230 written pages*. In the third volume were entered the prepositions to the number
of 44, filling 160 written pagesf; added to which it appears, from pencil marks and notes,
that it was the intention of the writer to enter into the volume several important
verbs and substantives not to be found in the first volume. These three volumes are
estimated by Mr. Vigfusson to contain about 15,000 quotations, written out at length
and posted most methodically and neatly, like entries in a ledger, the references
being double to book and chapter, and page and line. These volumes are written
in a bold running hand, and the correctness of the spelling and accentuation of
Icelandic words shews the writer's thorough mastery over the language. Besides
the beautiful writing in ink, there are frequent pencil marks and marginal notes in
a fine English hand. These notes often contain valuable remarks, though all in
a rough state, and affording rather hints and suggestions as to the plan of the
Glossary. Besides, there are frequent renderings of Icelandic words into Latin as
well as English. It has been a pious duty to print specimens of these remarks on
pp. cv-cviii, where will be found Cleasby's entries under the word mat, to which
has been added, for purposes of comparison, the same word as it appeared in the
Copenhagen transcripts based on these very materials of the lamented philologer|.

The remainder of the Cleasby collections in the boxes consisted of slips, on
each of which was entered a single Icelandic word, followed by quotations and
references, for the most part in a very elementary state. About half the writing on
these slips is that of Cleasby, who seems to have extended and completed the work
first begun in rough by his amanuenses. In one respect these slips, rude and incom-
plete as they are, contrast very favourably with the Copenhagen transcripts. The
quotations in them are written out in full, and the references are to chapter, page,

* These words are the nouns alin, brag*, bor*, braut, dagr, cfni, cyrir, fall, fang, fotr, for, gar*r, grein, gripr,
hlutr, hugr, hundra*, hús, höfu*, honcl, kostr, lag, lei*, ma*r, mörk, m;íl, mána*r, megin, munr, nútt, or*,
penningr, rá*, sök, sta*r, stafr, stokkr, stuncl, þing, van, vegr, vi*r, örendi, örtug: and the pronouns, adverbs,
particles, and adjectives—at, en = er, en or enn (conj.), her, heldr, ok, nema, svá, þar, þá, þó, þdtt, upp, uppi;
allr, annarr, cinn, eingi, hann, hinn, hvárr, hvárrtveggja, hverr, h'víírrgi, hverrgi, nakkvarr ( = nekkverr), sá, sem,
scr-hverr, þessi; far, fullr, gó*r, har*r, hár, íllr, lauss, lítill, mikill, víss.

t These prepositions are af, at, á, án, eptir, fjarr fjarri, frá, fyrir, gagnvart, gegn, gegnum, handa, hjá,
i, innan, kring, me*, me*al, megin, mfôil, milli millim, mót, móti mots, nær nærri, of, or or ór, sakar sokum, til,
um, um-fram, um-hverfis, undan, undir, upp-á, upp-i, ur, utan, yfir, vegna, vi*,—about 44 in 160 written pages.
From pencil marks it is clear that Cleasby intended to insert the verbs bi*a, finna, flytja, hlaupa, höggva, kasta,
kosta, leysa, leita, skulu; as also the words land, li*, mjök. Of this volume Cleasby left a foul copy also in his
own hand, being a rough outline, while the fair copy contains a more careful, though still very elementary,
arrangement of his materials. All these words are entered in no order, but evidently just as each word occurred
to him; but on the fly-leaves Mr. Cleasby has drawn up an alphabetical list of the words contained in each
volume. From this we are enabled to see the alphabetical order he intended to follow in the Dictionary. He
distinguishes short and long vowels as in this present Dictionary: but, besides, he puts ö after a (thus divorcing
a and Æ), thus, a, a, o, b, c ...; þ he places after / (as in Icelandic-German Glossaries); and œ and ce he
inserts respectively under a and o, as ae, oe.—G. V.

Í In the Copenhagen transcripts important words have been omitted, no doubt from carelessness: thus
there is no verb lúka and no preposition milli; lúka is in Cleasby's volume represented by 60 references, in the"
present Dictionary there are some 65, of course only partly the same as in Cleasby.—G. V..