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-bylded in Dict.] :-- Mid þý mægne hé wæs gebælded (gestrangod, v. l.) of ðæs ælmihtigan Godes fultume qua virtute fretus ex omnipotentis Dei auxilio, Gr. D. 26, 31. Gebyld fretus, i. fultus, An. Ox. 126. Gebeld, 2042 : 3682. Gebyld fretus .i. fiduciam habens, Wrt. Voc. ii. 150, 70. Gebyldum predito, An. Ox. 4135. Gebild freti, i. fundi, 781. II. to cover (?), protect (?), bind a book. [v. N. E. D. bield to protect, shelter. Sc. and North, dial, to cover, cover over.] :-- Eðilwald ðis bóc úta giðrýde and gibelde (-bélde, MS.) suá hé uel cúðæ, Jn. p. 188, 3.

ge-bilegan. Substitute: ge-bilgan; p. de To anger, offend :-- Swá swá heó gebylged wæ-acute;re heó cwæð quasi indignata subjunxit, Bd. 4, 9; S. 398, 1. Mid hwylcum sáre gegremed and ábolgen (gebylged, v. l.), Gr. D. 207, 25. Gode gebyligdum Deo offenso, Scint. 198, 13.

ge-bind. Add: I. constipation, costiveness :-- Gebind tenacitas ventris, tentigo, Wrt. Voc. ii. 145, 60. Wið stede and for gebinde . . . wið innoþa wræce and gif gebind men byþ. Lch. i. 338, 3-9. II. as a measure of quantity, a bind (v. N. E. D. bind (5) : 'A Bind of eels . . . consisted of ten sticks, and every stick of twenty-five eels') :-- Man gelæ-acute;ste æ-acute;lce geáre . . . þreó gebind æ-acute;les, Cht. Th. 328, 33.

ge-bindan. Dele II, and add: -- Geband devinxit. Wrt. Voc. ii. 106, 21. Gebindende astringentes, 3, 12. I. to bind with a material band. (1) to fasten an inanimate object with a band, clasp, wrap round :-- Gebindan beám æ-acute;renum clammum, Dan. 519. Þeóstre hám (hell) gebunden fæstum fýrclommum, Sat. 38. Wæs ge-bunden since duru ormæ-acute;te, Cri. 308. Bil wræ-acute;ttum gebunden, B. 1531. Scylð sceal gebunden, Gn. Ex. 94. (2) to bind a person as captive or prisoner :-- Gif man mannes esne gebindeð, .vi. sci&l-bar;&l-bar;. gebéte, Ll. Th. i. 24, 15. Hine man geband . . . and hine let ofsleán, Chr. 1049 ; P. 168, 36. þone ealdor þeóstra hé geband. Bl. H. 85, 5. Hí hine sendon on þæt carcern, and hié gebunden his handa behindan, 241, 28. Gif mon cierliscne mon gebinde unsynnigne. Ll. Th. i. 84, 2. Gif man æt unlagum man gebinde, forgilde be healfan were, 408, 19. Hé hine hét gebindan and siþþan ofsleán, Bt. 29, 2 ; F. 104, 26. Hé þá gebundenan of carcerne út álæ-acute;dde, Bl. H. 239, 34. (2 a) the object abstract :-- Ne mæg þ-bar; word mon mid sweorde ofsleán, ne mid rape gebindan, Bt. 13 ; F. 38, 29. II. to bind. (1) to fasten one object to another :-- Hát hine on róde gebindan, Bl. H. 189, 34. þ-bar; hweól ðe Ixion wæs tó gebunden, Bt. 35, 6; F. 168, 31. Cweornstán gebundene scopulum (collo) conexum, An. Ox. 4458. On ðæ-acute;m bearwum sáula hangodan be heora handum gebundne, Bl. H. 209, 36. (2) to tether an animal :-- Gyt gemétaþ eoselan gebundene, Bl. H. 79, 28. III. to bind a band :-- Is þes wítes clom feste gebunden, Sat. 104. IV. of non-material bands. (1) denoting obligation :-- Wé beóð mid Gode suá micle suíðor gebundne tanto apud Dominum obligatiores sumus, Past. 117, 23. (2) denoting union, connexion :-- Fæste gebunden gesiblíce sófte togædere, Met. 20, 67. Word óðer fand sóðe gebunden one word followed the other without interruption, B. 871. (3) denoting restraint, hindrance :-- Seó orsorge wyrd gebint æ-acute;lc bára móda þe hire brýcþ, Bt. 20; F. 70, 36. Hine gebindaþ þá wón wilnunga mid heora racentum, 16, 3 ; F. 56, 17. Ðú gebunde þ-bar; fýr mid racentum, 33, 4; F. 130, 31. Se heáhengel mid þæ-acute;re swígunge fæstnunga geband þone fæder, Bl. H. 167, 11. Ðone sunu mid wyriungum gebindan, Hml. Th. ii. 30, 6. Ðæt mód bið gebunden mid gedréfednesse, Bt. 6; F. 16, 2. Eldo gebunden, B. 2111. Wanhále, witum gebundene, An. 580. (3 a) hindrance from a physical cause :-- His wíf mid bearne swæ-acute;rlíce gebunden gæ-acute;ð, Hml. Th. ii. 324, 21. (3 b) where the restraint is pleasant, to captivate :-- Hæfde hé me gebunden mid þæ-acute;re wynsumnesse his sanges, Bt. 22, 1; F. 76, 6. (4) denoting ensnaring (?) :-- Arues wénde þ-bar; hé his ríce gemiclian sceolde, þá hé his dohtor Philippuse sealde. Ac hé (Philip) hiene on ðæ-acute;re wénunge geband (got him in his toils thanks to this expectation), and him ðæt án genam þæt hé self haefde Aruba, cum per hoc quod societatem Macedonian adfinitate regis paciscebatur, imperium suum se dilataturum putaret, per hoc deceptus amisit, Ors. 3, 7 ; 112, 12.

ge-bird[e]. I. bearded. Take here ge-byrd in Dict. II. grown up; pubes :-- Gebierdne, þone æþelan geongan indolem (perhaps the passage glossed is: Pulcherrimam pubertatis indolem, Aid. 63, 25), Wrt. Voc. ii. 44, 80. [O. H. Ger. gi-parta pubentes.] v. un-gebeard[e].

ge-birgan; p. de (a strong form gebarg occurs Jn. L. 2, 9) To taste. Take here ge-býrgan (l. -byrgan) in Dict., and add: -- Næ-acute;nig weorona ðára gibergeð (gebirgað, L., gustabit) feorme mine, Lk. L. 14, 24. Ðá ðe of ðáre gebirgað qui ex eagustaverint, Rtl. 99, 22. Mið ðý gebirigde (inbergde, R.) cum gustasset, Mt. L. 27, 34. [Ingeberigde &l-bar; ingebarg gustavit, Jn. L. 2, 9.] þ-bar; hiá gebirigdon gustaturos, Mk. p. 4, 3.

ge-birhtan. Take here ge-byrhtan and ge-brihtan in Dict. , and add : I. to make bright :-- -Geberhtes clarificabit, Jn. L. 16, 14. II. to become bright, to shine :-- Ic áhyrde míne sunnan, and heó gebyrhteð ; þonne forbærned heó ealle þíne æceras, Wlfst. 260, 8. [Goth. ga-bairhtjan.] Cf. Beorhtian.

ge-bírigan. Dele, and see ge-birgan.

ge-birman to ferment. Take here ge-byrman, and add: -- Gebirm mid giste, Lch. ii. 96, 21. Cf. ge-beormad.

ge-bisceopian to confirm :-- Gif hwá gebisceopige hine tuwa, and hé hit wite si quis bis confirmatus sit, et hoc sciat, Ll. Th. ii. 164, 15.

ge-bísgian. l. ge-bisgian, take here ge-bysgian in Dict., and add: -- Gebysgian occupare, Wülck. Gl. 253, 41. Se Hæ-acute;lend wæs gebysgod betwux micelre menigu on ánum wéstene, Hml. Th. ii. 384. 17.

ge-bismerian. Add: -- Gif preóst óderne forseó oþþe gebismirige mid worde oþþe mid weorce, gebéte þ-bar;, Ll. Th. ii. 294, 17. Gebysmerian ludificare, Wrt. Voc. ii. 50, 7. Mid forheriunge swá gebismrad swá Babylonia wæs, Ors. 2, 4 ; S. 74, 36. þú unc hæfst gebysmrod, Guth. 42. 4.

ge-bismerung, e ; f. Mockery, derision, scorn :-- Gebismerung illusio, Ps. L. 78, 4. Gebism[r]u[n]gce ludibrio, An. Ox. 11, 181. Míne gebysmerunge reverentiam meam, Ps. L. 68, 20. For missenlicum deófoles gebystnerungum propter illusiones diabolicas, R. Ben. 83, 8.

ge-bisnian. Add: I. to set an example, serve as a model :-- Hé þá leóde gebígde tó Godes geleáfan, and him wel gebysnode mid weorcum, Hml. S. 26, 73. Heó hym eallum gebysnode mid góddre gedrohtnunge tó Godes þeówdóme, 2, 125. Swá swá úre Hæ-acute;lend þurh hine gebysnode (-bisnode, v. l.), Hml. A. 45, 529. II. to model, form in accordance with a model or exemplar :-- Swá swá hit áwriten is on þára apostola drohtnunge, be þám muneca líf is gebysenod, R. Ben. 57, 7.

ge-bisnung. Add: -- Leóde geneósian, and mid láre and gebysnunge þæs sóþan geleáfan and mid þweále fulluhtes geclæ-acute;nsian, Lch. iii. 434, 1. Beón eádmóde æfter his gebysnunge (-bisnunge, v. l.), Hml. A. 10, 258. Hé Crístes gebysnunge geefenlæ-acute;hte, Hml. Th. ii. 34, 15. Eall þ-bar; hé gegearwode ús on gebysnunge gódes weorces hoc nobis in exemplum actionis praebuit, Gr. D. 60, 23. Ic sylf beó andsæ-acute;te þurh swylce gebysnunge (by setting such an example), Hml. S. 25, 98. Hé sceal Críste folgian be Crístes gebysnungum. Hml. A. 18, 109. Hé gecneord-læ-acute;hte æfter wísra láreówa gebisnungum in study he followed the example set by wise teachers, Hml. Th. ii. 118, 19. Gif hine hwá mid tihtinge and gebisnungum gódra weorca getrymð, i. 306, 12. Drihtnes þénum gelíc on gebisnungum Domini ministris par documentis, Hy. S. 73, 3. Láre gibisnunga doctrinae documenta, 72, 30. Þ á gebysnunga his láre exempla doctrinae, Gr. D. 61, 1.

ge-bit. Add :-- Tóða gebitt, Hml. Th. i. 132, 26: 530, 15. Gebit, 30.

ge-biterian. Add :-- Ð á cempan him budon drincan gebitrodne windrenc . . . þes gebiteroda drinc hæfde getácnunge his deáðes biternysse, Hml. Th. ii. 254, 14-19.

ge-bíwan, -beówan To rub, polish :-- Gebeówed confricatus, i. lima&dash-uncertain;tus, exprimatus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 133, 25. v. bíwan.

ge-blæ-acute;can to make pale, disfigure :-- Geblæ-acute;cte exterminavit, Ps. Spl. C. 79, 14. [Cf. bleichent exterminant (gloss on Mt. 6, 16), Gall. 410.]

ge-blæ-acute;d. Add: v. áttor-geblæ-acute;d, Lch. iii. 36, 22.

ge-blæ-acute;dfæst. Substitute : Prosperous, flourishing :-- Him on láste setl wuldorspédum welig stódan gifum grówende on Godes ríce, beorht and geblæ-acute;dfæst, Gen. 89.

ge-blæ-acute;dfæstness, e ; f. Prosperity, success :-- Ðá gemétte ic sumne man þe mé þrý penegas sealde, mid þám ic mé þrý hláfas bohte; þá ic mé hæfde genóh gehýðe tó mínes síðfætes geblæ-acute;dfæstnysse (I had abundantly what was of advantage to the success of my journey. The Latin has: . . . dicens, Accipe haec nonna. Ego autem accipiens, tres ex eis panes comparavi, et hoc accepi benedictioni mei itineris congruos), Glostr. Frg. 108, 26 (see note, p. 115); Hml. S. 23 b, 492.

ge-bland. Add: v. gicel-gebland.

ge-blandan. Substitute: ge-blandan; pp. ge-blanden, -blonden [In the two instances where the past tense occurs the forms are ge-blond, Wrt. Voc. ii. 94, 16, ge-blondan, An. 33. Under blandan is given blénde as apast subjunctive, but this form might be placed as a present (or past) under blendan. v. ge-blendan. Cf. gang as a past tense of gangan.] To mix, blend :-- Geblonden infectum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 111, 77. Geblanden, 45, 17: confectum, 14, 49. I. to mix with :-- Is him þæt heáfod hindan gréne, wræ-acute;tlíce wrixled wurman geblonden, Ph. 294. II. to mix things that should be kept separate :-- Ðona geworð ðæt mið ús giblonden &l-bar; gimencged (mixta) aron alle, and in Marc moniga Lucas and éc Matheies, Mt. p. 3, 7. III. to mix, prepare with (harmful) ingredients :-- Him geblondan drás þurh dwol&dash-uncertain;cræft drync unheórne, An. 33. Hié him sealdon áttor drincan þæt mid lybcræfte wæs geblanden, Bl. H. 229, 12. Eów wæs ád inæ-acute;led áttre geblouden, Gú. 640. IV. to make turbid, disturb, trouble : -- Scír bið gedréfed burna geblonden, Met. 5, 19 : An. 424: Rä. 4, 22. Scúr winde geblanden, Gn. C. 41 : Met. 20, 81. V. denoting possession of evil qualities or properties, to infect, corrupt. [Cf. O. Sax. baluwes giblandan, mid sorogon giblandan.] (1) in a physical sense :-- Wæs seó lyft heolfre geblanden, Exod. 476. Oð þæt ic spæ-acute;te, spilde geblonden, áttor, Rä. 24, 8. (2) in a moral sense :-- Geblond infecit (cordavenenis), Wrt. Voc. ii. 94, 16. Siofa synnum fáh, sáre geblonden, gefylled mid fácne, Leas. 16. Is þes middangeard máne geblonden, 31. Níða ge&dash-uncertain;blonden (Holofernes), Jud. 34. v. ge-blendan.