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Bederices weorþ, es ; m. [Bederices Bederic's, weorþ worth, town, or residence] Bederic's worth or town, so called because the manor formerly belonged to Bederic, who bequeathed it to Edmund the king and martyr, hence it was subsequently called Eádmundes burh, St. Edmund's bury :-- On Bedericeswyrþe at Bedericsworth, Will 23 ; Th. Diplm. A. D. 970; 517, 26. At an earlier date, in A. D. 958, Ælfgar records, - Ic an ðat lond into Beodricheswrþe to Seynt Eádmundes stówe I give the land at Bedericsworth to St. Edmund's place, Th. Diplm. 506, 12. v. Eádmundes burh.

Bedewinda, an; m. BEDWIN, Wilts :-- Ic, Ælfréd, West-Seaxena cining [MS. cingc], an Eádweade, mínum yldran suna, ðæs landes æt Bedewindan I, Alfred, king of the West-Saxons, give the land at Bedwin to Edward, my elder son [lit. made a grant of the land at Bedwin], Alfd. Will 14, 10.

bed-felt, es; m? A bed-covering; lecti pannus, lodix, R. Ben. 55.

béd-hús, es; n. [béd a prayer, hús a house] A chapel, an oratory, a place for prayer; oratorium, Fulg. 43.

Bedican ford, es ; m. Bedford, Chr. 571; Ing. 26, 12. v. Bedan ford.

be-dícian; p. ode ; pp. od ; v. a. To REDIKE, to mound, to fortify with a mound; aggere munire :-- Bedícodon ða buruh útan they embanked the city without, Chr. 1016; Th. 280, 8, col. 1.

be-didrian; p. ode; pp. od To deceive; decipere :-- Wéndon ge, ðæt ge mihton bedidrian mínne gelícan think ye, that ye could deceive one like me? Gen. 44, 15. DER. be-dyderian, dyderian.

be-dielf dug, Mt. Foxe 25, 18, for be-dealf; p. of be-delfan.

be-díglian, -díhlian, -deáglian; ic -díglige; p. -díglode; pp. -díglod, -díhlod; v. a. To hide, cover, conceal, keep close or secret; occultare, abscondere :-- Né hire ðú him ðæt ðú hine bedíglige non audias eum ut occultes eum, Deut. 13, 8. On gríne ða ðe hí bedíglodon in laqueo quem absconderunt, Ps. Spl. 9, 16. Bedíglod occultus, Ælfc. Gr. 28, 3; Som. 31, 5.

be-díhlian; p. -díhlode; pp. -díhlod To hide. v. be-díglian.

beding, e; f. Bedding, covering of a bed, a bed, Ps. Spl. 131, 3. v. bedding.

be-dipped, bedypt dipped, dyed; tinctus. v. be-dyppan.

bedling a delicate person. v. bædling.

be-dofen drowned ; submersus, Homl. Th. ii. 472, 5 ; pp. of be-dúfan.

be-dolfen buried, Elen. Kmbl. 2159; El. 1081; pp. of be-delfan.

be-dón [be, dón to do] To shut; claudere :-- Ðæt ðú ðíne doru mihtest bedón fæste that thou mightest shut fast thy doors, Ps. Th. 147, 2.

béd-ræ-acute;den, -ræ-acute;denn, e; f. An assignment, ordinance or appointment; assignatio, Som. v. ge-béd-ræ-acute;den.

be-dræ-acute;f drove, Exon. 108 a; Th. 412, 5; Rä. 30, 9, = be-dráf; p. of be-drífan.

be-dráf drove, Ors. 3, 11; Bos. 72, 38; p. of be-drífan.

be-dragan; p. -dróg, -dróh, pl. -drógon; pp. -dragen To draw aside, seduce; seducere :-- Ðe hie dearnenga bedróg who seduced her secretly, Cd. 29; Th. 38, 5 ; Gen. 602.

bed-reáf, es; m. Bed-clothes, bedding; lodix, fulcrum, lectisternia, Ælfc. Gl. 27; Som. 60, 109 : 111; Som. 79, 62, 64 : R. Ben. 55.

bed-reda, -rids, an; m. [bed a bed, reda = rida from riden ridden, pp. of rídan to ride, hence the def. adj. bedreda bedridden, and the noun bedreda, bedrida one bedridden] One BEDRIDDEN; clinicus :-- Ðæ-acute;r læg be ðam wege án bedreda there lay by the way one bedridden, Homl. Th. ii. 422, 4. Arás se bedreda, and arn blissigende the bedridden arose, and ran rejoicing, ii. 422, 9. Ðá ðá se sunderhálga Iosias ðæt tácn geseah on ðam bedredan [def. adj.] men, ðá feól he to ðæs apostoles fótum when the pharisee Josias saw that miracle in the bedridden man, then fell he at the apostle's feet, ii. 422, 11. Drihten cwæþ to sumum bedridan the Lord said to one bedridden, i. 472, 23.

bed-rest a bed; lectica, Ælfc. Gl. 66; Som. 69, 75: Judth. 10; Thw. 21, 26; Jud. 36. v. bedd-rest.

bed-rida one bedridden, Homl. Th. i. 472, 23. v. bed-reda.

be-drífan; p. -dráf, -dræ-acute;f, pl. -drifon; pp. -drifen ; v. a. I. to drive, thrust on or upon, to compel, constrain or enforce one to do a thing, to pursue, follow; cogere, compellere, agere, adigere :-- Perðica hine bedráf into ánum fæstene Perdiccas drove him into a fastness, Ors. 3, 11; Bos. 72, 38. Hí him hám bedrifon [MS. bedrifan] and sige áhton they drove them home and had a victory, Bd. 1, 14; S. 482, 20. Wiht ða húðe him bedræ-acute;f a creature drove the spoil home, Exon. 108 a; Th. 412, 5; Rä. 30, 9. Ðú bedrifen [MS. bidrifen] wurde on ðas þeóstran worulde thou wast driven into this dark world, Exon. 28 b; Th. 86, 17; Cri. 1409. II. to drive or beat against, to surround; obruere, obducere, circumflare :-- He geseah stapulas standan storme bedrifene he saw columns standing driven by the storm, Andr. Kmbl. 2987; An. 1496 : Rood Kmbl. 123; Kr. 62. DER. drífan.

be-drincan; p. -dranc, pl. -druncon; pp. -druncen To drink in or up, absorb; imbibere :-- Ðonne ðæt bedruncen sý, eft hit geniwa when that is drunk up, renew it again, Med. ex Quadr. 2, 10; Lchdm, i. 336, 4, MS. B.

béd-ríp, e; f. The cutting or reaping of corn on request; ad preces messio, L. R. S. 5 ; Th. i. 436, 4, note. v. bén-ríp.

be-dróg seduced, Cd. 29; Th. 38, 5 ; Gen. 602 ; p. of be-dragan.

be-droren; pp. Deceived, deluded, bereaved, deprived; deceptus, orbatus, Cd. 26; Th. 33, 31; Gen. 528 : 93; Th. 120, 22; Gen. 1998; pp. of be-dreósan. v. dreósan, bi-droren.

be-druncen drunk in, absorbed, Med. ex Quadr. 2, 10; Lchdm. i. 336, 4, MS. B; pp. of be-drincan.

bed-ryda, an; m. A bedridden man; clinicus :-- Se bedryda wearþ gehæ-acute;led sóna; and eóde him ðá hám, hál on his fótum, se ðe æ-acute;r wæs geboren on bæ-acute;re to cyrcan the bedridden man was soon healed; and he then went home, whole on his feet, who before was borne on a bier to church, Glostr. Frag. 10, 4, 15-18. v. bed-reda, drí, drían.

bed-stede, es ; m. [bed a bed; stede a place, station; locus, situs] A BEDSTEAD; sponda. v. stede.

bed-þén, es; m. [bed a bed, þén for þegn a servant] A chamberlain, a servant who has the care of a chamber; lecti minister, camerarius, Ælfc. Gl. 27; Som. 60, 101.

bed-tíd, e; f. BEDTIDE, bed time; lecti adeundi tempus, serum, Ælfc. Gl. 95; Som. 76, 2.

bédu prayers; orationes, Bd. 1, 7; S. 477, 43. v. béd; n.

be-dúfan; p. -deáf, pl. -dufon; pp. -dofen To bedive, put under; submergere, Homl. Th. ii. 392, 13. v. be-dofen. DER. dúfan.

bédul; adj. Prayerful, suppliant; petitiosus, Ælfc. Gl. 101; Som. 77, 46.

be-dulfon buried, Ors. 3, 6 ; Bos. 58, 7 ; p. pl. of be-delfan.

bed-wahrift, es; n. A curtain; cortina, Cod. Dipl. A. D. 995 ; Kmbl. vi. 133, 9.

be-dyderian; p. ode; pp. od To deceive; decipere. v. be-didrian. DER. dyderian to deceive.

be-dydrung, e; f. A deceit, deceiving; deceptio. DER. dydrung.

be-dyppan; p. -dypte, pl. -dypton; pp. -dypped ; v. trans. To dip, immerse; mergere, intingere, tingere :-- Se ðe bedypþ on disce mid me his hand qui intingit mecum manum in paropside, Mt. Bos. 26, 23. Se ðe ic ræ-acute;ce bedyppedne hláf is cui ego intinctum panem porrexero, Jn. Bos. 13, 26. Híg bedypton his tunecan on ðam blóde tinxerunt tunicam ejus in sanguine, Gen. 37, 31. Ic bedyppe mergo, Ælfc. Gr. 28, 4; Som. 31, 36.

be-dyrnan, bi-dyrnan; p. de; pp. ed To hide, conceal; occultare :-- Ne mihte him bedyrned wyrþan it might not be hidden from him, Cd. 14; Th. 17, 18; Gen. 261 : Elen. Kmbl. 1201; El. 602 : 1164; El. 584. v. dyrnan.

be-ebbian; p. ode, ade ; pp. od, ad To leave aground by ebbing; aqua privare :-- Scipu wæ-acute;ron be-ebbode [be-ebbade] the ships were left aground by the ebb, Chr. 897; Th. 176, 30. v. ebbian.

beel, es; n. A pile; rogus, Gl. E. 6, Lye. v. bæ-acute;l.

be-eódon dwelt, inhabited, Bd. 1, 26; S. 488, 1; p. of be-gán.

beer a bier, bed, Cot. 23 : Jn. Lind. War. 5, 8. v. bæ-acute;r.

be-fæstan, bi-fæstan; p. -fæste; pp. -fæsted. I. to fasten, make fast, fix; infigere :-- Biþ se þridda dæ-acute;l líge befæsted, in gléda grípe the third part shall be fastened in fire, into the gripe of flames, Elen. Kmbl. 2598; El. 1300. II. to establish; fundare, firmare :-- Wæs se bisceophád fægere befæsted the bishopric was fairly established, Elen. Kmbl. 2423; El. 1213. III. to commend, recommend, commit, deliver, put in trust, entrust; commendare, tradere, committere :-- He his geféran his freóndum wæs befæstende socios amicis suis commendavit, Bd. 4, 26; S. 602, 38. Ic him befæsted wæs I was entrusted to him, 5, 6; S. 618, 37 : Ps. Th. 30, 5. Hyt gebyrede ðæt ðú befæstest feoh myneterum oportuit te committere pecuniam numulariis, Mt. Bos. 25, 27 : L. C. S. 28; Th. i. 392, 10.

be-fæsting, e; f An entrusting. DER. fæsting.

be-fæðman; p. ede; pp. ed To embrace with the arms; ulnis amplecti :-- Befæðman, Cd. 163; Th. 204, 32; Exod. 428. v. fæðman.

be-fættian; p. ode; pp. od [be, fættian to fatten] To make fat, anoint; impinguare. v. ge-fættian.

be-falden covered. v. swegl-befalden.

be-fangen taken, Jos. 7, 15; pp. of be-fón.

be-faran; p. -fór, pl. -fóron; pp. -faran; v. trans. [be, faran to go] To go round, to travel through, go all over, to traverse, to go, march, encompass, to surround; peragrare, circumvenire :-- Ne befaraþ ge Israhéla burga æ-acute;rðan ðe mannes sunu cume ye shall not go over the cities of the Israelites before the son of man come, Mt. Bos. 10, 23. Rómáne on ungewis on án nyrewett befóran, óþ hý Somnite útan befóran the Romans marched unwittingly into a narrow pass, till the Samnites surrounded them on the outside, Ors. 3, 8; Bos. 63, 8 : Cd. 167; Th. 209, 10; Exod. 497.

be-fealdan, bi-fealdan ; p. -feóld, pl. -feóldon; pp. -fealden, -falden To fold, infold, clasp, involve, surround,, inwrap, cover, overwhelm; implicare, involvere, amplecti, circumdare :-- Ðú miht on ánre hand eáðe befealdan ealne middaneard thou canst easily infold in one hand all the midearth, Hy. 7, 119; Hy. Grn. ii. 289, 119. Ðá he ða bóc befeóld cum plicuisset librum, Lk. Bos. 4, 20. He befeóld his handa mid ðæra tyccena fellum pelliculas hædorum circumdedit manibus, Gen. 27, 16. Mec hý-gedryht befeóld a body of domestics surrounded me. Exon. 94b; Th. 353, 32; Reim. 21. DER. swegl-befalden.