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sand-ceosol. Add :-- 'Heora getel is máre ðonne sandceosol' (super arenam multiplicabuntur, Ps. 139, 18) . . . Heora tel bið swá menigfeald þæt hit oferstíhð, be ðæs wítegan cwyde, sandceosles gerím, Hml. Th. i. 536, 30-35. sand-corn. Add :-- Swá swá þá sandcorn, þá þe beóð be sæ-acute;s waroðum sicut arenam, quae est in littore maris, Gr. D. 55, 12. sand-full; adj. Sandy :-- Uppstige sandfull ascensus arenosus, Scint. 223, 17. sand-geweorp. Add: , -gewearp :-- In sondgewearp in sirtim, Wrt. Voc. ii. 111, 72. sand-hrycg. Add :-- Betwyx sandhriccan (cf. stánhricgum, 5465) inter scyllam, An. Ox. 634. sandiht(e). Add :-- In þá sandihte stræ-acute;t, Cht. E. 239, 8. sand-pytt, es; m. A sand-pit :-- Hé hét læ-acute;dan þá hálgan tó ánum sandpytte, and setton hí þæ-acute;ron, and bewurpan mid eorþan and mid weorcstánum, Hml. S. 35, 325. sang. I a. add :-- Þæt hé sceolde þone sang læ-acute;ran tó twelf mónþum; quatenus cursum canendi annuum edoceret, Bd. 4, 18; Sch. 437, 4. II. add :-- Mid sange gesettendlices rynes and sealteres cum decantatione canonici cursus et psalterii, Angl. xiii. 390, 362. IV. add: (1) the service on a saint's day: cf. mæsse-sang; II :-- On ðone xviiii-an dæg biþ þæs martyres tíd Sc&i-tilde; Magni ðæs sang (cf. mæssesang, 4) biþ geméted on þám yldran mæssebócum, Shrn. 119, 12. (2) a charm, incantation :-- Wyrt ricinum ic bidde þ-bar; þú æt sý mínum sangum, and þ-bar; ðú áwende hagolas and ealle hreóhnyssa herba ricinum precor uti adsis meis incantationibus et auertas grandines et omnes tempestates, Lch. i. 308, 22. v. æfter-, byrgels-, herigend-, lác-, leóþ-, on-, wuldor-, wyn-, ymen-sang. sang-dreám, es; m. Vocal music, singing :-- Lóce hwæt tó sangdreáme þæ-acute;re nihte gebyrige quicquid ad cantilenam illius noctis pertinet,Angl. xiii. 410, 638. sangere. I. add: a church-singer; cantor :-- Sceole wé healdan úrne palm oð þæt se sangere onginne ðone offringsang, Hml. Th. i. 218, 9. Bútan Iácóbe ðám songere, be þám wé æ-acute;r sæ-acute;don, wæs hé sanges mágister Norðhymbra cyricum, Bd. 4, 2; Sch. 345, 21. v. heáh-, sealm-sangere. -sanglic. v. æfter-sanglic. sápe. Add :-- Dó þæ-acute;ron ealdre sápan cucler fulne, Lch. ii. 76, 12. Gewyrce tó flynan swá mon sápan wyrcð, 98, 6. Borige on þám beáme stór and finol and gehálgode sápan and gehálgod sealt, i. 402, 1. Ðonne þú sápan abban wille, þonne gníd þú þíne handa tógædere, Tech. ii. 126, 25. Mængc wiþ þá sápan and wiþ þæs æpples gor, Lch. iii. 36, 31. sár; n. I 2. add :-- Saarum doloribus, Bd. 4, 19; Sch. 447, 12. v. ge-, heáfod-, leoþu-, múþ-, wærc-sár. sár; adj. Add :-- Heó on eallum limum egeslice wunda hæfde . . . Heó wæs gehæ-acute;led, þ-bar; on hire líce næs gesýne áht þæ-acute;ra sárra wunda, Hml. S. 7, 278. Saracenisc. Add :-- Seó burh wearð mid ðám Sarasceniscum gesett, Hml. Th. i. 404, 18. sáre. Add :-- Gyf hwá hæfð his hláforde sáre ábolgen, Wlfst. 155, 7. sárga. l. sarga, and add :-- Heargan (seargan? cf. salpist&e-hook; trúþ&dash-uncertain;hornes-743) salpist&e-hook;, An. Ox. 7, 57. sárgian. II. add: (1) of physical ill :-- Seó þrúh monigum monna þe heora eágan sárgedon and hefegodon wearð tó hæ-acute;le loculum nonnullis oculos dolentibus saluti fuisse perhibent, Bd. 4, 19; Sch. 450, 22. (2) of mental pain :-- Ymb ðæt ilce sárgode se wítga hinc propheta conqueritur, Past. 267, 7. Ðý læ-acute;s ðú sárgige for ðæ-acute;m on lásð ne gemas in novissimis, 249, 13. v. efen-sárgian. sárgung. Add: v. efen-sárgung. sárian. II 2. add :-- Sume ofer sæ-acute; sárigende (sorhgende, v. l.) gewiton alii transmarinas regiones dolentes petebant, Bd. 1, 15; Sch. 43. 30. sárig. I. add :-- Hé bið swíðe sárig dolet, Past. 226, 8. Þæt sárige mancynn, Wlfst. 186, 19. II. add :-- Þone sárigestan stefn and þone sárigestan wánunge and gránunge, Verc. Först. 128, 8. sárig-cirm, es; m. Lamentation, mourning :-- Þone hlúdestan sárigcerm, Verc. Först. 128, 8. sárig-lic; adj. Sad, mournful, melancholy :-- Nú sume hwíle wé sprácon ymb unróte and sáriglice bysne; gehwyrfen wé nú eft tó þám blíþum spræcum interim hoc triste seponentes ad ea laeta redeamus, Gr.D. 290, 6. sárig-ness. Add :-- Wearð hé þearle áhwæ-acute;ned, and his líc for ðæ-acute;re sárignysse mid wácan hreáfe scrýdde, Hml. S. 23, 394. sár-lic. I. add :-- Him þúhte sárlic, gif hé ne gehulpe þám ástýptan wífe (him ofhreów þ-bar; ástépede wíf, gif hé ne gehulpe hire sárlican dreórinysse, v. l.) dolor ne orbatae mulieri non subveniret, Gr. D. 18, 13. Him hreów his þ-bar; sárlice anginn, and hine þá ná lengc áhwæ-acute;nedne habban nolde, Hml. S. 23, 401. sár-ness. I. add :-- Áwende seó sárnyss ealra his lima tó ðæ-acute;re heortan (cf. gehwearf þára leoma sár tó his innoþum membrorum dolor ad vitalia rediit, Gr. D. 282, 6), Hml. Th. ii. 96, 33. sár-spell. Add: a dolorous tale :-- Se man sæ-acute;de fram helle síðfæte swylc sárspell, swylce næ-acute;fre æ-acute;r on men ne becÝóm, ne náht oft siððan, Shrn. 49, 10. Satan. Add :-- Æfter þúsend geárum bið Satanas unbunden . . . Nú syndon Satanases bendas swýðe tóslopene, Wlfst. 83, 8. sáwan. Add: , sæ-acute;wan. I a. add :-- Ðú rípes þ-bar;te ðú ne sæ-acute;we, Lk. R. 19, 22. Hé seów hwæ-acute;te on beswuncenum lande, Hml. Th. ii. 144, 9. I c. absolute :-- Ic hrippo ðér ne seáwu ic meto ubi non semino, Mt. L. 35, 26. Sé ðe sáwes &l-bar; seáwa (seów, R.) qui seminavit, 13, 39. 'Sé ðe him ealneg wind ondræ-acute;t, hé sæ-acute;wð tó seldon'. . . hé cwæ-acute;don ðæt sé sceolde lytel sáwan, sé ðe him ðone wind ondréde, Past. 285, 17-24. II. add :-- Hé sæ-acute;wð ðone sticel ðæs andan, Past. 279, 9. Ðá ðe wróhte sáwað, 357, 14: 361, 6. Hú ne bið hé swelce hé sæ-acute;we (sáwe, v. l.) good and him weaxe of ðæ-acute;m æ-acute;lc yfel? peccatorum seges quasi ex virtute seminatur, 341, 7. Ðæt yfel hí ne dyrren sæ-acute;wan on óðrum monnum, 427, 18. Wæs heora lár sáwen and strogden betuh feówer sceátum middangeardes, Bl. H. 133, 33. v. un-sáwen. sáwel Add: a nominative sáwle occurs, Cri. 1327: Seel. 10: Ap. 62. -sáweled. v. ge-sáweled. sáwel-gescot. Add: Ll. Lbmn. 295, n. 20. sáwel-leás. I. add :-- Hé eóde him tó þæs forðfarenan mannes húse tó þæ-acute;re stówe þæ-acute;r se sáwulleása líchama (corpus exanime) læg, Gr. D. 84, 33. sáwel-sceatt. Add :-- Þis is Alfwoldes bisceopes cwyde, þ-bar; is ðæt hé geann þæs landes æt Sandforda intó þám mynstre intó Crydiantúne him tó sáulsceatte mid mete and mid mannum swá hit stent bútan wíteþeówum mannum, Cht. Crw. 23, 3. -sáwend v. for-sáwend: -sáwenlic. v. for-, ge-sáwenlic: -sáwenlíce. v. ge-sáwenlíce: -sáwenness. v. for-sáwenness. sáwlian. Add :-- Hé hét feccan æ-acute;nne hwer and hine þæ-acute;ron seóðan, oð þ-bar; hé sáwlode, Hml. S. 25, 118. scæ-acute;gan (?). v. on-scæ-acute;gan. scæ-acute;nan. Add :-- Gif þú ostran habban wylle, þonne clæ-acute;m þú þíne wynstran hand ðám gemete þe þú ostran on handa hæbbe, and dó mid sexe oððe mid fingre swylce þú ostran scénan wylle, Tech. ii. 124, 14. -scæ-acute;nedness, -scæ-acute;ning, -scæ-acute;nness. v. ge-scæ-acute;nedness. scapulare, es; n. : scapularie, an; f. A scapular, scapulary, a short cloak :-- Gif þú tó hwilcere gehírsumnesse scapulares beþurfe, þonne stríc þú eclinga mid æ-acute;gðere hande ofer æ-acute;ðerne earm ymbe þ-bar; útan þe þæs scapularæs handstoca áteóriað, Tech. ii. 127, 18-20. Hæbban hý eác mid tó wyrcenne scapulare, þæt is gehwæ-acute;de cugelan and slýfleás (scapularian for weorcum, R. Ben. I. 91, 17) scapulare propter opera, R. Ben. 89. 13. sceabbed. l. sceabbede, and add :-- Hreóflige þicnysse scæbbede elefantina (cutis) callositate purulentus, An. Ox. 4929. sceacan. II 1. add :-- Hý mé underféngon æ-acute;r ðám ic sceóc (the first c is written over e; but cf. Angl. xii. 511, 26 which has sceóc) fram ðé tó hym isti me quando a te fugiebam acceperunt alienum, Solil. H. 12, 9. III. add: (1) to brandish :-- Sceóc uibrabat (macheram), An. Ox. 14, 4. (2) to put into a quaking motion :-- Þurh þæs windes blæ-acute;s þe swýðlíce þá heánnyssa þæs roderes seceð mid his þodenum, Angl. 320, 34. IV. add: The passage to which belongs the gloss in Wrt. Voc. ii. 66, 80 is: Coronam inextricabili plectra plumemus, Ald. 54, 7. sceacel. II. add: an instrument for causing vibrations (v. sceacan; III), an implement for striking the strings of a harp. [The passage to which belongs the gloss in Wrt. Voc. ii. 89, 10 is : Ut nullus sermonum plectra resolvat, sed fidibus citharae moduletur carmina Christo, Ald, 138, 7.] sceacged. l. sceacgede: sceád; n. Add: v. be-sceád: -sceád; adj. v. ge-sceád: -sceáda. v. æ-acute;-sceáda. sceádan. I 1. add :-- Alswá seó forg scáðeð, C. D. v. 71, 9. Eást úp suae ðet ealden fæstan scáðe; andlang ðes fæ-acute;stenes, 70, 30. (1 a) to remove from association or companionship :-- Mið ðý menn sceádas iúih cum homines separauerint uos, Lk. L. 6. 22. Ic cuóm tóo sceádanne (-enne, R.) monno wið &l-bar; from fæder his ueni separare hominem aduersus patrem suum, Mt. L. 13, 35. [v. N. E. D. shed.] v. of-sceádan. sceadd. In l. 2 for sceaddgenge l. sceadd genge: sceadd-genge. v. genge: -sceáden. v. tó-sceáden: sceádenlíce. v. ge-sceádenlíce. sceáden-mæ-acute;l with divided marks, damascened; a sword with blade so marked :-- Hraþe seoþdan wæs æfter mundgripe méce geþinged þæt hit sceádenmæ-acute;l scýran móste, cwealmbealu cýðan, B. 1939. sceádenness. v. tó-sceádenness: -sceadlic shady, v. ge-sceadlic: -sceádlic. v. ge-sceádlic: -sceádness. v. ge-sceádness. sceadu. Add: [In Ps. L. 108, 23 a weak form, sceaduwe, seems to be used: sceaduwa in 143, 4, though glossing umbra, is probably plural.] I. add :-- Swá swá sceaduwe þonne heó áhyldeþ sicut umbra cum declinat, Ps. L. 108, 23. Dægas his swá swá sceaduwa forðgewítað dies eius sicut umbra praterunt, 143, 4. I a. fig. :-- Oferwreáh dúna his scadu operuit montes umbra eius, Ps. L. 79, 11. II. add :-- On middle sceadue deáþes, Ps. L. 22, 4. II a. destructive influence :--