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earendel. Add: eorendel:--Leóma vel earendil (oerendil, Erf., earendel, Corp.) jubar, Txts. 72, 554. Eorendel aurora, Hy. S. 16, 35: 30, 2. Se níwa eorendel Sanctus Jóhannes, Bl. H. 163, 30. [Cf. Icel. Örvandill, and v. Grmm. D. M. (trans.), 374 sqq.]

earfe. v. earbe: earfed-nyme. Dele: earfeðe. v. earfoþe.

eár-finger, es; m. The little finger. Cf. Quas tua fert auris sordes trahit auricularis (lytil finger), Wrt. Voc. i. 179, 25:--Eárfinger auricularis, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 298, 15: Wrt. Voc. ii. 10, 25. [O. H. Ger. ór-finger.] v. eár-clæ-acute;nsend.

earfoþ-cirre; adj. Hard to turn, difficult to convert:--Hé wæs swíðe earfaðcierre tó Godes geleáfan, Shrn. 100, 17.

earfoþ-dæ-acute;de; adj. Hard to do, difficult:--Hit is ðeáh swíðe earfeð&dash-uncertain;dæ-acute;de (earfoð-, v. l.) ðæt mon lustlíce ðone láreów gehiéran wille ðe mon ne lufað difficile est, ut quamlibet recta denuntians praedicator, qui non diligitur, libenter audiatur, Past. 147, 12. Cf. íþ-dæ-acute;de.

earfoðe, es; pl. nom. acc. a, u, o, e; n. [A feminine earfoþu; gen. e, a, or indecl. seems to occur in the following:--Hú ne witon wé þ-bar; nán nearewnes, ne nán earfoþu, ne nán unrótnes, ne nán sár, ne nán hefignes nis nán gesæ-acute;lð, Bt. 24, 4; F. 86, 21. Is him óðer earfeðu . . ., þ-bar; hí scoma mæ-acute;ste dreógað, Cri. 1273. Þæt his earfeðu eal gelumpe, módcearu mæ-acute;gum, Gú. 165. Orsorg ðises andweardan lífes earfoþe (-a, v. l.), Bt. 39, 7; F. 222, 31. Þæt him Dryhten tó hyra earfeða ende gerýme, Gú. 196. Ic merestrengo máran áhte, earfeðo on ýþum, B. 534. Nele hé þá earfeþu (or pl.?) habban, þæt hé on þysne síð fare, Gen. 513.] I. tribulation, affliction, trouble:--Him ne wæs næ-acute;nig earfoþe þ-bar; líchomlice gedál, Bl. H. 135, 30. Þ-bar; þú mid earefoþe sum eofel ne geféldest, Bt. 7, 3; F. 22, 19. Manifeald earfoþe (-u. v. l.) þrowian, 39, 10; F. 228, 15. Monige earfoþa ús becuman sceoldan, Bl. H. 85, 35. Mistlice wíta (-u, v. l.) and manigfealde earfoþa (manigfeald earfoþu, v. l.) cumaþ, Bt. 39, 2; F. 212, 28. Þæt synt þás andweardan earfoþa, Ps. Th. 31, 7. Mé synt earfoðu swýðe néh tribulatio proxima est, 21, 9. Mé on dæge deorc earfoðe cnyssedan in die tribulationis, 85, 6. Orsorg ðises lífes earfoþa, Bt. 39, 7; F. 222, 31. Wépan míne wræcsíðas, earfoða fela, Kl. 39. Þæt sý endeleás earfoða dæ-acute;l, Deór. 30. Sumum eádwelan, sumum earfeða dæ-acute;l, Vy. 67: Wand. 6: Jul. 626: Gú. 178. On hwylcum earfoþum þæ-acute;r wé úres feóres ne wénaþ, Bl. H. 51, 28. Efen&dash-uncertain;þrowgende óþres earfoþum, 75, 19. Of earfoðum eallum ex omni tribulatione, Ps. Th. 53, 7: 59, 10. Of ðám earfoðum eallum de necessitatibus, 106, 12. Earfeðum, Men. 224. Þ-bar; hé him tó earfeðum cwóme that he came to trouble them, Gú. 403. Wið earfeðum gescildan, 428. Sume him ondræ-acute;daþ earfoþu . . ., ðeáh hí hí eáþe ádreógan mægen, Bt. 39, 11; F. 228, 26: Sal. 374. Earfoða, Deór. 2. Earfeðu, Cri. 1172. Tó þé ástígan þurh ðás earfoþu þisse worulde, Bt. 33, 4; F. 132, 28: Met. 20, 254. Gemunan eal þá earfeðu, Cri. 1202. Eall þá earfeðo, An. 1488. His earfoðo ealle, Sat. 127. Hí ne magon nán earfoþa (-u, v. l.) áberan, Bt. 39, 10; F. 228, 2. Ðe ðú him earfoðu æ-acute;nig geáfe quem percussisti, Ps. Th. 68, 27. Ic wíte þolade, yfel earfeðu, Cri. 1453. Gearfoðu, Bt. 31, 1; F. 110, 26. II. labour, pains, trouble of laborious work:--Naenge earbeðe nullo negotio, Wrt. Voc. ii. 115, 7. Þæt hí ágon on ágenan hwílan mid earfeðan gewunnen, Wlfst. 159, 19. Bútan earfeðum easily, Jul. 359: Gú. 216: El. 1292. III. bodily pain, labour of childbirth, disease, hardship:--Sió áheardung is on twá wísan gerád. Óþer biþ on fruman æ-acute;r þon þe æ-acute;nig óþer earfeþe on lifre becume; óþeru æfter óþrum earfeþum þæ-acute;re lifre cymð, Lch. ii. 204, 5-8. Hé (Adam) sár ne wiste, earfoða dæ-acute;l, ne cóm blód of benne, Gen. 180. Weorc þrowade, earfoða dæ-acute;l, Rä. 71, 13. Þirst and hungor . . . æ-acute;ghwylc þissa earfoða éce standeð, Sal. 474. Hé cleopigan ongan, méðe and meteleás: 'Ic eów hálsie þæt gé mé of þyssum earfeðum úp forlæ-acute;ten,' El. 700. Sceal mon blód læ-acute;tan; þá þe þ-bar; ne dóþ on micel[um] earfeþum becumað, Lch. ii. 210, 12. Wíf ácenþ bearn and þrowaþ micel earfoþu æfter þám ðe heó æ-acute;r micelne lust þurhteáh, Bt. 31, 1; F. 112, 2. IV. work, labour:--Geseón on him selfum synne genóge, atol earfoða æ-acute;rgedénra, Cri. 1266. V. what is difficult, the difficult v. next word:--Þám synfullum þinceð þæt nán wiht ne sý þæs hátes ne þæs cealdes . . ., ne þæs eáðes ne þæs ear&dash-uncertain;foðes, ne þæs leófes ne þæs láðes, þæt hig mihte fram úres Drihtnes lufan ásceáden, Wlfst. 185, 1.

earfoþe; adj. Dele 'Bt. proœm: Fox viii. 7,' and add: I. difficult:--Earfoðe difficilis, earfoðre difficilior, ealra earfoðust (-ost, v. l.) difficillimus, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 16, 6. Hé næ-acute;re ná ælmihtig, gyf him æ-acute;nig gefadung earfoðe wæ-acute;re, Lch. iii. 278, 15. Drihten, nis ðé nán ðing earfoðe, Hml. Th. i. 62, 11. Se gewuna gedéþ eáþe þæt ðe æ-acute;r earfoðe þúhte, R. Ben. 5, 19. Tó earfoðe þyncan, Wlfst. 284, 10. For ðæ-acute;m ðe hit swá earfoðe is æ-acute;negum menn tó witanne hwonne hé geclæ-acute;nsod sié quia valde difficile est purgatum se quemlibet posse cognoscere, Past. 51, 5. Hú hefig and hú earfoþe (gearfoþe, v. l.) þis is tó gereccanne, Bt. 39, 4; F. 216, 33. Hit is earfoð tó witane, Chr. 1050; P. 170, 25. Þæt gástlice angyt is earfoþe tó understandende, R. Ben. 66, 19. Ðú mé áhsast micles and earfoþes tó ongitanne, Bt. 42; F. 256, 11. Ðis fers is swíðe deóplic eów tó understandenne . . . Seó Godcundnys gefylde þysne earfoðan cwyde ðurh ðá ánnysse Crístes hádes, Hml. Th. ii.

386, 20. Earfoðu difficilia, Kent. Gl. 1093. Wæter and eorþe sint swíþe earfoþe tó geseónne on fýre, Bt. 33, 4; F. 130, 27: 34, 11; F. 150, 24. Manige óðre þe earfoðe sindon tó áteallene. Chr. 1086; P. 222, 18. Earfeþe, P. 218, 21. On þá earfoþestan spræ-acute;ce tó gereccenne, Bt. 39, 4; F. 216, 15. II. laborious, toilsome:--Hit bið swíðe geswincful ðæt mon æ-acute;lcne mon scyle onsundrum læ-acute;ran, hit is ðeáh earfoðre ealle ætsomne tó læ-acute;ranne valde laboriosum est unumquemque . . . instruere; longe tamen laboriosius est auditores innumeros uno eodemque tempore instruere, Past. 453, 11: 455, 6. Earfeðran difficiliore, i. graviore, Wrt. Voc. ii. 140, 19. Uton niman þone earfoðran weg, þæt wé hér sume hwíle swincon, tó ðý þæt wé écelíce beón bútan geswince, Hml. Th. i. 164, 12. III. grievous:--Micel éhtnys wæs þá þá hí wæ-acute;ron gemartyrode, ac git cymð earfoðre éhtnys on Anticrístes tó&dash-uncertain;cyme, Hml. S. 35, 347. [v. N. E. D. arveth. Icel. erfiðr.]

earfoþ-fere. l. -fére hard to travel, and for 'Scint. 10' substitute:--Sume cumað swíðe feorran and habbað swíðe yfelne weig and swíðe earfoðférne, Shrn. 187, 12. Cf. eáþ-fére.

earfoð-fynde; adj. Hard to find:--Earfoðfynde wæs ðár se man þe swilc ne mihte hreówan, Hml. S. 23, 82.

earfoþ-hylde. Substitute: earfoþ-hilde; adj. Hard to incline, that does not readily relinquish old habits:--Sé ðe on muneclicere drohtnunge earfoðhylde bið, and gyrnð ðæ-acute;ra ðinga ðe hé on woruldlicere drohtnunge næfde, him geneálæ-acute;hð se hreófla Giezi, Hml. Th. i. 400, 1.

earfoþian. v. eærfoþian in Dict. and ge-earfoþian.

earfoþ-læ-acute;re. Substitute: Hard to teach, indocile:--Benedictus forlét þá earfoðlæ-acute;ran bróðro Benedictus indociles deseruit, Gr. D. 110, 19.

earfoþ-lic. Take Deut. 1, 17 under next word, and add: I. difficult:--Ðæt is wundorlic þ-bar; ðú segst, and swíþe earfoþlic dysegum monnum tó ongitanne mira et concessu difficilis illatio, Bt. 38, 2; F. 198, 17. Earfoðlic (or under II?) is tó átellanne seó gedrecednes . . . and þ-bar; geswinc and manna fyll, Chr. 1056; P. 186, 31. II. grievous:--Earbetlicust (earbed-) molestissimum, Txts. 79, 1320. Earfoðlicost, Wrt. Voc. ii. 56, 13. [Þe erueðliche (arueð-, 127, 11) herbiwist the hard life (of John the Baptist), O. E. Hml. ii. 125, 11. Icel. erfið&dash-uncertain;ligr.]

earfoþ-líce. Add: I. with difficulty, hardly:--Earfedlíce (erabed&dash-uncertain;lícae, Erf.) egre, Txts. 59, 729. Earfoðlíce, Wrt. Voc. ii. 29, 15: 142, 71: difficulter, Wülck. Gl. 251, 42. Earfoþlí[ce] quoquomodo, An. Ox. 56, 151. Ðone þurst wé earfoðlíce (vix) ábæ-acute;ron, Nar. 7, 30: Homl. Th. i. 86, 8, 14. Se eorl earfoðlíce gestylde þ-bar; folc, Chr. 1052; P. 180, 10: 1075; P. 209, 38. ¶ used instead of a complementary adjective:--Gif eów æ-acute;nig þing þince earfoðlíce si difficile vobis visum aliquid fuerit, Deut. 1, 17. Earfoþlíce difficile (est), Scint. 33, 4. II. grievously, painfully:--Earfoþlíce graviter, dolenter, Wrt. Voc. ii. 142, 71. Þá gelomp ús þæt wé wurdon earfoðlíce mid þurste geswencte accidit nobis siti laborare, Nar. 7, 29. [v. N. E. D. arvethliche. Icel. erfið-liga.]

earfoþnes. Add:--Sýn him gebodod eal seó stíðnes and seó earfoðnes þe tó Gode læ-acute;t predicentur ei omnia dura et aspera per que itur ad Deum, R. Ben. 97, 19. Se bisceop and se eorl gebidan mycele earfoðnysse þá hí hámward fóran the bishop and the earl underwent much hardship on the journey home, Chr. 1061; P. 191, 2. Áfyrseþ hé þás earfoðnesse (a flood) fram ús, Bl. H. 247, 4: (St. Andrew's imprisonment), 243, 18. For þissum earfoðnessum þe wé þissum mannan dydon for the hardships we have inflicted on the man, 247, 18. Be þisse worlde earfoþnessum about the troubles of this world, 109, 6. Manega earfoðnessa hié þé magon on gebringan, ah áræfne þú þá ealle, 237, 7. [Þu scealt mid ærfeðnesse þe metes tylian (in laboribus comedes ex terra, Gen. 3, 17), O. E. Hml. i. 223, 34.]

earfoþ-recce. For 'Lupi . . . Lye' substitute:--Hit is on ræ-acute;dinge earfoþrecce hwæt hé gesewenlicra wundra geworhte, Wlfst. 22, 14.

earfoþ-rihte; adj. Hard to correct, incorrigible:--Gif hé þwur sý . . . oððe earfoðrihte, Nap. 19.

earfoþ-sæ-acute;lig. Add:, having hard fortune. After moldan add: þæt hine se árgifa ealles bescyrge módes cræfta. Cf. heard-sæ-acute;lig.

earfoþ-þrag. l. -þrág.

earfoþ-wilde; adj. Hard to subdue:--His foregengan þe wæ-acute;ron . . . on æ-acute;negum gewinne earfoþwylde næ-acute;fre þisne andweald on swá micelre sibbe smyltnesse gehealdan ne mihton, Lch. iii. 436, 12.

earg. Add: I. cowardly, timid, spiritless:--Earh tremibundus, i. pavidus, An. Ox. 1865: 4896. Þone ungemetlíce eargan þe him ondræ-acute;t máre þonne hé þurfe pavidus ac fugax non metuenda formidat, Bt. 37, 4; F. 192, 21. Earge ignavi, Wrt. Voc. ii. 46, 13: inertes, 92, 36. Eálá gé eargan and ídelgeornan, hwý gé swá unnytte sión and swá áswundene, Bt. 40, 4; F. 238, 30. Eargra timidorum, i. timentium, An. Ox. 739. Mid eargum formidilosis, 4894: meticulosis, i. tremebundis, 5271. Þá consulas noldon hié selfe swá earge geþencan swá hié þá wífmen forcwæ-acute;don, Ors. 4, 10; S. 194, 15. Þá eargan mengo fugaces turmas, Wrt. Voc. ii. 151, 48. Þonan ðe hí teohhiaþ þ-bar; hí scylan eádigran weorþan, þ-bar; hí weorþan ðonan earmran and eargran, Bt. 26, 2; F. 92, 27. II. vicious, profligate, prodigal. v. earg-ness, -scipe:--