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býras, C. D. i. 140, 14. Crangabýras, wihtherincfaladstó, 248, 18. Aet Crangabýrum, 216, 28.] v. cú-býre.

byrele, es; m. Add: byrele, an; f. :-- Æt þám cnihte þe wæs þæs bisceopes byrele (byrle, v. l.) the bishop's cupbearer, Gr. D. 186, 22. Be ðám byrle þe ðone apostol eárplætte, Hml. Th. ii. 520, 13. Æ-acute;lcan gesettan discðegne and gesettan biriele, C. D. B. iii. 75, 30. Gif wið eorles birele man geligeð . . . wið ceorles birelan, Ll. Th. i. 6, 11, 13. Hét hé þone byrle beódon Martine æ-acute;rest, Hml. S. 31, 632. Ðæ-acute;m birilum ministris; the servants who bore the wine, Jn. L. 2, 5. [v. N. E. D. birle.] v. wín-byrele.

byrelian. Add: [v. N. E. D. birle. Icel. byrla.]: byren. v. biren.

byres, e; f. A borer, chisel :-- Buiris foratorium, Txts. 35, 11. Byris, byrs scalprum, scalpellum, 94, 891, 907. Byres foratorium, Wrt. Voc. ii. 147, 47: boratorium, 11, 60: i. 287, 8. Byre[s] baratorium, ii. 125, 26. Hé sceal habban adsan, bil, byrse, scafan, Angl. ix. 263, 1. [O. H. Ger. bursa scalprum.]

byrga. Substitute: A surety, bail, and add :-- Byrga (-ea) presetuas, Txts. 89, 1652: sequester, 97, 1840. Byrgea sequestra, Wrt. Voc. ii. 78, 42: 83, 40. Byrga creditor, 15, 50. [O. L. Ger. bur(i)go: O. H. Ger. burgeo fidejussor, sponsor.]

byrgan to bury. Add: v. un-byrged: býrgan to taste, l. byrgan, and see birgan: byrg(e)an to save. v. be-byrg(e)an: byrgedness. v. ge-byrgedness.

byrgels. Add :-- Oð ðone héðenan byrgels, C. D. iii. 421, 35. In hæ-acute;ðenan byrigels, 380, 24. On ðá hæ-acute;ðenan byrigelsas; ðonne of ðám byrgelsum, 407, 2. Byrgelsum bustis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 90, 2: 12, 6.

byrgels-leóþ, es; n. An epitaph :-- bergelsleóþ &l-bar; [bergels] sang epitaphion, carmen super tumulum, Hpt. Gl. 427, 71.

byrgels-sang, es; m. I. a dirge :-- Wópleóþ, lícsang, byrielssang tragoediam, i. luctum, An. Ox. 3504. II. an epitaph, v. preceding word.

byrgen. Add: es; n. II. a burial-place :-- Byrgen murilium, Wrt. Voc. ii. 114, 43. Byrigen monumentum vel sepulchrum, i. 85, 77. Seó hefige byrþen þæ-acute;re byrgenne, Bl. H. 75, 8. Tó þæ-acute;re hálgan byrigene, Hml. S. 7, 291. Nyman of þám byrgene þone arce&b-bar;, Chr. 1023; P. 156, 10. Ferede man ánes cnihtes líc tó byrgene, Hml. Th. i. 490, 31. Of ðæ-acute;m byrgenne de monumento, Jn. L. 20, 2. Tó ðæ-acute;m byrgenne ad monumentum, 3. Áne tóbrocene byrgenne, swelce hiera þeáw wæs þæt mon rícum monnum bufan eorðan of stánum worhte sepulchrum dirutum, Ors. 4, 10; S. 202, 4. Ofer ryhtwísra monna byrgenne super sepulturam justi, Past. 327, 2. Byrgenu openodon, Hml. Th. ii. 258, 4. Gif man openað deáddra manna byrgynu, i. 256, 15. Ne fyllað hié nó hús, ac byrgenna (tumulos), Past. 383, 36. II. burial :-- 'Þú gesettest ealle þíne apostolas tó mínre byrgenne'. . . Heó þæ-acute;m apostolum æteówde ealne hire gegyrelan þe heó wolde æt hire byrgenne habban, Bl. H. 143, 29-36. Be his lífe and be his forðfóre and be his byr(i)geune (sepultura), Bd. 4, 3; Sch. 348, 14.

byrgen-leóþ. Add :-- Byrgenleóð epitaphion, Wrt. Voc. ii. 31, 3. v. byrg-leóþ.

byrgen-song. Substitute: byrgen-sang, es; m. An epitaph, a dirge :-- Byriensang epitaphion, i. carmen mortuorum, An. Ox. 902: 2, 20. v. byrg-sang.

byrgen-stów. Add :-- Byrgenstówe cimiterio, Wrt. Voc. ii. 85, 32: 18, 60. Hit becóm tó Róme and tó S&c-tilde;e Petres byrgenstówe, Wlfst. 231, 30.

byrgere. Add :-- Dorh buyrgeras per vispellones, Txts. 86, 760. Byrgeras, Wrt. Voc. ii. 68, 1.

byrging. Dele Jn. 20, 1, 4 Lye. and add :-- Be Crístes líce and his byrgenge, Angl. xi. 173, 14. v. be-byrging.

býrging. l. byrging, and see birging.

byrg-leóþ (byrig-), es; n. An epitaph, a dirge :-- Byrgleóð carmen funebre, Hpt. Gl. 427, 63. Byregleóþ epichedieon, An. Ox. 901. Epicedion lícleóð, epitaphion byrigleóð, utrumque est carmen super tumulum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 76, 78. v. byrgen-leóþ.

byrgness. v. byrignes in Dict.: byrgness tasting, v. birgness.

byrg-sang (byrig-), es; m. A dirge :-- Birisang tragoedium, luctum, Hpt. Gl. 488, 57. v. byrgen-sang.

býrian to happen, l. byrian: býrian to taste. L. byrian. v. birgan: byrig tumba (An. Ox. 4346; Hpt. Gl. 507, 66) = byrigen or byrigels: byrig (cf. byri-weard) a city. Dele e; f. acc. s. byrige. In the earlier MS. of the Chron. the form burg occurs in the passages; in the later the mutated form seems to have made its way into the nominative and accusative.

byrig a mulberry tree? In Ps. Spl. 77, 52 has the glosser read muros ? or moras ? (mora mansio, habitatio, Migne): in Lch. ii. 274, 17 byrig eolonan might be a compound ?

byrig-, byris, byrla, byrle, byrnan. v. byrg-, byres, birla, byrele, birnan.

byrne a corslet. Add :-- Byrne lorica vel torax vel squama, Wrt. Voc. i. 35, 6: thoraca, ii. 86, 81. Hringedu byrne lorica hamata (anata, MS.), 51, 37. Byrne gileáfes lorica fidei, Rtl. 28, 31. Byrnan thoracis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 96, 25. Bið se Pater Noster on heofonlicre byrnan onlícnisse, Sal. K. 146, 6. Gewæ-acute;pnod, ná mid reádum scylde, oððe mid hefegum helme, oþþe heardre byrnan, Hml. Th. ii. 502, 13. Gegyrede heó hý mid hæ-acute;renre tunecan and mid byrnan, þ-bar; is mid lytelre hacelan, Shrn. 140, 30. Hé geann his áðume twégra byrnena, Cht. Crw. 23, 16. [O. L. Ger. brunnia.] v. brynige.

byrn-sweord. v. birn-sweord: byrn-wíga, -wigende; part. l. byrn-wiga, -wígend, es; m.: byrs. v. byres.

byrst a bristle. Substitute: e; f., in passage from Lch. read swínen . . . bristle, and add :-- Byrst seta, An. Ox. 51, 1. Brysti setes, Txts. 109, 1132. Manu, brystae (biriste, Hpt. 33, 244, 5) juba, setes porci et leonis cabalique, 110, 1182. Hí heora flán him on áfæstnodon swá þicce swylce íles byrsta, Hml. S. 5, 428: 32, 118. Hé wæs ðára stræ-acute;la swá full swá igl biþ byrsta, Shrn. 55, 9. v. feþer-byrst.

byrst loss. Add: I. injury :-- Se byrst wyrð gemæ-acute;ne, Wlfst. 159, 3. Fela byrsta (bersta), 157, 1: 128, 4. II. failure, v. teám-byrst; cf. berstan, I. 2. III. a cash; cf. berstan, II :-- Byrstum creporibus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 136, 83. [v. N. E. D. burst. O. H. Ger. brust.]

byrstig; adj. Broken, rugged :-- Ofbyrstigum clúdum preruptis cautibus, An. Ox. 2037.

byrþen. Add :-- Byrþen sarcina, Wülck. Gl. 257, 5. I. literal, (1) material carried, a load :-- Án bryþen mealtes, Shrn. 159, 7. Áne byrðene wudes, Cht. Th. 606, 15. Him læg onuppan fela byrðena eorðan, Hml. S. 12, 57. Heáwað incre byrðene gyrda, Hml. Th. i. 62, 34. Hé gesénode .ii. birþena gyrda, Shrn. 32, 20. (l a) in contrast with carriage by an animal or in a vehicle :-- Æ-acute;lce láde, æ-acute;gðer ge on wæ-acute;ne, ge on horse, ge on byrdene, Ll. Th. ii. 298, 23. (2) an oppressive weight :-- Seó hefige byrþen siteþ on þæ-acute;m deádan líchoman þæ-acute;re byrgenne, Bl. H. 75, 7. II. figurative, (1) in a favourable sense :-- Þurh þá gife ðæs Hálgan Gástes byrþenne, Bl. H. 135, 7. (2) of what is difficult or troublesome :-- Seó unáræfnedlice byrþen synna, Bl. H. 75, 9. Hefig byrdæn, Dóm. L. 28, 20. Be ðæ-acute;re byrðenne (pondere) ðæs reccendómes, Past. 33, 4. Hé bierð ðá byrðenne (pondus) hira scylda, 153, 7. Þá myclan byrþenne þæ-acute;re mycclan langunga, Bl. H. 135, 7. Gebígð ðæt folc hira hrycg tó hefegum byrðenum manegum ad portanda peccatorum onera, Past. 29, 17. Hié underlútað mid hira sculdrum óðerra byrðenna humerum opprimendus ponderibus submittit alienis, 53, 1. (2 a) a charge :-- Sé ðe bryðene underféhð, and þ-bar; gecwéme ne déð, Cht. Th. 606, 18. [O. H. Ger. burdin.] v. ge-byrþen.

byrþen-mete. Substitute: byrfen-mæ-acute;te; adj. Burdensome :-- Byrðenméte onerosa, Kent. Gl. 1011.

byrþen-stán, es; m. A mill-stone :-- Asales byrðenstán mola asinaria, Mt. L. 18, 6.

byrþestre, an; f. A female bearer :-- Berþestra gerula, portatrix, Hpt. Gl. 498, 18.

byrþling, es; m. A carrier :-- Berþling gerulum, An. Ox. 4922.

byrþra. v. wudu-byrþra.

byrþre, an; f One who bears a child, a mother :-- Ðurh ðá byrþran (burþran, v. l.) (S&c-tilde;a Marian) wé wæ-acute;ron gehæ-acute;lede, and þurh þæt gebyrðor wé wurdon álýsede, Wlfst. 251, 13. v. burþre in Dict.

byrþ-þignenu, -þínen, e; f. A midwife :-- Byrððínenu obstetrix, Germ. 392, 97. Gif wífmen hwæt swylces derige, dó hyre man fram hyre byrþþínene þone sylfan læ-acute;cedóm, Lch. i. 236, 4.

býsen (l. bysen), býsgian (l. bysgian), bysm, bysmer, býsting, es; m. (l. e; f.), v. bisen, bisgian, besma, bismer, bísting.

byt. Add: ; bytte, an [?cf. Lat. butta (buttam plenam, Cht. E. 119, 1)] :-- Geworden ic eam swá swá bytte (uter), Ps. L. 118, 83. Æ-acute;ren byt lenticula, Wrt. Voc. i. 25, 17. Trýwen byt flasco, ii. 149, 34. Bytte hlid cordias, 135, 80. Líchoma tóbláwen on ánre bytte gelícnysse, Hml. S. 31, 952. On bitte in utre, Ps. Spl. 77, 16. Swilce man siwige áne bytte, Hml. S. 34, 317. Trinnu (= tríwenu?) byttæ flasce, eadem et flascones, Wrt. Voc. ii. 39, 78. In byttum aldum in utres veteres, Mk. L. 2, 22. [Lat. buttis. v. N. E. D. bit.] v. ele-, treów-byt.

byþne, býtl. v. bytme, bítel: býtla. l. bytla, and dele bracket.

býtlian. l. bytlian, and add: , bytlan :-- Wer þe ofer fæstum stáne bytlode, R. Ben. 4, 12. Man bytlode áne gebytla, Hml. Th. ii. 354, 32. 'Ðá synfullan bytledon uppe on mínum hrycge.' Hé sárette ðætte hié sceoldon bytlan, Past. 153, 9. Hét Harold bytlian on Brytlande, Chr. 1065; P. 190, 26. On sumor geneát sceal bytlian and burh hegegian, Ll. Th. i. 432, 15: Angl. ix. 261, 10. Cf. botl, ge-bytlu.

bytlung. Add :-- On þæ-acute;re bytlinge, Shrn. 164, 2. v. ge-bytlung.

bytme (-ne), byþne, an ; f. I. the keel of a ship :-- Bythne carina, Wrt. Voc. ii. 103, 5. Bytne, 13, 36. Bytme, i. 63, 39. Hí sæ-acute;ton ufan on þæ-acute;m wætre swá swá scipes byðme (bytme déð, v. l.), þonne hit fleóted on streáme, Mart. H. 118, 20. Hé sæt ofer þæ-acute;re bytman þæs scipes, Gr. D. 347, 23. II. the head of a dale. Cf. Icel. botn :-- On byttman díc, C. D. iv. 39, 7. On bitnan burnan, v. 84, 8. On ðæ-acute;re dæne bytnan, 78, 12: 137, 35. v. twi-bytme, botm.

bytming, e; f. Ground-floor of the Ark :-- On ðæ-acute;re nyðemystan bytminge wunodon þá réðan deór . . . on ðæ-acute;re bytminge wæs se arc rúm, Hml. Th. i. 536, 10-14.