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hann var settr til læringar, 623. 54 :-- teaching, precept, Hom. 108, 157; læringar = kenningar, Skálda 205 (in a verse).

læri-stóll, m. a pulpit, chair, Mart. 113.

læri-sunr, m. a 'lore-son,' disciple, Bs. i. 907.

læri-sveinn, m. a 'lore-swain,' disciple, Fms. i. 134, Gþl. 40; Eyjólfr virði Þorlák mest allra sinna lærisveina, Bs. i. 91, and passim in the N. T. (the disciples of Christ), Vídal., Pass.: freq. in mod. usage = schoolboy.

lær-knúta, u, f. a joint bone.

lær-leggr, m. the thigh bone, Fms. ix. 219, Edda 28, Sks. 372, Gullþ. 15.

LÆSA, t, [láss; Dan. laase] , to lock, shut, with dat., læsti hón þegar loptinu innan, Nj. 7; var þeirri hurðu læst, Fms. iii. 67; þau vóru öll læst innan borgar, xi. 74; hurðin var bæði læst innan ok útan, Hom. 120; læsti síðan skríninu, Fms. vi. 402; kirkjur vóru allar læstar, viii. 229 :-- to shut one in, hón fylgði þeim í úti-búr ok læsti þau þar, Ísl. ii. 108; var hestr Grettis læstr í húsi sterkliga, Grett. 113: læsa bréf, to seal, Róm. 247, Bs. ii. 122 :-- to groove, í hjalti sverðsins vóru læstir lyfsteinar, Fas. iii. 244. 2. of a beast of prey; læsa klóm, hrammi, to pierce or clasp with the claws; hón læsti klónum inn að beini: reflex., læsast or læsa sig, to pierce, penetrate; klærnar læstust inn að beini (of claws), mjúksár um limu logi mér læsir sig fast, Snót 128.

læsing, f. a lock.

læstr, part. locked, having a lock, Dipl. iii. 4.

LÆTI, n. pl., in dat. látum, [Dan. lader, cp. lát], manner, also including sound; læti er tvennt, læti heitir rödd, læti heitir æði, Edda 110. Vsp. 18; engi þau læti, hljóð eða raddir, Skálda 172; hón kveðr við svá hátt ok öskurliga at slík læti þóttisk konungrinn eigi heyrt hafa, Fb. ii. 26; við askranleg læti, Al. 142; honum þótti íllt at heyra læti þeirra, their wailings, Fms. iv. 369; bæði handa læti ok fóta, Sks. 116; lit ok læti, Skv. 1. 39.

læ-virki, a, m. [A. S. lawerc; Old and North. E. lavrock], a lark, Edda (Gl.)

læ-víss, adj., and læ-víst, f., see læ.

Læzkr, adj. of Lóm, from the county Lóm in Norway, D. N.

LÖÐ, f., gen. laðar, [laða], bidding, invitation; laðar þurfi, Vþm. 8; buðumk hilmir löð, Höfuðl.; bjóða líðendum löð, Fsm. 3; þjóð-löð, hospitable reception, Hm. 4: in pr. names, Sigr-löð, who invites victory; Gunn-löð, Hm.

LÖÐ, f., gen. löðar, [Engl. lathe], a smith's lathe; kenna gull til sjóðs eða díguls eða l&av-ligature;ðar, Edda 84, freq. in mod. usage. löð-hyrr, m. the fire of the lathe, poët. for gold, Ísl. ii. 372 (in a verse).

löðr, n. froth, (and löðra, að), see lauðr and lauðra.

löðr-mannligr, adj. (-liga, adv.), cowardly, Grett. 90 A.

löðr-menni, n. a coward, feeble person, Fas. iii. 437.

löðrungr, see lauðrungr.

löðuðr, m. a bidder, inviter, Ýt. 23.

Löðurr or Loðurr, m. [cp. Germ. lodern], one of the names of Loki, -- Loðurr is the Prometheus of the Northern mythology, see læ and óðr. Odin, Hænir, and Löðurr were the three gods who created Ask and Embla, Vsp.: vinr Löðurs, the friend of Löður, = Odin, Ht. (Hkr. i. 88).

LÖG, n. pl. laws, see lag B. 2. in compds as a prefix = lawful, legal, as defined, ordered, prescribed in law, general, or the like.

lög-arfi, a, m. a lawful heir, Fms. ix. 333, Js. 28.

lög-ávöxtr, m. legal interest; tíunda fé sitt ok allan lögávöxt fjár síns, Bs. i. 68.

lög-baugr, m. a 'law-ring,' cp. baugr (II), the payment of weregild, Grág. ii. 171.

lög-beiðing, f. a legal demand, legal call, in pleading, Nj., Grág.

Lög-bergi or Lög-berg, n. the Law-hill, rock of law, where the Icel. legislature was held, see Grág., Nj. passim, and Mr. Dasent's Introduction to Burnt Njál, which contains a description and drawing of the place. Lögbergis-ganga, u, f. the procession (of the goðar) to the Law-rock, Grág. i. 26. Eg. 703, Fms. ii. 172.

lög-binda, batt, to bind, stipulate by law, Fagrsk. 57.

lög-bjóða, bauð, to order, prescribe by law, Jb. 170: lög-boðit, law-bidden, ordered.

lög-boð, n. a legal bid, at a sale, Grág. i. 198: a lawful call = lögbeiðing, Nj. 238 :-- a law, ordinance, mod. = laga-boð.

lög-bók, f. a 'law-book,' code of laws, Fms. vii. 305, viii. 277, K. Þ. K. 24, N. G. L. i. 378, Ísl. Ann. 1271, 1272, 1280, D. N. passim: but as the Icel. Commonwealth has no fixed code, so the word never applies to Icel. previous to the union with Norway.

lög-bót, f. an amendment of law, K. Þ. K. 24.

lög-brigðir, m. a law breaker, Eg. (in a verse).

lög-brot, n. a breach of law, Eg. 352. lögbrots-maðr, m. a law breaker, Mar.

lög-bú, n. a lawful household, Grág. ii. 39.

lög-deila, u, f. a law quarrel, a cause before a court, Bs. i. 75.

lögðir, m. [leggja], poët. a 'stabber,' sword, only in poetry, Lex. Poët.

lög-dómr, m. a lawful court, Grág. i. 17 :-- a legal sentence, Bs. i. 141.

lög-dýr, n. [lögr], a 'sea-deer,' poët. a ship, Lex. Poët.

lög-dæma, ð, to adjudge by law, D. N.

lög-dæmi, n. a 'law-doom,' jurisdiction.

lög-eggjan, f. full provocation, as defined by law, Nj. 154.

lög-eiðr, m. a lawful oath, an oath as ordered by law, Grág., Nj. passim :-- a nickname, Lög-Eiðr, Bárð.

lög-eindagi, a, m. a legal term, Grág. i. 132, 399, K. Þ. K. 174.

lög-eyrir, m., pl. lögaurar, legal money, lawful tender, legal payment, Grág. i. 88, 193, 391, 392, 466, ii. 245, K. Þ. K. 172.

lög-faðmr, m. a legal fathom, one prescribed by law, Grág. ii. 91.

lög-fardagr, m. a legal time for moving one's household, Grág. ii. 42.

lög-fasta, u, f. the law-fast, ordered by law, Grág. i. 293, K. Þ. K. 102; lögföstu tíð, Post. 645. 77.

lög-fastr, adj. 'law-fast,' domiciled, Grág. i. 243, 245, 381, ii. 39.

lög-fá, fékk, to take, receive, legally, Fms. viii. 295.

lög-fákr, m. [lögr], the 'sea-steed,' sea-horse, Hým.

lög-fé, n. a 'law-fee,' of a fine, N. G. L. ii. 306.

lög-félag, n. a lawful partnership, of marriage, N. G. L. ii. 305.

lög-festa, t, = festa lög fyrir e-t, see festa (II. 2), N. G. L. i. 244, Gþl. 334, Jb. 250, 331.

lög-festa, u, f. a lawful title, right in matters of possession, a Norse law term answering to lyritr (II) in the Icel. law, N. G. L. i. 244, Gþl. 362, 451.

lög-festing, f. = lögfesta, Dipl. i. 7.

lög-festr, f. a lawful mooring, of a whale, Sturl. ii. 28 :-- plur. a lawful betrothal.

lög-fóstr, n. a fostering, as defined in law, the fostering a child from its 8th to its 16th year, Grág. ii. 45; see fóstr.

lög-fóstri, a, m. one who has given lögfóstr to another, Grág. ii. 45.

lög-frétt, f. a lawful query, in pleading, Grág. i. 36.

lög-fróðr, adj. learned in law, Bs. i. 733.

lög-fræði, f. law, jurisprudence, Bárð. 173.

lög-fræðingr, m. a lawyer, a man skilled in law.

lög-fullr, adj. lawful, legal, Ld. 210, Ísl. ii. 379, Fs. 159, N. G. L. ii. 306, passim.

lög-fundr, m. a lawful meeting, public meeting, Ld. 62, Fs. 60.

lög-föstnun, f. legal espousals, Grág. i. 316.

LÖGG, f., gen. löggvar, Edda ii. 100 (in a verse); in mod. usage laggar; [Scot, leggin; Engl. ledge] :-- the ledge or rim at the bottom of a cask, Grág. i. 501, freq. in mod. usage: also of the inside of a cask, það er dálítið eptir í lögginni. 2. a mark on sheep, a small square piece cut out of the side of the ear. COMPDS: lögg-brotinn, part. with the ledge broken off. lögg-stokkinn, part. = löggbrotinn, Stj. 367.

lög-garðr, m. a lawful fence, as prescribed in law as to height and thickness. Grág. ii. 262, 266, 267.

lög-gilda, t, to give lawful currency to.

lög-gildi, n. validity.

lög-gildr, adj. of full value, current.

lög-giptr, part. lawfully given away, of a lady, D. N.

lög-gjafi; and lög-gjafari, a, m. a lawgiver.

lög-gjöf, f. a legal gift, Gþl. 271; lawgiving, legislation, (mod.)

löggra, að, [prob. from lögg; Dan. logre = to wag the tail, of a dog]:-- to crouch abjectly, like a dog; hvat er þat it litla er ek löggra sék, ok snapvíst snapir, Ls. 44, a &alpha-dasia-oxia;π. λεγ.

lög-grið, n. a lawful domicile, Grág. i. 19, 149.

lög-heilagr, adj. holy, sacred, of days according to the canonical law, Grág., K. Þ. K. passim (alla löghelga daga).

lög-heimili, n. = löggrið, Grág. i. 150, Nj. 33.

lög-hlið, n. a gate as prescribed by law, Grág. ii. 264.

lög-hreppr, m. a Rape (hreppr) as defined by law, Grág. i. 443, Jb. 178.

lög-hverfð, f., or lög-hverfa, u, f. a lawful fence, D. N. v. 186.

lög-kaup, n. a lawful bargain, Grág. i. 148, K. Þ. K. 70.

lög-kennandi, part. a 'law-surveyor' to declare if a thing belongs to a person or not, Grág. i. 424.

lög-kominn, part. lawfully entitled to, Jb. 244.

lög-krókar, m. pl. law quibbles, Fms. vii. 142, Sks. 439.

lög-kvöð, f. a legal summons, Grág. i. 35, Nj. 218.

lög-kæni, f. skill in the law, Nj. 236.

lög-kænn, adj. versed, skilled in the law, Nj. 222, Fms. vii. 133.

lög-kænska, u, f. = lögkæni, Fms. vii. 142.

lög-langr, adj. of lawful length, Jb. 407.

lög-lauss, adj. lawless, Sks. 77 new Ed.

lög-leið, f. a lawful Leet (meeting), K. Þ. K. 68.

lög-leiða, d, = leiða í lög, to bring (a freedman) to the privileges of law, (cp. to naturalise), Grág. i. 290. II. to introduce as law, (leiða e-t í lög), Bs. i. 720, freq. in mod. usage.

lög-leiga, u, f. lawful rent, Grág. i. 196, 217.

lög-leysa, u, f. lawlessness, a lawless state, Gþl. 361, Bs. i. 71, Hkr. ii. 134, Magn. 472, Fms. xi. 294, Sks. 339.

lög-liga, adv. lawfully, Nj. 188, K. Á. 54, Bs. ii. 96.

lög-ligr, adj. lawful, legal, Nj. 1, Eg. 725, Fms. vii. 142, x. 307, K. Á. 58, passim; ú-löglegr, unlawful.

lög-lyritr, m. a lawful lyrit (q. v.), Grág. i. 109.

lög-lýsing, f. a legal declaration, in pleading, Grág. i, 18, Nj. 15.