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lagu-lád, e; f. Away across water, Exon. 76 b; Th. 286, 19; Wand. 3: Andr. Kmbl. 627; An. 314. [Cf. O. Sax. lagu-líðandi a seafarer.]

lagu-mearh, -mearg; m. A sea-steed, ship, Exon. 52 a; Th. 182, 7; Gú. 1306. [Cf. Icel. lög-dýr, -fákr a ship.]

lagu-síþ, es; m. A sea-journey :-- Ðære láfe lagosíþa for those who are left after sea-journeyings [those who were saved in the ark], Cd. 67; Th. 81, 11; Gen. 1343. Lagosíþa rest rest from sea-journeyings [on coming out of the ark], 73; Th. 89, 26; Gen. 1486.

lagu-stræ-acute;t, e; f. A sea-road, the sea :-- Ofer lagustræ-acute;te, Beo. Th. 483; B. 239.

lagu-streám, es; m. Sea, stream, river, water :-- Folde and lagustreám earth and sea, Bt. Met. Fox 11, 86; Met. 11, 43. On lago-streáme [the Danube], Elen. Kmbl. 273; El. 137. Lyft wið lagustreám air with water, Exon. 93 b; Th. 351, 22; Sch. 84. Lád ofer lagustreám, Andr. Kmbl. 845; An. 423: Bt. Met. Fox. 26, 31; Met. 26, 16. Ðæ-acute;r lagustreámas wyllan onspringaþ fons in medio est, Exon. 56 b; Th. 201, 27; Ph. 62. Lagustreáma full full of water, 502 a; Th. 385, 1; Rä. 4, 38. Álýs mé and genere wið lagustreámum manegum wæterum eripe me, et libera me de aquis multis, Ps. Th. 143, 8: Cd. 91; Th. 115, 21; Gen. 1923. Ofer lagustreámas [the waters of the deluge], 161; Th. 201, 5; Exod. 367. Ofer lagustreámas across the sea, Beo. Th. 599 ; B. 297. [O. Sax. lagu-stróm.]

lagu-swimmend, es; m. A creature that swims, a fish :-- Laguswimmendra, Salm. Kmbl. 580; Sal. 289.

lah; n.(?) Law :-- Æ-acute;lc mynetere ðe betihtlad sí bicge him lah mid xii óran [cf. bicge him lage, Th. i. 294, 8] let every minter that is accused buy himself law with xii ores [v. lah-ceáp], L. Eth. iii. 8; Th. i. 296, 16. [Icel. lög, is neuter.] v. lagu; lah-ceáp.

lah-breca, an; m. A law-breaker, Scint. 2, Lye.

lah-bryce, es; m. A breach of the law :-- Ðæt wæs geworden ðæs ðe hé sæ-acute;de þurh gelæ-acute;redra regolbryce and þurh læ-acute;wedra lahbryce that happened, according to him [Gildas], through the violation of their rule by ecclesiastics, and through the breaking of the law by laymen, Swt. A. S. Rdr. 111, 199. Deófíce dæ-acute;da on mistlícan lahbrycan [MS. D. lagbrycan] on hádbrycan and on æ-acute;wbrycan devilish deeds in the shape of diverse violations of law, of holy orders and of marriage, L. Eth. v. 25; Th. i. 310, 18: vi. 28; Th. i. 322, 18. Wearþ ðes þeódscipe swíðe forsyngod þurh lahbrycas and þurh æ-acute;swicas þurh hádbrycas and þurh æ-acute;wbrycas, Swt. A. S. Rdr. 109, 147.

lah-ceáp, -cóp, es; m. Payment made for re-entry into legal rights which have been lost; redemptio privilegiorum quæ per utlagationem fuerint amissa :-- Lahceáp, L. N. P. L. 67: Th. ii. 302, 5. Lahcóp, L. Eth. iii. 3; Th. i. 244, 1. In the note on the latter passage an illustration is quoted from old Danish Law, where 'bylagh' [town law] being lost under certain conditions after an absence of a year and a day, a man 'bör at köbe sigh thet igen a ny.' The term is found in Old Sleswick Law :-- 'Rex habet quoddam speciale debitum in Sleswick, quod dicitur Læghköp, quo redimitur ibi hereditas [quorundam] morientium.' In the same passage occurs the phrase 'emere lagh.' v. lah.

lah-líc; adj. Lawful, Scint. 9, Lye. v. next word.

lah-líce; adv. Lawfully, according to law :-- Ne úre næ-acute;nig his líf ne fadode swá swá hé scolde ne gehádode regollíce ne læ-acute;wede lahlíce nor hath any one of us ordered his life as he should, neither those ordained according to their rules nor the laymen according to the law, Swt. A. S. Rdr. 107, 78. Ðæt hí læ-acute;ran ðæt gehádode menn regollíce libban and læ-acute;wede lahlíce heora líf fadian, L. I. P. 18; Th. ii. 324, 27.

lah-mann, es; m. A man acquainted with, and whose duty it was to declare, the law :-- xii lahmenn scylon riht tæ-acute;cean Wealan and Ænglan vi Engliscne and vi Wylisce. Þolien ealles ðæs hý ágon gif hí wóh tæ-acute;cen oþþe geládian hí ðæt hí bet ne cúþon xii lawmen shall declare the law to Welsh and English, vi English and vi Welsh. Let them forfeit all they own if they declare wrong; or clear themselves [on the ground] that they knew no better, L. O. D. 3; Th. i. 354, 9. In L. Ed. C. 38; Th. i. 461, 21 the latinized form of the word occurs :-- Postea inquirat justicia per lagemannos, et per meliores homines de burgo vel hundredo vel villa. See Cl. & Vig. Dict. sub voce lögmaðr.

lah-riht, es; n. Legal right :-- Æ-acute;ghwylc lahriht ge burhriht ge landriht every legal right, both of town and country, L. I. P. 7; Th. ii. 312, 19. Gif hwá openne wiðercwyde ongeán lahriht Cristes oþþe cyninges gewyrce if any one act in open contradiction to the legal right of Crist or of the king, L. Eth. v. 31; Th. i. 312, 9.

lah-slit; n[?]; -sliht, -slite, es; m; -slitt, e: f. According to its component parts the word means a breach or violation of the law; in the Laws however it is applied to the fuse payable for the breach, and is used only with reference to the Danes, the corresponding term among the English being wíte :-- Beó se wið ðone cyningc hundtwelftig sci&l-bar;&l-bar;. scyldig on Engla lage ... and on Dena lage lahslites scyldig, L. C. S. 15; Th. i. 384, 15. Gebéte ðæt be ðæm ðe seó dæ-acute;d sý swá be wíte swá be lahslitte [lahslite, MS. B.] let him make'bot' for that according to what the deed is, either by 'wite' [if English] or by 'lahslit' [if Danish], L. E. G. 3; Th. i. 168, 6. Gif preóst fulluhtes forwyrne ðam ðe ðæs þearf sý, gylde wíte mid Englum and mid Denum lahslit, ðæt is twelf óran, 10-13. Gylde swá wífe swá lahslitte [lahslite, MS. B], 2; Th. i. 168, 3. Gylde lahslitte inne on Deone lage and wíte mid Englum, 7; Th. i. 172, 3. Lahslite, 8; Th. i. 172, 7. Lahslit, 9; Th. i. 172, 11. Ðonne gilde hé lahsliht, L. N. P. L. 51: 52: 53; Th. ii. 298, 9: 12: 15. The word is continued in the Laws of William the Conqueror :-- In Danelahe erit iii forisfactura de suo laslite [laxlite in French], Th. i. 483, 24. In Th. i. 168, note a, a passage is quoted from old Swedish law in which 'lagsliht' occurs. See also Grmm. R. A. 623: Steenstrup's Normannerne, iv. 264 sqq.

lah-wita, an; m. One who has a knowledge of law, a lawyer :-- Cyningan and bisceopan eorlan and heretogan geréfan and déman lárwitan and lahwitan gedafenaþ mid rihte ðæt hí Godes riht lufian it rightly befits kings and bishops, nobles and generals, sheriffs and judges, those who have learning and those who know law, to love God's justice, L. I. P. 5; Th. ii. 308, 14.

lám, es; n. Clay, mud, mire, earth :-- Laam argilla, Ælfc. Gl. 56; Som. 67, 35; Wrt. Voc. 37, 25: Wrt. Voc. ii. 100, 66. Lám a[r]gella, Wrt. Voc. 285, 7: limus, Ælfc. Gr. 13; Som. 16, 4: Wrt. Voc. ii. 112, 81. Lámes gelícnes the body [after death], Exon. 98 a; Th. 368, 9; Seel. 19. God gesceóp man of ðære eorþan láme formavit dominus deus hominem de limo terræ, Gen. 2, 7: Homl. Th. i. 12, 29: 236, 15. Áfæstnod ic eom on láme grundes I sink in deep mire; infixus sum in Iimo profundi, Ps. Spl. 68, 2. Genera mé of láme deliver me out of the mire; eripe me de luto, C. 68, 18. Láme bitolden covered with earth [buried], Exon. 64 a; Th. 235, 11; Ph. 555: 50 a; Th. 173, 27; Gú. 1167: 117 b; Th. 451, 5; Dóm. 99. Ic áworpe ða myht fram mé ðe mé fram ðé geháten ys swá ðæt lám ðe ic myd mýnum fótum ontrede I cast away from me the power that is promised me by thee, as the dirt that I tread upon with my feet, Shrn. 151, 22. [O. L. Ger. lémo, leimo limus: O. H. Ger. leim argilla, limus, lutum: Ger. lehm.]

lama, loma, lame; adj. Lame, disabled in the limbs, maimed, crippled, weak, paralysed, palsied, paralytic :-- On sídan lama pleuriticus, Ælfc. Gl. 10; Som. 57, 25; Wrt. Voc. 19, 31. Lame debilis vel enervatus, 77; Som. 72, 22; Wrt. Voc. 45, 55. Conclamatus i. commotus, convocatus, desperatus, vel loma, Wrt. Voc. ii. 136, 28: conclamatus, 105, 20. Ánne man se wæs lama hominem qui erat paraliticus, Lk. Skt. 5, 18. Ic eom lama þearfa egenus et pauper sum, Ps. Th. 108, 22. Ðá læg ðæ-acute;r sum creópere lama fram cildháde then lay there a cripple lame from his childhood, Homl. Skt. 10, 25. Ánne bædrydan for eahte geárum lama a bedridden man paralysed for eight years, 42. Man ne mót nán þing gehæ-acute;lan on restedagum þéh hyt lama beó nú hæ-acute;lþ hé æ-acute;gðer ge healte ge blynde ge deáfe ge dumbe ge gebýgede laman and deófolseóce, Nicod. 2; Thw. 1, 29. Án mæ-acute;den seó wæs lama puella paralytica, Bd. 3, 9; S. 533, 5. Hé wæs lama and eallra his lima þénunge benumen deficiente penitus omni membrorum officio, 5, 5; S. 617, 37. Mid langre ádle laman legeres swíðe gehefigod longo paralysis morbo gravatam, 3, 9; S. 534, 5. Oft him feorran tó laman liomseóce cwómon healte hreófe and blinde oft to him from far cane the lame, the crippled, the halt, the leprous, and the blind, Elen. Kmbl. 2425; El. 1214. Lamena [lamana, MS. B.] hé is læ-acute;ce of the lame it is the leech, Salm. Kmbl. 155; Sal. 77. lii hit oftræd and hié tó loman gerénode ðæt hió mec æ-acute;nigre note nytte beón ne meahton duos et 1. calcatos inutiles fecit, Nar. 15, 26. Laman paralyticos, Mt. Kmbl. 4, 24. [O. Sax. lamo: O. Frs. lam, lom: Icel. lami, lama: Dan. lam lame, palsied, paralytic: O. H. Ger. lam claudus, mancus, debilis, paralyticus.] v. ád-, lim- lama.

lamb, es; and lamber; n. A lamb :-- Ðæt lamb sceal beón ánwintre erit agnus anniculus, Ex. 12, 5. Hér is Godes lamb ecce agnus dei, Jn. Skt 1, 29. Swá plegende lamp quasi agnus lasciviens, Kent. Gl. 214. Hé gefullode ðone wulf and geworhte tó lambe he baptized the wolf and made it a lamb, Homl. Th. i. 390, 26. Godes lomber folgian, Exon. 48 a; Th. 164, 22; Gú. 1015. Nyme æ-acute;lc mann án lamb tollat unusquisque agnum, Ex. 12, 3. Swá swá lamb sicut agni, Ps. Spl. 113, 4. Swá sceóne lambru, Ps. Th. 113, 4, 6. Lambra, Ps. Spl. 113, 6. Mid lamba rysle cum adipe agnorum, Deut. 32, 14. Abram gesette seofon lamb on sundron statuit Abram septem agnas seorsum, Gen. 21, 28. Ic eów sende swá swá lamb [lombro, Lind: lombor, Rush.] betwux wulfas ego mitto vos sicut agnos inter lupos, Lk. Skt. 10, 3. Heald míne lamb [lombor, lomboro, Lind: lombor, Rush.] pasce agnos meos, Jn. Skt. 21, 15, 16. [Orm. lammbre; pl: Ayenb. Piers P. lambren: Goth. O. Sax. Icel. O. H. Ger. lamb; in O. H. Ger. lember, lembir as well as lamb are found in pl. v. Grff. ii. 214.]

lambes cerse, an; f. Lamb's cress; cardamine hirsuta :-- Cersan sæ-acute;des sume men hátaþ lambes cersan, L. M. 1, 1; Lchdm. i. 24, 16. v. E. D. S. Plant names.

Lamb-, Lambe-hýþ, e; f. Lambeth in Surrey :-- Hér forþferde Hardacnut æt Lambhýþe, Chr. 1041; Erl. 167, 30. Ðis synd ða landgemæ-acute;re intó Lambehýþe, Cod. Dip. Kmbl. iv. 158, 4. v. hýþ.

lam-byrd, e; n. A lame, weak, imperfect birth, Lchdm. iii. 66, 22. v. læt-byrd.

lám-fæt, es; n. A vessel of clay, the body, Exon. 74 a; Th. 277, 9; Jul. 578: l00 a; Th. 375; Seel. 133.

lamprede, an; f. A lamprey [Low Latin lampreda.] :-- Hwilce fixas geféhst ðú? Lampredan quales pisces capis? murænas, Coll. Monast. Th. 23, 35. [O. H. Ger. lampreda, lantprida murenula, Grff. ii. 241.]