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GE-Æ-long;NAN -- GE-ANB&I-long;DIAN 285

Gr. D. 52, 8. H&e-long; hine geæ-long;mtigode t&o-long; þ&a-long;m weorce, 329, 12. Geæ-long;m-tigea&d-bar; inc t&o-long; gebedum, Past. 399, 35. On t&i-long;dum þ&a-long;m h&i-long; geæ-long;mtian [gebr&o-long;&d-bar;ru?] ræ-long;ding . . . þe læ-long;s þe s&i-long; gem&e-long;t [br&o-long;&d-bar;or] &a-long;solcen, s&e-long; ge&e-long;mtige &i-long;delnesse horis guibus vacant fratres lectioni. . . ne forte inveniatur frater aceidiosus, qui vacet otioso, R. Ben. l. 83, 7.

ge-æ-long;nan (?) to unite oneself to, join with :-- Be &d-bar;&a-long;m þingum þe &d-bar;&u-long; m&e-long; æ-long;r s&e-long;dest þat þ&u-long; . . . for n&a-long;num þingum eft t&o-long; gecyrran nolde . . . &a-long;csige ic þ&e-long; hwe&d-bar;er þ&u-long; &a-long;&d-bar;er o&d-bar;&d-bar;e for (for, MS.) heora lufum, o&d-bar;&d-bar;e for &e-long;niges þinges lufum hym eft t&o-long; ge&e-long;nan (g&e-long;&e-long;nan, MS.) wille, Shrn. 184, II. Cf. ge-&a-long;ned.

ge-ænged. v. ge-engan.

ge-æ-long;rendian. Add: I. to do an errand or a business :-- Se man þe bring&d-bar; m&e-long;dsceat þ&a-long;m ger&e-long;fan, s&e-long; geæ-long;renda&d-bar; bet (does his business better) þonne s&e-long; &d-bar;e næ-long;nne ne bring&d-bar;, Wlfst. 238, 9. Se cing Gode þancode þ-bar; h&e-long; sw&a-long; geæ-long;rndod sw&a-long; &d-bar;an ealra leómste wes, Chr. 995 ; P. 131, 24. II. to obtain by negotiation or intercession. (1) for a person (dat.) :-- Geæ-long;rendodon m&e-long; &d-bar;&a-long; h&i-long;wan &d-bar;et þ&a-long; men m&o-long;stan on þan londe wunien, Cht. Th. 152, 13. Þ&a-long; sendon hió Fil&o-long;nem t&o-long; þon þ-bar; h&e-long; him sceolde Gaiuses mildse geæ-long;rendian Philonem legatum ad Caesarem miserunt, Ors. 6, 3; S. 258, 5. (2) from (æt) a person :-- Ic geæ-long;rndede æt Cnute þæt land, Cht. Th. 368, 9. II a. to go to () a person and obtain for another (dat.), apply to a person and obtain :-- Englas m&e-long; geæ-long;rndo-don t&o-long; þ&a-long;m Hæ-long;lende, þ-bar; ic h&i-long; gebicgan m&o-long;ste, Hml. S. 36, 176. N&a-long;n man ne mæg him sylfum rihtl&i-long;ce t&o-long; his Drihtne his þearfe geæ-long;rndian, b&u-long;tan . . . , Wlfst. 136, 15.

ge-ærnan. Add: to reach a place by riding :-- W&e-long; setta&d-bar; æ-long;ghwelcere cirican . . . þis fri&d-bar;. Gif hié f&a-long;h mon geierne oþþe geærne (reach it on foot or on horseback), Ll. Th. i. 64, 9.

ge-æ-long;sce, [an; f. ?] Inquiry :-- W&e-long; witon sw&i-long;þe lytel þæs þe æ-long;r &u-long;s wæs b&u-long;ton be gemynde and be ge&a-long;scunge (geæ-long;scum, v. l.), Bt. 42 ; F. 256, 26.

ge-æ-long;sw&i-long;cod. Substitute: ge-æ-long;swician; p. ode To offend (in the Biblical sense) :-- S&e-long; &d-bar;e geæ-long;swica&d-bar; &a-long;num &d-bar;yssera lyttlinga (qui scandali-zaverit unum de pusillis istis, Mt, 18, 6), Hml. Th. i. 514, 15. Ge&a-long;swica&d-bar;, R. Ben. I. 62, 13. T&o-long; hw&y-long; gedr&e-long;fest þ&u-long; þ&i-long;ne geþ&o-long;htas t&o-long; geæ-long;swicianne on m&e-long; swylce ic hwylc g&a-long;st syrwiende gebedu fremme scandalizabatur in mente putans ne spiritus esset, qui se fingeret orare, Hml. S. 23 b, 283. Ic sw&y-long;&d-bar;e geæ-long;swicod (ashamed. Cf. h&e-long; wæs mytcle scame þrowiende and h&e-long; sw&a-long; scamiende &u-long;t of &d-bar;&a-long;m temple w&e-long;pende gew&a-long;t, 119, 87) eóde &u-long;t of &d-bar;&a-long;m Drihtnes temple, Hml. A. 122, 170. S&e-long; bi&d-bar; eádig þe on m&e-long; ne bi&d-bar; geæ-long;swicod (scandalizatus, Mt. II, 6), Hml. Th. i. 480, 19. Þæt &d-bar;&a-long; beón getimbrode þurh his behreówsunge &d-bar;e æ-long;r wæ-long;ron þurh his m&a-long;ndæ-long;da geæ-long;swicode, 498, 12. Ge&a-long;swicode, R. Ben. I. 62, 12.

ge-æ-long;þan. I. to make oath concerning, confirm by oath :-- H&e-long; hit mid &a-long;&d-bar;sware geæ-long;&d-bar;de and gesw&o-long;r, þus cwe&d-bar;ende: ' Ic . . . geæ-long;&d-bar;e and swerige þurh þone lifigendan Godes sunu . . . þ-bar; þ&a-long;s word . . . næ-long;ron of n&a-long;nes mannes handa geh&i-long;wode, ' Nap. 27. W&e-long; læ-long;ra&d-bar; þ-bar; preóst b&i-long;sæce ord&e-long;l æ-long;fre ne geæ-long;&d-bar;e (in cases where the validity of the ordeal was disputed a priest was not to swear to the validity ? The previous canon enjoins that ' æ-long;nig preóst ne stande on leásre gewitnesse '; in the present one the ' b&i-long;sæce ord&e-long;l' may be ordeals which, it was contended, had been conducted improperly (cf. Gif preóst ord&a-long;l misfadige, geb&e-long;te þ-bar;, Ll. Th. ii. 296, 9), and to the validity of which he was not to swear (falsely)), Ll. Th. ii. 258, 4. II. to administer an oath to, swear a person, v. ge-æ-long;&d-bar;ed in Dict. [O. H. Ger. ge-eiden adjurare; ge-eidemo conjurato.]

ge-æþele. Add: [cf. O. H. Ger. ge-edeli nobilitas.]

ge-æ-long;t[t]rian to poison (lit. and fig.). Take Aere ge-æ-long;tred, and add :-- Ondræ-long;d þ&e-long; þone &d-bar;rowend þe geæ-long;ttra&d-bar; mid þ&a-long;m tægle . . . biþ his hiht geæ-long;ttrod mid þæs &d-bar;rowendes tægle, Hml. Th. i. 252, 9. Næ-long;ddran fela manna t&o-long; deá&d-bar;e geæ-long;ttrodon, ii. 238, 12. Wæs &a-long;n cnapa geæ-long;ttrod þurh næ-long;ddran, 514, 6. þ-bar; flæ-long;sc wæs geæ-long;ttred mid þ&y-long; werrestan &a-long;ttre. Shrn. 84, 28. On þ&a-long; oferh&y-long;da þæ-long;re geæ-long;ttredan deófles l&a-long;re, Cht. E. 242, 21. H&e-long; mid geæ-long;ttrode fl&a-long;n hine ofsceótan wolde, ac seó geæ-long;ttrode fl&a-long; wende ongeán, Hml. Th. i. 502, 18. Geæ-long;ttrodre liuida, Germ. 401, 31. Geæ-long;ttrodne hl&a-long;f. Gr. D. 118, 5. Geæ-long;tredum infectis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 43, 62.

ge-æ-long;wed. v. un-geæ-long;wed, and next word.

ge-æ-long;wnod. Add :-- Under M&o-long;yses æ-long; m&o-long;ste se bisceop habban &a-long;n geæ-long;wnod (&i-long;-æ-long;wod, v. l.) w&i-long;f, Hml. S. 10, 219. Ne h&i-long; ne beóþ geæ-long;wnede neque nubentur, An. Ox. 1265. Geæ-long;wnedra conjugatorum, 1006.

geafel, es; m. Substitute: geafel, e (and ? geafle, an) ; f, and add :-- Gæfle furca, furcula diminutive. Wrt. Voc. ii. 151, 82. H&e-long; sceal habban . . . race, geafle, Angl. ix. 263, 7. Gæfle forcelle, Wrt. Voc. ii. 150, 17. [O. L. Ger. (fl&e-long;sc-, mist-) ga&b-bar;ala.]

geafla. v. gifian : geaflas. For 'Geaflas . . . Cot. 91' substitute :-- Geaflum faucibus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 38, 53: geafle ? Dele, and see geafel a fork: geafol-monung. v. gafol-manung: ge-aforud. l. ge-uferod. In Ps. Spl. 36, 37 exaltatum is glossed by geaforadne, but the correct form, geuferudne, occurs in Ps. Rdr. 36, 35.

ge-&a-long;gan to possess :-- Þæt h&i-long; gel&y-long;fon t&o-long; ge&a-long;genne þ&a-long; &e-long;can welan, Hml. Th. i. 64, 19.

ge-&a-long;gen. Add :-- Æfter d&i-long;num ge&a-long;genum gewitte, Shrn. 181, 32 : ge-&a-long;gennud. v. ge-&a-long;gnian.

geagl. l. geágl, and add :-- Geágla mandibularum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 54, 69 : i. dentium molarum, An. Ox. 2444. Eáhla, 2, 83. Geálgan mandi-bulas, i. denies molares, 1206 : 5015. v. swillan ; II.

geaglisc. v. gagolisc.

ge-&a-long;gnian. Add: I. to have as one's own, possess, occupy :-- Þ&i-long;n sæ-long;d ge&a-long;gna&d-bar; (þ&i-long;n ofspring sceal &a-long;gan, Gen. 22, 17) his feónda gatu possidebit semen luum portas inimicorum, Hml. Th. ii. 62, 10. On eówerum ge&d-bar;ylde g&e-long; ge&a-long;hnia&d-bar; eów (possidebitis, Lk. 21, 19) eówere s&a-long;wla, 544, 4. Eádige beó&d-bar; þ&a-long; l&i-long;þan, for &d-bar;an þe h&i-long; þæt land geágnia&d-bar; (possidebunit, Mt. 5, 4), i. 550, 19. Br&e-long;&d-bar;er þe Godes ege his s&a-long;ule ge&a-long;hnige cujus animam timor Dei possidet, R. Ben. 85, 22. Sw&a-long; sw&a-long; n&a-long;ht hæbbende and ealle &d-bar;ing ge&a-long;gnigende (possidentes, 2 Cor. 6, 10), Hml. Th. i. 550, 7. Ge&a-long;gnode, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 15, 6. II. to get or secure possession of, acquire for a person (dat.):-- Se arcebiscop ge&a-long;hnode (acquisivit aeternam hereditatem) Gode and SUNCERTAINUNCERTAIN Andrea þ&a-long; land, Cht. Th. 273, 23. H&e-long; l&e-long;t þ&a-long; Godas þeówas þæ-long;ra &a-long;re br&u-long;can þe him ge&a-long;hnod wæs, Hml. S. 3, 354. II a. reflexive :-- Cnut ge&a-long;hnode (-&a-long;genede, v. l.) him þet land, Chr. 1028; P. 157, 21. Uton faran and ge&a-long;hnian &u-long;s þæt land, for þan þe w&e-long; magon mid mihte hit bigitan, Num. 13, 31. Him ealle þ&a-long;s cyner&i-long;cu on his æ-long;nes æ-long;ht ge&a-long;gnian, Bl. H. 105, 12. On þ&a-long;m setle þe h&e-long; him sylfum ge&a-long;gnod hæfde, Nic. 16, 14. III. to adopt a child :-- T&o-long; &d-bar;æ-long;m &d-bar;æt g&e-long; Gode ge&a-long;genudu (-&a-long;gnudu, v. l.) bearn (adoptionis filii) beón scielen, Past. 263, 22. IV. to prove one's title to property, secure by shewing title :-- S&e-long; þe yrfe him ge&a-long;gnian wille . . . sylle þone &a-long;d þ-bar; hit on his æ-long;hte geboren wæ-long;re, Ll. Th. i. 204, 12. Þæt Helmst&a-long;n m&o-long;ste g&a-long;n for&d-bar; mid &d-bar;on b&o-long;con and ge&a-long;gnigean him &d-bar;æt lond, Cht. Th. 170, 18. Þ&a-long; getæ-long;hte man Wynflæ-long;de þ-bar; hió m&o-long;ste hit hyre ge&a-long;hnian, 288, 36. V. in a bad sense, to usurp :-- Ge&a-long;hnian usurpace, An. Ox. 5, 15. Ge&a-long;hnode usurpat&e-hook;, 5307.

ge-&a-long;gnung. e ; f. Acquisition :-- Ðet mæg t&o-long; s&o-long;&d-bar;e seggan Ælfsige be &d-bar;&e-long;re ge&a-long;gnunga &d-bar;&i-long;sses landes, C. D. ii. 304, 5.

geahþe. v. geáþ.

geal-&a-long;dl. Add :-- Eall&a-long;dla melancolias, An. Ox. 7, 223: Angl. xiii. 33, -66.

gealg. v. gealh.

gealga. Add :-- On gealgan treówe (cf. galga-tr&e-long; in Dict.) patibulo, An. Ox. 391. R&o-long;de gelgan gabuli patibulo, 3089. Þ&a-long; gefæstnodon h&i-long; hine on r&o-long;de gealgan . . . H&e-long; þæ-long;re r&o-long;de gealgan underf&e-long;ng, Hml. Th. i. 588, 16-19: Bl. H. 27, 28: 97, 11. On galgan geworhtre eculei (cf. eculei, cruci, 81, 49), Wrt. Voc. ii. 31, 76. Gealgan labaro (Christi), An. Ox. 1860.

gealga (?), an ; m. Sadness, gloom :-- Ðæs sweartan galgan (cf. the gloss to the same passage in An. Ox. 2960 :-- Sweartes geallan) melan-coliae, Wrt. Voc. ii. 81, 8 : 56, 72. v. gealh(-g).

gealgm&o-long;dl&i-long;ce (?), gealgl&i-long;ce (?); adv. Bitterly :-- Gealg[m&o-long;dl&i-long;ce (?) -l&i-long;ce (?)] acriter, Hpt. Gl. 456, 53.

gealgm&o-long;dness (?), gealgness (?), e ; f. Gloominess, sullenness :-- G[e]alh[m&o-long;dnes (?), -nes (?)] obstinatio, An. Ox. 56, 157.

gealg-treów. Add: a gallow-tree (gallows-tree comes in only in the 19th cent. The older form remains in local names e. g. Gallowtree-gate in Leicester) :-- T&o-long; &d-bar;&a-long;m galhtreówe on deópan dene, C. D. iii. 439, 12.

gealla; I. Add :-- Gealla fel, Wrt. Voc. i. 65, 53 : 283, 83: 71, 7: melancolia, ii. 58, 23. Sweartes geallan melancoli&e-hook;, i. fellis, An. Ox. 2950. v. UNCERTAINorþ-gealla.

gealled. l. geallede: geallig. Dele, and see gealgm&o-long;dl&i-long;ce (?).

gealpettan p. te. I. to devour, eat greedily [? v. N. E. D. galp to gape; D. D. gaup to gape, devour] :-- Þ&a-long; &d-bar;e h&e-long;r sw&i-long;&d-bar;ost galpetta&d-bar; and on unrihtt&i-long;dum on oferfyllo bió&d-bar; forgriwene, þ&a-long; bió&d-bar; þæ-long;r on mæ-long;stum hungre forþrycced those that here eat most greedily and are steeped in unseasonable excess, they will there be oppressed with grievous hunger, Nap. 27. II. to speak noisily [? v. D. D. gaup loud, noisy talking, chatter. Cf. O. Sax. galp&o-long;n :-- Ne galp&o-long; thu far th&i-long;nun ge&b-bar;un te sw&i-long;&d-bar;o do not say too much about your gifts, H&e-long;l. 1563]. v. next word.

gealpettung, e; f. Noisy, boastful talking :-- Þ&a-long; h&e-long; oftost tesoword spræc in his onm&e-long;dlan gælpettunga (in his arrogant talking), þ&a-long; earnode h&e-long; m&e-long; þæ-long;re mæ-long;sta[n] gestynþo, Nap. 27. v. preceding word.

ge-ambehtan, -embeht(i)an to minister. Take here ge-embeht-an in Dict., and add :-- Gif hu&a-long; m&e-long; embehtes (ministrat) . . . gif huelc mé geembehta&d-bar; (minisirabit), Jn. R. 12, 26. Geembihtatun mini-straverunt, Mt. p. 7, 3. Him geembehte &d-bar;&u-long; illi servies, Mt. L. 4, 10. Ne cu&o-long;m þ-bar;te geembehta (giembihte, R.) him ah þ-bar;te h&e-long; geembehtade &o-long;&d-bar;rum, Mk. L. 10, 45.

geán again, v. gegn : geán, geána still, v. g&e-long;n, g&e-long;na.

ge-anb&i-long;dian. l. ge-anbidian (-and-), and add: I. absolute, to wait :-- Ic geanbidode oþ ic wiste hwæt þ&u-long; woldest, Bt. 22, I; F. 7625. þ-bar; folc st&o-long;d geanbidiende, Lk. 23, 35. II. to wait for. (1) to wait for the coming or return of a person (gen.) :-- Ð&a-long; bed heó þ&a-long; cwelleras &d-bar;æt h&i-long; hire geanbidedan medmicle hw&i-long;le; þ&a-long; eóde heó on hire palatium,