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468 GIM-BÆ-acute;RE -- GÍME-LÍST

i. 66, 10. (5) to take charge of, act as guardian or keeper, (a) the object a person :-- Him (John) befæste se Hæ-long;lend his m&o-long;dor, þæt his clæ-long;ne l&i-long;f &d-bar;æs clæ-long;nan mæ-long;denes g&y-long;mde, Hml. Th. i. 58, 22. Ðæt hié t&o-long; sl&a-long;wl&i-long;ce &d-bar;&a-long;ra ne giémen &d-bar;e him befæste sién a commissorum custodia minime torpescant, Past. 191, 23. Se hierde bi&d-bar; &i-long;del &d-bar;e scolde &d-bar;æ-long;re heorde giéman a gregis custodia vacat cura pastoris, 129, 13. Nis t&o-long; w&e-long;nanne þætte wolde God hiora g&a-long;sta mid him g&y-long;man, Ps. Th. 77, 10. Biwoedded desponsata (in margin: T&o-long; g&e-long;manne nalles t&o-long; habbanne fore w&i-long;f), Mt. L. 1, 18. (a α) to have charge as ruler, to rule. v. g&i-long;mend ; I a. g&i-long;men ; II :-- H&e-long; gesette hig (sun and moon) þæt hig g&i-long;mdon þæs dæges and þæ-long;re nihte posuit eas, ut praeessent diei ac nocti, Gen. l, 18. (b) the object a thing, to take charge or possession of:-- Ðonne him for&d-bar;s&i-long;&d-bar; gebyrige, g&y-long;me his hl&a-long;ford &d-bar;æs h&e-long; læ-long;fe si mortem obeat, rehabeat dominus suus omnia, Ll. Th. i. 434, 27. (6) to take care that something is or is not done, (a) with positive clause :-- G&y-long;me sw&a-long;n þ-bar; h&e-long; æfter sticunge his slyhtsw&y-long;n we] behweorfe, Ll. Th. i. 430, 15. Ð&a-long; &d-bar;e ofer &o-long;&d-bar;re bió&d-bar; giUNCERTAINmen hié geornl&i-long;ce &d-bar;ætte . . . studeant quipraesunt, ut . . . . Past. 119, 13 : 403, 19. Him is t&o-long; giémenne &d-bar;æt h&e-long; ætiéwe his hiére-monnum &d-bar;æt h&e-long; sié hiera fæder on l&a-long;re curandum est, ut rectorem subditis patrem exhibeat disciplina, 123, 24. Giémanne, 455, 10. Is &d-bar;æ-long;m læ-long;ce sw&i-long;&d-bar;e geornl&i-long;ce t&o-long; giémanne &d-bar;æt h&e-long; . . . studet qui medetur, ut . . . , 28. (a α) with gen. pronoun and clause :-- H&e-long; &d-bar;æs giéme &d-bar;æt h&e-long; lustas &a-long;temige curet suggestiones edomare, Past. 383, 6. (b) with negative clause :-- Giéma&d-bar; &d-bar;æt g&e-long; eówre ryhtw&i-long;snesse ne dUNCERTAINn beforan monnum attendite, ne justitiam vestram faciatis coram hominibus, Past. 335, 21. Ðæt hié giémen . . . &d-bar;ætte of &d-bar;æ-long;m g&o-long;de ne weor&d-bar;e wyrse yfel &a-long;kenned ut sollicite aspiciant, ne . . . , 313, 18. Ðæt hié geornl&i-long;ce giémen &d-bar;æt hié eft &d-bar;&a-long; synne ne gefremmen ut sollicite custodire studeant, ne . . . , 327, 13. Ufone sceal &d-bar;æt heáfod g&i-long;man &d-bar;æt &d-bar;&a-long; f&e-long;t ne &a-long;sl&i-long;den caput debet ex alto providere, ne pedes torpeant, 131, 25. (b α) with gen. pronoun and clause:-- Ealde witan þe þæt mynster geondgangen and þæs g&y-long;man, þæt þæ-long;r n&a-long;n br&o-long;&d-bar;or ymbe &i-long;delnesse beó, R. Ben. 74, 15. II. to core for. (l) to have a liking or desire for. (a) the object a person :-- Wæ-long;rleás mon and . . . ungetreów, þæs ne g&y-long;me&d-bar; God, Gn. Ex. 164. (b) the object a thing, (a) material :-- Eádige beó&d-bar; þ&a-long; þe þissa eorþwelena ne g&y-long;maþ, Bl. H. 159, 30. Seolcenra hrægla h&i-long; ne g&i-long;mdon, Bt. 15 ; F. 48, ii. G&e-long;m-don, Met. 8, 10. (β) non-material :-- H&e-long; &d-bar;isses middangeardes orsorg-nesse ne g&i-long;m&d-bar; prospera mundi postposuit, Past. 61, 8. Waa ieów welegum &d-bar;e iówer lufu is on eówrum wortildwelum, and ne giéma&d-bar; &d-bar;æs &e-long;can gefeán, 181, 24. H&i-long; g&u-long;&d-bar;e ne g&y-long;mdon they had no stomach for the fight, By. 192. Þæt s&e-long;lre geceós, oferh&y-long;da ne g&y-long;m, B. 1760. Heó m&e-long; saga&d-bar;, þæt heó mæ-long;glufan m&i-long;nre ne g&y-long;me, Jul. 70. (2) to take interest in, be noc-cerned about, be affected by a matter, (a) with gen. :-- God sylfa þonne ne g&y-long;meþ næ-long;nges mannes hreówe, Bl. H. 95, 29. H&e-long; swelces lyt g&y-long;m&d-bar;, Met. Einl. 8. (b) with clause, to care whether, what, &c. :-- S&e-long; &d-bar;e ne giém&d-bar; hwæ&d-bar;er h&e-long; &d-bar;&a-long; sibbe healde qui servare pacem non curat, Past. 345, 12. Hié ne giéma&d-bar; t&o-long; hwon &o-long;&d-bar;erra monna w&i-long;se weor&d-bar;e non aliorum lucra cogitant, 41, 24. H&e-long; giémde hwæt h&e-long; hæfde monna ger&i-long;mes, and ne n&o-long;m n&a-long;ne wære h&u-long;l&i-long;ce hié wæ-long;ron, Ors. 5, 4; S. 224, 21. Ne h&e-long; ne giéme hwelce hylde h&e-long; mid &d-bar;æ-long;re ælmessan gewriexle. Past. 323, 17. N&e-long; h&i-long; n&a-long; for þon &o-long;þre men feormia&d-bar;, þ-bar; h&i-long; mycclum g&y-long;man hwæþer heom þ-bar; g&o-long;&d-bar; s&y-long; þ-bar; h&i-long; d&o-long;&d-bar;, Gr. D. 76, 29. Hw&y-long; nelt þ&u-long; g&e-long;man þ-bar; m&i-long;n sweostor m&e-long; læ-long;t &a-long;ne þegnian non est tibi curae quod soror mea reliquit me solam mini-strare? (Lk. 10, 40), Bl. H. 67, 30. (c) with gen. pron. and clause :-- Þonne þæs g&i-long;man nele Waldend, h&u-long; þ&a-long; womsceaþan gr&e-long;ten, Cri. 1569. (3) to be anxious, troubled about :-- Ðæt hié t&o-long; georne ne giémen &d-bar;issa eor&d-bar;licena ymbhogena ut curare nimis terrena desuescant, Past. 431, 12. Ne g&e-long;mende gié sié sa&u-long;les iúrres ne solliciti sitis animae vestrae, Mt. L. 6, 25, 28, 31. Nælle&d-bar; g&e-long; sié g&e-long;mende in merne. Morgen for &d-bar;on dæg g&e-long;mende (sollicitus) bi&d-bar; him seolfum, 34. (4) to pay attention to, heed advice, command, &c., keep a covenant, law, rule, act in accordance with, in obedience to. (a) with gen. :-- Gif se brimhengest br&i-long;dles ne g&y-long;me&d-bar;, R&u-long;n. 21. Þ&a-long; þe Godes willan wyrca&d-bar; and w&i-long;sd&o-long;mes g&y-long;ma&d-bar; þ&a-long; hw&i-long;le þe h&y-long; libba&d-bar;, Wlfst. 5, 6: Ll. Th. i. 334, 20. H&i-long; þæs cynges worda ne g&y-long;mdon, for &d-bar;&a-long;m his r&i-long;ce ne wæs ofer h&i-long;, Bd. 2, 6 ; Sch. 134, 10. H&i-long; wæ-long;re ne g&y-long;mdon, Exod. 140. Muneca gehwylc þe . . . regoles ne g&y-long;me, Ll. Th. i. 306, 2. G&y-long;me h&e-long; his cr&i-long;stendomes georne, 310, 4. Godes laga g&y-long;man, 350, 10: 318, 20. (b) with acc. :-- W&e-long; bebeóda&d-bar; þ-bar;te Godes þeówas hiora rihtregol g&y-long;man and on riht healdan, Ll. Th. i. 102, 15. (c) absolute:-- Bisceopas sceolan bodian . . . g&y-long;me s&e-long; þe wylle, Ll. Th. i. 374, 21. III. to observe, notice, consider, (a) with gen. :-- Ð&a-long; spone h&e-long; &d-bar;e his &d-bar;eáwa giéma&d-bar; spectatores suos ad sublimia invitet, Past. 83, 3. (b) with acc. :-- Hig &a-long;spyriaþ þæs solecismus un-þeúwas, . . . and eác hig pr&u-long;tl&i-long;ce g&y-long;ma&d-bar; þæs miotacisnius gefleard, Angl. viii. 313, 25. (c) with clause:-- Ne fur&d-bar;um ne giéma&d-bar; hwæt hié d&o-long;n, o&d-bar;&d-bar;e hwonne hié hwæt d&o-long;n nequaquam, quae quando agant, inspiciuut. 287, 7. Ð&u-long; sl&a-long;wa, g&a-long; &d-bar;&e-long; t&o-long; æ-long;metthylle, and giém h&u-long; hié dó&d-bar; (considera vias ejus), Past. 193, l. Ðæt hié geornl&i-long;ce giémen (ut sollicite consi-derent) hwæ&d-bar;er him &d-bar;æt ge&d-bar;&o-long;ht cume of fæ-long;rlicum luste, &d-bar;e of gewilnunga, 417, 4, 32. G&i-long;man hwæt se Waldend t&o-long; wrace gesette, Cri. 1600. (d) with gen. and clause :-- Ðæt hié ont&y-long;nen hiera m&o-long;des eágan and giémen &d-bar;issa eorðlicena gesceafta (mentis oculos ad consideranda ea, quae in infimis versantur, aperiant) h&u-long; &d-bar;&a-long; fuglas . . . gesibsuml&i-long;ce fara&d-bar;, Past. 349, 20. v. &a-long;-, be-, mis-g&i-long;man ; un-g&i-long;mende.

gim-bæ-long;re. Substitute: Containing gems, set with gems :-- Gimbæ-long;re belt bullifer (gimmifer) baltheus, An. Ox. 487. Gimbæ-long;rum ringum gemmiferis anulis, 1191: 4827.

gim-cyn. Add; (l) a kind of gem :-- Smaragdus þ-bar; gimcyn, Nar. 5, l. Hwelc fremu byþ þ&a-long;m g&i-long;tsere þ-bar; h&e-long; æ-long;lces gimcynnes gen&o-long;g begite, Bt. 26, 3 ; F. 94, 13. Eárhringas of mænigfealdan gimcynne geworhte, Nar. 26. 32. His br&y-long;db&u-long;ras wæ-long;ron eorcnanst&a-long;num, unionibus and carbunculis þæ-long;m gimcynnum sw&i-long;þast gefrætwode, Nar. 5, 4. (2) a gem of a particular kind :-- Golde geglengde and gimcynnum (cf. mid æ-long;lces cynnes gimmum. Bt. 28 ; F. 100, 27), Met. 15, 4: 25, 6. Þ&a-long; r&o-long;de golde beweorcean and gimcynnum, mid eorcnanst&a-long;num besettan, El. 1064. S&e-long;can æ-long;gþer ge hw&i-long;te gimmas ge reáde, and æ-long;lces cynnes gimcyn, Bt. 32, 3 ; F. 118, 18.

g&i-long;me care. Take here g&y-long;me in Dict., and add :-- Gif w&e-long; habba&d-bar; su&a-long; micle sorge and su&a-long; micle giéman &u-long;rra niéhstena su&a-long; su&a-long; &u-long;re selfra si ut nostram, sic curam proximi gerimus, Past. 45, II.

g&i-long;me-leás; adj. I. that does not take care or trouble, careless, negligent :-- W&e-long; w&e-long;na&d-bar; þ-bar; mænige g&i-long;meleúse menn ne r&e-long;ccean h&u-long; heora yrfe fare, Ll. Th. i. 238, 5. &U-long;t&a-long;dræ-long;fdum g&y-long;meleásra preósta f&y-long;lþum ejectis negle-gentium clericorum spurcitiis, Angl. xiii. 366, 16. I a. negligent in spiritual matters, in discharge of duty, &c. -- Gif hwylc br&o-long;&d-bar;or beó gem&e-long;t sw&a-long; g&y-long;meleás (-l&e-long;s, v. l., g&i-long;meleás neglegens, R. Ben. I. 83, 16), þæt h&e-long; nelle h&a-long;lige b&e-long;c smeágan, R. Ben. 75, 3. Cr&i-long;st sylfa cwæþ þ-bar; h&e-long; nelle geh&y-long;ran þæs g&i-long;meleásan mannes gebedræ-long;dene, Bl. H. 57, 4. Ðæ-long;m unbealdum is t&o-long; c&y-long;&d-bar;anne h&u-long; giémeleáse hié bió&d-bar; &d-bar;onne hié hié selfe to su&i-long;&d-bar;e forsió&d-bar; inconstantibus intimandum est, quod valde se despicientes negligunt, Past. 305, 16. Þ&a-long; h&a-long;lgan weras . . . heora gemynd þurhwuna&d-bar; . . . þ&a-long; g&i-long;meleásan men þe heora l&i-long;f &a-long;drugon on ealre &i-long;delnisse, heora gemynd is forgiten, Ælfc. T. Grn. I. 12. Sume ic funde b&u-long;tan Godes t&a-long;cne g&y-long;meleúse ungebletsade, Jul. 491. Seó geh&y-long;rnes ne bi&d-bar; nyt on þæ-long;m un-gel&y-long;fdum monnum and on þæ-long;m g&y-long;meleásum, Bl. H. 55, 32. Yfellibbendum and g&i-long;meleásum (neglegentibus), R. Ben. I. 118, 10. ¶ with gen., careless of :-- Sw&a-long; bi&d-bar; &d-bar;æt m&o-long;d slæ-long;pende gewundad sw&a-long; hit ne gefr&e-long;t, &d-bar;onne hit bi&d-bar; t&o-long; g&i-long;meleás his &a-long;genra þearfa mens a cura suae sollicitudinis verberatur et non dolet, Past. 431, 19. II. that is not cared for, that is not guarded. (l) of a person, without protection :-- H&i-long; cwe&d-bar;a&d-bar;, wuton cunnian hwænne bine God l&e-long;te sw&a-long; sw&a-long; g&y-long;meleásne dicentes, Deus dereliqnit eum, Ps. Th. 70, 10. (2) of cattle, stray, untended, un-watched :-- Gif þ&e-long; hecuje &o-long;&d-bar;res giémeleás fioh on hand si occurreris bovi inimici tui aut asino erranti (Ex. 23, 4), Ll. Th. i. 54, 9. W&e-long; nellen n&a-long;n g&y-long;meleás yrfe forgyldan nolumus aliqnod pecus incnstoditum et per inobseruantiam perditum reddere, 238, 10. III. incurable. Cf. g&i-long;man ; I. 2 a :-- G&e-long;me[me]leáse incurabiles, Mt. p. 18, 5.

g&i-long;meleásian. Take here g&y-long;meleásian in Dict.

g&i-long;meleáslic ; adj. That is done without care, careless, thoughtless :-- Unwærlicu and giémeleáslicu spræ-long;c menn dwele&d-bar; incauta locutio in errorem pertrahit, Past. 89, 8. In manegum g&y-long;meleáslicum wordum þe steór-leáslicu cildru gewunia&d-bar; t&o-long; sprecanne. Gr. D. 289, 9.

g&i-long;meleásl&i-long;ce; adv. Take here g&e-long;meleásl&i-long;ce in Dict., and add: I. carelessly, without taking pains, negligently :-- Gif heora hwylc f&u-long;ll&i-long;ce o&d-bar;þe g&y-long;meleásl&i-long;ce mynstres þing behwyrfe si quis sordide aut neglegenter res monasterii tractaverit, R. Ben. 56, 11. Ð&a-long;ra st&o-long;wa sum raþe rotaþ gif hire mon g&i-long;meleásl&i-long;ce tila&d-bar;. Lch. ii. 84, 25. Þ&a-long; w&e-long;nde h&e-long; þ-bar; h&e-long; þ&a-long; leóhtfatu g&y-long;meleásl&i-long;cor b&e-long;tte þonne h&e-long; sceolde lampades negligenter exstinxisse se credidit, Gr. D. 237, l. II. without care for good :-- &U-long;s þe yfele and g&y-long;meleásl&i-long;ce mid unrihte libba&d-bar; nobis male viventibus atque negle-gentibus, R. Ben. 133, 12. III. without notice or observation :-- Su&a-long; giémeleásl&i-long;ce oft sceaca&d-bar; &u-long;re ge&d-bar;&o-long;htas from &u-long;s, .&d-bar;æt w&e-long; his fur&d-bar;um ne gefr&e-long;da&d-bar; cogitationes ex sensu negligenti quasi nobis non sentientibus procedunt, Past. 139, 19. IV. without care being taken. Cf. g&i-long;me-leás ; II :-- Þæt þ&a-long; h&a-long;lgan mynstru t&o-long;rorene . . . g&y-long;meleásl&i-long;ce æ-long;ttredon quod sacra coenobia diruta . . . neglegenter tabescerent, Angl. xiii. 366, 13.

g&i-long;meleás-ness, e; f. Carelessness :-- Be speres g&e-long;meleásnesse of care-lessness with a spear, Ll. Th. i. 84, II. Be &d-bar;&a-long;m forþgewitenum g&e-long;meleásnissum (praeteriias neglegentias), þ&a-long; þe h&e-long; on cildh&a-long;de ge-fremede, Bd. 3, 27; Sch. 320, I. Fore synnum and g&e-long;meleásnisum (negligentiis) &u-long;sum, Rtl. 178, II. Heora g&i-long;meleásnesse neglegentias suas, R. Ben. I. 84, 12.

g&i-long;me-l&i-long;st. Take here g&y-long;me-leást in Dict., and add: I. the not taking proper care of, carelessness with. Cf. g&i-long;man; I. 4 :-- For &d-bar;æ-long;re giémel&e-long;ste his hæ-long;lo per negligentiam suae salutis, Past. 463, 3. Be speres g&y-long;meleáste of carelessness with a spear, Ll. Th. i. 84, II. II. the want of care to do or not to do something, negligence. Cf. g&i-long;man; I. 6 :-- B&u-long;tan hit gelimpe þæt man lator &a-long;r&i-long;se þonne hit gebyrige . . . þæt ne geweor&d-bar;e, þæt þyllic g&y-long;mel&e-long;st gelimpe . . . gif hit gelimpe, dæ-long;db&e-long;te s&e-long; . . . þe hit þurh his g&y-long;mel&e-long;ste (g&y-long;meleástum neglectum, R. Ben. I. 42, 7) gelamp, R. Ben. 36, 2-7. H&e-long; Gode nolde &d-bar;iówigan. . . h&e-long; &d-bar;one demm his giémeliéste (damna neglegentiae) geb&e-long;tan ne mæg, Past. 251, 17.