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Æ-long;FEN-GEREORDUNG -- Æ-long;FNIAN 11

æ-long;fen-gereordung, e; f. Supper :-- T&o-long; æ-long;fengereordunga lambes ad cenam Agni, Hy. S. 82, 3.

æ-long;fen-geweorc, es; n. Evening-work :-- Sele bollan fulne t&o-long; gedrin-canne æfter æ-long;fengeweorce, Lch. ii. 190, 3.

æ-long;fen-gifl. Add :-- Gyf w&e-long; fæsta&d-bar; and &d-bar;æt underngereord t&o-long; &d-bar;&a-long;m æ-long;fengifle healda&d-bar;, &d-bar;onne ne bi&d-bar; &d-bar;æt n&a-long;n fæsten, ac . , . bi&d-bar; &d-bar;æt æ-long;fengyfel getwifealdad, Ll. Th. ii. 436, 30. Gif h&y-long; on tw&a-long; mæ-long;l eta&d-bar;, s&y-long; gehealden &d-bar;æs pundmæ-long;tan hl&a-long;fes se þridda dæ-long;l t&o-long; &d-bar;&a-long;m æ-long;fengifle, R. Ben. 63, 16. Uton n&u-long; br&u-long;can &d-bar;isses undernmetes sw&a-long; &d-bar;&a-long; sculon &d-bar;e hiora æ-long;fengifl on helle gefeccan sculon prandete tamquam apud inferos coenaturi, Ors. 2, 5; S. 86, i: Past. 27, 8 : 323, 19.

æ-long;fen-gl&o-long;ma, an; m. Evening-twilight :-- Seó niht hafa&d-bar; seofon t&o-long;&d-bar;dæ-long;lednyssa. Crepusculum ys seó forme, &d-bar;æt ys æ-long;fengl&d-bar;ma, Angl. viii. 319, 27: Lch. iii. 242, 27.

æ-acute;fen-glommung, e j f. Evening-twilight :-- Sw&a-long; &d-bar;æt oft on middre niht geflit cyme&d-bar; &d-bar;&a-long;m behealdendum hwæþer hit s&i-long; &d-bar;e æ-long;fenglommung &d-bar;e on morgen deágung ita ut media saepe tempore noctis in quaestionem ueniat intuentibus, iterum crepusculum adhuc permaneat uespertinum, an iam nduenerit matutinum, Bd. S. 473, 31. Æ-acute;fenglommunge crepusculum, Hy. S. 16, 31.

æ-long;fen-hrepsung. v. æ-long;fen-repsung.

æ-long;fen-lic. Add: -- &E-long;fernlicum t&i-long;dum vespertinis horis, Rtl. 174, 37.

æ-long;fen-l&i-long;ce; adv. In the evening :-- &A-long;rl&i-long;ce mane, &e-long;fenl&i-long;ce vespere, Rtl. 166, 3.

æ-long;fen-lof, es; n. Even-song :-- Æfter æ-long;fenlofe post uespertinalem laudem, Angl. xiii. 437, 1035.

æ-long;fen-mete, es; m. Add :-- Æ-acute;fenmete cena, Wrt. Voc. i. 290, 66 : ii. 17, 26. Ðende hiá æt &d-bar;æ-long;rn æ-long;fenmete w&e-long;run coenantibus eis, Mt. R. 26, 26.

æ-long;fen-mete; adj. (?) Provided with supper; :-- UNCERTAIN(=-æt?) &e-long;fenmeti w&e-long;ron hiá coenantibus eis, Mt. L. 26, 26. v. preceding word.

æ-long;fen-ræ-long;ding, e; f. An evening reading; collatio (apud monachos sacrorum librorum lectio quae maxime post coenam coram iis fiebat, Migne) :-- Ðænne æ-long;fenræ-long;ding (collatio) byþ geræ-long;dd, Angl. xiii. 393, 400. T&a-long;cne æ-long;fenræ-long;dincge gestyredum signo collationis moto, 416, 723. Niht-sang aefter æfterræ-long;dincge (l. æ-long;fen-) completorium post collationem, 423, 828.

æ-long;fen-repsung, e; f. Eventide,night-fall :-- H&e-long; sl&e-long;p sw&a-long; hwæ-long;r sw&a-long; hine seó æ-long;fenrepsung gem&e-long;tte he slept wherever night overlook him, Hml. S. 236, 154, Sunne heó &d-bar;&a-long; t&o-long; setle &a-long;hylde, and &d-bar;æ-long;re æ-long;fenrepsunge geneálæhte, 498.

æ-long;fen-rima. Dele.

æ-long;fen-sang. Add :-- Ne s&y-long; æ-long;fensang geendod b&u-long;tan &d-bar;&a-long;m drihtlican gebede. R. Ben. 38, 15. Se æ-long;fensancg mid antefene s&y-long; gecweden, 39, 20. Se æ-long;fensang s&y-long; geendod mid feówer sealma dreáme, 43, 7. Ðone lofsang (the Magnificat) &d-bar;e w&e-long; singa&d-bar; on Godes cyrcan æt æ-long;lcum æ-long;fensange, Hml. Th. i. 202, 26. S&e-long; &d-bar;e . . . dæghw&a-long;ml&i-long;ce his circan ges&e-long;can ne mæge, h&e-long; h&u-long;ru &d-bar;inga on &d-bar;&a-long;m sunnandagnm . . . þider cume t&o-long; . . . Æ-acute;fensange, Hml. A. 144, ii. Singan æ-long;fen oþþe nihtsange cantare vesperum aut completorium, Coll. M. 34, 3. Æ-acute;fensang vesperam, Angl. Xiii. 392, 385 : vespertinalem sinaxim, 425, 863: 432, 964. Æ-acute;fensangas singan vesperas celebrare, 415, 711.

æ-long;fen-sceóp,-spræc. l. æ-long;fen-scop, -spræ-long;c.

æ-long;fen-steorra. Add :-- Æ-acute;fensteorra hesperos, Germ. 394, 329. Ðes æ-long;fensteorra hic vesper, Ælfc. Gr. Z. 43, 12. Se f&i-long;fta is gehaten Venus, s&e-long; is æ-long;fensteorra, Scrd. 18, 36. Vesperum, &d-bar;æt is æ-long;fen, &d-bar;onne se æ-long;fen-steorra æteówa&d-bar;, Lch. iii. 242, 28.

æ-long;fen-þ&e-long;nung, -þegnung. Add: I. evening service of the Church :-- Æ-acute;fen&d-bar;&e-long;nunge singe &a-long;nra gehwilc vespertinum officium canat unusquisque, Angl. xiii. 422, 823. H&y-long; scylon embe &d-bar;&a-long; nigo&d-bar;an t&i-long;de heora mæssan gestandan and æfter &d-bar;&a-long;m heora æ-long;fenþ&e-long;nunga. Hml. A. 141, 74. II. serving of food in the evening, supper :-- Æ-acute;fenþ&e-long;nunge. cene, R. Ben. I. 71,I. H&i-long; &a-long;r&i-long;sa&d-bar; fram æ-long;fenþ&e-long;nunge (cena), 74, 10. Æ-acute;fenþ&e-long;nunga ge-&d-bar;&o-long;nre cena facta, Angl. xiii. 437, 1030. Gif h&i-long; sceolan on æ-long;fen gereordian of &d-bar;&a-long;m sylfan punde se þridda dæ-long;l s&i-long; gehealden t&o-long; &a-long;gifenne on æ-long;fen-þinungum, R. Ben. I. 71, 3.

æ-long;fen-þeówdóm. Add :-- -Wrt. Voc. i. 28, 30.

æ-long;fen-t&i-long;d. Add :-- Hoc vesperum o&d-bar;&d-bar;e vespere bi&d-bar; æ-long;fent&i-long;d, Ælfc. Gr. 2. 43, 12 note. &A-long;feóll (&a-long;s&a-long;h, v.l.) seó æ-long;fent&i-long;&d-bar; ilæs dæges diei tardior hora incubuerat, Gr. D. 83, 15. H&e-long;r wæs Eádweard cyng ofslagen on æ-long;fent&i-long;de, Chr. 979; P. 123, 6. On æ-long;fent&i-long;d. Shrn. 116, 8. On &d-bar;&a-long; æ-long;fent&i-long;d. Nar. 29, 21. In éferntíd vespere, Mt. L. 8, 16. On &e-long;fnit&i-long;d UNCERTAIN (&e-long;fern-, R.) sero, Mk. L. 13, 35. Oþ æ-long;fent&i-long;d ad vesperum, Bd. l, 27; S. 496, 34.

æ-long;fen-t&i-long;ma., Add :-- On æ-long;fent&i-long;man &u-long;re Dryhten offrode æt his æ-long;fengereorde, Btwk. 218, 9: Hml. S. 15, 58.

æ-long;fen-tungel. Dele æ-long;fenian, æ-long;fenung. v. æ-long;fnian, æ-long;fnung. æfer, Lch. ii. 22, 7. v. &a-long;for.

æfer&d-bar;e, an; f. A plant-name :-- Dolhsealf: &a-long;crind, æfer&d-bar;e . . . , Lch. ii. 94, 14. Æfert&d-bar;e niþeweard, 110, I. Nim æferþan nioþowearde, 142, 23: 340, 3.

æfesa (-e; f, f), an; m. Produce of woods on which swine might be fed :-- Mid mæste and mid æuesan . . . and ic ann &d-bar;æt &d-bar;ridde swun (?) of æuesan &d-bar;æs n&e-long;xtan wudes &d-bar;e l&i-long;þ t&o-long; kyngesbyrig cum porcorum esca et cum fructibus . . . quoaue dono tertiam sarcinam iumentariam fructuum qui nascuntur in sylua proxime ad kyngesbyrig sita, C. D. iv. 202, 2-12. [In the Domesday of St. Paul's of the year 1222 (Camden Society, 1858) is this entry: ' Debent dare de singulis animalibus . iij. ob' UNCERTAIN annum si ad pasturam dm venerint similiter de equis et de singulis porcis .j. &d-bar;. UNCERTAIN Garsavese, ' p. 51. See also note p. lxviii on garsavese, where another instance of its use is given as well as an instance of a verb avesare (avesabit porcos).] v. æfesn, æfes-weorc.

æfesc. v. efes.

æfesn. Add; Pannage, v. æfesa, and E. Stud. 27, 218 : æfesne obscenitas. v. æpsen.

æf-&e-long;st. l. æf-est(-æst, -ist), æfst, æfstu; m. f. Add; I. in a bad sense :-- Se dierna æfst. Past. 79, 13. Be &d-bar;&a-long;m is &a-long;writen &d-bar;ætte &d-bar;is fiæ-long;sclice l&i-long;f sié æ-long;fes&d-bar; (invidia), 235, 13. For &d-bar;æs æfstes scylde per livoris vitium, 237, i. Æfestes, Wrt. Voc. ii. 50, 12. Mid &d-bar;æ-long;re biteran æfeste, Bl. H. 25, 7. Mid &d-bar;&a-long;m þyccylum &d-bar;æ-long;re æfæste invidiae, Gr. D. 117, 28: 118, 2. Æfstu, Ps. Th. 69, 4. Hié hié nylla&d-bar; healdan wi&d-bar; &d-bar;æ-long;m æfste (livore) . . . for &d-bar;æs lytegan fióndes æfeste (invidia) deá&d-bar; bec&o-long;me ofer eor&d-bar;an, Past. 233, 17-19. &A-long;weorpan &d-bar;one æfst, 25. Hié him æfest t&o-long; gen&a-long;man they became envious of him, Bl. H. 7, ll. Æfeste &a-long;nforlæ-long;tan, G&u-long;. 158 : Fä. 36. Æfest invidiam, Mt. p. I, 10. Þurh æfeste (æfist, L.), Mt. R. 27, 18 : Mk. R. 15, 10. N&i-long;&d-bar; and æfesta odium et invidiae, Ll. Th. ii. 174, 32. Æfisto invidias, Rtl. 25, 25. II. in a good sense, zeal :-- Be g&o-long;dum æfste (zelo) &d-bar;e munecas habban sceolon, R. Ben. 131, II. Elnung &l-bar; æfista h&u-long;ses &d-bar;ines zelus domus tuae, Jn. R. 2, 17.

æfeste (?); adj. Envious :-- Se æfæsta (æfæstiga, v. l.) mæssepreóst, Gr. D. 117, 18. v. æfestian.

æf-&e-long;stian, -&e-long;stigan. Substitute: æf(e)stian. I. to envy :-- Hit þweora manna þeáw is &d-bar;æt h&i-long; æfæstia&d-bar; &o-long;þra manna g&o-long;ddæ-long;de mos pravorum est invidere aliis virtutis bonum. Gr. D. 117, 4. II. to grow envious :-- Æfestian libescant, Wrt. Voc. ii. 50, 41. v. æf(e)stigian, æf(e)stung, æfeste.

æf(e)stig. Add: I. in a bad sense, envious :-- Beón andetta &d-bar;æt h&e-long; æfestig s&y-long;, Bl. H. 65, 4. Ne s&y-long; h&e-long; æfestig (zelotipus), R. Ben. 121, 13. Æfstig emulus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 143, 46. Se æfæstiga mæssepreóst. Gr. D. 117, 18. Æfestiga, æfstigea, 118, 20. Hw&a-long; mæg beón ungesæ-long;lgra &d-bar;onne se æfstiga (-ega, v. l.), Past. 231, 22. Ðæs æfestigan invidi, Hy. S. 16, 3. Ne s&y-long;n w&e-long; t&o-long; æfestige (-æst-, v. l.), Wlfst. 253, 6. Ð&a-long; æfestgan (sefstegan, v. l.) invidi, Past. 229, II. Æfestigra manna, R. Ben. 92, 12. Ðaelig-long;m æfstegum invidis, Past. 233, 16. II. in a good sense, zealous (against) :-- Æfstig wi&d-bar; &o-long;;&d-bar;ra monna yfelu contra aliena vitia aemulator, Fast. 79, 12.

æf(e)stigian; p. ode. I. with acc. to envy, be envious of :-- Hié æfestigea&d-bar; &o-long;þera, monna g&o-long;ddæ-long;de, Gr. D. 117, 4. Ð&a-long; æfestgodon &d-bar; æt sume men, Shrn. 74, 28. Se ealda feónd ongan æfstigian (invidens) &d-bar;æs &o-long;&d-bar;res lufan, Gr. D. 99, 7. II. with prep. to took with envy or ill will on, have envy towards :-- Ðes iunga man ne æfestiga&d-bar; on n&a-long;num &d-bar;ingum &d-bar;e h&e-long; h&o-long;r gesih&d-bar;, Ap. Th. 14, 25. Se &a-long;wyrgda g&a-long;st æfestgaþ on &d-bar;&a-long; &d-bar;e h&e-long; gesyhþ t&o-long; Gode higian, Bl. H. 29, 21. Ð&a-long; geseah h&e-long; dæs s&a-long;cerdes m&o-long;d byrnan and æfæstigian wiþ his l&i-long;fe, Gr. D. 119, 6. v. ge-aelig;(e)stigian.

æf(e)stung, e; f. Envy :-- Mid þyccylum &d-bar;æ-long;re æfestunge, Gr. D. 117, 28. Æfstunge, 118, 2.

æf(e)s-weorc, es; n. Pasturage :-- Æfsweorc sive læ-long;nes landes bryce fructus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 39, 31, v. æfese, æfesn.

æf-gælþ, e; f. Superstition :-- Efgælþe superstitionis, An. Ox. 8, 186. Æfgælþe superstitione, 8, 176 : 3233. Æfgælþa, 4021. &I-long;delum æfgælþum superstitiosa cultura, 3933.

æf-ger&e-long;fa glosses exactor :-- Ð&y-long; læ-long;s se doemere sele&d-bar; &d-bar;ec &d-bar;æ-long;m æf-groefe (exactori) and se æfgroefa (exactor) senda&d-bar; &d-bar;ec in carcern, Lk. L. 12, 58.

æf-grynde, es; n. An abyss:-- Þ&i-long;ne d&o-long;mas synt sw&a-long; deópe sw&a-long; sw&a-long; æfgrynde judicia tua abyssus multa, Ps. Th. 35, 6. [O. H. Ger. ab-grunti; n. abyssus. Cf. Goth. af-grundiþa an abyss.]

æf-gydel (?); adj. Idolatrous, superstitious :-- &I-long;delum &l-bar; feóndlicum æfgidelum (-gildum?; the ide is not clear; v. Angl. vi. :oi: cf. also An. Ox. 3933 (v. æf-gælþ), where the same passage is glossed, and see note there superstitiosa, Hpt. Gl. 498, 77. [Cf. O. H. Ger. ab-got idolum.]

æf-hende(-hynde); adj. Absent :-- Gif h&e-long; æfhynde byþ si absens fuerit, Angl. xiii. 387, 316. v. of-hende, ge-hende.

æ-long;-firmþa; f. Offscourings, sweepings, dregs, refuse :-- Æfyrm[þa] purgamenta (spurca latrinarum), An. Ox. 3918. Add the quotation in Dict. under æ-fyrrnþa. Cf. &a-long;-feorrnian.

æfne ability, v. efne.

æ-long;fnian. Add :-- Ð&a-long; &d-bar;&a-long; se dæg æ-long;fnode vesperascente die, Gr. D. 75, 2. Oþ &d-bar;æt hit æ-long;node, Hml. S. 13, 27. Swylce hit æ-long;fnige, Lch. iii. 260 7.