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HLÍS-BÆ-acute;RE -- HLÚD 553

for heora gem&e-long;tinge. THORN;&a-long; &a-long;sprang se hl&i-long;sa (the fame of this event) geond ealne þone h&i-long;red, Hml. S. 30, 384. þ-bar; t&a-long;cnode þone hl&y-long;san þæ-long;re fæ-long;mnan h&a-long;lignysse, Shrn. 149, 3. H&i-long; his w&i-long;sd&o-long;mes hl&i-long;san healda&d-bar;, G&u-long;. 128. (2) approbation, applause :-- Herelof, hl&i-long;sa rumusculus (virtu-tum), An. Ox. 456, 4. Hl&i-long;sena rumorum, i. opinionvm (integritatem immensis rumorum laudibus prosequitur, Ald. 26, 7), 1918. Hl&i-long;sum rumusculis (cujus vitam tantis opinionum rumusculis extollit, Ald. 33, 29), 7, 150. v. mæ-long;r-, un-, weorold-hl&i-long;sa.

hl&i-long;s-bæ-long;re. For 'Som. ' substitute :--Hl&i-long;sbæ-long;re rumigerula (meri-torum gloria), An. Ox. 2836: rumigerula, i. opiniosam, 2, 112. v. un-hl&i-long;sbæ-long;re.

hl&i-long;s-eádig. Add :-- Se hl&i-long;seádgesta opinatissimus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 62, 64. v. un-hl&i-long;seádig.

hl&i-long;s-ful. Add: I. famous :-- Sum wer wæs sw&y-long;&d-bar;e namc&u-long;&d-bar; and hl&i-long;sful (nominatissimus) þurh his drohtnunga, Hml. A. 195, 15. Se seofo&d-bar;a heáfodleahter is geh&a-long;ten &i-long;del wuldor, þæt is gylp, þonne se man gewilna&d-bar; þ-bar; h&e-long; hl&i-long;sful s&y-long;, Hml. Th. ii. 220, 28. Hl&i-long;sfulles rumigerul&e-hook; (Virginitatis gloriam), An. Ox. 4397: famosae, Hpt. Gl. 511, 23. Hl&i-long;sfulne sigor famosum tropheum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 147, 29. Þone hl&i-long;sfullestan devulgatissimum, i. opinatissimum, 139, 60. II. of (good) repute, honourable :-- Hl&i-long;sful favorabilis, laudabilis, famosus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 147, 15. Wæs on þæ-long;re byrig &a-long;n æ-long;nlic w&i-long;mman (Judith). . . hl&i-long;sfull on þeáwum, rihtl&i-long;ce lybbende, Hml. A. 108, 195. v. un-hl&i-long;ful.

hl&i-long;sful-l&i-long;ce. Add :-- I&o-long;hannes wæs. . . &d-bar;æs folces heretoga and h&i-long; hl&y-long;sfullice geheóld wi&d-bar; þ&a-long; hæ-long;&d-bar;enan &d-bar;eóda (cf. John . . . and his wars and worthy deeds which he did, i. Macc. 16, 22), Hml. S. 25, 743.

hl&i-long;sig; adj. Famous :-- Hl&i-long;sies famosae, An. Ox. 8, 350. v. un-hl&i-long;sig.

hl&i-long;t, es; m. (but in Ps. L. 30, 16 the word seems feminine). Take here hl&e-long;t, hlyt (l. hl&y-long;t) in Dict., and add: I. a lot (the object which is used) :-- Cleros an Cr&e-long;cisc get&a-long;cna&d-bar; hl&y-long;t an Englisc cleros sors inter fretatur, Chrd. 75, 28. Ofer hrægl m&i-long;n sendon hl&e-long;t (hl&y-long;t, Ps. L.) super vestem meam miserunt sortem, Ps. Vos. Srt. 21, 19. Hl&e-long;tt, Mk. R. 15, 24. I a. the urn in which the lots were placed :-- Hl&e-long;te urna (matronam, quam suprenia sors gernina mortis mulctaverat urna. Ald. 25, 9), Hpt. Gl. 449, 58. II. the casting of lots :-- Wi&d-bar;ercwidas of&d-bar;rect hl&e-long;t, and t&o-long;-sc&e-long;d contradictiones comprimit sors, et (inter potentes) diiudicat, Kent. Gl. 655. Be hl&e-long;te sorte (territorii dirempta), Hpt. Gl. 426, 42. Hl&e-long;te t&o-long;dæ-long;lde him eor&d-bar;an sorte diviasit eis terram, Ps. Vos. Srt. 77, 54. III. the share assigned to a person :-- Seó s&a-long;wel &d-bar;e bedæ-long;led is þ&a-long;m g&o-long;dnyssum, heó gewilnige þæt se cystiga wealdend h&i-long; ge&d-bar;eóde þ&a-long;m hl&y-long;te his gecorena, Hml. Th. i. 346, 29. Ne forlæ-long;t Dryhten gird synfulra ofer hl&e-long;t (sortem) ryhtw&i-long;sra, Ps. Vos. Srt. 134, 3. IV. lot, fate, fortune :-- H&e-long; Mercna r&i-long;ce tw&a-long; and tw&e-long;ntig wintra missenlice hl&e-long;te (hl&y-long;te, v. l. varia sorte) fore wæs, Bd. 2, 20; 184, l. Þone h&e-long; gel&i-long;ce hl&e-long;te (hl&y-long;te, v. l.) geni&d-bar;rade and ofsl&o-long;h Eanfridum simili sorte damnavit, 3, l; Sch. 192, 22. N&u-long; syndon gesette þ&a-long; apostolas in hl&e-long;t æ-long; hié bodian now are the apostles appointed to the task(?) of ever proclaiming her, Bl. H. 157, 35. On handum þ&i-long;num hl&y-long;ta m&i-long;ne in manibus tuis series meae, Ps. L. 30, 16. IV a. of death :-- Þæ-long;re &y-long;temeste hl&y-long;tes sortis supprem&e-hook;, An. Ox. 2294. Þæ-long;m &e-long;temestan hl&e-long;te suprema sorte, Hpt. GL, 453, 34. v. mid-hl&i-long;t; hlyte.

-hl&i-long;ta. [O. H. Ger. hl&o-long;zo clerus.] v. efen-, ge-hl&i-long;ta: -hl&i-long;te. v. efen-hl&i-long;te.

hl&i-long;tere(?), hlytere(?), es; m. I. one who casts lots. v. t&a-long;n-hl&i-long;tere. II. one who has a share of an inheritance :-- H&i-long; preóstas an Cr&e-long;cisc clericos [cf. Clericus, sors Dei (cf. Dominus est hereditas eorum (the Levites), Deut. 18, 2), Corp. Gl. H. 4, 61. Clericus, hereditas, sors, 32, 440] h&a-long;ta&d-bar;, þ-bar; is an Englisc hl&y-long;teras, Chrd. 75, 30. [Cf. O. L. Ger. e&b-bar;an-hl&o-long;tere consors.]

hliþ. Add :-- Si&d-bar;&d-bar;an þ&u-long; geh&y-long;rde on hli&d-bar;es &o-long;ran galan geác on bearwe, Bo. 21. Geworhton h&i-long; hlæ-long;w on hli&d-bar;e, s&e-long; wæs . . . wæ-long;gl&i-long;&d-bar;endum w&i-long;de t&o-long; s&y-long;ne, B. 3158. Beorga hli&d-bar;a (hlida, MS.) b&u-long;ga&d-bar; and mylta&d-bar; (cf. &d-bar;&a-long; beorgas b&u-long;ga&d-bar; and mylta&d-bar;, Wlfst. 137, 6) colles liquescent, D&o-long;mn. L. 101. Hliu&d-bar;a scuporum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 120, 37. Streámas weorpa&d-bar; on stealc hleo&d-bar;a st&a-long;ne and sonde, Rä. 3, 7. Stealc hli&d-bar;o st&i-long;gan, 88, 3. ¶ as the first part of compounds :-- On þone hli&d-bar;wege, C. D. iii. 436, 25. Þis sint þ&a-long; denst&o-long;wa . . . hliþw&i-long;c, ii. 318, 30.

hl&i-long;wan. Take here hleówan in Dict., and add :-- Hl&y-long;wan fouere, An. Ox. 252. Uton hl&y-long;wan ofcalene and wæ-long;fan nacode and syllan mete þ&a-long;m gehingredum, Wlfst. 119, 6.

hl&i-long;we, an ; f. A shelter (?) :-- T&o-long; &d-bar;æ-long;re stræ-long;t; on &d-bar;&a-long; streátan hl&y-long;wan; of &d-bar;æ-long;re hl&y-long;wan, C. D. iii. 229, 28. T&o-long; poshl&i-long;wan; &d-bar;onne of poshl&i-long;wan, 82, 2. v. hleów.

hl&i-long;wsian. v. hleówsian.

hl&i-long;wþ Take here hleówþ in Dict., and add :-- God forgif&d-bar; &u-long;s mannum menigfealde wæstmas . . . þ-bar; se l&i-long;chama haebbe hl&y-long;w&d-bar;e and f&o-long;dan, Hml. S. 11, 358. Hl&y-long;wþa caumene, Wrt. Voc. ii. 130, 7.

hl&i-long;wung, e; f. Shelter, protection :-- Hl&i-long;wing favor, Wrt. Voc. ii. 147, 14. Sconde hl&e-long;wung sive fraceþu ignominium, 49, 30. St&o-long;w gecw&e-long;me . . . þæs f&y-long;rh&y-long;ses hl&y-long;wing winterlices cyles . . . wiþerræ-long;dnes s&i-long; gel&y-long;ht locus aptus . . . cuius caumene refugio hybernalis algoris . . . aduersitas levigetur, Angl. xiii. 397, 461. v. ge-hl&i-long;wung.

hloccettan(?) to utter a sound, groan, sigh :-- Ic loccele (roketto, R.) deiglo eructabo abscondita, Mt. L. 13, 35. Locete&d-bar;eructavit, p. 9, 7. See next word, unless l is substituted for r; see roc-[c]ettan.

hloccettung, e; f. Sighing, groaning :-- Hloccetunge gemitu, Hpt. Gl. 421, 7. See preceding word.

hlocian. v. &a-long;-hlocian : hlom. v. hland: -hlóp. v. br&y-long;d-hl&o-long;p.

hl&o-long;se, an; f. A pigstye, lewzf, looze (v. D. D. ) :-- Sw&i-long;na hl&o-long;se ceni, luti (the gloss seems to refer to the dirt of a pigstye ?), Wrt. Voc. ii. 130, 77. Fald weoxian, scipena behweorfan and hl&o-long;san eác sw&a-long;, Angl. ix. 261, 19. ¶ hl&o-long;s- occurs in a number of local names :-- Oth hl&o-long;scumbes heáfud, C. D. B. ii. 392, 32. Ðis synt &d-bar;&a-long; denbæ-long;ra . . . hl&o-long;sdionu, sw&a-long;nadionu . . . , C. D. ii. 195, 16. On hl&o-long;sh&a-long;m s&u-long;ewerdne, C. D. B. iii. 474, 34. (Cf. hlossanh&a-long;m, C. D. iii. 377, 18.) T&o-long; hl&o-long;shrycge, C. D. iii. 434, 15. Oþ hl&o-long;sleáge, Cht. Crw. 7, 48. On hl&o-long;smoc, C. D. iii. 412, 25. On hl&o-long;sstedes crundles s&u-long;&d-bar;ecge, 465, 15. On hl&o-long;swuda middeweardne, v. 177, 28. Cf. centum viginti porcis . . . in Hliossole et Ægelbertinherst, 88, 21.

hlosnere. Add : a disciple :-- Gerysenl&i-long;ce þ&a-long;s þing by&d-bar; þ&a-long;m l&a-long;reów þ-bar; h&e-long; n&a-long; forhele his hlosnere þ-bar; riht þe on þ&a-long;m cræfte can, Angl. viii. 304, 22. &A-long;blicgedum hlystendum and nitendum hlosnerum bem&i-long;þende attonitis auditoribus et ignavis auscultatoribus (arcana mentis ipsorum) recludentes. An. Ox. 2333. [Cf. O. H. Ger. hlosari auditor, discipulus.]

hlosnian. Add: I. to listen with astonishment, listen spellbound :-- Hlosnendum attonis. l. attonitis, Ald. 32, ii. see An. Ox. 2333 under hlosnere), Wrt. Voc. ii. 79, 21. T&o-long; hircniendum o&d-bar;&d-bar;e hlosnendum attonitis, 2, 47. II. to listen as an eavesdropper or spy :-- Gelamp hit þ-bar; sume hlosniende menn &d-bar;æ-long;r betweónan eódon and þisra seofona georne h&e-long;ddon, Hml. S. 23, 136. v. hlysnan.

hl&o-long;s-stede, es; m. A place where there is a pigstye :-- T&o-long; litegan hl&o-long;sstede; of litegan hl&o-long;sstede, C. D. vi. 153, 8. v. hl&o-long;s.

hlot. Add: I. a lot that is cast :-- Hig wurpun hlotu (hlott. R.) miserunt sortes, Lk. 23, 34. H&y-long; &a-long;sendan hlota ofer þ&a-long; xii cyn Israh&e-long;la, Hml. A. 130, 456. Ia. the urn in which the lots are placed (fig.) :-- Hlote urna, An. Ox. 1838 (v. hl&i-long;t Ia). Ib. the result determined by lot, the lot falls on a person :-- Ð&a-long; gefeóll þæt hlot ofer J&u-long;dan cyn, Hml. A. 130, 457. II. a casting of lots :-- Of hlotti (hlote, R.) eóde þ-bar;te roecels gesette sorte exiit ut incensum poneret, Lk. L. l, 9. Mi&d-bar; hlod sorte, p. 3, 4. Hæ-long;&d-bar;enscipe bi&d-bar; þ-bar; man mor&d-bar;-weorc gefremme on ænige w&i-long;san, oþþe on bl&o-long;te (hlotæ, v. l., which the old Latin version renders in sorte; but the better reading seems to be bl&o-long;t. Cf. æ-long;nige hæ-long;&d-bar;enscipe oþþe on blót oþþe on firhte, ii. 296, 15) oþþe on fyrhte, Ll. Th. i. 378, 22. III. on allotted portion, a share, lot. v. mans-lot :-- On Fearnes felda gebyra&d-bar; tw&e-long;ga manna hlot landes . . . and þreóra manna hlot on Normantone . . . and feówer manna hlot, C. D. B. iii. 230, 31-231, 2. Ne forlæ-long;t Dryhten gyrde synfulra ofer hlot rihtw&i-long;sra (super sortem iustorum). Ps. L. 124, 3. III a. (part or) lot with another :-- Gif þu nylt m&e-long; ofsleán, nafa þ&u-long; n&a-long;n hlot mid m&e-long; on heofena r&i-long;ce, Hml. A. 180, 350. IV. an allotted amount to be paid, lot (and scot) :-- Omnis Francigena qui tempore Eadwardi fuit in Anglia particeps comuetudinum Anglorum quod ipsi dicunt an hlote et an scote, Ll. Th. i. 491, 9. V. lot, fate, fortune :-- Þ&a-long;m ytemestan hlote supprema sorte, An. Ox. 1990. v. ge-hlot, hw&o-long;n-hlotum.

hl&o-long;þ Add: I. prey :-- T&o-long; hl&o-long;þe (hl&o-long;we, MS.) &l-bar; reáfl&a-long;ce ad praedam, Ps. Spl. T. 16, 13. [O. L. Ger. hl&o-long;tha praeda.] II. a gang :-- Þeáh him feónda hl&o-long;&d-bar; feorhcwealm bude, G&u-long;. 887. Swylt ealle forn&o-long;m secga hl&o-long;&d-bar;e and hine sylfne mid . . .xxx and feówere . . . mid hl&a-long;ford, Jul. 676.

hloþa. v. loþa: hloþere rhetor, v. hleóþrere.

hl&o-long;þere a robber. For 'praedator . . . Lye' substitute :-- Hl&o-long;þere praedo, Wrt. Voc. ii. 84, 43.

hl&o-long;þian. Add :-- Hleó&d-bar;edon, Bd. l, 14; Sch. 38, 9: -hl&o-long;w, es; n. v. ge-hl&o-long;w: -hl&o-long;w; adj. v. stefn-hl&o-long;w.

hl&o-long;wan. Dele passage from El. 54, for which see hleápan, and add: I. of animals or uncertain :-- Gehl&o-long;w hl&o-long;wan mugitum reboasse, An. Ox. 1466. Hl&o-long;wende mugitans (taurus), 36, 12. Hl&o-long;wende, þ&u-long;tende bombosa, Wrt. Voc. ii. 126, 51. II. of other things :-- Hl&o-long;wed remugiet (totus mundus, Ald. 65, 21), Wrt. Voc. ii. 86, 6. Ongeán hl&e-long;wþ, An. Ox. 4609. v. &a-long;-hl&o-long;wan.

hlówung.. For ' Hl&o-long;weng. . . Lye' substitute :-- Hl&o-long;wung balatus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 125, 6. Bombus hl&o-long;wung vel sorbellus, clamor tubis cyrm, 126, 48. Hl&o-long;wengum bombis (aurea hunc bombis nascentem vacula (bacula, Giles; but cf. aurea quadrupes, Ald. 20, 34) vatem signavit, Ald. 144, 6), 90, 6. Hl&o-long;wengum vel swoegum, 12, 8.

hl&u-long;d. Add: I. of sound, voice, &c. :-- Hl&u-long;d herges cyrm, Exod. 107: An. 1158. Þeódegsa bi&d-bar; hl&u-long;d geh&y-long;red, cw&a-long;niendra cirm, Cri. 835. Sw&e-long;g. . . hl&u-long;d, 492. Se dyne bec&o-long;m hl&u-long;d of heofonum, Sat. 467 : 607. Stefn æfter cw&o-long;m hl&u-long;d, An. 740. Hl&u-long;d b&y-long;man stefn, Cri. 949. Hl&u-long;d w&o-long;p, 999. Hl&u-long;dan reorde, Ps. Th. 92, 4. H&e-long; dreám geh&y-long;rde hl&u-long;dne, B. 89. II. of a person, noisy, talkative, clamorous :-- Hl&u-long;d