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SPIW-DRENC -- SPRÆ-acute;C. 903

spáw, Cd. Th. 206, 9; Exod. 249. (c) without a case :-- Stinge him gelóme on ða hracan, ðæt hé máge spíwan, Lchdm. ii. 62, 12. Gelóme tó spíwanne, 174, 21: 286, 20. Ðá gebræ-acute;d hé hine seócne, and ongan hine brecan tó spíwenne, Chr. 1003; Erl. 139, 9. II. to spit :-- Geót ðæt blód on yrnende wæter, spíw þríwa æfter, Lchdm. ii. 76, 15. Ðonne is cynn, ðæt him spíwe ðæt wíf on ðæt nebb, Past. 5; Swt. 45, 2. [Goth. speiwan to spit: O. Sax. spíwan: O. Frs. spíga, spía: O. H. Ger. spíwan vomere, spuere: Icel. spýja.] v. á-spíwan.

spiw-drenc, -drinc (spiwe-), es; m. An emetic :-- Spiwedrenc, Lchdm. ii. 136, 25 : 270, 19 : 272, 4, 6. Se ðe hæfþ þearfe spiwdrinces, 60, 26. Tó spiwdrence, 268, 21. Wyrc spiwdrenc, 270, 27 : 302, 17. Se man þurh spiwedrenc áspíwþ ðone wæ-acute;tan, 60, 22: 336, 1. Spiwedrencas, 170, 6.

spiwe, es; m. A vomiting, vomit :-- Spiwe deah ðám monnum ðe for fylle gihsa slihþ, Lchdm. ii. 60, 23.

spiwe-drenc, spiwel. v. spiw-drenc, spiwol.

spíwere, es; m. One who vomits :-- Spíwere vomex vel vomens, Wrt. Voc. i. 17, 6.

spiweþa, an; m. I. vomiting :-- Gif hié (diseases) cumen of oferfyllo, mid spiweþan hý mon sceal lytlian, Lchdm. ii. 178, 11. Wið miclan spiweþan, and hé ne máge nánne mete gehabban, 190, 8. Wið spiwþan, 190, 1. Ðurh spiwðan, i. 274, 21. Spiweþan dón to vomit, iii. 214, 23. Hí beóþ oferfyllede óþ spiweþan, R. Ben. 136, 25. Drincan óð speowðan, Homl. Th. ii. 292, 35. II. vomit, what is vomited :-- Læ-acute;t spíwan . . . gesceáwa hwæðer ðe spiwða sý swá micel swá hé æ-acute;r gedranc, Lchdm. ii. 286, 22. Gif hund ðone spiweðan frete si canis vomitum illum devoraverit, L. Ecg. P. iv. 47; Th. ii. 218, 5. Hund eft hwyrfde tó his spiwðan, Shrn. 37, 16.

spiwian; p. ode To spit up, vomit (with dat.) :-- Him bánlocan blóde spiowedan their carcases spouted forth blood, Exon. Th. 271, 3; Jul. 476. v. spíwan, speówan.

spíwing, e; f. Spewing, vomiting :-- Spíwingc evomitio, Wrt. Voc. i. 46, 17. Spíwing, ii. 32, 57. v. blód-spíwing; speówung.

spiwol, adj. Emetic, causing vomiting :-- Drince hé spiwles drences, Lchdm. ii. 264, 24. Drince se man spiwolne drenc, 216, 11. Speowolne drenc, 216, 16. Mid wyrtdrencum útyrnendum oþþe spiwlum oþþe migolum, 82, 17. v. líg-, un-spiwol.

spjungean. v. sponge.

splott, es; m. I. a plot of land :-- Mann ðe áhte geweald ealles ðæs splottes æt Celian dúne, ðár ðæt scræf wæs tómiddes, ðe ða seofon hálgan lágon inne slápan, Homl. Skt. i. 23, 415. On clæ-acute;nan splott súðe-weardne, Cod. Dip. B. iii. 336, 23. II. a spot :-- Is se finta fægre gedæ-acute;led sum brún sum basu sum blácum splottum searolíce beseted cauda porrigitur fulvo distenta metallo, in cujus maculis purpura mista rubet, Exon. Th. 218, 18; Ph. 296. [Cf. Hyre treówenan gesplottude cuppan, Chart. Th. 537, 33. Wicklif uses splotti == spotted in Gen. 30, 35; and Halliwell gives splotch as an East-country word for a splash of dirt.] v. æcer-, friþ-, land-, mæ-acute;d-splott.

splottian to spot, blot. v. preceding word.

spón, es; m. : e; f. (? v. sæp-spón) A chip, shaving :-- Spón astula, Wrt. Voc. ii. 5, 63: gingria, 109, 71. Fomes spoon; idem astula, 39, 70. Geswæ-acute;led spoon vel tynder fomes, i. 39, 21. Monige of ðam treówe ðæs hálgan Cristes mæ-acute;les spónas and sceafþan nimaþ multi de ipso ligno sacrosanctae crucis astulas excidere solent, Bd. 3, 2; S. 524, 31: 3, 17; S. 544, 44. Genim ðone wyrttruman . . . þwít nigon spónas, Lchdm, ii. 292, 2. [O. Frs. spón: O. H. Ger. spán hastula, carpenta: Icel. spánn, spónn a chip, splinter.]

sponan teats, sponere. v. spanu, spanere.

spong, e; f. A spongy excrescence (?) :-- Gif on eágan weaxen reáde sponge drýpe on hát culfran blód . . . óþ ðæt ða sponge áweg synd, Lchdm. ii. 308, 17 : 300, 5. v. next word.

sponge, an; f. A sponge :-- Án heora genam áne spongean, Mt. Kmbl. 27, 48. Genim spjungean, gedó on scearp eced, Lchdm. ii. 192, 18. [O. Sax. spunsia: O. H. Ger. spunga.] v. spynge.

sponn, spoon, v. spann, spón.

spor, es; n. I. a trace, track, spoor :-- Ne biþ ðæ-acute;r éþe ðín spor on tó findanne vestigia tua non cognoscentur, Ps. Th. 76, 16. Stande ðæt spor for ðone foreáð, L. Ath. iv. 2; Th. i. 222, 16. Wé noldon tó ðæm spore onlútan. Past. pref.; Swt. 5, 18 : Exon. Th. 497, 8 ; Rä. 85, 26. Hwæt mæg bión dyslícre ðonne hwá lufige hwelcre wuhte spor on ðæm duste and ne lufige ðæt ðætte ðæt spor worhte quid esse dementius potest, quam vestigia in pulvere impressa diligere, sed ipsum, a quo impressa sunt, non amare? Past. 46, 5; Swt. 351, 1-2. Gif man spor gespirige of scýre on óðre, fón ða menn tó ðe ðæ-acute;r nýcst syndon, and drífan ðæt spor óð hit man ðam geréfan gecýðe; fó hé syþþan tó and ádrífe ðæt spor út of his scíre, L. Ath. v. 8, 4; Th. i. 236, 20-23. Hé ús spor tæ-acute;ce, v. 8, 7; Th. i. 238, 3. Gif ðú gesyxt wulfes spor, Lchdm. i. 360, 19. II. a trace, vestige, mark left by anything (of the marks made by weapons; cf. Icel. sverða, eggja spor, dólg-spor a wound) :-- Læ-acute;taþ hý láþra leána hleótan þurh wæ-acute;pnes spor (by a wound), Exon. Th. 280, 2; Jul. 623: Andr. Kmbl. 2362; An. 1182. Bealubenne, lícwunde spor, Cd. Th. 193, 1; Exod. 239. III. tracing, tracking :-- Ðú teohhast ðæt ðú spyrige æfter mé, and swíþor swincst on ðam spore ðonne hí dón, Bt. 38, 5; Fox 206, 14. Ðæt æ-acute;lc man wæ-acute;re óðrum gelástfull ge æt spore ge æt midráde, L. Ath. v. 4; Th. i. 232, 11. Befæste mon ðæt spor landes mannum, L. O. D. 1; Th. i. 352, 5. [O. H. Ger. spor vestigium, indago; Icel. spor.] v. fót-, hóh-spor.

spora, spura, an; m. A spur :-- Spora calcar, Txts. 47, 361: 110, 1164. Spura, Wrt. Voc. ii. 17, 3, 63 : i. 84, 3 : 288, 22 : Hpt. Gl. 505, 70: Ælfc. Gr. 9, 16; Zup. 42, 10. Calcaria spuran dicta, quia in calce hominis ligantur, Wrt. Voc. ii. 127, 44. Spurum calcaribus, 17, 62. Hé heów ðæt hors mid ðam spuran (cf. Icel. höggva hest sporum), Ælfc. T. Grn. 18, 22. .ii. spuran on .iii. pundan, Chart. Th. 503, 8. [O. H. Ger. sporo: Icel. spori.] v. hún-, táh-spora, -spura ; hand-spor(a ?) ; sporu.

sporettan (?); p. te To kick :-- Sporetteþ (spornetteþ ?) recalcitravit, Ps. Surt. ii. p. 193, 7. next word.

sporettung (?), e; f. Kicking :-- Sportengæ calcaneum, Ps. Spl. T. 55, 6. v. previous word.

spor-leþer, es; n. A spur-leather :-- Spurleþera calcaria (amongst things made by the shoemaker), Coll. Monast. Th. 27, 35. [O. H. Ger. spor-leder calcarium.]

spornan, spurnan; p. spearn, pl. spurnon; pp. spornen. I. to strike with the foot, spurn :-- Ðe læs ðú on stán fóte spurne ne offendas ad lapidem pedem tuam, Ps. Th. 90, 12. On spurnan inpingere, Wrt. Voc. ii. 44, 72. On spornendum fét in offenso pede, Scint. 187, 8. (See (?) passages under spinnan, III.) II. to spurn, reject :-- Æfter ðæs mæ-acute;denes spræ-acute;ce, ðe hine spearn mid wordum, Homl. Skt. i. 7, 64. [Makede he þe spurnen (stumble) ine wreððe, A. R. 188, 2. O. Sax. spurnan to strike with the feet, tread: O. H. Ger. spurnan (also wk.): Icel. sperna.] v. æt-, ge-, óþ-spornan, -spurnan.

spornere, es; m. One who treads or strikes with the feet, a fuller :-- Spornere, spurnere fullo, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 3; Zup. 35, 2.

spornettan; p. te To strike with the feet, kick :-- Ne spornette ðú non calcitres, Wrt. Voc. ii. 60, 61: 80, 10.

sporning, e; f. A stumbling, stumbling-block :-- Þurh spornincge per offendiculum, Scint. 134, 5. [Cf. O. H. Ger. spurnida offensio, scandalum.] Cf. spyrning.

spor-plætt, es; m. A kick (?) :-- Spátlu spurplættas (eárplættas ?) bendas ðú þrowodest tu sputa, colaphos, vincula passus, Hymn. Surt. 80, 1. v. plætt, and next word.

sporu (?), an; f. A heel :-- Spuran míne calcanei mei, Ps. Spl. T. 48, 5. v. hél-spure.

spor-wrecel (?), es; m. What is tracked after being driven off (?) :-- Ðá forstæl hé ða unlæ-acute;dan oxan æt Funtial, and dráf tó cytlid, and hine mon ðæ-acute;ræt áparade, and his speremon áhredde ða sporwreclas the man who tracked him rescued the cattle that had been driven off (?), Chart. Th. 172, 26.

spówan; p. speów To succeed. I. used personally with instrumental of that in which the person succeeds, to be successful :-- Hú mæg hé æ-acute;nige gewinne wið mé spówan how can he succeed in any struggle with me? Nar. 16, 20. Ne mót ic æ-acute;nige rihte spówan, Elen. Kmbl. 1830; El. 917: Andr. Kmbl. 3087; An. 1546: Cd. Th. 127, 23; Gen. 2115: Exon. 35, 27; Cri. 564. Spówende spéd, 117, 16; Gú. 225: 139, 14: Gú. 593: Cd. Th. 246, 14; Dan. 479. II. used impersonally, it succeeds with a person (dat.) (1) absolute :-- Him spéwþ ðe bet, Btwk. 222, 9. Ðá hié ongeáton, ðæt him ne speów, L. Alf. 49; Th. i. 56, 8. Him wiht ne speów, Judth. Thw. 25, 23; Jud. 274: Beo. Th. 5701; B. 2854. Gesæh Pilatus ðæt him náuwiht speóu (spéua, Lind.) videns Pilatus quia nihil proficeret, Mt. Kmbl. Rush. 27, 24. Him speów hwónlíce. Homl. Skt. i. 7, 94. Hú swýþe him speówe quantum profecerit, Bd. 2, 4; S. 505, 27. (2) with gen. of that in which a person succeeds :-- Ðá ðá him ðæs (the attempt to raise the dead) ne speów, Homl. Th. ii. 474, 11. Ðé speów ðæs ðú wið freónd oððe feónd fremman ongunne, Cd. Th. 170, 9; Gen. 2810. (3) the object of success governed by a preposition :-- Ða ðe on eorðlícum weorcum hwónlíce speówþ, Homl. Th. i. 526, 16. Hú him speów æ-acute;gðer ge mid wíge ge mid wísdóme, Past. pref.; Swt. 3, 8. Hú him æt æ-acute;te speów, Beo. Th. 6045; B. 3026. [O. H. Ger. spuon, spuoan (wk.).] v. ge-, mis-spówan.

spówendlíce; adv. Thrivingly, prosperously, abundantly :-- Mé ofer cume hæ-acute;lu æfter ðínre spræ-acute;ce spówendlíce veniat super me salutare tuum secundum eloquium tuum, Ps. Th. 118, 41, 58: 147, 4.

spówness. v. forþ-spówness.

spracen, es; n. 'The berry-bearing alder; rhamnus frangula. Germ. Spreckenholz: Dan. spregner : Swed. dial. sprakved,' Lchdm. ii. 406. The word glosses apeletum in Wrt. Voc. i. 285, 83 : ii. 8, 43, for alnetum (Cockayne) :-- Genim spracen berindred, Lchdm. ii. 58, 8: 66, 3.

spræc a shoot :-- Spraec sarmentum, Wrt. Voc. ii. 119, 48. [Icel. sprek a stick. Cf. O. H. Ger. sprachila siliqua. Graff also cites spraioh sarmenta, vi. 391.] v. spæc; spræ-acute;te (?).

spræ-acute;c, spæ-acute;c, spréc, e; f. Speech. I. in the following glosses :-- Spræ-acute;ce disputationis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 28, 49. Godcundra spréca divinorum eloquiorum, Hpt. Gl. 442, 37. Spræ-acute;ce faminem, Wrt. Voc. ii. 37, 28: 95, 38. Spræ-acute;ce fatu, 38, 6. Spéce wíse scema locutionis, i. 55, 22.