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B. COMPDS: landa-brigði, n. = landsbrigði, Grág. ii. 202. landabrigða-þáttr or -bálkr, m. a section of the law dealing with land, Grág. ii. 202, 344, 345. landa-eign, f. land-owning, Hkr. ii. 206: mod. landar-eign (sic), the land, fields, and pasture belonging to an estate: í landareigninni, within the borders of an estate and the like. landa-fundr, m. land-finding, discovery, Fb. i. landa-hringr, m. 'land-ring,' poët. for the sea, Hallgr. landa-kaup, n. land purchase, Grág. ii. 313: exchange of land, Bs. i. 725. landa-klofi, a, m., see klofi, Sks. 194, 199. landa-kostr, m. = landskostr, Eg. 139, 140, Fs. 25, 26, Valla L. 206. landa-leit, f. a journey to discover land, search for land, Landn. 76. landa-leitan, f. = landaleit, Landn. 190, Fms. i. 247, Grág. ii. 410. landa-ljómi, a, m. beam of the earth, of the sun, Runic poem: a nickname, Bjarn. landa-mark, n. a landmark, Stj. 342: plur., Dipl. v. 23. landa-merki, n. pl. a landmark, boundary, of an estate, Ld. 100, Eg. 235. landa-mæri, n. border-land, Eg. 260, Nj. 123, Ó. H. 45, Karl. 382, Stj. 76, 88, 269 (plur.): a landmark, Ld. 102. landa-ripting, f. = landsbrigði, Sturl. ii. 236. landa-skipan, f. geography, Fms. i. 233, Sks. 194. landa-skipti, n. a division of land, Ver. 24, Stj. 44: a boundary, Fms. vii. 52: a change of land, Bs. i. 716. landa-skrá, f. a 'land-scroll,' deed, D. N. iii. 929. lands-auðn, f. a laying waste, depopulation of a land, Fas. i. 526, Hkr. ii. 75. lands-álfa, u, f. a region, Matth. xv. 21. lands-bók, f. the 'land-book,' code of laws, Jb, 43, 44. lands-brigð, f. escheatage of land, Grág. ii. 202, 203, Jb. 188. lands-bruni, a, m. wildfire, Sæm. 95 (prose). lands-bú, n. = landsbygð, Grág. i. 74, Bs. i. 718. lands-búi, a, m. a land dweller, inhabitant, plur. = landsmenn, Sturl. i. 45, Ó. H. 27: a tenant, Hkr. i. 90. lands-bygð, f. the peopled land, Gr. GREEK, Lv. 16, Fms. x. 376: peopling, settlement, Landn. 311, v.l.: tenantry, Grág. i. 445. lands-bygging, f. occupation of a land, Sks. 441. lands-bætr, f. pl. land improvements, Fms. x. 152. lands-deild, f. partition of land, Grág. ii. 253. lands-dómari, a, m. a chief justice, of Pilate, Matth. xxvii. 11, Pass. 25. 1. lands-dróttinn, m. a landlord, Grág. ii. 334, Gþl. 312. lands-eign, f. land-owning, Grág. ii. 268. lands-endi, a, m. the land's end, boundary, N. G. L. i. 102, Fms. i. 6, vii. 110, viii. 244, Hkr. ii. 162. lands-fjórðungr, m. the quarter of a land (of Iceland), Grág. i. 433, Landn. 251, Bs. ii. 81. lands-flótti, adj. exiled, Fms. x. 403. lands-fólk, n. the land-folk, people of the land, Fms. i. 55, vii. 174, Gþl. 44. lands-friðr, m. the peace of the land, public peace, Fms. vi. 284. lands-gæzla, u, f. the guarding the land, Eg. 536, Fms. vii. 69, ix. 398: landsgæzlu-maðr, Þiðr. 162. lands-háttr, m. national custom, H. E. ii. 79. lands-heiti, n. an index of local names, Edda 153. lands-herr, m. = landsfólk, Fms. i. 132, 214, Fb. ii. 109. lands-herra, m. = landsdróttinn, Stj. 214. lands-hlutr, m. a portion of the land, Jb. 129. lands-horn, n. the land's end, Landn. 194. landshorna-maðr, m. a landlouper, Sturl. ii. 125, cp. Skíða R. 15. lands-höfðingi, a, m. the 'land-ruler,' great chief of the land, Hkr. i. 261, Fms. xi. 266, Sks. 603, passim. lands-kjálki, a, m. 'land-jaw,' used = landshorn, Sturl. iii. 80. lands-kostr, m. the best of the land, Landn. 276, Edda (pref.): choice land, Landn. 312, Eg. 116, 137; see kostr. lands-lag, n. the nature, 'lie' of a country, Fms. iii. 207. lands-leg, n. = landslag, Landn. 174. Ld. 156, Fs. 22, 25, Fms. vii. 56, Rd. 276. lands-leiga, u, f. land rent, Grág. ii. 334, Sturl. iii. 140; landsleigu-bálkr, the section of the law about tenancy, Grág. (pref.) lands-lýðr, m. = landsfólk, Fms. vi. 400, x. 379, Stj. lands-lög, n. pl. the law of the land, public law, Nj. 191, Grág. i. 181, Sks. 668. lands-máli, a, m. a right of redemption, Grág. ii. 240. lands-megin, n. the 'main' of the land, main power, regarding strength or area, Fms. iv. 119, vii. 183, Eg. 50; landsmegin hans (his kingdom) er oss fjarri, Ó. H. 85. lands-menn, m. pl. the men of the land, the people, Grág. i. 454, 463, Eg. 78, Nj. 137, Fms. i. 27, v. 67, Orkn. 136, passim. lands-merki, n. the 'land's mark,' border, boundary, Grág. ii. 209. lands-múgr, m. the people, esp. the common people, Ó. H. 34. lands-nauðsynjar, f. pl. public affairs, wants, Sks. 496. lands-nytjar, f. pl. the produce of the land, Ísl. ii. 118, Grág. ii. 210, D. I. i. 470. lands-ofringi, a, m. a landlouper, Grág. i. 192. lands-réttr, m. the law of the land, public law, Eg. 476, Fms. vii. 295; lög ok landsréttr, Fs. 27, passim. lands-siðr, m. the custom of the land; forn landssiðr, the old law of the land, Nj. 6, Bs. i. 284, 682; lýttr er sá er ekki fylgir landssiðnum, a saying. lands-skaði, a, m. damage on the land, Hkr. i. 96. lands-skapr, m. a 'landscape,' region, Bs. i. 877, Stj. 73, v.l.: = landssiðr, 172; sakir landskapar ok fornrar venju, Bs. i. 281, Str. 30. lands-skattr, m. a land tax, Fms. x. 410. lands-skipan, f. = landssiðr, Grett. 97 A, Stj. 73. lands-skipti, n. a division of land, Grág. ii. 255, 261. lands-skyld, mod. lands-skuld, f. rent of land, Fms. i. 18, 90, Ó. H. 27, Orkn. passim, lands-staða, u, f. 'site of a country.' lands-stjórn, f. government, Fms. i. 1, Sks. 329, Fb. ii. 172, passim; landsstjórnar-maðr, a public authority, officer, Fms. vi. 392, xi. 218, Jb. 51. lands-suðr, m. = landsuðr, Grett. 136. lands-sýn, f. = landsýn, Landn. 258. lands-tunga, u, f. a tongue of land, Hom. 92. lands-vani, a, m. and lands-venja, u, f. = landssiðr. lands-ván, f. a lookout for land, a naut. term, being near land, Fms. ii. 216. lands-verð, n. the price for land, Dipl. iii. 10. lands-virðing, f. the taxation of land, Grág. i. 83. lands-vist, f. an abode, residence in a land, also opp. to the being exiled, Fms. ii. 112.

land-auðn, f. laying a land (country) waste, Íb. 4, Þiðr. 162: a desert, Sks. 323.

land-aurar, m. pl. [eyrir], 'land-dues,' a tax which esp. foreign ships or travellers had to pay to the king as the lord of the land, Ó. H. ch. 54, 239, Hkr. ii. 46; thus an Icelandic ship sailing between Norway and Iceland had to pay this tax to the king; the amount was fixed by a law of king St. Olave, Íb. ch. 1, cp. also the deed in D. I. i. 65, § 3, 8, 11, 12; gjalda landaura af knerri, Ó. H. 36 (Sighvat, in a verse); for Icel. it was abolished in the deed of the union with Norway, D. I. i. 620, § 5; this tax was probably the beginning of the custom dues of after times: a land tax had also to be paid to the king for license of travelling or trading abroad, landaura skal engi maðr gjalda þeirra sem í útgerðum eru, N. G. L. i. 59; reykmæla ok afráð ok landaura alla, 257; maðr hverr er til Íslands færi skyldi gjalda landaura, Ó. H. 227. landaura-gjald, n. the tax of landaurar, Fms. vii. 1, x. 410, H. E. i. 391.

land-álfr, m. elf of the land, epithet of a king, Eg. (in a verse).

land-áss, m. the guardian god of the land, Eg. (in a verse).

land-beiðaðr, m. epithet of a king, Eg. (in a verse).

land-borði, a, m. the 'landward' side, Fms. viii. 417, Bs. i. 423.

land-bóli, a, m. (land-bólari, D. N. i. 544), a tenant, D. N.

land-brigð, n. = landsbrigð, Js. 84.

land-brot, n. land slips, caused by the sea, rivers, or the like.

land-burðr, m. = landgangr, of shoals of fish, Ísl. Þjóðs. passim.

land-búi, a, m. = landsbúi, Grág. ii. 209, Fms. i. 24, iv. 8, Fær. 218.

land-búskapr, land-búnaðr, m. husbandry.

land-eiga, u, f. = landeign, Hom.

land-eigandi, a, m. a landowner, Grág. i. 181, 279, Glúm. 393.

land-eign, f., mod. proncd. landar-eign, an estate, esp, the grounds, fields, and pastures, Krók. 39, Fs. 20; í örskots-helgi við landeign sína, Landn. 287; hann tók sér bústað á Borg, ok ætlaði þar landeign til, Eg. 735: þá er stefnu-staðr á þeim bæ sem í landeign er ómaga niðr skotið, Grág. i. 297; þar at eins var þá reyniviðr vaxinn í hans landeign, Sturl. i. 6; fara ór landeign konungs várs, N. G. L. i. 82.

land-ekla, u, f. lack of land, Ld. 122.

land-erfð, f. a law term, if a stranger died in a place, and no lawful heir appeared for three years, the king of the land in which he died took the inheritance, N. G. L. i. 50.

land-eyða, u, f. land-waster, the name of a standard, Fms. vi, viii: = landauðn, iv. 126: mod. a tramp, scout.

land-fall, n. a land slip, Pm. 88.

land-farsótt, f. an epidemic, (mod.)

land-fastr, adj. 'land-fast,' of a ship ashore, Nj. 10, Sturl. i. 224, Ver. 9, Bs. i. 526, Fb. ii. 386.

land-festar, f. pl. moorings, Grág. i. 216, Fms. ii. 126, viii. 288, N. G. L. i. 50, 437, Fb. i. 281, passim.

land-fjölskyld, f. public business, troubles, Bs. i. 84.

land-flótti, -flótta, adj. exiled, Lat. profugus, Grág. ii. 99, Fms. i. 151, x. 36, Orkn. 96, Fs. 202, Ver. 27, Stj. 488.

land-flæmdr, part. driven off the land, exiled, Bret. 28, Flóv. 24.

land-fólk, n. = landsfólk, Sighvat, Edda (pref.), Hom. 113.

land-fúss, adj. eager to make the land, of sailors, Krók. 45.

land-ganga, u, f. a landing, disembarking, Hkr. ii. 7, Fms. vi. 334.

land-gangr, m. a running ashore, of shoals of fish; 'landgangr af fiski' is used when there is a large catch of fish, K. Þ. K. 112.

land-garðr, m. 'land-fence,' poët. the sea, Fms. vii. (in a verse).

land-genginn, part. pasture-haunting, of cattle, Jb. 346.

land-gæði, n. pl. the good of the land.

land-gæzla, u, f. defence of the land, Hkr. i. 93.

land-gögn, n. pl. produce, emolument of the land, Ám. 2, Dipl. iii. 10.

land-hallt, n. adj. standing along the shore, Fms. x. 347, Fas. i. 324: compar. landhallara, Fb. i. 351.

land-herr, m. 'land-host,' people of the land, Ýt. 5, Hkr. i. 144, Fs. 16, Fms. iv. 180, Nj. 127; allr borgar-lýðr ok landherr, Jóhann. 24, Sighvat.

land-hluti, a, m. (hlutr), a share of land, Jm. 25, Sd. 138.

land-hreinsun, f. 'land-cleansing,' clearing the land of miscreants, Gþl. 135, 136, Fms. ix. 302; það var landhreinsun að honum, a saying when a bad man is dead and gone.

landi, a, m. a 'landsman,' countryman; ossa landa þá er vóru austr, Íb. 10; erlendis sem fyrir órum löndum, Grág. i. 99; vára landa fimm, 183; várr landi skal hverr friðheilagr, N. G. L. i. 158: = mörlandi, þeir sögðu at landi hefði eigi fast haldit feldinum, Ísl. ii. 39: a nickname, Bs. i.

land-jörð, f. an inland estate.

land-kannaðr, m. a 'land-prober;' the name belongs to an old ceremony of taking land in possession as a settler, thus described, setti hann niðr staf nýbirktan er þeir kölluðu landkönnuð, Landn. 190.

land-karl, m. the land carles, common folk, Sighvat.

land-kaup, n. the purchase of land, Grág. ii. 213, Sturl. ii. 12, Ld.