and disguises, his changes of shape, his eloquence, his magical power, -- tales such as abound in the Edda, -- and these might make the Romans think of the Greek legends of Hermes: accordingly, when the planetary week days were adopted from the Lat., 'dies Mercurii' was rendered into A.S. by Wodansdäg, in Engl. Wednesday, in Dan. Onsdag, in Norse Óðins-dagr, Orkn. 386, Fms. ix. 282: Óðins-nótt, f. Wednesday night, N.G.L. i. 17. Óðins-hani, a, m. a bird, tringa hyperborea, or the phalaropus cinereus, or the red phalarope, see Fjölnir viii, Faber, Edda (Gl.) II. Northern local names, Óðins-vé, n. the sanctuary of Odin = Odense in Fünen in Denmark, Knytl. S.: Óðins-salr, m. in Norway. Munch's Norg. Beskr. 79: Óðins-lundr, m. Odin's grove. In a single instance Athens is rendered by Óðins-borg, and the Athenians by Óðins-borgar-menn, Post. 645. 90; the name can only have been formed from the Greek name pronounced with the th sound, perhaps by the Northmen at Constantinople, who may have associated the name, thus sounded, with Odin's supposed travels from the east to Sweden, and his halts at various places, which were afterwards called after him, as recorded in Yngl. S. As a pr. name, Othen villicus, Dipl. Arna-Magn. (Thorkelin) i. 23; Oden Throndsson, D.N. iv. 756, 764; Ódin-dís, f., Baut., but very rare. It is noteworthy that the name of Odin is, in the old poets, hardly ever used as appellative in poët. circumlocutions of a 'man;' málm-Óðinn is a GREEK = warrior.

óð-inndæla, u, f. a GREEK, [qs. of-inndæla(?) from of and eindæll or inndæll = strange, odd] :-- a puzzle(?); ek skal kæra um óðindælu mína sjálfs, I have to complain of my puzzle, an accident that has happened to me, Fms. vi. 374.

óð-inndæll, adj. [see the preceding word], self-willed, puzzling(?); miklu eru menn þeir óðindælli en vér fám við þeim séð, they are much too headstrong, more than a match for us, Fms. xi. 151; er nú einsætt at láta sverfa til stáls með oss, ok eigi víst hvárt færi manna óðindælla