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gefeccan þá lytlan and gebringan úp tó his ríce, Hml. Th. i. 138, 5. Nán Crísten mann ne sceal his hæ-acute;le gefeccan búton æt ðám Scyppende, 470, 20. Swá þá sculon þe hiora æ-acute;fengifl on helle gefeccean sculon tamquam apud inferos coenaturi, Ors. 2, 5; S. 86, 2. Hé wolde þæs beornes beágas gefecgan, By. 160. v. ge-fetian.

ge-fecgan. See preceding word.

ge-fédan. Add: (1) to give food to :-- Lét æ-acute;rist þ-bar; ðú gefoeda (gifoede, R.) ðá suno sine prius saturari filios, Mk. L. 7, 27. Þ-bar;te gefoede ðá bergas ut pasceret porcos, Lk. L. 15, 15. Ofætum wæ-acute;re geféd holusculis uesceretur, An. Ox. 3753. Gefoeded, Mt. L. 8, 30. (1 a) to suckle an infant :-- Ðá breósto ðá ðe ne gefoedon ubera quae non lactauerunt, Lk. L. 23, 29. (2) to bring up :-- Tó Nazareth ðér wæs gefoeded (nutritus), Lk. L. R. 4, 16. (3) to bring forth :-- Heora ágen gereorde þá ðe hie on geféded wæ-acute;ron linguam propriam in qua nati sunt, Bd. 4, 2; Sch. 345, 1.

ge-fég. Add: (1) of material objects :-- Commisura, s. dicitur tabularum conjunctio gefég, cimbing, Wrt. Voc. ii. 132, 10. Gefége compage, An. Ox. 4440. Gefég compagines, i. conjunctions, juncturae, Wrt. Voc. ii. 132, 69. Of gefégum liniamentis (i. coniunctionibus) corporalibus, An. Ox. 3412. (2) of non-material objects :-- Þæt óðer híw ys gecíged zeuma, þ-bar; ys gefeig on Englisc; þis gefég ys swýðe gelóme on hálgum gewritum, Angl. viii. 331, 9. God gesette twégen sunnstedas and hé geendebyrde þá twelf mónðas on twám emnihtum ... hé eác mid his ágenre mihte geglengde þ-bar; gér mid feówrum gesceaftum, swá þis gefeig ætýwð eallum þe hyt sceáwiað he adorned the year with four seasons, as this framework of the solstices and the equinoxes (? cf. ge-fégedness) shews to all that observe it, 229, 20. v. riht-, stæf-gefég.

ge-fégan. Add: -- Gefégað conpingite, Wrt. Voc. ii. 15, 43. (1) of construction, to join the parts of a structure, construct, compact :-- Þæt fær (the ark) wið ýða gewyrc, gefég fæste, Gen. 1310. Gefégde compacta, i. conjuncta (delubra), An. Ox. 2254. (1 a) of the structure of words or sentences :-- Gif se nama bið geféged of twám ansundum dæ-acute;lum, if the noun be compounded of two complete parís, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 88, 4. Feáwa coniunctiones beóð gefégede, 266, 10. Mid meterlicum fótum gefégede pedibus poeticis compactas, i. coniunctas, An. Ox. 200. (2) to attach, join :-- Is se scyld ufan frætwum geféged ofer þæs fugles bæc, Ph. 309. (2 a) figurative :-- Þ-bar;te hiá ðínum gifoega hiá &l-bar; ætféla hiá bodum ut tuis inhereant preceptis, Rtl. 90, 22. Hé wæs geféged mid ðæ-acute;re lufan Godes and monna æ-acute;gðer ge tó ðám hiéhstum ðingum ge tó ðæ-acute;m nyðemestum compage caritatis summis simul et infimis junctus, Past. 99, 25. (3) to join in friendship, unite :-- Þæt gecynd geféhþ and gelímþ ðá friénd tógædere mid untódæ-acute;ledlicre lufe, Bt. 24, 3; F. 84, 1. (4) to constrain, confine :-- Geféged arta, Wrt. Voc. ii. 9, 65. Þætte fira gehwylc on his hringe bið fæste geféged, Wal. 41. (5) to square, adapt :-- Gefégan quadrare, Wrt. Voc. ii. 85, 21. Ðá stánas wæ-acute;ron suá wel gefégede and suá emne gesnidene and gesméðde, æ-acute;r hié mon tó ðæ-acute;m stede bróhte ðe hié on standan scoldon, Past. 253, 14. [O. H. Gen. ge-fuogen conjungere, copulare, conglutinare, coaptare.]

ge-fégednes. Add: (i) figure, shape :-- Figura is gecweden on Englisc híw oððe gefégednyss, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 105, 20. (2) a conjunction :-- Polysindeton ys þæt gebed þe byð mid manegum gefégednyssum gefrætwod, Angl. viii. 332, 28.

ge-féging. Add :-- Gefé(g)incga compages, Wrt. Voc. i. 42, 66.

ge-fégness. Add: -- Gefoegnisse, gifoegnissae, gefégnessi sarta tecta, Txts. 95, 1765. [O. H. Ger. ge-fuognissa nexus.]

ge-félan. Add: (1) to feel an object, perceive by the sense of touch :-- Ne mihte nán man þ-bar; swýn geseón, and swá þéh hí hit mihton gefélan Gr. D. 226, 6. (2) to know by sense of touch or organic sensation (with clause or acc. and infin.) :-- Ðá gefélde hé þ-bar; se deáda man his leoma ealle ástyrede, Bl. H. 217, 30. Geféldon hí án swýn yrnan hider and þider betwyh heora fótum, Gr. D. 236, 1. Heora nán gefélan ne mihte hú hí gewurdon on slæ-acute;pe, Hml. S. 23, 257. (3) to feel pain, be conscious of a sensation :-- Ne gefélest (-félst, v. l.) þú gewin on þínum fótum, Lch. i. 330, 6. Ne hí swól gefélaþ on magan, ii. 194, 12. Hwylc wundor is þéh þe þá sáwla magan gefélan þá líchamlican tintregan?, Gr. D. 305, 12. [O. Sax. gi-fólian: O. H. Ger. ge-fuolen sentire, palpare.] v. un-geféled.

ge-féle; adj. Sensitive :-- Wiþ þæ-acute;re gefélan heardnesse þæ-acute;re lifre, Lch. ii. 160, 28: 206, 13. On þám monnum þe habbaþ swíðe gefélne magan, 176, 8. v. un-geféle.

ge-felgan. v. ge-feólan: ge-fellan to fell. v. ge-fillan.

ge-félness sensitiveness, sensation. Add :-- Gif þ-bar; líc tó þon swíþe ádeádige þ-bar; þæ-acute;r gefélnes on ne sý, Lch. ii. 8, 14: 82, 26. Welmes hæ-acute;to mid gefélnesse ... áheardung þæs magan mid gefélnesse and mid sáre ... heardung þæ-acute;re lifre bútan gefélnesse and bútan sáre, 198, 11-14. Þone dæ-acute;l þe git hwilcehwega gefélnesse hæbbe, 84, 1.

ge-feógan; p. -feóde To hate :-- Gefiáð odit, Jn. L. 7, 7: 12, 25. Sé ðe mec gefíið fæder mín gefíið &l-bar; gefiáð, 15, 23. Geféð iówih middengeord, Jn. R. 15, 19. Gifiádun (gefiádon, L.) oderunt, 24. Gifióge odisse, 7, 7.

ge-feoht. Add :-- Gefeoht bellum vel pugna, Wrt. Voc. i. 84, 15. (1) fighting, (a) in a military sense, war: -- Gefeohtes bodan praefeciales, Wrt. Voc. i. 36, 7. Gefeohtes duelli, ii. 96, 27: 27, 28. Hí cómon fæ-acute;rlíce mid gefeohte tó Judan they suddenly attacked Judas, Hml. S. 25, 653: 670. Þá nán man mid gefeohte ne gefór, Ors. 1. 2; S. 30, 20. Mid gefeohte sécan, 3, 1; S. 98, 11. Mid gefeohte cnyssan, S. 96, 8. Ymb gefeoht sprecan, Met. 8, 32. (a α) rendering the personification Mars :-- Wíg oððe gefeoht Mavors, Wrt. Voc. ii. 55, 37. Gefeoht Martem, 94, 18: 96, 23: 57, 14. (b) fighting between two or more persons :-- Be préosta gefeohte. Gif preóst óðerne man ofsleá of fighting by priests. If a priest slay a man. Ll. Th. i. 74, 18. Be gefeohte. Gif hwá gefeohte on cyninges húse ... Gif hwá on mynstre gefeohte ... And þeáh hit sié on middum felda gefohten, 106, 1-10. (2) a fight, combat, battle, war. (a) military, between opposing forces :-- Næs ná mid Rómánum æ-acute;r ne siþþan swá heard gefeoht (pugna) swá þæ-acute;r wæs, Ors. 5, 7; S. 230, 13. On þæ-acute;re frymþe þæs gefeohtes, Bl. H. 203, 5. Se eádiga Michael þæ-acute;r wæs tóweard him tó fultome ðá hwíle ðe hié æt þæ-acute;m gefeohte wæ-acute;ron, 205, 3. Æfter þissum gefeohte, Chr. 871; P. 72, 5. On folces gefeohte in bello publico, Ll. Th. ii. 150, 32: 386, 16. Ne gehérde nón mon ymbe nán gefeoht sprecan, Bt. 15; F. 48, 15. Ungelimplico gefeoht, Bl. H. 107, 28. Gefeoht bella, Wülck. Gl. 255, 6. Synd feówer cynna gefeoht iustum, iniustum, ciuile, plusquam ciuile. Iustum bellum is rihtlic gefeoht wið da réðan flotmenu, Hml. S. 25, 705. (b) a fight between two or more persons :-- Gif man beforan æðelinge gefeoht áginneð, mid .CL. scillinga gebéte, Ll. Th. i. 332, 3. Mé egleð swýðe and ús eallum þá unrihtlican and mænigfealdan gefeoht þe betwux ús sylfum syndan; þonne cwæ-acute;de wé: Gif hwá æ-acute;nigne man ofsleá ..., Ll. Th. i. 246, 24. Be gefeohtum, 106, 1 note. Sé þe gefeohtu gesihð, blisse hit openað, Lch. iii. 200, 7. (3) figurative, conflict, struggle for victory :-- Gefeoht commissio, conflictus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 132, 22. Gefeohte conflictu (vitiorum), 77, 1. Sé ðe gifehtað in gefeht qui certat in agone, Rtl. 60, 15. Iornia wé foráræ-acute;den ús gifeht curramus propositum nobis certamen, 27, 29. Gifeht gástlices wóghfulnisse impugnatione spiritalis nequitiae, 121, 9. Bið á wið firenum in gefeoht gearo, Crä. 90. [O. H. Ger. ge-feht pugna, praelium, bellum, certamen.] v. flet-, folc-, in-, on-, scip-, sige-, þurh-, út-, weorold-gefeoht, and ge-feaht in Dict.

ge-feohtan. Add: I. intrans. (1) in a military sense, v. gefeoht, (2 a) :-- Hér gefeaht Ecgbryht cyning wiþ .xxxv. sciphlæsta, Chr. 833; P. 62, 10. Æþelwulf him wið gefeaht ... Æþeréd cyning and Ælfréd his bróþur wiþ þone here gefuhton, 871; P. 70, 13-16. Antigones and Perðica ... woldon him betweónum gefeohtan bellum inter Antigonum et Perdiccam oritur, Ors. 3, 11; S. 144, 34. Hié hiene sendon on Perse wið hié tó gefeohtanne, 3, 1; S. 96, 12. (1 a) of fighting between champions :-- Dauid wolde wiþ Goliaþ gefeohtan, Bl. H. 31, 17. (1 b) with cognate object (v. án-wíg) :-- Hér Cénwalh gefeaht wiþ Walas and hié gefliémde; þis wæs gefohten siþþan hé of Eást-Englum cóm, Chr. 958: P. 32, 4. Þæs geáres wurdon .viiii. folcgefeoht gefohten wiþ þone here, 871; P. 72, 12. (2) to fight in a quarrel, v. gefeoht, (2 b) :-- Gif hwá gefeohteð on cirican oþþon on cynges húse ... And gif hwá gefeohteð on mynstre, Ll. Th. i. 330, 23, 26. Gif mon beforan cyninges ealdormen on gemóte gefeohte, 86, 14. Gif hwá in cyninges healle gefeohte, oþþe his wæ-acute;pn gebréde, 66, 8: 70, 18. Gif hwá on cierlisces monnes flette gefeohte, mid syx sci&l-bar;&l-bar;. gebéte þám ceorle. Gif hé wæ-acute;pne gebréde and nó feohte, sié be healfum þám, 86, 21. Gif mæ-acute;gleás mon gefeohte and mon ofsleá, 78, 20. (3) fig. to struggle, strive for supremacy :-- Efne þæ-acute;m gelícost swylce ðá gesceafta (wind and flame) twá him betweónan gefeohtan sceoldan, Bl. H. 221, 15. II. trans. (1) to gain by fighting :-- Ðæ-acute;m folce ðe on clæ-acute;num felda weorðlicne sige gefeohtað his qui per fortitudinem in campo victores sunt, Past. 227, 25. Þone sige þe hé on Persia ðeóda gefeaht, Hml. S. 30, 153. Hié getrúwedon þæt hié mid hiera cræftum sceolden sige gefeohtan, Ors. 2, 4; S. 72, 17: 2, 5; S. 82, 26. (2) to maintain a charge by fighting :-- Þæ-acute;r beteáh Gosfrei Bainard Willelm of Ou þ-bar; hé heafde gebeón on þes cynges swicdóm, and hit him on gefeaht, and hine on orreste ofercóm, Chr. 1096; P. 232, 20. [O. H. Ger. ge-fehtan congredi.]

ge-feohtsumness, e; f. Joyousness, gladsomeness :-- God ús læ-acute;rað líþnesse and gefeohtsumnesse, diófol ús læ-acute;rað yrre and unrótnesse, Nap. 30, 1. v. ge-feón.

ge-feolan. l. ge-feólan; p. -fealh, pl. fulgon. Take here passage given under ge-felgan, and add: I. to press into, (1) to make ones way into a place, get and remain in :-- Wæs þæ-acute;r neáh Apollines templ; þá gefealh hé þæ-acute;r in and þæ-acute;r þá niht gewunode juxta Apollinis templum fuit, ibique se ad manendum contulit, Gr. D. 189, 1. Ðá warð his leóhtbora áfyrht swýðe, and gefeall him in ánan heale and slæ-acute;p his light-bearer became very frightened, and got in a corner and went to sleep, Vis. Lfc. 36. (2) to enter the mind :-- Hú se ealda feónd on symbel geféleð úrum gebohtum mid his searwum antiquus hostis quam insidiis nostris cogitationibus insistat, Gr. D. 222, 6. II. to stick to. (1) to continue instant in, pursue unremittingly :-- Swá mycele má hé gefealh mid geornnysse þám gebedum tanto annisu precibus incubuit, Gr. D. 74, 17: 125, 29: 247, 26. Hé gefealh his wæcce instans vigiliis, 170, 30. Hé