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Nap. 17, 3. Dryhten aee gesette gyltendum (delinquenlibas), Ps. Srt. 24, 8. Se abbod carige embe þá gyltendan gebróðru (circa delinquentes fratres), R. Ben. 50, 18. v. ge-gyltan.

gylte. v. gilte.

gyltend. Add :-- Þá þe nú náne mildheortnesse nabbað wid hyra gyltyndum, Ll. Th. ii. 400, 25.

gyltig. Add: culpable, delinquent :-- Gil hit gelimpð for oferflówen hysse metes oððe drinces, he byð gyltig (citlpabilis), Ll. Th. ii. 200, 31. Se bróðor, sé þe giltig ámeldod bið þám abbode þurh óðerne man and nó þurh hine selfne, R. Ben. 71, 13. Gif heora hwilc mid deófles costnunge beswicen for Gode oþþe for worulde gyltig biþ, Lch. iii. 442, 35. Gif cinges geréfena hwylc gyltig biþ wiþ Gode oþþe wiþ men, 444, 6. v. un-gyltig.

gylting Add :-- Gyltinge commission, Rtl. 114, 3. v. á-gylting.

gyltlíce; adv. Faultily :-- Gyltlíce (culfabiliter) handa tó Dryhtne upp áræ-acute;rð sé þe dæ-acute;da his gebiddende gylplíce geypð, Scint. 35, 3.

gylt-ness. v. á-gyltness.

gylt-wíte, es; n. Fine for a crime: -- Poenam delicti quae Anglice dicitur giltwíte, C. D. ii. 406, 23. Gyltwíte, vi. 240, 35.

gylung,[?] e; f. Garrulity :-- Gy[lung] garrulitas, An. Ox. 56, 141. v. gylian.

gýman. v. gíman: gýme-. v. gíme-.

gymmian. Substitute: gymian, gymm[i]an to cut, pierce the flesh :-- Gesyrewede [heápas] hí sylfe tó gymmienne armatas catervas (jam jamque strictis mucronibus allernatim) se jugulaturas (i. perfossuras), An. Ox. 3799. v. ge-gymian.

gýnan. v gínan: gynan to gain. Dele: gynung. v. ginung: -gýpe. v. -gípe: gypian. v. gipian: gypung. v. gipung.

gyr a fir-tree. For Lchdm. iii. 328, col. 1 substitute :-- Gyr abies, Wrt. Voc. i. 285, 40.

gyr mud. v. gyrn: gyrd a rod. v. gird: gyrd a band, girth, v. forþ, þearm-gyrd : gyrdan. Add; v. for-, in-, un-gyrdan; ofer-gyrd.

gyrdel. Add :-- Gyrdel vel ágimmed gerdel clavus vel strophium, Wrt. Voc. i. 40, 51. Swyrdes gyrdel baltheus, 58. Gyrdel oððe belt balteum, ii. ii. 51. Gyrdel oððe bréc lumbare, 51, 15. Synd gesealde from þám abbode ealle neádbehéfe þing, þæt is . . . gyrdel (bracile), R. Ben. 92, 3. Þá begyrde he hine mid his gyrdele (cingulo) . . . Sóna swá hé wæs mid þám gyrdele begyrd, Guth. Gr. 148, 7. Hé stód on ðám wætere tó his gyrdle (usque ad lumbos, Bd 5, 12), Hml. Th. ii. 354, 18. Mid gildenum girdle his breóst wæs befangen, Ll. Th. ii. 370, 4. Ðonne þú gyrdel (-er, MS. ) habban wylle, þonne sete þú þíne handa forewearde wiðneoþan þínne nafolan and stríc tó þenum twám hypum, Tech. ii. 119, 21. Hí cuwon heora girdlas, Ælfc. T. Grn. 21, 9. v. bí-gyrdel.

gyrdel-bred. Substitute: A writing-tablet :-- Gyrdelbred pugil/aris, Wrt. Voc. i. 288, 75.

gyrdel-hring. Substitute: gyrdel-hringe, an; f. A girdle-buckle, clasp for a girdle :-- Gyrdelhringe lingula, legula, Wrt. Voc. ii. 50, 66, 67. v. gyrdels-hringe.

gyrdels. Add :-- Gyrdils vel broec ; gyrdils, broec lumbare, Txts. 72, 573. Hyt byð tósliten, swá wæs Abdias gyrdels þæs wítegan (cf. ? com-putruerat lumbare, Jer. 13, 7), Lch. i. 328, 3. Tó gyrdylse ad cingulum, An. Ox. 3767. Hé hét ádelfan seáþ oþ gyrdyls deópne, and bebeád þ-bar; mon þone Godes wer bebyrgde in þám seáðe oþ þone gyrdels, Shrn. 125, 32. Gerdels cingulum, Kent. Gl. 1149. In gyrdelsum in zonis (Mt. lo, 9), Wrt. Voc. ii. 72, 43.

gyrdels-hringe, an; f. A girdle-buckle, clasp for a girdle :-- Gyrdislrhingae, gyrdilshringe legula, Txts. 74, 582. Gyrdilshringe lingula, 75, 1226. v. gyrdel-hringe.

gyrian. v. girwan: gyrla. v. girela: gyrman. v. gímran: gyrnan. v. girnan: gyrnes. v. girn-ness: gyrning. v. giming: gyrran. v. girran : gyrretynde. v. girrettan : gyrst stridor. Dele : gyrst stridulus. v. gristan (?): gyrstan. v. gistran.

gyru. (?), gen. gyrwe; f. Mud, filth, dung :-- Gyr (gyru?, gor, ?? cf. letamen gor, scear[n]. Wrt. Voc. ii. 50, 38), dincge letamen, An. Ox. 4773. Gyrwe fen (the 12th cent. MS. has gurufen) palus, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 60, 10. ¶ giving rise to a local name :-- Æt wire múðan and be Tínan þæ-acute;re eá, on ðæ-acute;re stówe þe is gecýged on Gyrwum (in loco, oni uocatur In Gyruum (Yarrow)), Bd. 5, 21; Sch. 677, 12. [Cf. O. Frs. gere, ieie filthy wate r.] v. gor, Gyrwas and next word.

gyru; (?) adj. Muddy, marshy :-- On heán hangran middeweardne; ðanon on hwítan beorh. . . ðonon úp on gyran torr, C. D. iii. 412, 9. See preceding word.

gyrwan. v. girwan.

Gyrwas (-an). Add; The people of the fen district, which contained twelve hundred hides, six hundred in each of its two divisions, v. Norþ-, Súþ-Gyrwas :-- On Gyrwan (Gyrwa, v. l. ) lande in regione Gyrviorum, Bd. 4, 6; Sch. 381, 19. On þæ-acute;re stówe þe is genemned Crúland ; þæt mynster is on middan Gyrwan (Girwan, v. l.) fænne (Crowland is called elsewhere 'Monasterium Gyruensis', Chr. P. ii. 37), Guth. Gr. 176, 2. v. gyru.

gyse. v. gise: gýsel. v. gísel.

gyte. Add: (1) a flood of water, downpour of rain :-- Gyte inun-datio, Wrt. Voc. ii. 111, 63: 45, 63. Swá mycel yðgiung and regnes gyte (inundatio) forþ cóm, Gr. D. 167, 25. (2) a shedding of tears :-- Hwí ne feormast þú mid teára gyte torne synne? cur tua non purgas lacrymis peccata profusis f, Dóm. L. 79. Bóte dón mid teára gytum and mid gebedum, Wlfst. 264, 13. (3) a flux of blood :-- Blódes gytt sanguinis projiuvium, Mk. p. 3, 7. Sum earm wíf wæs geswenct þurh blódes gyte, Hml. Th. ii. 514, 27. (4) effusion, shedding of blood, shed in blood-shed :-- Gyte blódes on sace ofermádigra effiisio sanguinis in rixa superborum, Scint. 83, 7. Þæt hí heora handa fram ðám blódes gyte ne wiðbrúdon, Hml. Th. i. 88, 5 : Nap. 22, 25. Hit getácnað gefeoht and gete (effusionem) blódes, Archiv, cxx. 50, 15. v. blód-, in-, wæter-gyte.

gyt-feorm an entertainment where there is pouring of drink, a feast. Cf. ge-beór scipe, brýd-ealu (-oþ) :-- On sumere ðeóde gebyreð winter-feorm, Eástcrfeorm, bénf(e)orm for ripe, gytfeorm for yrðe. Ll. Th. i. 440, 26.

gyjþ-rife. v. gib-rife.


a thole :-- þ-bar; wæs . viii. marc æt há (hamelan, v. l. see hamele in Dict. ), Chr. 1040; P. 160, 3. [Icel. hár a thole. '] v. há-sæ-acute;ta, hán.

haal-staan. v. heall-stán.

habban. A. For I and IV substitute: I. to have, hold in or with the hand (lit. or fig. ) :-- Hé hafað in hondum heofon and eorðan, Gú. 619. Hine se mæ-acute;g Higeláces hæfde be houda, B. 814. Wit hæfdon swurd nacod on handa, 539. Þá mæ-acute;denu hæfden hí sylfe be handa heom betweónum. Gr. D. 119, 13. Þæt þíne englas þé on hondum habban, Bl. H. 27, 14. I a. of the hand :-- Gif man frigne man æt hæbbendre handa (while the hand still holds the stolen goods) gefó, Ll. Th. i. 42, 15: 198,. 26. Habbendre, 220, 11. II. to have, possess. (1) absolute :-- Æ-acute;lcon þæ-acute;ra þe hæfí man sylð . . . Þám ðe næfð (nafeþ, R. , ne hæfis, L. ) omni habenti dabitur . . . qui non habet, Mt. 25, 29. Sién ðá hæbbendan swelce hié nówiht hæbben, Past. 387, 35. God ne hét ús gewelgian þá hæbbendan, Wlfst. 287, 24. (2) with object, (a) to hold as property, possess material or non-material objects :-- Mín lond þe ic hæbbe and mé God láh, C. D. i. 310, 5. Wealh, gif hé hafæð (hæfð, v. l. ) fíf hýda, Ll. Th. i. 118, 10. Hé hæfde mycele æ-acute;hta, Mt. 19, 22. Þá cýððo þæs crístenan geleáfan þe hí hæfdon, Bd. 5, 22 ; Sch. 682, 19. Gif hé wite hwá þæs deádan ierfe hæbbe, Ll. Th. i. 136, 5. Æ-acute;lc man þe hors habbe, 232, 20. Þá hálgan þe náht ne gyrndon tó hæbbenne. Bl. H. 53, 25. (b) to hold as something at one's disposal or service, under one's control, v. heofon-hæbbend :-- Þis leóht (this world) wé habbaþ wið nýtenu gemæ-acute;ne, Bl. H. 21, 13. Hámtúnscíre hé hæfde oþ hé ofslóg þone aldormon, Chr. 755; P. 46, 21. Hié him hæfdon siþþan ealle þá anwealdas þe hié ealle æ-acute;r hæfdon, Ors. 3, 11; S. 152, 24. Him his nefa gesealde Ircanian on onwald tó habbanne eum Hyrcanorum genti praeposuit, l, 12 ; S. 54, 12. ¶ habban and healdan to have and keep :-- Þá his mæ-acute;re word habbað and healdad, Ps. Th. 102, 19. Þá þe Godes ríces geleáfan habbað and healdaþ, Bl. H. 55, 17. Hafa and geheald húsa sélest, . . . waca wið wráðurn, B. 658. Þá word þæs godspelles on his heortan habban and healdan, Bl. H. 557 7. III. denoting various kinds of connexion between subject and object, e. g. kindred, relative position :-- Ic hæbbe (hafo, L. , R. ) fíf gebróþru, Lk. 16, 28. Ic lýt hafo heáfodrnága, B. 2150. Sé ðe brýde hæfð (hæfes. L. , hæfeð, R. ), sé is brýdgurna, Jn. 3, 29. Hæfde hé ágenne bróþor, Bd. 4, 22 ; Sch. 456, 19. Surne þá apostolas hæfdon him gemacan, Hml. A. 14, 34. Búton hé yruenoman hæbbe, Ll. Th. i. 290, 10. Búton hé hæbbe manigne man þe him hére, Bt. 29, 1; F. 104, 9: Solil. H. 3, 12. Swá hé hæbbe freónda má, Bl. H. 123, i. Heó cwæð þ-bar; heó hine ne nánne habban (have as husband) wolde, Chr. 1067 ; P. 201, 16. Nis mé þearf hearran tó habbanne, Gen. 279. III a. with complement or adverbial extension defining the connexion, cf. VI. (1) the object a person :-- Wé habbað (habbas, L. ) Abraham ús tó fæder patrem habemus Abraham, Mt. 3, 9. Wé habbað ðune god tó fæder unum patrem habemus deum, Jn. 8, 41. Æþelwulf his dohtor hæfde him tó cuéne, Chr. 885 ; P. 78, 27. Þá hæfdon hí him tó wífum, Ors. 2, 2 ; S. 64, 30. Hine grame hæfdon tó hæfte, Ps. Th. 104, 15. Hæbbe hé him twégen ceorlas tó gewitnesse, Ll. Th. i. 34, 4. Hæbbe hé him in áde æ-acute;wdan gódne. 42, 8. Þ-bar; æ-acute;lc man hæbbe æt þæ-acute;re syhl .ii. wel gehorsede men, 208, 12. Þ-bar; hí hí tó wífe habbon, Hml. S. 17, 158. (2) the object a thing, (a) a noun or pronoun :-- Nim þ-bar; ic þé tó sillenne habbe, Ap. Th. 12, 2. Hé hæfðe þriddan dæ-acute;l his firde beæftan him. Ors. I. 12 ; S. 52, 32. Theodosius hæfde þone wind mid him, 6, 36; S. 294, 26. Be þám sácerde . . , hwæt hé on him hæbbe, Ll. Th. ii. 128, 19. Hæbbe hé him gemæ-acute;ne þ-bar; wið God, i. 332, 31. Þám þe heora dæ-acute;l getýnedne hæbben, 128, 9. Búton se biscep hié mid him habban wille, Past. 9, 6.