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tocume, O. E. Hml. ii. 5, 23. Hé &yogh;aff opennlike bisne, Orm. 2909. Openliche gultes, A. R. 426.]

openlíce. I. add :-- Openlíce (as all might see) Godes englas læ-acute;ddon hine tó heofonum, Shrn. 59, 15. Man cíde him openlíce publica obiurgatione corripietur, Chrd. 61, 16: Hml. S. 31, 187. Sé þe þýfðe oft æ-acute;r forworht wæ-acute;re openlíce, Ll. Th. i. 228, 25. II. add :-- Twá cynn sind martyrdómes; án dearnunge, óðer eáwunge. Sé ðe on éhtnysse his líf álæ-acute;t, hé bið openlíce martyr, Hml. Th. ii. 544, 16. Gif hwá on leásre gewitnesse openlíce (without any concealment of the fact) stande, Ll. Th. i. 398, 11. Gif hwá openlíce lengctenbryce gewyrce, 402, 29. III. add: (1) clearly to the senses :-- Mid þý þá seó gesomnung eall gehýrde swá openlíce þá stefne, þá næs þæ-acute;r næ-acute;nig tweó quas dum aperte voces congregatio audisset, dubium non fuit, Gr. D. 52, 32. Sceal man sealmas singan openlíce and beorhte (plane ac lucide), Chrd. 57, 14. Openlíce liquide, 63, 27. (2) clearly to the mind :-- Angytfullíce, openlíce liquido, i. manifeste, An. Ox, 83. Þone plegan, and hiora diófolgield, þæt wæ-acute;ron openlíce ealle unclæ-acute;nnessa, Ors. 3, 3; S. 102, 13. Þú þe nelt þé eallunga geeówian openlíce nánum óðrum búton þám þe geclæ-acute;nsode beóð on heora móde qui nisi mundos verum scire noluisti, Solil. H. 5, 20. Sege hwæthwugu swetolor ymb þæt, þæt ic mage openlícor ongytan, 46, 3. Magon wé ðis spel ðe openlícor gereccean quod melius ostendimus, Past. 197, 11. IV. add: without restriction :-- Hwæt þú woldest witan ic ne mæg mid fæáwum weordum gesecgan. Gif þú hyt openlíce witan wilt, þonne scealt þú hyt sécan on þæ-acute;re béc þe wé hátað De Videndo Deo . . . þæt þú meaht gehýran micle openlícor on þæ-acute;re bec, Solil. H. 64, 22-33. Wé móten God geseón openlíce, ealne geseón swylce swylce hé ys, 67, 7.

open-ness. Add: manifestation :-- Þá gesceáwiað þá opennysse þæ-acute;re godcundan onlíhtnysse þe heora líchaman symle geclæ-acute;nsiað mid sýfrum þeáwum, Hml, S. 23 b, 42.

openung. Add: opening :-- Openung múþes his apertio oris illius, Scint. 96, 11 v. ge-, land-openung.

or. Add: v. ur.

óra metal. Add :-- Órum metallis, An. Ox. 14, 2.

óra a monetary unit. v. íre: orc a cup. Add: [From Lat. urceus.]

or-ceápe, &c. Add :-- Orceápungum gratis, Ps. Rdr. 38, 19: 108, 3.

orcen (?) a sea-monster. Substitute: orcnéas sea-monsters, and in 1. 2 for orcneas (orcenas ?) l. orcnéas.

ord. I a. add :-- On þám ordum þára þorna in illis spinarum aculeis, Gr. D. 101, 16. III. [perhaps here rather than under I d (1) belongs Burgwarena ord (applied to Adam), Hö. 56. In v. 35 hell is spoken of as a burh, and the burhwaran are the departed in hell, of whom Adam was the progenitor.] Add :-- Hé bið heora deáðes ord eorum mortis auctor fit, Chrd. 92, 23. [O. Fr. mith egge and mid orde.]

or-dál. A masculine form ordelas occurs, C. D. ii. 252, 13.

or-dæ-acute;le. Add :-- Ordæ-acute;le expers (periculi), An. Ox. 3286.

ord-fruma. I. add: I a. beginning :-- Ordfruma &l-bar; angin principium, Ps. L. 109, 3. Æ-acute;lc ðing hæfð anginn and ordfruman ðurh God, ac God . . . næfð nán angin ne næ-acute;nne ordfruman, Hex. 22, 1. Hé eallum gesceaftum anginn and ordfruman forgeaf, Hml. Th. i. 274, 30. II 1 a. add :-- 'Ego sum principium' . . . se Hæ-acute;lend be him sylfum spræc þ-bar; hé is ordfruma and angin ealra þinga, Hml. S. 1, 12. Gif hí hiora ordfruman (cf. fruman, Bt. 39, 13; F. 234, 31) ne þiówoden nisi refluant causae quae dedit esse, Met. 29, 96. II 1 b. add :-- Ic gecýðe be æ-acute;lcum þæ-acute;ra spella æt hwilcum ordfruman ic hý geáxode quibus haec auctoribus mihi comperta sint manifesto, Gr. D. 9, 6, II 2. add :-- Þæt æðele cyn, engla ordfruman, þæt þe eft forwearð, Sat. 21.

ord-frym[m]; adj. Original :-- Þæt ordfremme folc, E. S. 49, 352.

ord-stapu, e; f. l. -stæpe, -stepe, es; m.

or-eald. Add :-- Hé wæs wræ-acute;ne oð þ-bar; hé wæs oreald usque ad aetatem decrepitam lubricus extilit, Gr. D. 341, 3.

orel. Add :-- Orl hic ciclas, An. Ox. 18 b, 14.

orenum. v. orne.

oret. l. óret, and add: from or-hát.

óret-feld a battle-field :-- Óretfelda schammate (mundi scammate certant, Aid. 190, 23), An. Ox. 17, 50. Cf. óret-stów.

óretla, an ; m. Ill-usage (?) :-- Hé slóh þone Godes wer mid his brádre hand ofer his wange, þ-bar; hé mid óretlan gebysmrod út eóde of þæ-acute;re cyrican virum Dei alapa percussit, ut de ecclesia cum contumelia exiret, Gr. D. 200, 16.

óret-lof triumph :-- For his wuldorfullan sige óretlofes propter eius gloriosissimi uictioriam triumphi, Angl. xiii. 400, 497.

orf. Add: [orf and yrfe seem interchangeable in Ll. i. 352, 3-13: 254, 15] :-- Æt ánum hrýðere, oþþe æt þám orfe þe þæs weorð sý, Ll. i. 160, 2. On mínum cucum orfe, 276, 24. Gif bæ-acute;d genumen sý on monnes orfe for óðres monnes þingum, 354, 6. Æt æ-acute;lcon smalon orfe, 224, 22. Man offrode fela cinna orf Gode tó láce binnan þám getelde, Ælfc. T. Grn. 24, 2. Hire hyrdeman his orf læ-acute;swode, Hml. Th. ii. 150, 31. Seó heofone ús sendeð styrnlice stormas and orf and æceras swýðe ámyrreð, Wlfst. 92, 18. ¶ Cattle-stealing, it may be inferred from the statement of the oxherd in Ælfric's Colloquy, 'Ealle niht ic stande ofer þá oxan waciende for þeófan, Coll. M. 20, 291', was a crime whose prevalence justified the attention given it by the law. To guard against the disposal of property acquired by it, the sale of cattle was allowed only in the presence of witnesses, and when security was given as to rightful ownership, v. Ll. Th. i. 276, 7-16: 282, 24-28: 296, 1-2. If a man returned from a journey not undertaken for the purchase of cattle, and brought some back with him, he was obliged within five days of his return to give notice of his purchase to the proper authority. v. Ll. Th. i. 274, 23-276, 5. Regulations were made for the tracing of stolen cattle (Ll. Th. i. 352, 3-13), and the oaths to be taken by those engaged in a suit concerning stolen cattle were fixed by law. v. Ll. Th. i. 178, 10-180, 16. An instance of cattle-stealing is mentioned in C. D. ii. 134. v. in-orf; irfe.

orf-cwealm. Add :-- Swíðe hefelic geár and swíðe swincfull and sorhfull geár innan Englelande on orfcwealme, Chr. 1085; P. 217, 18.

orf-cynn. Add :-- Secgað sume gedwæ-acute;smenn þæt sum orfcyn sý þe man bletsigan ne sceole, and cweðað þæt hí þurh bletsunge misfarað, and ðurh wyrigunge geðeóð, Hml. Th. i. 100, 30.

or-firmþa; pl. Refuse :-- Orfyrmþa peripsema, An. Ox. 609. Cf. æ-acute;-firmþa ; or-firme, -firm(u).

or-gálscipe. Dele, see: of gálscipe, An. Ox. 5290.

organ. Add :-- Ðæs hálgan cantices se gyldena organ, hé hý ealle oferhleóðrað, Sal. K. 152, 12.

organistre, es; m. One who plays on an organ :-- Iubal wæs sangera fæder, and hearpera, and organystra (canentium organo), E. S. 42, 165.

orgel. Add: orgello; f. :-- Ic ondette . . . unnyttes gylpes bígong, and ídle glengas, uncyste and ídelre oferhygde orgello, Angl. xi. 98, 28. [v. N. E. D. orgel.]

orgel-dreám. Add :-- Heriað on strengum and orgeldreáme laudate in chordis et organo, Ps. Rdr. 150, 4.

orgele. Add: [v. N. E. D. orgle.]

orgellíce. Add :-- Aurelianus andwyrcle orgelíce swíðe, 'Ic ána gewealde ealles middaneardes, and ðú specst ðus dyrstiglíce swilce tó sumum déman', Hml. Th. ii. 308, 21. Hé hét him æteówian orhlíce swíðe þone hálgan sanct, Hml. S. 32, 234.

orgello. v. orgel: or-gilde. Add: v. un-gilde : or-hlet. v. or-hlyte: orhlíce. v. orgellíce.

or-hlyte. Add (?) :-- Orhlet expers, Angl. xi. 171, 3.

orige (?). Substitute: or-íge; adj. Invisible, out of sight. [O. H. Ger. ur-ougi invisibilis.]

or-leahter. Add: , es; m. Danger, peril :-- Hwæt is ús sélre tó dónne þe on swá pleólicum orleahtre (in tam graui discrimine) synd becumene?, Chrd. 2, 8. Ðéh þe hé beó mid weredum orsorh, þéhweðere hé æ-acute;fre on wíte wunað and on nearunisse, and æ-acute;fre on gnornunge and on orleahtre . . . welan tó forwyrde gedragað; wel feala for welan on orleahter becómon, E. S. viii. 473, 16-26. Orleahtras discrimina, An. Ox. 1867. Horhleahtras, Wülck. Gl. 252, 8.

or-mæ-acute;te. Add: I. of material things :-- Þá æteówde án ormæ-acute;te heort, Hml. S. 30, 29. Ormæ-acute;te ent, 25, 280. Se ormæ-acute;ta gigas, Ps. L. 32, 16. Cóm Timotheus mid ormæ-acute;tre fyrde, Hml. S. 25, 432. Hé (David) his (Goliath's) ormæ-acute;te heáfod of óslóh, 18, 26. II. of non-material things :-- Ormæ-acute;te inormis (facinus inorme, Ald. 139, 11), An. Ox. 18 b, 47. Ontend mid byrne þæ-acute;re ormæ-acute;testan wælhreównesse ardore immanissimae crudelitatis exarsit, Gr. D. 162, 22. ¶ a case used adverbially :-- Eall þæt ígland mid mycelre swétnysse wunderlices stences ormæ-acute;dum wæs gefylled insulam illam diversorum aromatum odoriferis spiraminibus inflari cerneres, Guth. Gr. 167, 118.

or-mæ-acute;te; adv. Add: immensely :-- Hé rád tó ormæ-acute;te caflíce, Hml. Th. ii. 304, 28. Hé (Job) hæfde ormæ-acute;te micelne híred, 446, 14. Se móna is ormæ-acute;te brád, Lch. iii. 242, 24.

ormæ-acute;tlíce; adv. Excessively, immensely :-- Hé ongann ormæ-acute;tlíce tó þancienne Gode coepit immensas gratias Deo agere, Gr. D. 38, 5. Ðá becóme wit tó ánre dene, seó wæs ormæ-acute;tlíce deóp and wíd (deuenimus ad uallem multae latitudinis ac profunditatis, Bd. 5, 12), Hml. Th. ii. 350, 6. Ormæ-acute;tlíc(e) brád, Lch. iii. 242, 24.

ormæ-acute;tness. Add: an immense extent :-- Se miccla gársecg mid micclum ormæ-acute;tnyssum ealle þás eorðan útan ymbligeð, Verc. Först. 111, 18.

or-met[t]. Add :-- Gearu tó ánwíge mid ormettre wápnunge, Hml. S. 18, 21. Þá gelæhte se ealdorman æ-acute;nne ormetne flint, 11, 102. Gif God forlæ-acute;t þá sáwle for ormættum synnum, þonne swælt heó on þæ-acute;m sæ-acute;lran dæ-acute;le, 1, 144.

or-mód. Add :-- Ic ne ongyte náne trimðe ne on móde ne on líchaman, ac æom fulnáh ormód, Solil. H. 49, 4.

orne. Substitute: orne; adj. Not mean, excessive. (1) of amount :-- Wið ornum útgange, and wið þon þe mon gemígan ne mæge, Lch. iii. 70, 25. (2) of quality or character, not in due measure, harmful (?), injurious :-- Úsic þá earfeðo forléton, and wé ðá sioðþan bútan orenum þingum mete þigdon (ab securis nobis epul&e-hook; capiuntur), Nar. 24, 2. [Cf.