This is page b0326 from Joseph Wright's Grammar of the Gothic Language

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-haírtei, wf. a deriv. of haírt.
haírt, wn. heart, 7, 18, 27, 67, 87, 89, 114, 119, 128, 129, 164, 170, 206, 213. OE. heorte, OHG. herza.
haírus, sm. sword, 203. OE. heoru.
-háit, sn. a naming, commanding; a deriv. of háitan.
háitan, sv. VII, to call, name, order, command, invite, 10, 27, 33, 83, 103, 138, 282, 286 and note 3, 311, 312, 313, 426. OE. htan, OHG. heian.
háiti, sf. order, command, 194.
háii, sf. field, heath, 194. OE. h, OHG. heida.
háiiwisks, aj. wild, 396.
háin, wf. a heathen woman. Cp. OE. hen, OHG. heidan, aj. heathen.
hakuls, sm. cloak. OE. hacele, OHG. hahhul.
halbs, aj. half, 430. OE. healf, OHG. help.
haldan, sv. VII, to hold, take care of, tend, feed, 22, 158, 173, 313. OE. healdan, OHG. haltan.
haldis, av. rather, more, 265 note, 345; ni haldis, not the more so, by no means. OHG. halt.
halja, sf. hell, 192. OE. hell, OHG. hella.
hals, sm. neck, 171. OE. heals, OHG. hals.
hals-agga (for the probably corrupt bals-agga of the manuscript), wm. neck, 389.
halts, aj. halt, lame, 227. OE. healt, OHG. halz
hamfs, aj. one-handed, maimed. OHG. hamf.
hana, wm. cock, 87, 106, 107, 114, 117, 128, 206, 207. OE. hana, OHG. hano.
handugei, wf. cleverness, wisdom, 383.
handugs, aj. clever, wise, 227.
handus, sf. hand, 172, 200. OE. hand, OHG. hant.
handu-waúrhts, aj. wrought by hand, 397.
hansa, sf. multitude, company, band of men. OE. hs, OHG. hansa.
harduba, av. hardly, severely, grievously.
hardu-haírtei, wf. hardness or heart, hard-heartedness, 389.
hardus, aj. hard, 107, 235, 243, 390. OE. heard, OHG. hart.
harjis, sm. army, host, 107, 115, 152, 154, 155, 158, 184, 185. OE. here, OHG. heri.
hatan, wv. III, to hate, 328 and note 3. OE. hatian, OHG. han.
hatis, sn. hatred, wrath. OE. hete, OHG. ha.
hatizn, wv. II, to be angry, 325.
hatjan, wv. I, to hate, 328 note 3. OHG. hezzen.
háubi, sn. head, 11, 84, 173, 181, 182. OE. hafod, OHG. houbit.
háuhaba, av. highly, 344.
háuheins, sf. praise.
háuh-haírtei, wf. pride, 212.
háuh-haírts, aj. proud-hearted, 398. OE. hah-heort.
háuhis, av. higher, 345.
háuhisti, sn. the highest, height, highest point, highest heaven.
háuhjan, wv. I, to glorify, make high, praise, exalt, magnify. OHG. hhen.
háuhs, aj. high, 244. OE. hah, OHG. hh.
háuh-hts, aj. having high thoughts, proud, 321 note 1.

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