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588 -&I-long;CNESS -- &I-long;GEOÞ
See Chadwick's Origin of the English Nation s. v. [The name occurs in a charter :-- On Icæles æ-long;wilnias t&o-long; Æ&d-bar;elbrihtes mearce, C. D. iii. 130, 33.] -&i-long;cness. v. æt-, t&o-long;-&i-long;cness: -&i-long;dan. v. &a-long;-&i-long;dan. &i-long;del. Dele Past. 457, 20 under III. and add: I. empty, (l) of places, unoccupied, without inhabitants :-- St&o-long;d seó d&y-long;gle st&o-long;w . . . &i-long;del and æ-long;men, G&u-long;. 187. O&d-bar; &i-long;del h&i-long;wisce, C. D. v. 319, 21. Gif h&e-long; &d-bar;æt h&u-long;s &i-long;del (æ-long;mtig vacantem. Mt. 12, 44) gem&e-long;tt, h&e-long; hit gefylle&d-bar; mid monigum, Past. 283, 24. Dugu&d-bar; eal gecrong . . . &y-long;&d-bar;de þisne eardgeard ælda Scyppend, o&d-bar; þæt burgwara breahtma leáse eald enta geweorc &i-long;dlu st&o-long;don, Wand. 79-87. (2) of persons, not having anything, empty-handed, (α) in respect to material things :-- N&a-long;n man n&a-long;h t&o-long; Godes cyrican &i-long;del t&o-long; cumene. Wlfst. 238, 2. Samson nolde g&a-long;n &y-long;del of &d-bar;æ-long;re byrig, ac h&e-long; &a-long;bær &d-bar;&a-long; gatu &u-long;p t&o-long; &d-bar;æ-long;re d&u-long;ne, Hml. Th. i. 226, 31. Ðene forleorton geonga &i-long;delne eum dimiserunt uacuum, Mk. L. R. 12, 3. (β) in respect to non-material things :-- Ne fremda þ&u-long; þæ-long;re gesih&d-bar;e þe þ&u-long; m&e-long; æ-long;rest æteówdest, þ-bar; ic h&u-long;ru &i-long;del heonone ne hwyrfe, Hml. S. 23 b, 671. (γ) without food (fig.) :-- Gereorde s&a-long;wle &i-long;dle and s&a-long;wle hyngrende gereorde, Ps. Srt. 106, 9. Hingriende h&e-long; mid g&o-long;dum gefylde and ofer-m&o-long;de &i-long;dele (&d-bar;&a-long; &i-long;dlo, L., R. inanes) forl&e-long;t, Lk. i. 53. Ia. devoid of something, destitute of. (α) with gen. :-- Hwonne se dæg cume þ-bar; h&e-long; sceole þæs ealles &i-long;del hweorfan, Bl. H. 97, 26. (β) with inst. , unpro-vided with :-- Hæ-long;lu by&d-bar; manna gehwylces mægene &i-long;del vana solus hominis, Ps. Th. 59, 10: 107, II. Man by&d-bar; merwe gesceaft, mihtum &i-long;del homo vanitati similis factus est, 143, 5. II. of actions, feel-ings, thoughts, words, &c., void of worth or usefulness, vain, ineffective, frivolous :-- His æ-long;fæstnes bi&d-bar; su&i-long;&d-bar;e &i-long;dlu hujus vana est religio, Past. 281, 4. Riht spræ-long;c s&y-long; and beh&e-long;fe, næs &i-long;del recta locutio sit et utilis, non anilis, Coll. M. 18, 16. &E-long;ghnelc word &i-long;dil (otiosum). Mt. L. 12, 36. &I-long;del wuldor, þæt is gylp, Hml. Th. ii. 220, 27. Mid &i-long;delum wuldre coenodoxia, i. uana laude, An. Ox. 1109. Mid &i-long;delre dæ-long;de, Wlfst. 279, 8. Mid &i-long;delre gewilnunge effeta (i. exinanita) uoluntate, An. Ox. 4677. Mid iédelre (&i-long;delre, v. l.) &o-long;licunge orsorgnesse hié geh&a-long;ta&d-bar; &d-bar;æ-long;m scyldegan incassum delinquentibus promissa securitate blandiuntur, Past. 91, 10. Onæ-long;led mid &i-long;dele gefeán, Bt. 14, l; F. 40, 29. For þ&i-long;num &i-long;dlan gilpe (v. &i-long;del-gilp). Bl. H. 31, 14. Ymb &i-long;delne gilp, Past. 85, 7. Mid &i-long;delum gescotum iactibus uacuis, An. Ox. 49, 2. Be &i-long;delstum wordum de otiosis uerbis, Scint. 217, 2. II a. of persons, (α) in respect to their actions, useless, ineffective, unprofitable :-- Læ-long;re&d-bar; þ-bar; &d-bar;&a-long; &i-long;dlo hiá gefyldon &d-bar;&a-long; &d-bar;e beboden woeron geondetad sint docet ut inutiles (cf. &d-bar;orleáso, Lk. L. R. 17, 10) se implentes quae praecepta sunt fateantur, Lk. p. 9, 7. Heora hæ-long;þenan gild wæ-long;ron ealle &i-long;delu and unnyt, and þ-bar; hié n&a-long;w&d-bar;er ne him sylfum helpan ne mihton, ne n&a-long;num &d-bar;&a-long;ra &d-bar;e t&o-long; him &a-long;re wilnodan, Bl. H. 223, 2. &I-long;dle, orfeorme, unbiþyrfe, Jul. 217. Wutun h&i-long; &i-long;dle ged&o-long;n (exinanite) o&d-bar; þæt h&i-long; heora eard geceósan, Ps. Th. 136, 7. (β) with regard to thought, words, &c. , foolish, without intelligence :-- S&e-long; &d-bar;e cue&d-bar;as br&o-long;&d-bar;re his &d-bar;&u-long; unu&i-long;s &l-bar; &i-long;dle (&i-long;dla, R. racha) . . . s&e-long; &d-bar;e cue&d-bar;as &d-bar;&u-long; &i-long;dle &l-bar; unw&i-long;s (dysig &l-bar; dole, R., þ&u-long; stunta, W. S. fatue), Mt. L. 5. 22. F&i-long;fo w&e-long;ron &i-long;dlo (dysige, W. S. , R fatuae), 25, 2 : 3: 8. Gif hwelc of &d-bar;æ-long;m &i-long;dlum (curiosis) wellæ wutta, Mt. p. 3, 2. III. of things, useless, having no useful effect, serving no useful purpose, super-fluous :-- Þæs restedæges æ-long;methw&i-long;le &i-long;dle (superuacuum) w&e-long; tellaþ, An. Ox. 40, 18. Uton teolian þ-bar; &u-long;s þ&a-long;s t&i-long;da &i-long;dle ne gew&i-long;tan, Bl. H. 129, 36. Hwæ-long;r beóþ þonne his &i-long;dlan gescyrplan?, 111, 35. IV. idle, doing nothing :-- Hw&y-long; sceal æ-long;nig monn bión &i-long;del þ-bar; h&e-long; ne weorce ?, Bt. 41, 3; F. 248, 24. &i-long;del, es. ; n. Add: I. that which is useless, vain, or frivolous :-- Sw&a-long; hwylc &i-long;del sw&a-long; him t&o-long; geþance yrn&d-bar; and him gecoren bi&d-bar;, þæt hié talia&d-bar; h&a-long;lig, R. Ben. 9, 18. Ð&a-long; &d-bar;e willa&d-bar; t&o-long; fela &i-long;dles and unnyttes gespræcan verbosi. Past. 271, 7. &I-long;dle casso, Wrt. Voc. ii. 103, 37 : 14, 4. W&a-long; þ&a-long;m þe cyrican mid &i-long;dele s&e-long;ca&d-bar;: þæt syndan þ&a-long; ungesæ-long;ligan þe &d-bar;æ-long;r fleardia&d-bar; mid &i-long;delre spæ-long;ce and hw&i-long;lum mid &i-long;delre &d-bar;æ-long;de, Wlfst. 279, 5-8. Ðonne ongitt &d-bar;&i-long;n s&a-long;wl &d-bar;æt &d-bar;&u-long; sylf lufodest &i-long;del, Hex. 50, 22. ¶ on &i-long;del. Take here the passages in Dict. under &i-long;del; III. and add: (l) in vain, to no purpose :-- H&i-long; on &i-long;del s&o-long;hton s&a-long;wle m&i-long;ne, ipsi in vanum quaesierunt animam meam, Ps. Th. 62, 8. (2) without cause :-- Ne fl&i-long;t &d-bar;&u-long; on &i-long;del ne contendas (contra dominem)frustra, Kent. Gl. 57. Ne nemn þ&u-long; Drihtnes naman on &y-long;del (in vanum); ne by&d-bar; unscyldig s&e-long; þe his naman on &y-long;del (frustra), nem&d-bar;, Ex. 20, 7. Ne dwela &d-bar;&u-long; on &i-long;del be not deceived without cause (2 Mace. vii. 18), Hml. S. 25 157. II. idleness, Prov. Kmbl. 1: 61 (in Dict.) [The Latin translated in Lch. iii. 214, ii is: Si uideris multas capras, uanitatem significat; the Latin original of Guth. 70, 2 is: Non est praetereundum silentio . . .] See next word. &i-long;del-georn. Add: I. frivolous, useless, unprofitable, v. &i-long;del; n. I :-- S&e-long; &d-bar;e wæ-long;re &i-long;delgeorn, weor&d-bar;e s&e-long; notgeorn, Wlfst. 72, 9. II. lazy. v. &i-long;del; n. II. See examples in Dict. &i-long;del-gilp, es; n. m ? Vain glory, arrogance :-- H&i-long; befealla&d-bar; on &i-long;delgielp. . . Is betere &d-bar;æt mon læ-long;te sume hw&i-long;le weaxan &d-bar;æt &i-long;delgielp inanis gloriae lentalione fatigantur , . . Tolerandum est, ut. . , interim arrogantia crescat, Past. 457, 19-23. [For &i-long;del as adjective qualifying gilp see &i-long;del; II.] &i-long;del-hende. Add :-- N&a-long;n man n&a-long;h t&o-long; Godes cyrican &i-long;delhende t&o-long; cumene, Wlfst. 238, 2. H&i-long; eft of þ&a-long;m mynstre &i-long;delhænde (-hende, -hynde, v. ll.) hwurfon a monasterio vacui sunt regressi, Gr. D. 6, 31. &i-long;deling (-ung), e; f. A worthless or trifling thing :-- &I-long;dalinga (idala- inga, MS.) friuola (cf. frivola leásunga, Wrt. Voc. ii. 34, 55 : fribula h&i-long;wunga, An. Ox. 1929), Germ. 389, 89. &i-long;del-lic; adj. Idle, vain, useless :-- Hwæt is sw&a-long; &i-long;dellic o&d-bar;&d-bar;e sw&a-long; untrumlic sw&a-long; sw&a-long; þ-bar; man ford&e-long;me þone s&o-long;þan d&e-long;man ?, Nap. 40. &i-long;dell&i-long;ce; adv. I. in vain, to no purpose :-- Haldende &i-long;delnisse &i-long;del-l&i-long;ce (supervacue), Ps. Srt. 30, 7. Mon hwe&d-bar;re &i-long;dell&i-long;ce (vane) bi&d-bar; gedroefed, 38, 7: 88, 48. II. without cause :-- &I-long;dell&i-long;ce (vane) edw&i-long;ttun s&a-long;wle m&i-long;ne, 34, 7. v. on &i-long;del under &i-long;del; n. &i-long;del-ness. For passage in l. 18 see IV, and add: I. emptiness. Cf. &i-long;del; I. 2 :-- Þ&a-long; welegan h&e-long; forlæ-long;teþ on &i-long;delnesse (diuites dimisit inanes, Lk. l, 53), Bl. H. 5, 10 : 159, 19. II. worthlessness; a worthless, useless thing, a vanity. Cf. &i-long;del; II :-- Idelnessa uana, Wülck. Gl. 253, 29. Hwæ-long;r beóþ þ&a-long; symbelnessa, and þ&a-long; &i-long;delnessa, and þ&a-long; ungemetlican hleahtras ?, Bl. H. 59, 18. II a. a vain, false religion :-- &Y-long;delnysse superstitions, An. Ox. 4429. &Y-long;delnysse super-stitione, i. uanitate, 4021. N&u-long; is se t&i-long;ma þ-bar; &d-bar;&u-long; forlæ-long;te þ&i-long;ne &y-long;delnesse and l&a-long;c &d-bar;&a-long;m godum geoffrige, Hml. S. 22, 213. III. lack of result, ineffectiveness. Cf. II, II a α :-- H&i-long; ealne dæg mid &i-long;delnesse (frustra) wunnon, Gr. D. 250, 21. On &i-long;delnesse mon ongit Godes &d-bar;æt hefonlice wuldor, gif. . . incassum gloria patriae coelestis agnoscitur, nisi . . . , Past. 160, 17. In &i-long;delnesse mec wor&d-bar;ia&d-bar; in uanum me colunt, Mk. L. R. 7, 7. IV. idleness, lack of energy :-- Nys eác mid &i-long;delnysse t&o-long; forelæ-long;tanne þæt wundor non me quoddam spiritale praesagium narrare piget, Guth. Gr. 159, l. ides. The word occurs as a gloss to virgo, Kent. Gl. 1196, and a weak form, idesan, glosses juvenculam (Ald. 29, 14), An. Ox. 2136. It is also found as a gloss to virgo in Aldhelm's poems (Ald. 191, 7), An. Ox. 15, 4; 17, 52: (Ald. 194, 14), An. Ox. 15, 5; 17, 59; 18, 29. idig. Perhaps for to þas idge should be read t&o-long;þas græ-long;dige. If idge be an independent word the vowel should be long. &i-long;disc . . . m. n [?]. Substitute: &i-long;disce, &i-long;disc (&y-long;dd-), es; n., and add :-- &A-long;r&i-long;s and &a-long;gif þyses ceorles &y-long;ddisce (æ-long;hta, v. l.) þe þ&u-long; underf&e-long;nge surge et res istius rustici redde quas accepisti, Gr. D. 164, 3. [The suffix -isc(e) has a collective force. Cf. h&i-long;wisc(e).] &i-long;dlian. Add; I. to be or become empty, be unoccupied, v. &i-long;del; I. 1 :-- Fram æ-long;lce b&i-long;gonge þis land lige&d-bar; t&o-long;l&y-long;sed and &i-long;dla&d-bar; in w&e-long;stenne ab omni cultura destituta in solitudine vacat terra, Gr. D. 25a, 19. II. to make vain, render nugatory, v. &i-long;del; II :-- &I-long;dlod cassaretur (cum quicquid molire deliberaret cassaretur, Ald. 67, 7), An. Ox. 4711. III. to render worthless, profane sacred things :-- Monige þone geleáfan þe h&i-long; hæfdon mid unrihtum weorcum &i-long;dledon multi fidem quam habebant iniquis profanabant operibus, Bd. 4, 27 ; Sch. 513, 7. ieó ( =geó), Ll. Th. ii. 366, 7: iesca. v. gesca : iesen. v. gesen. &i-long;fe (?), an (?) ; f. Some kind of plant :-- R&u-long;de ruta, &i-long;ue iva, br&o-long;cminte sisymbrium, Wrt. Voc. i. 69, 1-3. [Cf. Span. iva tenerium iva; and see N. E. D. herb ive.] ifig. l. &i-long;fig, and add: [&i-long;f-ig UNCERTAIN if-h&e-long;g. Cf. O. H. Ger. eba-h&e-hook;wi] :-- &I-long;feg edera, Txts. 60, 392. Ibæi hederam, 112, 44. &I-long;fig eder, Wrt. Voc. ii. 29, 3. Þæs blacan &i-long;figes croppan, Lch. ii. 248, 21: 268, 3. Hifia crop hederarum corimbos, An. Ox. 115. &I-long;uia, 7, 17. &i-long;fig-beara (-o) a grove of ivy-covered trees (? cf. &i-long;fiht) :-- On &i-long;figbearo, of &i-long;figbeara, Cht. Crw. l, 15. &i-long;fig-cropp. Add :-- D&o-long; &d-bar;æ-long;r t&o-long; &i-long;figcroppas, Lch. iii. 12, 32. ífig-croppa. Add :-- Genim &i-long;figcroppan, Lch. ii. 86, 20. &i-long;fig-rind, e; f. Bark of ivy :-- Genim &i-long;figrinde, Lch. ii. 338, 12. &i-long;fig-tearo. Add; , -teoru, -teru :--Wensealf; hiorotes mearh, ifig-tearo, and gebeáten pipor, and sciptearo, Lch. ii. 128, 19. &I-long;bigteru cummi, An. Ox. 53, 12. &Y-long;uiteruni (printed yuk-; for k = i v. 392, 59, 94) ederas, Germ. 389, 26. &i-long;fig-twig, es; n. An ivy-twig :-- Wiþ sunbryne; merwe &i-long;figtwigu, wyl on butran, smire mid, Lch. ii. 324, 16. ifiht. l. &i-long;fiht(e). &i-long;g. Add: [Besides &i-long;g there seems to be a form &i-long;ge; m. e. g. on Meldan&i-long;ge eástewerdne, C. D. v. 303, 2. Of eallum Lindes&i-long;ge (v. Lindes), Bd. 3, 11; Sch. 237, 10. In insula quae dicitur Seoles&i-long;ge, C. D. v. 41, 27: 52, 10. Moreover there are instances of &i-long;g in the accusative, e. g. Wi&d-bar;-westan hunddes-&i-long;g (cf. t&o-long; hu[u]ddes-&i-long;ge, 5), C. D. v. 298, 7. On swannes-&i-long;g, vi. 108, I : such forms seem to belong neither to &i-long;g; f. nor to &i-long;ge; m., j&o-long;-, ja- stems respectively.] The word occurs in place-names :-- Locum qui apud Anglos nuncupatur Cerote&e-long;g, id est Cirotis insula, C. D. ii. 122, 27. Hengestes-&i-long;g, v. 401, 26. On Befer&i-long;ge; &d-bar;onne on Fyrs&i-long;ge, 300, 17. On meldan&i-long;ge . . . t&o-long; Ceóles&i-long;ge, 303, 2-3. Ðis sind &d-bar;&a-long; landgemæ-long;ra t&o-long; G&o-long;s&i-long;ge, vi. 8, 19. Æt Weattan-igge, C. D. B. i. 544, 1. &i-long;geoþ. Add: , &i-long;geþ, &i-long;gþ :-- T&o-long; &d-bar;on crundele &d-bar;e se &i-long;g&d-bar; on stent, C. D. v. 193, 33. &U-long;t ongeán streám t&o-long; sn&i-long;tan-&i-long;ge, on nor&d-bar;healfe þæs &i-long;ge&d-bar;es,