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regol-sticca. Add :-- Gif þú reogolsticca næbbe, Tech. ii. 128, 15. v. regolian.

regol-þeáw, es; m. A custom of ecclesiastical rule :-- Þ-bar; hí þá gesettan þeódscipas and regolþeáwas heóldon, Angl. x. 144, 125.

regol-weard. (3) Add :-- Ðe regluuard, Jn. L. 4, 51.

reliquias. Add :-- Mid fæstenum and mid gebedum and mid reliquia sócnum . . . Mid cyricsócnum and mid reliquia sócnum, Verc. Först. 171.

remigende. The correctness of this reading is supported by another instance :-- Se Hæ-acute;lend . . . gemétte óðre twégen gebróðra . . . on scipe mid heora fæder remigende heora nett, Nap. 53 (Archiv ci. 323). Both instances should then be put under remian.

Rémisc; adj. Roman :-- Þ-bar; compwearod Roemisce cohors. Jn. L. 18, 12.

renc. Add: rencu (-eo) :-- Þá hé swíðust óðre men mid tesowordum tæ-acute;l[d]e in his renceo (cf. in his onmédlan gealpettunga, 27, 40), Nap. 62, 17.

ren-degn. v. ærn-þegen.

rengan (?). v. á-rencan (?): renge. Add: [From Lat. aranea.]: rendan. Put after renc, and add: v. á-, be-rendan: rendrian. Take after ren-degn, and for 'v. Lchdm. ii. Gloss.' substitute v. ge-rendrian.

reócan. Add :-- In þæ-acute;re stówe þæ-acute;r þá hátan wæter reócað and swá mycele æ-acute;þmas wyrcað in loco in quo aquae calidae vapores nimios faciunt, Gr. D. 343, 4. Genim níwe horses tord, lege on háte gléda, læ-acute;t reócan swíþe betweoh þá þeóh úp under þæt hrægl, Lch. ii. 330, 27. Reócende halans (odorato thure fragrantior halans, Ald. 271, 15), An. Ox. 26, 66. Sume hús ná gehrán seó fýlnes þæs reócendan and stincendan mistes alia habitacula exurgens foetor e flumine minime tangebat, Gr. D. 319, 11. Eóde forð feórðe healf geár bútan rénscúrum and reocendum deáwe, Hml. S. 18, 57. v. be-, ge-reócan.

reód. Add: -- Eágan reádiað, and reód beoþ heów, Lch. ii. 258, 14. Æt ánes heówes cý, þ-bar; heó sý eall reód oððe hwít, iii. 24, 13. Wæs hire ansýn swá reód and swá fæger swá þæ-acute;re wynsumestan fæ-acute;mnan, þonne heó fægerost bið, Mart. H. 4, 17. Ræ-acute;seð mec on reódne, Rä. 26, 8. v. reódian.

reód-naesc. Add: reddened skin (?). [For partica see Parthicae pelles (Du Cange): Particum Parthian (Diefenbach).] v. reád-lesc: reogyrde. v. hreód-gird.

reohhe. Add: a ray. [v. N. E. D. reigh] : reoma a rim. v. rima: reóma. Add: [v. N. E. D. rim, sb. 2]

reónian. Add: to conspire :-- Reónedan concinnabant, Hpt. Gl. 474, 28. Hreónedan concinnant, An. Ox. 2788.

reónig-mód. Add :-- Éódan þá reónigmóde eorlas æ-acute;gleáwe . . . gehðum geómre, El. 320.

reónung. Add :-- Reónunge constellationem, An. Ox. 2631. v. ge-regnung.

reord speech. Add :-- On Englisce reorde in sua, id est Anglorum, lingua, Bd. 4, 24; Sch. 481, 12. [v. N. E. D. rerd(e).]

reord a meal. Add :-- Farma &l-bar; symbel &l-bar; riorda geuarð cena facta, Jn. L. 13, 2. Mið ðý ðú dóes riordo (hriord, L.) &l-bar; symbel cum facis prandium aut caenam, Lk. R. 14, 12.

reordian. I. to take food, dine, sup, eat :-- Cumað riordigað (hreordað, L.) uenite prandete, Jn. R. 21, 12. Gearua þ-bar;te ic hriordege para quod cenem, Lk. L. 17, 8. Ongunnon hriordago coeperunt aepulari, Lk. L. 15, 24. Tó hriordanne, 32. II. to feed :-- Wé hriordadun ðec pavimus te, Mt. L. 25, 37. v. ge-reordian.

reordian. Add: [v. N. E. D. rerd(e).] v. un-reordian (?): -reordness. v. ge-reordness: reóst. Add: [v. N. E. D. reest.]: reótan. Dele I. for which see writian, hrútan: reów. v. hreóh.

reówe. Add: In the last passage reón is another reading, Sch. 540, 9: reów(e)tt. v. réwett.

repel, es; m. A rod, staff :-- For þárn þe hé næfde næ-acute;nne repel hine mid tó þersceanne (gyrde hine mid tó sleánne, v. l.), þá gelæhte hé þone fótscamul. . . and beót Libertinum on þ-bar; heáfod quia virgam qua eum ferire posset minime invenit, comprehenso scabello ei caput tutudit, Gr. D. 20, 26. [Gief he fend were, me sceolden anon eter gat gemete mid gode repples and stiarne swepen, O. E. Hml. i. 231, 21. v. D. D. repple.]

-repen. v. for-hrepian: -res, -resu. v. cneó-, cyn-res, -resu.

respons a response :-- Respons singan responsiones cantare, Ll. Th. ii. 140, 21.

rest. [In Bl. H. 11, 16, 19 the word seems to be of the weak declension.] II. add :-- [Niht]licere ræste nocturnae quieti &l-bar; somno, An. Ox. 2197. III. add :-- Þín gást bið on heofonum, and þín rest ne losað næ-acute;fre on worulde, Hml. S. 15, 67. Hé æfter þám gereordum ræste séceð, dýgle stówe under dúnscræfum, Pa. 36. Ðeáh þe þá rícestan hátan him reste gewyrcan of marmanstáne, Wlfst. 263, 2. Ræste sécan, bed æfter búrum, B. 139. Ðá formo hræsto primos accubitos, Lk. L. 14, 7. v. búr-, brýd-, eorþ-, ge-, líc-, undern-rest.

resta. v. ge-resta.

restan. I a 3. add :-- Æ-acute;líg . . . þér mínes hláfordes líchoma rest, C. D. iii. 274, 14.Þá hálgan stówæ þæ míne yldran on restaþ, 273, 17. II 2. add :-- List ðú and rest þé and Godes þeówa líð æt þínum gatum, Hml. S. 31, 1152.

reste. v. rest.

reste-dæg. Add :-- Restedæges begýming Sabbati obserualio, An. Ox. 40, 5. Þæs restedæges, 18.

resten-dæg. Add :-- On restendæge sabbato, Scint. 30, 6.

-restscipe. v. ge-restscipe: -resu. v. -res.

réþe. Take here hréþe in Dict. and I a. add :-- Réþe gefylce tyrannici commanipulares, An. Ox. 858. Mid róde tácn þá réðan (devils) áflían, Hml. S. 17, 145. Þám réþestum feóndum seuissimis, i. ferocissimis hostibus, An. Ox. 745. II. add :-- Stefn leás in woestern roeðe vox leonis in eremo rugientis, Mt. p. 9, 14. León and beran . . . þá réðan deór, Hml. S. 4, 405. III. add :-- Réþes stormes dirae tempestatis, An. Ox. 631. Hé gebróhte hine of ðám réðan cwearterne, Hml. S. 18, 447. Of ðysum réðum deáðe, 22, 114. Roeðo aspera, Lk. L. R. 3, 5. Réþe gáras dira, i. crudelia spicula, An. Ox. 2097. Tó gearcigenne þá réþestan wítu, Hml. S. 24, 21. v. efen-réþe.

réþian. See next word.

réþigian. Add: , réþian :-- Hí ongeán hyne réþiaþ (saeuiunt), Scint. 118, 19. Réðige saeuiat, 122, 4. Þ-bar; hé gesáwe þone feónd réðian (réðigian, v. l. saevire) on hine mid his múþe, Gr. D. 122, 11. Hí ongunnon má réðian (reðgian, v. l.) and hí gebelgan, 219, 10. Réð giende (reðigiende, v. l.) hí Libertinum sóhton, 16, 16: 104, ll. Þá réðgiendan (réðgendan, v. l.) Francan, 16, 20: 42, 30.

réþ-ness. Take here hréþ-ness, and I a. add :-- Þæ-acute;ra Langbeardna réðnes (saevitia) byð gemetegad þurh his gife, Gr. D. 234, 1. Sealde hé bysne his folgerum þ-bar; hí móston forbúgan réðnysse, Hml. A. 72, 176.

réþra. Add :-- Réþran uectares, remiges, Germ. 402, 65. v. ge-, scip-, steór-réþra.

réþre (?), es; m. A rower, sailor :-- Réðra (hréðra, Hpt. Gl. 406, 42) &l-bar; flotmanna nautarum, An. Ox. 22.

réþ-scipe. Add :-- Weámóde láreówas þurh hetolnysse heora réðscipes (furoris) gehwyrfað þæ-acute;re láre gemet tó ungefóge þæ-acute;re wælhreównysse, Chrd. 70, 15.

réwett; m. n. (?).l. n., and add :-- Hí þ-bar; líc tó scipe bæ-acute;ron . . . and efeston mid reówte (reówette, v. l.) on þæ-acute;re eá, Hml. S. 31, 1478.

rétu. v. un-rétu.

rex-geníþla (?) a royal foe (?) :-- Ne meahte hé oncyrran rexgeniðlan ( = cyning- (?), cyne- (?) geníþlan Elene; either word alliterates with cwéne), hé wæs on þæ-acute;re cwéne gewealdum, El. 610.

ribb. Add :-- Gif rib forbrocen weorð iii. sci&l-bar;&l-bar;. gebéte, Ll. Th. i. 18, 15. Cóm of ðæ-acute;m wætre án næ-acute;dre . . . wearð hiere mid ánum wierpe án ribb forod -- hit is næ-acute;drena gecynd þ-bar; heora mægen and hiera féþe bið on heora ribbum, Ors. 4, 6; S. 174, 3-14. Gif mon óðrum rib forsleá binnan gehálre hýde, geselle .x. sci&l-bar;&l-bar;. tó bóte; gif sió hýd sié tóbrocen, and mon bán of ádó, geselle .xv. sci&l-bar;&l-bar;. tó bóte, Ll. Th. i. 98, 11. Saga mé on hwæðere Adames sídan uam úre Drihten ðæt rib ðe hé ðæt wíf of geworhte, Sal. K. 198, 9. Óstige ribba hyrdlas, ribbes, hricges gebígednesse squamigeros costarum crates (rigidamque) spinae curvaturam, An. Ox. 2465.

ríca. Add: v. þúsend-, weorold-ríca.

ríce; adj. I a. add :-- Gif hwelc forworht monn cymð, and bitt úrne hwelcne ðæt wé hine læ-acute;den tó sumum rícum menn (apud potentem quempiam virum), Past. 63, 2. I b. add :-- Tuoege scyldgo woeron sume ríce menn (feneratori), Lk. L. 7, 41. v. efen-, un-ríce.

ríce. es; n. I a. add :-- On middeweardum hire ríce hió getimbrede Babylonia þá burg medio imperii sui Babylonem condidit, Ors. 2, 1; 8. 62, 14. God forgifð ríce ðám ðe hé wile, Hml. Th. ii. 434, 4. I b. add :-- Ðonne bið ðæt ríce wel gereht, ðonne sé ðe ðæ-acute;r fore bið suíðor wilnað ðæt hé rícsige ofer monna unðeáwas ðonne ofer óðre góde menn summus locus bene regitur, cum is, qui praeest, vitiis potius quam fratribus dominatur, Past. 117, 9. v. ærce-, ærcebisceop-, Breoten-, feówer-, fiþer-, Franc-, heáfod-, land-, middel-ríce.

ríce-healdend (?), es; m. A ruler :-- Alfwold . . . mid rihte and mid gerisenum rícehealdend (ríce healdende?) Athelwaldo . . . rite regimina regenti, Guth. Gr. 104, 4.

rícen[n]. Dele, and see récan.

rícetere. I. add :-- Ofermód rícetere insolens potestas, Germ. 391, 97. Hwæ-acute;r syndon démra dómstówa? hwæ-acute;r ys heora rícetere and heora prass and orgol?, Wlfst. 144, 32. II. add: undue display of power, arrogance :-- Wæs sum man, Leófstán geháten, ríce for worulde . . . sé rád tó þám hálgan mid rícetere swíðe, and hét him æteówian orhlíce swíðe þone hálgan sanct, Hml. S. 32, 233. v. weorold-rícetere.

ríclíce. In l. 2 l. imperabatis, and I. add :-- Þám ælmihtigan tó lofe, sé þe on écnysse ríxað ríclíce mihtig, Hml. S. 36, 424.

rícsian. II a. add :-- Þæ-acute;r samod rícxað sib mid spéde and árfæstnes and éce gód pax et pietas, bonitas, opulentia regnat, Dóm. L. 267. Unryhtwisnys ríxið (rícsað, v. l.) abundabit iniquitas, Mt. 24, 12. K&l-bar;. Ianuarius, gif hé biþ on Sæternesdæg . . . fýr rícsaþ on þám geáre, Archiv