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346 GE-HREÓÐAN -- GE-HW&A-long;

Ðonne &d-bar;aelig;t ierre hæf&d-bar; anwald &d-bar;aelig;s monnes, &d-bar;onne gehr&i-long;s&d-bar; (-hriés&d-bar; v. l.) h&e-long; on sume scylde, Past. 288, 9.

ge-hreó&d-bar;an. l. -hreódan.

ge-hreówan. Substitute: ge-hreówan; p. -hreáw, -hreów. I. to cause sorrow to, grieve a person (acc.). (I) the subject a noun :-- Mec þ&i-long;n weá set heortan gehreáw, Cri. 1494. Mec his bysgu gehreáw, G&u-long;. 686. (2) without subject :-- Gehr&e-long;ues mec paenitet me, Lk. L. 17, 4. II. to cause sorrow, repentance, or regret to a person (dat.).(I) the subject a noun :-- Ne selle mon to f&e-long;la . . . &d-bar;&y-long; læ-long;s hw&a-long; him self weor&d-bar;e t&o-long; wæ-long;dlan, and him &d-bar;onne gehreówe sió ælmesse, Past. 325, 8.(2) the subject a pronoun representing a circumstance already mentioned :-- Satanus swearte geþ&o-long;hte þæt h&e-long; wolde on heofonum h&e-long;hseld wyrcan . . . Him þæt eft gehreáw. Sae. 374. Ne wilna&d-bar; n&a-long; se w&i-long;sa t&o-long; hrædl&i-long;ce &d-bar;æ-long;re wræce, &d-bar;eáh h&e-long; gegremed sié, ac w&y-long;sc&d-bar; &d-bar;æt hit (the wrongdoing) him (the wrongdoer) gehreówe, &d-bar;æt h&e-long; (the wise man) hit mæge si&d-bar;&d-bar;an forgifan, Past. 220, 16. Þec gelegdon on bend hæ-long;&d-bar;ene . . . Him þæt gehreówan mæg, þonne heó endestæf gesceáwia&d-bar;. Sat. 540. (3) without subject and followed by a clause giving reason for regret :-- Þ&a-long; gehreów hym þ-bar; hyne æ-long;fre sw&a-long; on hys geþ&o-long;hte getweóde, Shrn. 155, 18. [O. H. Ger. ge-[h]riuwan.]

ge-hreówness penitence, repentance, v. ge-hreonis in Dict.

ge-hreówsian; p. ode To repent :-- þ-bar; hiæ-long; gihreówsadun (-hreáw-, L.) paeniterent, Lk. R. 10, 13.

ge-hrepod. Substitute: ge-hrepian; p. ode To touch :-- Tactus gehrepod is participium; and tactus hrepung is nama, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 255, 3. (I) to touch with the hand :-- Gehrepa hire byrigene, and þ&u-long; bist s&o-long;na h&a-long;l, Hml. S. 9, 19. (2) to touch, cause emotion in a person :-- H&e-long; wæs gehrepod (tactus) mid heortan s&a-long;rnisse wi&d-bar;innan, Gen. 6, 6. (3) to treat a subject; to treat of (ymbe) a subject, v. hrepian :-- N&u-long; hæbbe w&e-long; be dæ-long;le gehrepod ymbe his s&i-long;&d-bar;, Angl. viii. 306, 48. v. un-gehrepod.

ge-hr&e-long;ran. Add: I. to stir together, mix up material :-- Gehr&e-long;r tw&a-long; æ-long;gru on hatum wætere, Lch. ii. 76, 28. D&o-long; m&e-long;le fulne buteran on, and gehr&e-long;re t&o-long;gædere, 86, 18. II. of the operation of natural forces, to set in violent motion :-- Þurh winda gryre wolcn wæs gehr&e-long;red, D&o-long;m. L. 8. [O. Sax. gi-hr&o-long;rid (m&o-long;d, hugi): O. H. Ger. ge-hruoren movere, commovere.]

ge-hrero. v. ge-hror.

ge-hresp, es; n. Plundering :-- Þurh hæ-long;&d-bar;enra manna gehresp and gestrodu, Nap. 30. See next word.

ge-hrespan. Add: to plunder. [Cf. O. H. Ger. hrespan vellere.] :

ge-hrifan. l. -hrifian.

ge-hr&i-long;drian(?) to sift, winnow :-- Ic sweóp &l-bar; gehrudrede ( = (?) -hriid-rede, -hridrede) m&i-long;nne g&a-long;st scobebam spiritum meum, Ps. L. 76, 7. [Cf. other versions of the passage :-- Ic windwode on m&e-long; g&a-long;st m&i-long;nne uentilabam in me spiritum meum, Ps. Rdr. Srt.]

ge-hrifnian; p. ode To be gorged (? cf. hrif) :-- Alexandres æfterfol-geras xiiii geár þisne middangeard t&o-long;tugon and t&o-long;tæ-long;ron þæ-long;m gel&i-long;cost þonne seó leó bring&d-bar; his hungregum hwelpum hwæt t&o-long; &e-long;tanne : hié &d-bar;onne gec&y-long;&d-bar;a&d-bar; on &d-bar;æ-long;m æ-long;te hwelc heora mæ-long;st mæg gehrifnian. Sw&a-long; dyde Ptholomeus þ&a-long; h&e-long; t&o-long;gædere gesweóp ealle Ægyptum and Arabia principes ejus xiiii annis orbem dilaniaverunt, et veluti opimam praedam a leone frostratam avidi discerpsere catuli. Itaque Ptolemaeo Aegyptus Arabiae-que pars sorte provenit, Ors. 3, II ; S. 142, 26.

ge-hr&i-long;man. Take here ge-hr&e-long;man in Dict. : ge-hrimpan. v. rimpan in Dict. for examples.

ge-hr&i-long;nan. Add: [weakforms, ge-hr&i-long;nde, -hr&i-long;nade, occur in North-ern Gospels] :-- Gehr&i-long;nan contingere, Wrt. Voc. ii. 22, 16. I. to touch with some part of the body :-- Se hr&o-long;f wæs on mislicre heánesse; on sumre st&o-long;we h&e-long; wæs þ-bar; man mid his handa neál&i-long;ce geræ-long;cean mihte, in sumre eáþel&i-long;ce mid heáfde gehr&i-long;nan, Bl. H. 207, 23. (I) with dat. :-- W&i-long;f &d-bar;ió gehr&i-long;ne&d-bar; him mulier quae tangit eum, Lk. L. 7, 39. Gié &a-long;num fingre ne gehr&i-long;na&d-bar; &d-bar;aelig-long;m hondhæfum (sarcinas), ii. 46. H&e-long; gehr&a-long;n him (eos), Mt. L. 17, 7. Hió gihr&a-long;n w&e-long;dum his, Mk. R. 5, 27. Hiá gib&e-long;dun hine þ-bar;te giw&e-long;dun his gihrionon (-hrinon, L.), and sw&a-long; oftor gihrionun him h&a-long;le giwurdun, 6, 56. þ-bar;te h&e-long; gihrine dæ-long;m ut tangeret eos, 10, 13. þ-bar; hiæ-acute; him gihrionun, 3, 10. (2) with acc. :-- Ic þone &d-bar;erscwold gehr&a-long;n, Hml. S. 23b, 413. H&e-long; gehr&a-long;n hond his tetigit manum ejus, Mt. L. 8, 15 : Lk. L. 5, 13 : 8, 45. Gehrine tetigerit, 8, 47. þ-bar; h&e-long; hiæ-acute; gehrine (gehr&i-long;nade, L.) ut eos tangeret, Lk. R. 18, 15. þ-bar;te hine gehr&i-long;nde ut illum tangeret, Mk. L. 8, 22. þ-bar;te hine hié gehr&i-long;ndon &l-bar; hr&i-long;na mæhtæs, 3, 10. þ-bar; wl&o-long;h w&e-long;des his gehr&i-long;ne m&o-long;ston, Mt. L. 14, 36 : Jn. L. 20, 17. Hine t&o-long; gehr&i-long;nanne, Lk. L. 6, 19. Su&a-long; huæd &d-bar;æ-long;m gihr&i-long;ned bi&d-bar; quicquid eo tactum fuerit, Rtl. 121, 7. II. to have intercourse with. Cf. w&i-long;f-gehrine :-- S&e-long; &d-bar;e gihr&i-long;ne;&d-bar; portcuoene qui adheret meretrici, Rtl. 106, 30. v. un-gehrinen.

ge-hrine, es; m. Touch; tactus, Wrt. Voc. i. 64, 21 (Wülck. Gl. 290, 2 gives æthrine). v. w&i-long;f-gehriue.

ge-hr&i-long;ne ornament, v. ge-r&e-long;ne.

ge-hringan, -ian; p. (o)de ; pp. ed. od To ring :-- S&y-long; gehringed þonne seó eahteo&d-bar;e t&i-long;d bi&d-bar; healf &a-long;gau, R. Ben. 73, 14. S&e-long; gehringed (pulsetur) belle, Angl. xlii. 380, 212. Beóþ gehringde (pulsantur)

ealle b&e-long;cnu, 428, 902. Gehrinde, 401, . 525. Gehringede, 402, 537. Gehringode, 530.

ge-hr&i-long;nian to touch, v. ge-hr&i-long;nan.

ge-hr&i-long;ran; p. de To cause to fall to the ground (v. ge-hreósan; I), to overthrow, demolish a building :-- Gehriéred diruta (sacella), Wrt. Voc. ii. 79, 59.

ge-hrisian to shake together :-- Gehrysed coagitatum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 74, 45: 17, 60.

ge-hroden; pp. of ge-hreódan.

ge-hróp, es; n. A cry :-- M&i-long;n gehr&o-long;p (clamor meus) c&o-long;m beforan his ans&y-long;ne, and eác on his eáran hit eóde, Ps. Th. 17, 6. Ongyt m&i-long;ne stemne and m&i-long;n gehr&o-long;p intellige clamorem meum, 5, I.

ge-hropen, Ps. Th. 17, 15. v. ge-hreosan; I.

ge-hror. Add :-- Mancwealm and &a-long;dla and gehrora (-o, -hrero, v. ll.) þæ-long;re þeóde pestilentia et exterminium gentis, Bd. I. 14; Sch. 37, 25.

ge-hrorenlic; adj. Perishable, transitory :-- Þós woruld is eall for-wordenlic and gehrorenlic and gebrosnodlic and feallendlic, and eall þeós woruld is gewitenlic, Nap. 30. S&e-long; &d-bar;e þæt þeoce&d-bar; þæt h&e-long; of þysse gehrorenlican worulde þone heofonlican r&i-long;ce begite, ib.

ge-hrudrian. v. ge-hr&i-long;drian: ge-hrumpen. v. rimpan.

ge-hruxl. Substitute : ge-hr&u-long;xl, es; n. Noise, tumult :-- Ð&a-long; br&o-long;&d-bar;ru mid gehl&y-long;de wurpon wæter on þ-bar; fýr . . . þ&a-long; wear&d-bar; se Drihtnes wer mid þ&a-long;m ylcan gehr&u-long;xle (-r&u-long;xle, v. l.) (eodem tumultu) &a-long;styrod. and þyder bec&o-long;m, Gr. D. 124, 3. Geswenced mid þ&a-long;m ger&u-long;xlum and un&e-long;&d-bar;nessum sumra woruldlicra ymbhogena quorundam secularium tumultibus depressus, 3, 4, H&e-long; mid his &a-long;þenedre handa gestilleþ þ&a-long; ger&u-long;xl and þ-bar; gehl&y-long;d eallra manna extensa manu omnium tumultus sedat, 265, 13. Gehr&u-long;xlu tumultus, i. seditiones, Germ. 392, 24. Wæ-long;pna ger&u-long;xlu armorum strepitus, E. S. xxxix. 344.

ge-h&u-long;. Substitute: In every way, in all sorts of ways :-- Ðeáh &d-bar;e seó sæ-acute; s&y-long; geb&y-long;ged geh&u-long; (is bent in all sorts of ways), heó wuna&d-bar; sw&a-long; &d-bar;eáh on &d-bar;æ-long;re eor&d-bar;an b&o-long;sme binnan hyre gemæ-long;rum. Hex. 10, 30. God hit gewræc, þ-bar; h&i-long; swultan geh&u-long; (they died by all manner of deaths), S. 13, 232. God gemyltsode mancynne geh&u-long;, 284. H&e-long; is gecweden hl&a-long;f þurh get&a-long;cnunge, and lamb, and leó, and geh&u-long; elles (in every other way he is called, it is typically), Hml. Th. ii. 268, 17.

ge-h&u-long;fod; adj. Provided with a h&u-long;fe (q. v.) :-- Geh&u-long;fud vittatus, Germ. 397, 525. v. h&u-long;fian.

ge-hugod. Add: [O. Sax. gi-hugid minded, disposed.]

ge-huntian. Add :-- Ic c&o-long;m þ-bar; ic m&e-long; þ&e-long; æt&y-long;wde þurh þysne heort, and for hine þ&e-long; gehuntian and gef&o-long;n mid þ&a-long;m nettum m&i-long;nre mildheort-nysse. Hml. S. 30, 49.

ge-h&u-long;sa a domestic, one of a household. Add :-- S&y-long; wyr&d-bar;ment gegearewod . . . þ&a-long;m rihtgel&y-long;fedum &u-long;rum geh&u-long;sum honor exibeatur domestici fidei, R. Ben. 83, l. Hiore geh&u-long;san domesticis suis, Kent. Gl. 1138. Geh&u-long;se his domesticos ejus, Mt. L. 10, 25. [O. H. Ger. ge-h&u-long;sa vernacula.] v. neáh-geh&u-long;sa,

ge-h&u-long;slian. Add: to administer the eucharist to a person (acc.) :-- Basilius geh&u-long;slode þone cnapan, Hml. S. 3, 459. Þæne h&i-long; beóþ geh&u-long;s-lude dum communicantur, Angl. xiii, 425, 860. Þ&a-long; cild man here t&o-long; mæssan, þ-bar; hyg beón geh&u-long;slode, Ll. Th. ii. 392, 13.

ge-h&u-long;sscipe. Add; -- Geh&u-long;scipe (domus) Isra&e-long;la folces . . . geh&u-long;scipes Aarones . . . geh&u-long;scipe Lefes, Ps. Srt. 134, 19, 20. Geh&u-long;scipe (v. Txts. 327), 97, 3. Forget geh&u-long;sscipe (v. Txts. 250) feadur &d-bar;&i-long;nes, 44, II.

ge-hw&a-long;. A. as noun. I. every one (thing), each one. (I) alone:-- Healde gehw&a-long; mid riht his æ-long;we, -Ll. Th. ii. 300, 26. Gearwige t&o-long; h&u-long;slgange oft and gel&o-long;me gehw&a-long; hine sylfne, i. 310, 8 : 322, 8 : 424, 19. Þ&i-long;ne d&o-long;mas ræ-long;ca&d-bar; efne gehw&a-long;m, æ-long;ghwylcum men &a-long;gen gewyrhta, Hy. 7, 15: Rä. 12, 8. Þæt w&e-long; magon gefr&e-long;dan hwæt bi&d-bar; heard, hwæt hnesce, . . . and sw&a-long; gehwæt, Hml. Th. ii. 372, 33. (l a) as antecedent :-- H&y-long; geb&e-long;tton gehwæt þe t&o-long;brocen wæs of þ&a-long;m, Ll. Th. ii. 356, 7. (2) with gen. pl. of (a) a noun :-- H&e-long; beheád þ-bar; monna gehw&a-long; him h&a-long;m f&e-long;rde singulos domum redire praecepit, Bd. 3, 14; Sch. 254, 19. Æ&d-bar;elinga wyn and eorla gehwæs wyn and weor&d-bar;mynd, R&u-long;n. 27. Fæder frym&d-bar;a gehwæs, Ph. 197 : Cri. 47. Þ&a-long; wyrda gehwæ-long;re s&o-long;&d-bar; oncn&a-long;west, An. 630. Freá folca gehwæs, Dan. 401. G&o-long;da gehwæs, An. 338 : Jul. 323. In daga gehw&a-long;m, Dan. 287. Wi&d-bar; n&i-long;&d-bar;a gehw&a-long;m, Ph. 451. On healfa gehw&a-long;m, Exod. 209: An. 121. Of æ-long;dra gehwæ-long;re, Gen. 1374. In mæ-long;g&d-bar;a gehwæ-long;re, B. 25. On healfa gehwore (-hwone?), Cri. 928 : Ph. 336. M&e-long;ca gehwane, B. 2685. On t&i-long;da gehwone, Gen. 2305. Burga gehwone, Dan. 63. Ymb healfa gehwone, Cri. 61. (aa) with gen. of a noun of multitude :-- Gumcynnes gehwone, B. 2765. (ab) where emphasis is given by the use of eall qualifying the noun :-- Æt ealra manna gehwæs m&u-long;&d-bar;es reorde, Seel. 93. On ealra londa gehw&a-long;m, Ru. 34, 13. Ealra feónda gehwane, Sal. 147. Gehwone, 97. (b) an adj. or ptcpl. used substantively :-- Cyning clæ-long;nra gehwæs, Cri. 703 : An. 914. Eádigra gehw&a-long;m . . . lifgendra gehw&a-long;m, Exod. 4, 6. H&e-long; geaf blisse gehwæ-long;m &e-long;gb&u-long;endra, Chr. 995; P. 122, I. Wiþ l&a-long;þra gehwæne, 937; P. 106, 17. Wi&d-bar; gesibbra gehwone, M&o-long;d. 69 : Ph. 606. (c) &a-long;n :-- Þ&a-long; &a-long;nra gehw&a-long;m (cf. æ-long;lcum men, Bt. 15 ; F. 48, 3) gen&o-long;h þ&u-long;hte, Met. 8, 6. (ca) where the phrase governs a genitive :-- Bió&d-bar; &a-long;nra gehwæs monna