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Fox 20, 152; Met. 20, 76. Bysmerdon uncit [Inscription Bismærede ungket] men, bá ætgædre they [men] reviled us two, both together, Runic Inscrip. Kmbl. 350, 30.

baan, es; n. A bone :-- Ne tobræ-acute;can ða baan they broke not the bones, Homl. Daye 55, 17; Th. has, Ne tobræ-acute;con ða bán, Homl. ii. 280, 9. v. bán.

Babilón, e; f: Babilónie, Babilónige, an; f: Babilón, Babylón, es; f. [v. wim-man, es; f.] Babylon; Bab&y-short;l&o-long;n, &o-long;nis; f. This celebrated city of antiquity, in Mesopotamia, was built on both banks of the Euphrates. Its foundation by Nimrod is mentioned immediately after the Deluge, Gen. 10, 9, 10: 11, 9 :-- Nimrod [MS. Membrað], se ent, ongan æ-acute;rest timbrian Babilónia; and Ninus, se cyning æfter him, and Sameramis, his cwén, hí ge-endade æfter him, on middeweardum hire ríce. Seó burh wæs getimbred on fildum lande, and on swíðe emnum. And heó wæs swíðe fæger on to lócianne, and heó is swíðe rihte feówerscýte. And ðæs wealles mycelnyss and fæstnyss, is ungelýfedlíc to secgenne: ðæt he is l elna brád, and ii hund elna heáh, and his ymbgang is hund seofantig míla, and seofeþan dæ-acute;l ánre míle ... Seó ylce burh Babylónia, seó ðe mæ-acute;st wæs, and æ-acute;rest ealra burga, seó is nú læst and wéstast Nimrod, the giant, first began to build Babylon; and, after him, king Ninus, and then Semiramis, his queen, finished it in the middle of her reign. The city was built on open and very level land. It was very fair to look upon, and it is quite a true square. The greatness and firmness of the wall, when stated, is hardly to be believed. It is fifty ells broad, and two hundred ells high, and its circumference is seventy miles, and the seventh part of a mile ... This very city of the Babylonians, which was the greatest and first of all cities, is now the least and most desolate, Ors. 2, 4; Bos. 44, 17-31. Babilón wæs mæ-acute;rost burga Babylon was the greatest of cities, Cd. 209; Th. 259, 19; Dan. 694. Babilóne weard the guardian of Babylon, 177; Th. 222, 14; Dan. 104: 178; Th. 223, 9; Dan. 117. Þurh Babilónian burh through the city of Babylon, Ors. 2, 4; Bos. 44, 11. Babilónes brego the ruler of Babylon, Cd. 174; Th. 218, 30; Dan. 47. Se wæs Babylónes brego he was the ruler of Babylon, 79; Th. 98, 20; Gen. 1633. Ofer flódas Babilónes super flumina Babylonis, Ps. Surt. 136, 1: Ps. Spl. 136, 1. Dóhtor Babylónes earm filia Babylonis misera, Ps. Surt. 136, 8: Ps. Spl. 136, 11. In Babilóne in Babylon, Cd. 82; Th. 102, 28; Gen. 1707. On ðære þeóde, ðe swá hátte bresne Babilónige in the country, that was so called powerful Babylon, 180; Th. 226, 18; Dan. 173. [Heb. HEBREW b&a-long;b&e-short;l the city of Belus: Grk. GREEK, GREEK; f: Lat. Bab&y-short;l&o-long;n, &o-long;nis; f.]

Babilónia Babylon, acc. Grk, Ors. 2, 4; Bos. 44, 17. v. Babilón.

Babilónie, an; f. Babylon, Ors. 2, 4; Bos. 44, 11. v. Babilón.

Babilónige Babylon, Cd. 180; Th. 226, 18; Dan. 173. v. Babilón.

Babilónis of Babylon, gen. Lat. Ps. Th. 86, 2. v. Babilón.

Babilónisc; def. se Babilónisca, seó, ðæt Babilónisce; adj. Babylonish; Babyl&o-long;n&i-short;cus :-- Dóhtor, seó Babilónisce wræcce [MS. babilonisca wræcca] filia Babilonis misera, Ps. Lamb. 136, 8.

Babilónisca, an; m. Babylon; Bab&y-short;l&o-long;n, &o-long;nis; f :-- Ofer flód Babilóniscan super flumina Babilonis, Ps. Lamb. 136, 1. DER. Babilónisc.

Babylón Babylon, Cd. 79; Th. 98, 20; Gen. 1633. v. Babilón.

baca of backs; gen. pl. of bæc.

BACAN; ic bace, ðú bacest, bæcest, bæcst, becest, becst, he baceþ, bæceþ, beceþ, pl. bacaþ; p. ic, he bóc, ðú bóce, pl. bócon; pp. bacen; v. a. To BAKE; torrere, pinsere, coquere :-- Fíf bacaþ on ánum ofene quinque in uno clibano coquant, Lev. 26, 26. Hí bócon melu coxerunt farinam, Ex. 12, 39. [Orm. bakenn: Chauc. bake: Wyc. bake; p. boke; pp. bakun: Scot. baike to bake; pp. baiken; bakster a baker: O. Sax. bakan: N. Frs. backe: Dut. bakken: Ger. backen: M. Ger. bachen: O. H. Ger. pachan; p. puoch; pp. pachanér: Dan. bage: Swed. O. Nrs. baka to roast: Sansk. bhak-tas cooked, from bhaj to cook.] DER. a-bacan: bæcere, bæcestre: bacen, niw-, ofen-.

bacen baked; pp. of bacan.

bac-slitol, es; m. A backbiter; detractor, Off. reg. 15. v. bæc-slitol.

bacu backs; nom. acc. pl. of bæc :-- Hí me towendon heora bacu they turned their backs on me, Bt. Met. Fox 2, 29; Met. 2, 15.

bád, e; f. [from bæ-acute;dan compellere] A pledge, stake, a thing distrained; pignus :-- Gif bád genumen sý, ðonne begyte ða báde hám if a pledge be taken, then shall he obtain the pledge home again, or back, L. O. D. 3; Th. i. 354, 6, 7. DER. bádian; néd-bád; nýd. v. wed, wedd.

bád expected, waited, Cd. 132; Th. 167, 32; Gen. 2774; p. of bídan.

Baddan-burh; g. -burge; d. -byrig; f. BADBURY, Dorsetshire, formerly Baddanburgum; Baddanburgus in quo castra metatus est Eadweardus Ælfredi fil, An. 901; haud longe a Winburna, in agro Dorsetensi :-- He gewícode æt Baddanbyrig wið Winburnan he encamped at Badbury near Winburn, Chr. 901; Th. 178, 26.

Badecan wylle, an; f. [Badec's well: Flor. A.D. 1114, Badecanwella] BAKEWELL, Derbyshire :-- Fór on Peac-lond to Badecan wyllan [MS. wiellon] went into the Peak to Bakewell, Chr. 924; Erl. 110, 12.

bádian; p. ode; pp. od; v. a. To pledge, seize, take by way of a pledge; pignerare, pignus auferre :-- Of æ-acute;gdran stæðe on óðer man mót bádian, búte man elles riht begytan mæ-acute;ge from one shore to the other one may take a pledge, unless he can get justice in another way, L. O. D. 2; Th. i. 354, 3.

Bæbba-burh Bamborough, Chr. 1093; Th. 360, 6: 1095; Th. 362, 12. v. Bæbban burh.

Bæbban burh, Chr. 993; Th. 241, 17, col. 1. v. Bebban burh.

BÆC; g. bæces; pl. nom. acc. bacu, bæc; g. baca; d. bacum; n. A BACK; dorsum, tergum [dorsum is opposed to venter, especially in animals; and tergum to frons, v. hricg] :-- Mínra feónda bæc ðú onwendest to me inimicorum meorum dedisti mihi dorsum, Ps. Th. 17, 38. Fýnd míne ðú sealdest me on bæc vel hricc inimicos meos dedisti mihi dorsum, Ps. Spl. 17, 42; myn enemys thou &yogh;eue to me bac, Wyc. 17, 41. Ðá wendon hí me heora bæc to then turned they their backs to me, Bt. 2; Fox 4, 13. Hí me towendon heora bacu they turned their backs on me, Bt. Met. Fox 2, 29; Met. 2, 15. Æ-acute;r hí bacum tobreden before they turn their backs to each other, Exon. 92 a; Th. 345, 20; Gn. Ex. 192. ¶ On bæc retro, Jn. Bos. 6, 66: and under bæc retrorsum, Ps. Spl. 43, 12: at his back, behind, backward, v. under-bæc. Clæ-acute;ne bæc hæbban to have a clean back, to be free from deceit, L. A. G. 5; Th. i. 156, 6. Gang on bæc, Mt. Bos. 4, 10. Gá on bæc go behind or away; vade retro, Mk. Bos. 8, 33. [Orm. bac, bacch: Chauc. back: O. Sax. bak, n: N. Frs. beck, n: O. Frs. bek, n: O. Ger. pacho, bacho, m: O. Nrs. bak, n: Scot. back a body of followers. Is it allied to the root in bígan to bow, as the N. Ger. buckel dorsum is to biegen?] DER. ofer-bæc, on-, under-.

bæc-bord, es; m. The larboard or left-hand side of a ship, when looking towards the prow or head; navigii sinistra pars :-- Burgenda land wæs us on bæcbord the land of the Burgundians was on our larboard or left, Ors. 1, 1; Bos. 21, 44. [Plat. Dut. bakboord the larboard.]

bæ-acute;ce a beech-tree, Som. Lye. v. béce.

bæcere, es; m. A BAKER; pistor, Ælfc. Gl. 50; Som. 65, 109; Wrt. Voc. 34, 38. [Plat. Dut. bakker: Ger. bäcker: Dan. Swed. bagere: O. Nrs. bakari.] v. bacan.

bæce-ring, es; m. A grate formed as a ring used for baking, a gridiron; craticula, Cot. 99.

bæc-ern, es; n. [bæc from bacan to bake, ern a place] A baking-place, a bakehouse; pistrinum, Ælfc. Gl. 50; Som. 65, 110; Wrt. Voc. 34, 39.

bæcest bakest, = bacest, 2nd sing. pres. of bacan.

bæcestre, bæcistre, bæcystre, an; f? m. [bacan to bake, heó bæc-eþ; estre, v. -isse] A woman who bakes; pistrix: but because afýrde men performed that work which was originally done by females, this occupation is here denoted by a feminine termination; hence, a baker; pistor :-- Ðá gelamp hit ðæt twegen afýryde men agylton wið heora hláford, Egypta cynges byrle and his bæcistre ecce accidit ut peccarent duo eunuchi, pincerna regis Ægyptorum, et pistor, domino suo, Gen. 40, 1. Ðara óðer bewiste his byrlas, óðer his bæcestran illorum alter pincernis præerat, alter pistoribus, 40, 2, Bæcistra ealdor pistorum magister, 40, 16, 20. Bæcestre a baker; pistor, Ælfc. Gr. 28, 1; Som. 30, 36.

bæceþ baketh, = baceþ, 3rd sing. pres. of bacan.

bæc-hús, es; n. A BAKEHOUSE; pistrinum, Ælfc. Gl. 22? v. bæc-ern.

bæcling; adv. Only used with on, On the back, backwards, behind; retrorsum :-- On bæcling retrorsum, Ps. Th. 113, 5. On bæclincg, 43, 12, 19. Cer ðé on bæcling turn thee behind me, Cd. 228; Th. 308, 26; Sat. 698. v. ears-ling, hinder-ling.

bæc-slitol, es; m. [bæc a back; slitol a biter, from sliten, pp. of slítan to slit, bite] A backbiter; detractor, Off. reg. 15.

bæcst bakest; bæcþ bakes. v. bacan.

bæc-þearm, es; m. The entrails; anus, longanon :-- Wrt. Voc. 283, 60. Bæcþearmas the bowels; extales, Ælfc. Gr. 13; Som. 16, 23. Bæcþearm vel snæ-acute;del extales, Ælfc. Gl. 74; Som. 71, 66; Wrt. Voc. 44, 48. Bæcþearmes útgang morbus, fortasse, ani procidentia; Som. v. snæ-acute;del.

bæcystre a baker; pistor :-- Bæcystra ealdor pistorum magister, Gen. 41, 10. v. bæcestre.

bæd, pl. bæ-acute;don asked, besought, Cd. 94; Th. 122, 12; Gen. 2025: 37; Th. 48, 24; Gen. 780; p. of biddan.

Bæda-ford-scír Bedfordshire, Chr. 1011; Th. 267, 4, col. 2. v. Bedan ford-scír.

bæ-acute;dan; p. de; pp. ed To constrain, compel, require, solicit; cogere, compellere, exigere, postulare, flagitare :-- Ðæs his lufu bæ-acute;deþ whom his love constrains, Exon. 90 b; Th. 339, 27; Gn. Ex. 100. Mæ-acute;ru cwén bæ-acute;dde byras geonge the illustrious queen solicited her young sons, Beo. Th. 4040; B. 2018. [O. Sax. bédian cogere aliquem ad aliquid: O. H. Ger. ga-peitian: Goth. báidjan: O. Nrs. beiða petere, postulare.] DER. a-bæ-acute;dan, ge-.

bædd a bed, Vit. Swith. v. bed.

bæ-acute;dde, an; f? A thing required, tribute; exactum, Cot. 73.

bæ-acute;dde solicited, Beo. Th. 4040; B. 2018; p. of bæ-acute;dan.

bæddel, es; m. A hermaphrodite; hermaphroditus :-- Wæ-acute;pen-wífestre vel scritta vel bæddel hermaphroditus, Ælfc. Gl. 76; Som. 71, 125; Wrt. Voc. 45, 28. v. wæ-acute;pen-wífestre, scritta.

bædd-ryda, an; m. One bedridden; clinicus, Vit. Swith. v. bed-reda.