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fóre-wæs was before or over, Bd. 5, 18; S. 635, 35; p. of fóre-wesan.

fóre-ward, e; f. An agreement, compact, treaty; pactum, fœdus :-- His bróðer griþ and fórewarde eall æftercwæþ his brother renounced all peace and agreement, Chr. 1094; Erl. 229, 30, 31. Búton he ða fórewarda geheólde unless he kept the agreements, Erl. 229, 32: Cod. Dipl. 732; A.D. 1016-1020; Kmbl. iv. 10, 16. v. fóre-weard, e; f.

fóre-ward; adj. Forward, fore, former, early; pr&o-long;nus, ant&e-short;rior, prior :-- On fórewardre ðyssere béc ys awriten be me in the fore part of this book it is written of me, Ps. Th. 39, 8. v. fóre-weard; adj.

fóre-warde, an; f. An agreement; pactum :-- Seó fórewarde æ-acute;r wæs gewroht the agreement was formerly made, Chr. 1094; Erl. 229, 34. v. fóre-weard, e; f.

fóre-weall, es; m. A fore-wall, bulwark; propugn&a-long;c&u-short;lum :-- Syndon ða fóreweallas gestépte óþ wolcna hróf the fore-walls are raised to the clouds' roof [the water-walls in the Red Sea], Cd. 158; Th. 196, 25; Exod. 297.

fóre-weard, -ward, fór-word, -werd, e; f; fóre-warde, an; f. A FOREWARD, precaution, contract, agreement, compact, treaty, provision; præcautio, pactum, fœdus :-- Wurdon ða fórewearda full worhte the contracts were completed. Chr. 1109; Erl. 242, 22. To ðán ylcan fóreweardum [MS. foreweardan] with the same provisions, Cod. Dipl. 731; A.D. 1013-1020; Kmbl. iv. 10, 6. Fóreweard exordium, Rtl. 69, 17. DER. weard, e; f. [Dut. voor-waarde, f. condition, terms, pre-contract.]

fóre-weard, es; m. A forewarder, scout; antecursor, expl&o-long;r&a-short;tor :-- Siððan Scipia geahsode ðæt ða fóreweardas wæ-acute;ron feor ðam fæstenne gesette, he ðá dýgellíce gelæ-acute;dde his fyrde betuh ðám weardum when Scipio learned that the scouts [forewarders] were set far from the fastness, he then secretly led his army between the warders, Ors. 4, 10; Bos. 95, 12. v. weard; m.

fóre-weard, fór-weard, -werd, -ward; adj. FORWARD, fore, former, early; pr&o-long;nus, ant&e-short;rior, prior :-- Læ-acute;teþ fóreweard hleór on strangne stán he shall let his cheek [fall] forward on a strong stone, Salm. Kmbl. 228; Sal. 113. In fóreweardum Danieles dagum in the early days of Daniel, Chr. 709; Erl. 42, 30. On fóreweard Eásterfæsten in the fore [part of the] Easter-fast; inc&i-short;piente Quadrag&e-long;s&i-short;ma, Bd. 5, 2; S. 614, 37. Fóreweard feng ðara [MS. ðære] lippena togædere the fore-grasp of the lips together; rostrum, Ælfc. Gl. 71; Som. 70, 95; Wrt. Voc. 43, 26. Fóreweard fót the fore [part of the] foot, the sole of the foot; planta, Ælfc. Gl. 75; Som. 71, 95; Wrt. Voc. 45, 3. Ða sylfan tiid [=tíd] folc habbaþ fóreweard geár at the same time people have the fore [part of the] year, Menol. Fox 12; Men. 6. Fórewearde heáfod the forehead; frons, Wrt. Voc. 70, 28. We sceolon mearcian úre fórewearde heáfod mid Cristes róde tácne we should mark our foreheads with the sign of Christ's cross, Homl. Th. ii. 266, 11. Fóreweard lencten the early spring; ver n&o-short;vum, Ælfc. Gl. 95; Som. 76, 12; Wrt. Voc. 53, 26. Hit wæs fóreweard middæg it was the fore [part of] midday; h&o-long;ra s&e-short;cunda diei, Bd. 4, 32; S. 612, 5. Wæs fóreweard niht it was the early [part of] night; pr&i-long;ma h&o-long;ra noctis, Bd. 2, 12; S. 513, 19. On fóreweardre niht in the early [part of] night; pr&i-long;mo temp&o-short;re noctis, Bd. 5, 13; Whelc. 412, 15. Fóreweard nósu the fore-nose, extremity of the nose; p&i-short;r&u-short;la [q.v. in Du Cange], Ælfc. Gl. 71; Som. 70, 90; Wrt. Voc. 43, 21. On ðæs cyninges ríce fóreweardum in the fore [part of the] reign of the king; cujus regni princ&i-short;pio. Bd. 5, 2; S. 614, 24: 5, 23; S. 646, 3. Be ðisses bisceopes lífes stealle fóreweardum of the early state of this bishop's life; de cujus pont&i-short;f&i-short;cis st&a-short;tu v&i-long;tæ ad pri&o-long;ra rep&e-short;dantes, Bd. 5, 19; S. 637, 2. Drihten ðé gesett on fóreweard and ná on æfteweard const&i-short;tuet te D&o-short;m&i-short;nus in c&a-short;put et non in caudam, Deut. 28, 13. Ðú gesetst me on heáfod oððe on fórewearde þeóda const&i-short;tues me in c&a-short;put gentium, Ps. Lamb. 17, 44. [Dut. voor-waarts; adv. forward.]

fóre-werd; adj. Forward, fore, former, early; pr&o-long;nus, ant&e-short;rior, prior, pr&i-long;mus :-- On fórewerdne morgen ic drífe sceáp míne to heora lease in pr&i-long;mo m&a-long;ne m&i-short;no &o-short;ves meas ad pascua, Coll. Monast. Th. 20, 11. Fórewerd swira c&a-short;p&i-short;tium, Wrt. Voc. 282, 42. Fóreword násu p&i-short;r&u-short;la, 282, 65. On fórewerd ðære bóc oððe on heáfde bæ-acute;c awriten is be me in c&a-short;p&i-short;te libri scriptum est de me, Ps. Lamb. 39, 9. v. fóre-weard; adj.

fóre-wesan; p. ic, he -wæs, ðú -wæ-acute;re, pl. -wæ-acute;ron [fóre before, wesan to be] To be before, to preside; præesse :-- Ðyssum tídum fórewæs Norþan Hymbra ríce se strangesta cyning his temp&o-short;r&i-short;bus regno Nordanhymbr&o-long;rum præfuit rex fortiss&i-short;mus, Bd. 1, 34; S. 499, 18: 5, 18; S. 635, 35. v. wesan to be.

fóre-wís; adj. Forewise, foreknowing; præscius. Cot. 149.

fóre-witan, fór-witan; ic, he -wát, ðú -wást, pl. -witon; p. -wiste, pl. -wiston; pp. -witen To foreknow; præsc&i-long;re :-- He eall fórewát hú hit geweorþan sceal he foreknows all how it shall come to pass, Bt. 39, 5; Fox 218, 27.

fóre-wítigian; p. ode, ade; pp. od, ad To foresay, prophesy; prænunti&a-long;re :-- Se mycla hunger, ðe wæs fórewítegad on Act&i-short;bus Apost&o-short;l&o-long;rum the great famine, which was foretold in the Acts of the Apostles, Chr. 47; Erl. 7, 24.

fóre-witig -wittig; adj. Foreknowing; præscius :-- Fórewitig towerdra þinga præscius f&u-short;t&u-long;ri, Ælfc. Gr. 41; Som. 44, 12; Hpt. Gl.

fóre-witol; adj. [witol knowing] Foreknowing; præscius, Lye.

fóre-witung, e; f. A foreknowing, foretelling, presage; præs&a-long;gium, Som. Ben. Lye.; Hpt. Gl.

fore-wrégan; p. de; pp. ed To accuse strongly; valde acc&u-long;s&a-long;re :-- He bútan leahtrum wæs clæ-acute;ne geméted ðara þinga ðe hine mon forewrégde he was found without crimes clean of the things of which he was accused; absque cr&i-long;m&i-short;ne acc&u-long;s&a-long;tus fuisse inventus est, Bd. 5, 19; S. 639, 30.

fore-wrítan; p. -wrát, pl. -writon; pp. -writen To proscribe, banish; proscr&i-long;b&e-short;re, Som. Ben. Lye.

fore-writennes, -ness, e; f. Proscription, banishment, exile; proscriptio, Som. Ben. Lye.

fore-wyrcan; p. -worhte; pp. -worht To work for, do anything for anyone; f&a-short;c&e-short;re al&i-short;quid pro al&i-short;quo :-- Se man ðane óðerne æt rihte gebrenge, oððe riht forewyrce let the man bring the other to justice, or do justice for him, L. H. E. 15; Th. i. 34, 2.

fóre-wyrd, e; f. [fóre, wyrd an event] A deed done before; antefactum, Som. Ben. Lye.

for-fang, -feng, fore-feng, -fong, es; m. I. a seizing or rescuing of stolen or lost property; apprehensio :-- Be forstolenes mannes forfenge of seizing a stolen man, L. In. 53; Th. i. 134, 15, note 32. Be forstolenes ceápes forfenge of the rescuing of stolen property, 75, Th. i. 150, 4, note 7. II. the reward for rescuing such property; merces, quæ b&o-short;n&o-long;rum surrept&o-long;rum rest&i-short;t&u-long;t&o-long;ri d&a-short;tur :-- Forfang ofer eall fíftyne peningas the reward for rescuing stolen property shall be everywhere fifteen pence, L. Ff; Th. i. 224, 21. Embe forfang, witan habbaþ geræ-acute;dd, ðæt man ofer eall Engle-land gelícne dóm healde; ðæt is æt men fíftene peningas, and æt horse eal [MS. heal] swá ... Hwílon stód, ðæt man æt æ-acute;lcon þeófstolenan orfe ... and be his forfange sylle, ðæt is, æt æ-acute;lcon scill. penig, sý ðæs cynnes orf ðe hit sy, gyf hit man æt þeófes handa ahret; gyf hit ðonne elles on hýdelse funden sý, ðonne mæg ðæt forfangfeoh leóhtre beón concerning the reward for rescuing stolen property, the counsellors have determined, that one shall hold like judgment all over England; that is for a man fifteen pence, and for a horse as much ... Formerly it stood, that for all stolen cattle ... and on its rescue one should pay, that is, for every shilling a penny, be the cattle of whatever kind it may, if one rescues it from the hands of the thief; but if otherwise it be found in a hiding-place, then the reward for rescuing may be less, Th. i. 224, 24-226, 5.

for-fangen forfeited, L. Alf. pol. 2; Th. i. 62, note 9; Seized, Cd. 205; Th. 254, 19; Dan. 614; pp. of for-fón.

forfang-feoh; gen. -feós; n. The reward for rescuing stolen cattle or lost property; merces, quæ b&o-short;n&o-long;rum surrept&o-long;rum rest&i-short;t&u-long;t&o-long;ri d&a-short;tur :-- Gyf hit ðonne elles on hýdelse funden sý, ðonne mæg ðæt forfangfeoh leóhtre beón if otherwise it be found in a hiding-place, the reward for rescuing it may be less, L. Ff; Th. i. 226, 5.

for-faran; p. -fór, pl. -fóron; pp. -faren [for-, faran to go]. I. to go or pass away, perish; per&i-long;re :-- Seó scipfyrd [MS. scipfyrde] ælmæ-acute;st earmlíce forfór almost all the ship-force perished miserably, Chr. 1091; Erl. 227, 35. Hí mæ-acute;st ealle forfóron they almost all perished, 910; Erl. 101, 8, 33: 1096; Erl. 233, 22. II. to cause to pass away, cause to perish, to destroy; perd&e-short;re :-- Forfare hý man mid ealle let a man totally destroy them, L. E. G. 11; Th. i. 174, 2: L. C. S. 4; Th. i. 378, 9. Ðæt man ða sáwla ne forfare ðe Grist mid his agenum lífe gebohte that a man cause not the souls to perish which Christ bought with his own life, L. C. S. 3; Th. i. 378, 2. Wæs swíðe feala manna forfaren very many men were destroyed, Chr. 1025; Erl. 163, 10. Mycel orfes wæs ðæs geáres forfaren much cattle was destroyed this year, 1041; Erl. 169, 8. Wearþ micel his heres forfaren many of his army were destroyed, 1067; Erl. 204, 9. Fordoes &l-bar; forfæras perdiderit, Mt. Kmb. Lind. 10,

fór-faran; p. -fór, pl. -fóron; pp. -faren [fór before, faran to go] To go before, get in front of; præ&i-long;re :-- Fórfóron him ðone múþan fóran on úter mere they got in front of them before the mouth [of the river] in the outer sea, Chr. 897; Erl. 95, 21. [O. Sax. furfaran to precede.]

for-féhþ surprises, Exon. 20 b; Th. 54, 25; Cri. 874; 3rd sing. pres. of for-fón.

for-feng a seizing of stolen properly, L. In. 75; Th. i. 150, 4, note 7, MS. H. v. for-fang.

for-feran; p. de; pp. ed [for-, feran to go] To go or pass away, perish; p&e-short;r&i-long;re :-- Fórneáh æ-acute;lc tilþ on mersclande forferde very nearly all the tilth in the marsh-land perished, Chr. 1098; Erl. 235, 13.

for-fleón; p. -fleah, pl. -flugon; subj. pres. -fleó, pl. -fleón; pp. -flogen [for-, fleón to flee] To flee away from, escape; f&u-short;g&e-short;re, eff&u-short;g&e-short;re :-- Ic forfleó mine hlæ-acute;fdian a f&a-short;cie d&o-short;m&i-short;næ meæ &e-short;go f&u-short;gio. Gen. 16, 8. Ðaet gé ðás towerdan þing forfleón that ye escape those future things, Lk. Bos. 21, 36.

for-fón; ic -fó, ðú -féhst, he -féhþ, pl. -fóÞ; p. ic, he -féng, ðú -fénge, pl. -féngon; pp. -fangen, -fongen [for-, fón to take]. I. to be deprived of anything, forfeit; &a-short;l&i-short;quo pr&i-long;v&a-long;ri, amitt&e-short;re :-- Næbbe his ágne forfongen [hæbbe his ágen forfangen MS. H.] let him not have forfeited his own [let him have forfeited his own, MS. H.], L. Alf. pol. 2; Th. i. 62, 6. II. to take violently or by surprise, clutch, arrest, seize;