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hand-gripe. Add: [v. N. E. D. hand-grip.]

hand-griþ. Add: security granted by a person in authority, cf. hand; II. 2 :-- Cyricgrið binnan wágum and cyninges handgrið, Ll. Th. i. 166, 21. Godes cyricgrið and crístenes cynincges handgrið, 358, 261. Gehálgodes cyninges handgrið, Wlfst. 266, 11.

hand-hæbbende. Add: v. hand; II. 1. [v. N. E. D. hand-habend. Cf. Icel. hand-hafandi seizing, laying hands on: -- þit munit handhafandi at orðit, Sturlunga Saga (ed. Vigfusson) i. 42, note 5.]

hand-hamer. Add: a hammer that can be used with one hand, a small hammer :-- Handhamur malleolus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 58, 1.

hand-hefe, es; m. l. hand-hæf. es; n., and add :-- Hondhafum, Lk. R. 11, 46. [cf. on handum hebban to bear on the hands (v. hebban): Goth. hafans portatus.]

hand-hrægl. Add: cf. hand-cláþ.

hand-hwíl. Add: cf. span used of time :-- On ánre handhwíle uno momenta, R. Ben. I. 24, 3. Tídum and handhwílum horis et momentis, Hy. S. 145, 5. [v. N. E. D. hand-while.]

-handla. v. sulh-handla.

handle, es; n. l. handle, an; f. A handle :-- Handle stiba, Wrt. Voc. ii. 121, 10: i. 287, 31. v. sulh-handle.

hand-leán. Add :-- þonne hé þá handleán hafað and sceáwað, Hy. 2, 7, 12. Cf. hand-gift.

hand-leng(u) hand's length :-- Gyf þú peran wille . . . geþeód þíne fingras tósomne forð handlenge if yow want a pear . . . join your fingers together projecting out their full length, Tech. ii. 124, 19.

handlian. Add: I. to touch with the hands :-- Sé ðe handlað wífhádes mannes líc, Hex. 50, 11. Handla contrecla, i. palpa, Wrt. Voc. ii. 135, 35. Handlian contrectare (mea membra), An. Ox. 17, 44. II. to treat a subject :-- Nú wylle ic bysne ætýwan ymbe þá þing þe wé nú handledon, Angl. viii. 304, 24. v. ge-handlian.

hand-lín. Substitute: I. a napkin :-- Handlín maniterium, W t. Voc. ii. 56, 47. Handlín (-lind, MS. ) maniteorium, i. 290, 71. II. a maniple, one of the Eucharistic vestments :-- Albe alba, stole stola, sculdorhrægl superhumerale, cæppe planeta, handlín manualis, Wrt. Voc. i. 81, 41-46. Scrýde hine mid superhumerale and mid alban and stolan and handlíne and planétan, MS. Laud. 482, fol. 48 a. [Take here the two instances given in the Dictionary.] Ðonne þú handlín habban wille, ðonne stríc þú mid þínre swýðran handa eclinga ofer þíne wynstran, Tech, ii. 120, 1.

handlinga. In the passage l. handlinga, and add: , handlunga in the hands :-- Hine man healfcwicne handlunga þanon áhóf in manibus jam semivivus levatus est, Gr. D. 63, 1. Ða men handlunga (mid heora handum, v. l. in manibus) genámon þ-bar; wíf of þám gebedhúse, 73, 7. Þá ongunnon ðá hæ-acute;ðenan hí handlinga áteón, Hml. S. 11, 247. [Cf. N. E. D. handlings.] v. handlung.

handlung. Add: Cf. the corresponding passage in Gr. D. 164, 29 :-- Þone þe se Godes wer (Benedict) ná gehrínende ac on lóciende (non tangendo, sed respiciendo) álýsde.

hand-mitta. Substitute :-- Handmitta exagia, Wrt. Voc. ii. 70, 13. v. an-mitta.

hand-preóst a priest at a person's hand (using the phrase as in ' they were first at the kyngis hond', 1 Chron. xviii. 17 (Wicklif), where the A. V. has 'chief about the king') :-- Þrengde hé his handpreóstas and eác sume of his túnpreóstan þ-bar; hí scoldan helpan þan feáwan munecan precepit capellanis clericis suis, ut essent cum monachis, Chr. 870; P. 284, 1. Cf. hand-þegn, -gesella.

hand-sceaft. Dele: hand-sceát. Dele.

hand-sció a glove. Dele. The word is dative of a proper name, which may be seen in the place-name of the following passage: In loco qui dicitur Andscóheshám, C. D. i. 102, 9. Graff vi. 418 gives Hantscóhasheim as a German place-name.

hand-scólu,-scálu. l. scolu, -scalu.

hand-seax. Add: -- Lytel swurd oððe handsex sica, Wrt. Voc. i. 84, 23. Handseax coarim (cultrvm?), ii. 16, 10.

hand-selen. For 'Cot. 136, Lys.' substitute :-- Handselen manci&dash-uncertain;patio, Wrt. Voc. ii. 8; 59.

hand-seten. Add :-- Ðis synt ðára witena handsetena and ðére hína ðe on ðæ-acute;re geþafunge wéron, C. D. v. 162, 30.

hand-sliht. v. and-sliht.

hand-spitel a kind of spade :-- Mattoc vel handspitel fovessoria, Wrt. Voc. ii. 150, 25.

hand-spor. Substitute :-- hand-sporu, an ; f. A dagger of the hand, a long, sharp nail :-- Hæ-acute;þenes handsporu (húnsporu ?), egl unheóru, B. 986. [Cf. húnsporan dolones (v. stæf-sweord), Wrt. Voc. ii. 106, 65.]

hand-stoc. Substitute: A sleeve :-- Gylecan tácen his þæt þú strece forð þín wenstre handstoc and plyce innan mid þínre wynstran hande, Tech. ii. 127, 14. Ymbe þæt útan þe þæs scapularæs handstoca áteóriað, 20. Handstocu mid godewebbum gestefnede manic&e-hook; sericis clauat&e-hook;, An. Ox. 5321: 2, 452 : 3, 373: 8, 375. Handstocan (-e, Hpt. Gl. 525, 6) manicas, 5240.

hand-swyle, es; m. A swelling in the hand :-- Handswyle cidaricus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 131, 46.

hand-tam; adj. So tame that it may be handled; mansuetus :-- Gif ðú mid wilddeórum mé nú bæ-acute;tan wylt hí beóð sóna handtame, Hml. Skt. 8, 86. [v. N. E. D. hand-tame. O. H. Ger. hant-zam subjugatus, edomitus.]

hand-þweál. Add: -- Handþweál manulauium, Wülck. Gl. 146, 9. (Omitted after Wrt. Voc. i. 37, 16. )

hand-weorc. Add: [v. N. E. D. hand-work.] v. hand-geweorc.

hand-wyrm. Add: -- Hondwyrm, handyrp, honduyrp briensis, Txts. 45, 320. Hondwyrm ladascapiae, briensis, 73, 1193. Handwyrme uerme (minor exiguo sulcat qui corpora uerme. Ald. 272, 31), An. Ox. 23, 50. Hondweorm uerme, i. briensis, 25, 1. (The same passage is glossed in both cases.) [v. N. E. D. hand-worm.]

hand-wyrst. Add :-- Handwyrst articulus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 10, 24. Elnboga vel hondwyrst cuba, 137, 40. Se earm betweónan elnbogan and handwyrste cubitus, 22, 62. [v. N. E. D. hand-wrist.]

hanga(?), an; m. A slope (?), declivity :-- On líchangan; of líchangan, C. D. v. 321, 32.

hangelle, an ; f. An implement that hangs, Rä. 45, 6. [cf. (?) D. D. hangle. O. L. Ger. hangilla alligatura; a bunch of grapes, v. 2 Sam. 16, 1.]

hangian. Add: I. of the position taken by a body under the action of gravity when supported only from above :-- Ic (a horn) hongige wlitig on wáge, Rä. 15, 11. Him ne hangað nacod sweord ofer þám heáfde be smalan þræ-acute;de, Bt. 29, 1; F. 102, 27. Hangaþ þæ-acute;r leóhtfæt, Bl. H. 227, 28. Wearþ hé gefæstnod be þæ-acute;re swíþran handa tó þæ-acute;re bæ-acute;re þ-bar; hé hangode tó eorþan (he hung by his right hand without being able to reach the ground with his feet), 151, 19. Wæ-acute;ron wit twégen on ánum olfende, and wit unc simble ondréden hwonne wit sceoldon feallan of þám olfende, and miccle má wit hangodan be þám olfende þonne wit þæ-acute;ron sæ-acute;ton, Shrn. 38, 17. On ðæ-acute;m clife hangodon on ðæ-acute;m ísgean bearwum manige sáula be heora handum gebundne . . . and þonne ðá twigo forburston þonne gewitan þá sáula niþer þá þe on ðæ-acute;m twigum hangodan, Bl. H. 209, 34-211, 4. On ðæs sácerdes hrægle scolde hangigan bellan, Past. 95, 3. On þæ-acute;re-sculon hangian ðá feówer hringas, 171, 3. Ic on wáge geseah wlitig hangian eald sweord, B. 1662. I a. of persons, to be suspended on a gallows or cross : -- His sunu hangað hrefne tó hróðre, B. 2447. For hwon áhénge þú mé hefgor on þínra honda róde þonne iú hongade?, Cri. 1489: 1457. Wearh sceal hangian, fægere ongildan þ-bar; hé æ-acute;r fácen dyde manna cynne, Gn. C. 55. Hongende crucifixum, Lk. p. 11, 8. II. to be attached, hold fast :-- þá spácan sticaþ, óþer ende on þæ-acute;re felge . . . Ðá felga hangiaþ on þám spácan, ðeáh hí eallunga wealowigen on þæ-acute;re eorðan . . . þá felga ne magon bión on þám færelde, gif hí ne bióþ fæste on þám spácum, Bt. 39, 7; F. 222, 7-20. III. to remain suspended without visible support, float in the air: -- Gif him fore wolcen hangað, Met. 5, 4. Tódríf þone mist ðe nú hangaþ beforan úres módes eágum, Bt. 33, 4; F. 132, 32. Hangode, Met. 20, 266. IV. to have the top bending beyond the lower part, to lean over: -- Ofer þæ-acute;m mere hongiað bearwas, wudu wæter oferhelmað, B. 1363. V. to hang on, cling to, be unwilling to abandon :-- Hangaþ úre mód ealne weg on þæ-acute;m þe wé æfter spyriaþ, Bt. 35, 5; F. 166, 14. Ne þurfon gé nó hongian on ðám anwealde, ne him æfter þringan; gif gé wíse bíþ hé wile folgian eów þeáh gé his nó ne wilnian, 16, 1; F. 50, 29. VI. to rest for authority on, depend on :-- In ðissum twæ-acute;m bebodum ealle ae hongað (stondes &l-bar; honges, L.) and witga in his duobus mandatis universa lex pendet et prophetae. Mt. R. 22, 40. v. á-, ge-hangian.

hangra. Substitute: A wood on a hill-side, and add :-- Tó foxhangran; of ðám hangran, C. D. vi. 106, 1. Of ðám ellenstubbe on ðone yfemestan hangran, iii. 384, 5. [For a discussion of the word and for a number of compound forms in which it occurs see Cht. Crw. p. 134. Other forms which occur, and which connect the word with trees, are :-- Tó byric&dash-uncertain;hangran, C. D. iii. 412, 8. Tó perhangran, C. D. B. iii. 97, 3. Tó ðan þriddan þorne æt wírhangran, C. D. v. 297, 18. On sealhangran (cf. tó sahlbeorge (sealh-?), iii. 451, 17; tó sealhyrstæ, v. 256, 1), vi. 234, 18. See also N. E. D. and D. D. s. v. hanger, and Midd. Flur. s. v. hangra.] v. wróht-hangra.

han-græ-acute;d, es; m. Cock-crow: -- Gif on [h]angræ-acute;de hit þunrað si gallicantu tonilruaverit,UNCERTAIN Archiv, cxx. 50, 15. [v. E. S. 39, 348.] v. græ-acute;dan; han-créd.

hár. Add: I. grey-haired with age, old :-- Wæs fród cyning, hár hilderinc, on hreón móde, B. 1307: By. 169: Chr. 937; P. 108, 20. Ic (a plough) geonge swá mé wísað hár holtes feónd (the grey-haired ploughman ?, the enemy of the holt, because the wood has to be cleared away from the land which is to be brought under cultivation), Rä. 22, 3. Gamele ne móston háre heaðorincas hilde onþeón, Exod. 241. ¶ used substantively, a grey-haired person :-- Hí háres hyrste Higeláce bæ-acute;ron, B. 2988. Tunge þínre hárra lingua canum (as if canorum?) tuorum, Ps. L. 67, 24. II. grey, (1) of an animal's coat :-- Wulf, hár hæ-acute;ðstapa, Vy. 13. (2) of bright metal :-- Háre byrnan (cf. On him (Beowulf) byrne (ísernbyrne, 671) scán, B. 405.), Vald. 2, 17 : B. 2153. (3) of a bright star : -- Hárwengnes canities, se hára steorra caniss (as if