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or-bléde; adj. Bloodless :-- Orbléde exsangues, Wrt. Voc. ii. 32, 39.

orc, es; m. A cup, can, tankard, flagon :-- Orc orca (cf. orca a tankard, Wülck. Gl. 599, 16: a cane, 771, 29), Wrt. Voc. i. 25, 4. Blót-(blód-)orc uas in quo sacrificabant res impias, Germ. 307, 514. Orce calice, Hpt. Gl. 435, 39. Bollan steápe, swylce eác orcas, Judth. Thw. 21, 15; Jud. 18: Beo. Th. 6087; B. 3047. Hé geseah orcas standan, fyrnmanna fatu, 5514; B. 2760. Orcas crateras, Ex. 24, 6. [Goth. aurkeis a cup: O. Sax. ork.]

orc, es; m. The infernal regions (orcus) :-- Orc orcus, Ep. Gl. 16 f, 36: Wrt. Voc. ii. 115, 61. Orcþyrs oððe heldeófol Orcus (the god of the infernal regions), 63, 49.

or-ceápe, -ceápes, -ceápunga, -ceápungum; adv. Without payment, without cause, for nothing, gratis, gratuitously :-- Ne þurfon gé wénan ðæt gé ðæt orceápe sellon, ðæt gé under Drihtnes borh syllaþ, þéh gé sóna dære méde ne ne onfón, Blickl. Homl. 41, 12. Orceápes gratis, Hpt. Gl. 478, 42. Beó hé frióh orceápunga, L. Alf. 11; Th. i. 46, 3. Hí onwunnon mé orceápunga (gratis), Ps. Spl. M. 119, 6. Orceápungum, Ps. Lamb. 108, 3.

orc-eard, -geard. v. ort-geard.

or-ceás; adj. Free from complaint, not chargeable (with a fault) :-- Orceás inmunis. Wrt. Voc. ii. 91, 50; inmunes, 111, 14. Orcæ-acute;sne immunem, immaculatum, castum, Hpt. Gl. 474, 72. Orceáse &l-bar; unwemme immunes, incontaminati, inviolatas, 447, 43. v. ceás, ceást, and next word.

or-ceásness, e; f. Immunity, freedom from fault :-- Orceásnes immunitas, Wrt. Voc. ii. 46, 59: 77, 34. Seó orceásnys, Hpt. Gl. 433, 57. Orceásnysse &l-bar; uniwemnysse immunitatis, 434, 27. Orceásnysse immunitatem, castitatem, 461, 41.

orcen (?) a sea-monster :-- Ðanon untydras ealle onwócon, eotenas and ylfe and orcneas [orcenas (?). Grein reads orc-néas, with which compare orc-þyrs under orc] swylce gigantas, Beo. Th. 225; B. 112. [Cf. (?) Icel. orkn (örkn) a kind of seal.]

or-cnáwe, -cnæ-acute;we; adj. Recognisable, evident :-- Ðæ-acute;r orcnáwe (wearþ) þurh teóncwide tweógende mód, Andr. Kmbl. 1540; An. 771. Ðá wæs orcnæ-acute;we (on-, Kmbl.) idese síðfæt, Elen. Kmbl. 457; El. 229. v. ge-, on-cnæ-acute;we.

orc-þyrs. v. orc.

ord, es; m. I. a point, (a) of a weapon :-- Æ-acute;lces wæ-acute;pnes ord mucro, Wrt. Voc. i. 35, 35. Se ord (ðæs speres), L. Alf. pol. 36; Th. i. 84, 17. Seaxes ord, Exon. Th. 472, 6; Rä. 61, 12. Wordes ord breósthord þurhbræc, Beo. Th. 5576; B. 2791. Ne ofstong hé hiene mid dý speres orde. Ðæt is ðonne swelc mon mid forewearde orde stinge ... suá suá Assael wæs deád bútan orde non cum recta, sed aversa hasta transforavit ... quasi sine ferro moriuntur, Past. 40, 5; Swt. 297, 10-23. Mid gáres orde, Cd. Th. 92, 2; Gen. 1522. Hé sette his swurdes ord tógeánes his innoþe, Homl. Th. ii. 480, 14. Ðæt gebearh feore wið ord and wið ecge (cf. Icel. með oddi ok eggju) it protected life from thrust and cut, Beo. Th. 3102; B. 1549. (b) putting a part for the whole, a spear, pointed weapon :-- Mé sceal wæ-acute;pen niman, ord and íren (spear and sword), Byrht. Th. 139, 12; By. 253. Hwá ðæ-acute;r mid orde mihte on fæ-acute;gean men feorh gewinnan, wígan mid wæ-acute;pnum, 135, 31; By. 124. Hit is mycel nédþearf ðæt hié man forspille, and mid írenum þislum and ordum hié man sleá, Blickl. Homl. 189, 30. Hildesercum, bordum and ordum, Elen. Kmbl. 469; El. 235. (c) of other point-shaped, conical things :-- Ord apicem, Wrt. Voc. ii. 73, 64. Ða hwíle ðe se móna ðære sceade ord (the shadow of the earth) ofer yrnþ, Lchdm. iii. 240, 26. Hafaþ tungena gehwylc xx orda, hafaþ orda gehwylc engles snytro, Salm. Kmbl. 461-464; Sal. 231-232. (d) of persons, (1) one who is at the topmost point, a head, chief, prince :-- Æþelinga ord Christ, Exon. Th. 32, 19; Cri. 515: 46, 22; Cri. 741: 53, 5; Cri. 846: Elen. Kmbl. 785; El. 393. Burgwarena ord, 462, 22; Hö. 56. (2) of position, head, front :-- Se ðe on orde geóng he who went at the head of the band, Beo. Th. 6242; B. 3125. II. line of battle, forefront :-- Se ord on here acies, Ælfc. Gr. 5; Som. 4, 14. Hí Pantan streám bestódon, Eást-Seaxena ord and se æschere, Byrht. Th. 133, 52; By. 69. Elamitarna ordes wísa, Cd. Th. 121, 3; Gen. 2004. On orde stód Eádweard Edward stood in the forefront of the battle, Byrht. Th. 139, 52; By. 273. III. the beginning, origin, source (applied to persons and things) :-- Se ðe (the devil) is ord æ-acute;lcere leásunge and yfelnysse, Homl. Th. i. 4, 29. Se leahter (pride) is ord and ende æ-acute;lces yfeles, ii. 220, 34. Ord moncynnes (Adam), Cd. Th. 68, 2; Gen. 1111. Dæges ord day-break, 174, 10; Gen. 2876. Sume úre þéningbec onginnaþ on Aduentum Domini; nis ðeáh ðæ-acute;r forðý ðæs geáres ord, Homl. Th. i. 98, 27. From orde óþ ende forþ, Elen. Kmbl. 1176; El. 590. Hé folcmæ-acute;gþa fruman áweahte, æþelinga ord, ðá hé Adam sceóp, 77, 20; Gen. 1278. Sóna ongeat cyning ord and ende ðæs ðe him ýwed wæs, 225, 30; Dan. 162. Ord onstellan to make a beginning, be the source of, 272, 4; Sat. 114: Bd. 4, 24; S. 597, 21. Ðæt ðín spræ-acute;c hæbbe æ-acute;gðer ge ord ge ende, Past. 49; Swt. 385, 13. [Laym., A. R., O. and N. ord: Orm. ord and ende: O. Sax. O. L. Ger. O. Frs. ord: O. H. Ger. ort angulus, aculeus, acies, initium: Icel. oddr the point of a weapon, head of a troop, leader.]

or-dæ-acute;le; adj. Not having or taking part in a thing, not participating :-- Ordæ-acute;le expers, Wrt. Voc. ii. 31, 48: 90, 67. Ordæ-acute;la expers, i. ignarus, alienus, sine parte, imperitus, inscius, privatus, Wülck. Gl. 232, 23.

or-dál, -dél; generally neuter, but an apparently fem. acc. pl. ordéla occurs, L. Edg. C. 24; Th. ii. 248, 28. (Cf. O. H. Ger. which has fem. and neut. forms.) In the sense of judicial decision, judgment the word is used by O. Frs. O. Sax. O. H. Ger. (v. Richthofen, the Heliand and Graff), but in A. Sax. it is found only in the special sense, which belongs also to the O. Frs., of a decision which follows an appeal to the Deity. The ordeal was thus connected with religion, and attended by religious ceremonies. In L. Ath. i. 23; Th. i. 210, 26, it is said with respect to the person who is to undergo the ordeal 'féde hine sylfne mid hláfe and mid wætere and sealte and wyrtum æ-acute;r hé tó gán scyle, and gestande him mæssan ðæra þreora daga (the three days preceding the ordeal) æ-acute;lcne, and geoffrige tó, and gá tó húsle ðý dæge ðe hé tó ðam ordále gán scyle, and swerige ðonne ðane áþ, ðæt hé sý unscyldig ðære tihtlan æ-acute;r hé tó ðam ordále gá.' Before taking the Eucharist and going to the ordeal a solemn form of adjuration was addressed to the person concerned, that unless he was conscious of innocence he should desist, v. Rtl. 114, 13-23. The further proceedings in connection with the ordeal by hot water or by hot iron are detailed in L. Ath. iv. 7; Th. i. 226, 8. After the fire to be used in heating was carried into the church, none were to enter but the priest and the accused. When the iron was hot or the water boiled, two men for the accused, two for the accuser, were admitted, to see that the proceedings were fairly conducted. When hot water was employed, if it were a case of ánfeald tihtle, the hand was plunged in up to the wrist, if of threefold, up to the elbow. When the hot iron was used, a weight of one pound or of three pounds, according to the case, had to be carried nine feet. The hand was then sealed up, and its condition, when unwrapped at the end of three days, determined the guilt or innocence of the accused. See also L. Ath. i. 23; Th. i. 212, 2-10. Further reference to the difference in degree is made in Ath. iv. 6; Th. i. 224, 13: L. Edg. H. 9; Th. i. 260, 18. Among those who were to be subjected to this form of trial are mentioned convicted perjurors, who after conviction are not 'áþwyrðe ac ordáles wyrðe,' L. Ed. 3; Th. i. 160, 18-21: the man who was charged with plotting against his lord, or with being guilty of 'cyricbryce,' or with practising witchcraft and similar illicit arts underwent the threefold ordeal, L. Ath. i. 4-6; Th. i. 202, 1-17; and the same trial was appointed in the case of incendiaries, L. Ath. iv. 6; Th. i. 224, 11-19, and of coiners, L. Ath. i. 14; Th. i. 206, 17-25: L. Eth. iii. 8; Th. i. 296, 12-16. The ordeal is also mentioned as being the only method of meeting an accusation in a case between English and Welsh, 'ne stent nán óðer lád æt tihtlan búte ordál betweox Wealan and Englan,' L. O. D. 2; Th. i. 354, 1-2. The ordeal must take place in a king's burgh, 'Æ-acute;lc ordál beó on ðæs kyninges byrig,' L. Eth. iii. 6; Th. i. 296, 4, and upon fastdays and festivals could not be used, 'ordél and áþas syndan tócwedene freólsdagum and rihtfæstendagum,' L. E. G. 9; Th. i. 172, 10: L. Eth. v. 18; Th. i. 308, 24-27: vi. 25; Th. i. 320, 24-27: L. Edg. C. 24; Th. ii. 248, 27. Wé forbeódaþ ordál and áþas freólsdagum and ymbrendagum and lenctendagum and rihtfæstendagum and fram aduentum domini óþ octabas epiphanie and fram septuagesima óþ fífténe niht ofer eástran, Wulfst. 117, 14. See Schmid. A. S. Gesetz., Grmm. R. A. pp. 863 sqq., 908 sqq., and cf. cor-snæ-acute;d. As an instance of the occurrence of the word elsewhere than in the Laws, see Chart. Th. 432, where the phrase áþ and ordél occurs several times. [O. Frs. or-, ur-dél: O. Sax. ur-deili: O. H. Ger. ur-teil, -teila, -teili judicium, sentential.] v. ísen-, wæter-ordál.

ordál-isen, es; n. The iron used in the ordeal, L. Ath. iv. 6; Th. i. 224, 14.

ord-bana, an; m. One who slays with (the point of) a weapon (ord, cf. ecg-bana), a murderer :-- Ic fylde mid folmum ordbanan Abeles (Cain), Cd. Th. 67, 7; Gen. 1097.

ord-ceard. v. ort-geard.

ord-fruma, an; m. I. of things, source, origin :-- Ordfruma origo, Ælfc. Gr. 9, 3; Som. 8, 58. Ós byþ ordfruma æ-acute;lcere spræ-acute;ce, Runic pm. Kmbl. 340, 5; Rún. 4. II. of persons, (1) author, source, (a) applied to the Deity :-- Crist, ordfruma æ-acute;lcere gife, Homl. Th. ii. 526, 7. Ordfruma ealre clæ-acute;nnesse, Blickl. Homl. 13, 21. Drihten is ordfruma (auctor) ealra eadignesse, Bd. 4, 30; S. 609, 16. God, lífes ordfruma, Exon. Th. 14, 30; Cri. 227. Ordfruma ealra gescafta, Cd. Th. 292, 17; Sat. 442. (b) applied to others :-- Se wæs ordfruma (auctor) ðæs gefeohtes, Bd. 3, 24; S. 556, 32. Danaus ðæs yfeles ordfruma scelerum fabricator Danaus, Ors. 1, 8; Swt. 40, 16: Nicod. 6; Thw. 3, 14: 29; Thw. 17, 4. (2) chief, head, prince :-- Wæs mín fæder æþele ordfruma, Beo. Th. 531; B. 263. Daniel wæs ordfruma earmre láfe, Cd. Th. 225, 10; Dan. 152. Ðonne beóþ ða synfullan genyðerade mid heora ordfruman, swá hé genyðerad wearþ, Blickl. Homl. 33, 1. [O. Sax. ord-frumo: O. H. Ger. ort-frumo auctor.]

ord-stapu; gen. -stæpe; f. A step of a pointed instrument, the prick or wound made by a sharp point :-- Oft mec ísern scód sáre on sídan; ic næ-acute;fre meldade monna æ-acute;ngum, gif mé ordstæpe egle wæ-acute;ron, Exon. Th. 485, 19; Rä. 71. 16.