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GE-BÆ-acute;RNESS -- GE-BÉD 291

21. Gibernedum ofne accensa fornace, 102, 31. III. to consume with heat :-- Ðá halm [hé] geberneð paleas comburet, Lk. L. R. 3, 17. þ-bar;te úsig ne giberne (exurat) lég synna, Rtl. 100, 22. þ-bar; sié gebernedo ut incendantur, 145, 14.

ge-bæ-acute;rness, e; f. Behaviour, a particular instance of behaviour :-- Gebæ-acute;rnessum gestu (sanctum voluit maculoso lædere gestu, Ald. 189, 20), Wrt. Voc. ii. 95, 4. v. gebæ-acute;ru.

gebærn-lím. v. ge-bærnan; I.

ge-bæ-acute;ru. Add: [The declension and gender of this word are uncertain. In An. 1572: Ph. 125: Wrt. Voc. ii. 91, 59: 40, 28 the forms seem to belong to the declension of feminine nouns which remain unchanged in the singular, and to this declension all the other instances (especially Wrt. Voc. ii. 42, 57) might belong. In Wrt. Voc. ii. 110, 21: Gr. D. 111, 9 the forms are almost certainly plural, and might belong to a neuter singular ge-bæ-acute;re, to which also might be referred all but the four singular forms given above; and in favour of the neuter is the Old Saxon gi-&b-bar;ari (an thínumu gibárea).] I. in the following glosses :-- Gebéro gestus, Txts. 65, 957. Gebæ-acute;ro habitudo, Wrt. Voc. ii. 42, 57: egestus, 142, 70: exegestus, 29, 54. Gebéro, 107, 47. Gebéru habitudines, 110, 21. Gebæ-acute;rum gestis (gestus, Wülck. Gl. 412, 8), 40, 27: gestibus, 43. II. behaviour, demeanour, conduct, bearing, manners :-- Andrea orgete wearð folces gebæ-acute;ro, An. 1572. Gebæ-acute;ro gestu (strophoso fallere gestu, Ald. 157, 18), Wrt. Voc. ii. 91, 59: 40, 28. Hé gefeóll under hine sylfne for his módes wídgálnesse and for his unclæ-acute;nnysse gebæ-acute;rum (for his unclæ-acute;nnysse, v.l.) vagatione mentis et immunditia sub semetipsum cecidit, Gr. D. 108, 2. Geseah ic týn geonge men ... genóh þæslice on líchaman and on gebæ-acute;rum, and ful lícwurðe mé þúhte, tó mínes líchaman luste ... Hí míne unsceamlican gebæ-acute;ra geseónde mé on heora scip námon tó him, Hml. S. 23 b, 369-378. Þá deófla of þám geswenctum mannum mid wundorlicum gebæ-acute;rum (with wonderful behaviour, behaving in a most extraordinary manner) wurdon him fram, 31, 1212. Mid cnihtum þe unræ-acute;dlíce férdon on ídelum lustum and wáclicum gebæ-acute;rum, Ælfc. T. Grn. 17, 16. Ongeán Godes ege deófol syleð dyrstignesse mid dwæ-acute;slicum gebæ-acute;rum réceleásum mannum, Wlfst. 59, 20. Wé wéndon þæt þú wæ-acute;re godfyrht and hæfdest gástlice gebæ-acute;ru, 240, 27. Placidus þágyt heóld his cnihtþeáwas and gebæ-acute;ru (-o, v.l.) Placidus puerilis adhuc indolis gerebat annos, Gr. D. 111, 9. Se engel him geheht þ-bar; hé wolde geseón heora gebæ-acute;ro (see how they behaved), Bl. H. 203, 1. III. movement, gesture, action :-- Gif þú þone mon lácnian wille, þænc his gebæ-acute;ra, and wite hwilces hádes hé sié; gif hit biþ wæ-acute;pnedman and lócað úp ... gif hit biþ wíf and lócað niþer ..., Lch. ii. 348, 13-18. Mid eargum gebæ-acute;rum bifiend formidilosis gestibus tremebunda, An. Ox. 4895; Wrt. Voc. ii. 40, 43. Se bera náwiht eówode his réðnesse on his gebæ-acute;rum (motibus), Gr. D. 206, 8. Gebæ-acute;[ru], dæ-acute;de gestus, i. actus, An. Ox. 2183. IV. voice, cry (?cf. Þu (the owl) miht mid þine songe afere Alle þat ihereþ þine ibere, O. and N. 222) :-- Bið swá fæger fugles gebæ-acute;ru ... wrixleð wóðcræfte wundorlícor, beorhtan reorde, þonne æ-acute;fre byre monnes hýrde under heofonum, Ph. 125.

ge-bæ-acute;tan. Substitute: (1) to bridle and saddle a horse [v. bæ-acute;tan] :-- Þá wæs Hróðgáre hors gebæ-acute;ted, B. 1399. (2) fig. to bridle, curb, restrain :-- Þonne se ælmihtiga þá gewealdleþeru wile onlæ-acute;tan þára brídla þe hé gebæ-acute;tte mid his ágen weorc (cf. Þonne æ-acute;r hé þ-bar; gewealdleþer forlæ-acute;t þára brídla þe hé þá gesceafta mid gebrídlode hæfþ, Bt. 21; F. 74, 32), Met. ii. 76. Hæfð se alwealda ealle gesceafta gebæ-acute;t mid his brídle (cf. mid his brídle befangene, Bt. 21; F. 74, 6), 11, 23. v. next word.

ge-bæ-acute;te, -bæ-acute;tel. Substitute: The harness of a horse, bridle and saddle :-- Hé þæt gebæ-acute;te (gebæ-acute;tel, þæne brídel, v.ll.) of áteah stramine subtracto, Bd. 3, 9; Sch. 230, 4. Hé hét þæ-acute;m þearfan þ-bar; hors syllan mid þám cynelican gebæ-acute;tum (geræ-acute;dum, v.l.) praecepit equum, ita ut erat stratus regaliter pauperi dari, 3, 14; Sch. 257, 14. v. preceding word.

ge-bán, -bæ-acute;ne, es; n. Bones :-- Mid his gebána reliquium (gebæ-acute;num, v.l.) apud mortua sua ossa, Gr. D. 86, 11. [O. H. Ger. gi-beini ossa: Ger. ge-bein.]

ge-bann. Add :-- Geban edictum, Wrt. Voc. i. 72, 72. (1) an edict, a decree of a temporal or spiritual prince ordering the doing of something by those under him :-- Óðer is seó gesetnys ðe se cyning býtt ðurh his ealdormenn, óðer bið his ágen gebann on his andweardnysse, Hml. Th. i. 358, 32. Þæs cáseres gebann þe hét ealne middangeard áwrítan, 32, 29. Geban, ii. 500, 3. Of manegum landum máre landriht áríst tó cyniges gebanne, swilce is deórhege tó cyniges háme ... and sæ-acute;weard ... Ll. Th. i. 432, 7. Se cásere sette gebann (exiit edictum a cesare, Lk. 2, 1), þæt ..., Hml. Th. i. 30, 1. Ic sette nú ðis gebann on eallum mínum folce, þæt ..., ii. 20, 26: Hml. S. 4, 107. Ðá æ-acute;rendracan budon þám crístenum ðæs cáseres geban, 28, 44. Þá bisceopealdras þ-bar; geban setton, þ-bar; swá hwá swá wiste hwæ-acute;r hé wæ-acute;re, þ-bar; hé hyt cýdde, Hml. A. 67, 51. Godcundlice bebudan geban diuina sancserunt edicta, i. decreta, An. Ox. 1302. Gebannum edictis, i. decretis, 3037: 3435. (1 a) a mandate, an order sent by a prince to individuals :-- Ðá sende Gezabel ánne pistol tó Naboðes néhgebúrum mid þisum gebanne: 'Habbað eów gemót ...,' Hml. S. 18, 188. (2) a summons to assemble :-- Bið geban micel and áboden þider eal Adames cnósl omnes homines cogentur adesse, Dóm. L. 128: Wlfst. 137, 24. Tó ðæ-acute;m gebanne ðæs tóhopan nán monn mæg cuman ad unam vocationis spem nequaquam pertingitur, Past. 345, 19. (3) a proclamation, manifesto :-- Se cyningc gesette þis geban, þus cweðende :-- 'Swá hwilc man swá mé Apollonium lifigende tó gebringð, ic him gife fífti punda goldes ..." Ðá þá þis geban þus geset wæs ..., Ap. Th. 7, 6-11. [O. H. Ger. gi-ban scitum.]

ge-bannan. Add :-- Þá gebeón (geban, v.l.) hé his fyrde and micel werod gesamnode exercitum colligit copiosum, Bd. 2, 12; Sch. 160, 24. [Havestu ibanned ferde, O. and N. 1668. O. H. Ger. gi-bannan to summon a meeting.]

gebann-geár. v. gebonn-gér in Dict.

ge-barian to bare, take the covering off :-- Gebarudre róde nudata cruce, Angl. xiii. 419, 766. [O. L. Ger. gi-barón manifestare.]

ge-baswian to dye purple or crimson :-- Ðá stánas wæ-acute;ron gebaswad mid his blóde, Shrn. 74, 32.

ge-bátad. Substitute: ge-batian; pp. od To get better (of a wound), be healed. Gebatad medullata, Wrt. Voc. ii. 58, 27. Tó gehwylcum bryce ..., þonne byþ hyt fæste gebatod, Lch. i. 370, 20. Lege on þæt gebatod sié, ii. 134, 7. Hire wæs micel wund open ðá heó mon on byrgenne dyde, and þá hí mon eft úp dyde of þæ-acute;re byrgenne ðá wæs hit gebatad, þ-bar; þæ-acute;r næs bútan seó swaðu on (cf. Wæs seó wund fæstlíce gehálad (curatum), Bd. 4, 19; Sch. 449, 3), Shrn. 95, 2.

ge-baþian; p. ode To bathe, wash :-- Heora æ-acute;lc án .c. þearfendra manna gebaðige, Cht. Th. 616, 25. Hé næs geefesod, ne eác bescoren oððe gebaðod, Hml. Th. ii. 298, 20. [O. H. Ger. gi-badón luere, abluere.]

ge-beácn, es; n. Signs, movements intended to express a meaning :-- Twégen seólas mid heora flýse his fét drygdon, ... and siððan mid gebeácne his bletsunge bæ-acute;don, Hml. Th. ii. 138, 13.

ge-beácnian. Dele -bécnian, -bícnian, last passage, and bracket, and add: (1) to make signs :-- Gebeácnað annuit (oculis), Kent. Gl. 143: 328. (2) to shew by signs, indicate, make known :-- Niht nihte gecýð &l-bar; gebeácnaþ wísdóm nox nocti indicat scientiam, Ps. L. 18, 3. (3) to give command by signs :-- Búton hé tó æ-acute;lcum men mæge gebeácnian þ-bar; hé irne on his willan nisi ad nutum cuncta suppetant, Bt. 11, 1; F. 32, 20.

ge-beácnung. Substitute: The word glosses cathegoria :-- Gehíwunge oððe gebeácnunge cathegorias (cf. cathegorias (= Aristotelicas categorias, Ald. 43, 7), i. nuntiationes &l-bar; praedicationes lára, bodunga, An. Ox. 3128), Wrt. Voc. ii. 24, 12. v. ge-bícnung.

ge-beágian. Dele -bégian, and second passage, and add :-- Gebeágað (so the MS.) coronat, Ps. Spl. C. 102, 4. v. ge-bígan.

ge-beard[e]. v. un-gebeard[e].

ge-bearded[e]; adj. Bearded :-- Heó wearð for þæ-acute;re mycclan gecynde and hæ-acute;te þæs lustes gebeardedu (-berd-, v.l.) calore nimio contra naturam barbas esset habitura, Gr. D. 279, 14.

ge-bearo(?); n. (m. ?) A wood :-- On wítan stán on ðæt gebeare norðeweardne (cf. on easteweordne ácbeara, 26), C. D. v. 232, 36.

ge-beát. Add :-- Hé hét ... þæt þá cwelleras ... hine beóton. Hé on ðám gebeáte clypode, Hml. Th. i. 424, 32.

ge-beátan. Add: to pound :-- Genim pipor and gebeát, Lch. ii. 32, 2: 64, 19: 72, 2. Gibeátoen, gebeátten, -beáten battuitum, Txts. 44, 140. Gebeáten, Wrt. Voc. i. 288, 10: ii. 11, 63: martisa, 59, 31. Heortes horn tó dúste gebeáten, Lch. i. 334, 11. Gebeáten swíðe smale, 358, 9. Betonican seáw gebeátenre, ii. 30, 3. Nim mucgwyrte gebeátene, i. 380, 21. v. un-gebeáten.

ge-bécan. Add :-- Ðá gesealde se cyng and gebécte ðæt land Æðelstáne ealdormenn tó hæbbenne and tó syllanne for lífe and for legere ðám him leófost wæ-acute;re. Æfter ðám getídde ðæt Ecgferð gebóhte bóc and land æt Æðelstáne ealdormenn, Cht. E. 202, 22-26. Æðelstán cyning gebécte .xx. hída intó Wigoraceastre, C. D. B. iii. 657, 1. Gebécte intó mynstre and Æþelríce betæ-acute;hte, 3: 7: 9. Gebécte and intó mynstre Gode tó lofe geúðe, 5. Gebécte and gefreóde and betæ-acute;hte Alhwine bisceope, 11. Cf. ge-bócian.

ge-bécn-. v. ge-bícn-.

ge-béd. l. -bed, dele II, where for gebed l. gebod, and add: I. a prayer to a human being, request :-- Miltsa mé, abbud, and gefyl nú óþer gebæd mínre béne, Hml. S. 236, 705. II. where the person addressed is divine. (1) prayer, praying :-- Hús mín hús gebeddes (orationis) is. Lk. L. 19, 46. Seó stemn þæ-acute;re heortan bið swíðe gedréfed on þæ-acute;m gebede (in prayer), Bl. H. 19, 10: 217, 28. On þára apostola gebede when the apostles pray, 141, 3. Þá gebróðor tó gebede hyldon, An. 1029. Hé from gebede swíceð, ne mæg gewunian in gebedstówe, Jul. 373. Hié on gebed feóllon, Gen. 847. (2) a prayer :-- Críst sylf sang Pater noster æ-acute;rest and þæt gebedd his leorningcnihtum tæ-acute;hte; and on ðám godcundan gebede sýn .VII. gebedu, Wlfst. 20, 16. Gebedo oramina (famulus Christi supplex oramina fudit), Wrt. Voc. ii. 93, 50: 64, 47. Gebeodo ðina (of gibeodum ðínum, R.) depraecatio tua, Lk. L. 1, 13. Gebeadum obsecrationibus, 2, 37. (2 a) a single petition :--