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here-wíc. Add :-- Herewíc castra, Wit. Voc. ii. 96, 19. Herewíc, fyrdwíc, 20, 6. Castra, oppida, loca altissima sita, dicia quasi casa alta herewíc vel gefylco, 129, 36. here-word. Add :-- Hlísan, herewurd (-ward. An. Ox. 717) rumusculos, famas. Hpt. Gl. 423, 31. Cf. here-spell. hergaþ. Add: hereþ booty :-- Cóm se þeóf, and genam æ-acute;nne weðer . . . Þá ongan hé þæ-acute;r standan earm mid his hereðe (cum praeda sua), Gr. D. 224, 26. hergere. Add :-- Þte UNCERTAIN úsig ðú hæbbe hergeras (landatores). hergian. Add :-- Hergaþ praedat. Wrt. Voc. ii. 146, I. to harry, plunder: -- Hié angunnan hergean and hiénan þá þe hié friþian sceoldon octava legio omnes, quibus subsidio praeerat, interfecit, praedam sibi offlnem vindicavií, Ors. 4, l S. 160, 9: 4, 6; S. 172, 26. Sum his folc hé sende gind þæt lond tó bærnanne and tó hergenne, 4, 8; S. 188, Þá unrihtwísan déman beóð wyrsan þonne herigende here, Ll. Lbmn. 475, 22. I a. used ot the action that rescued the inhabitants of hell :-- On þone dæg Críst reste deád on byrgenne, and his sáwl somod and his godcundnes somod hergode geond belle grund, Shrn 68. 3. II. of things, to harrass :-- Hit is wén ðæt sé ne mæge óðerra monna scylda of áðueán, sé sé ðe hine ðonne giét his ágena on herigeað ne profecto diluere aliena delicta non valeat is, quem adhuc propria devastant. Past. 73, 19. v. for-hergian. hergiend, hergend, es; m. A plunderer, robber, spoiler :-- Hergiend and áhíðend grassator, Wrt. Voc. ii. 40, 38. Hergiendurn, rýperum grassatoribus, i. inpugnatoribus, An. Ox. 2712. v. for-hergend. hergung. Add: , hergiung, herung :-- Hergiung expeditio, Wrt. Voc ii. 108, 8. Hergung, ferd expeditio, i. praeparatio, exercitus, 145, 41. Næs his (Alexander's) hergiung or þá fremdan áne, ac hé gelíce slóg and hiénde þá þe him on siml wæ-acute;ron mid farende nec minor in suos crudelitas, quam in hostem rabies fuit, Ors. 3, 9 ; S. 130, 19 Æt eallum slyht and æt ealre hergunge and æt eallum þám hearmum þe æ-acute;r þám gedón wæ-acute;re þ-bar; frið geset wæ-acute;re, man eall onweig læ-acute;te, Ll. Th. i. 288, l. Seó fífte yld wæs fram Babiloniscre heregunge oð Crístes ácennednysse, Hml. Th. ii. 58, 7, Hé hý gefriðode fram þæ-acute;re herunge þára twéga kynincga, Ps. Th. 45, arg. Sum his folc hé sende tó hergenne . . . se consul wæs þencende þæt hé hié on þæ-acute;re hergunge beswice, Ors. 4, 8; S. 188, 13. Búton miclan hergiungum extra has clades, 3, 9; S. 128, 25. [O.H.Ger. heriunga devoratio, direptio.] v. for-, neáh-hérgung. herian. Add: I. to extol the merits of, express approbation of :-- Wé heriað (-igad, v.l.). Past. 230, 7. Herigeað (-igað, v. l.), l. Heriegeað, 39, 8. Hé hit herede, 53, 8. Læ-acute;rað hí hit æ-acute;lcne ðára ðe hit gehiérð herian, 427, 17. Hcrigean, 55, 7. Tó herianne (-igeanne, v. l.), 52, 19. Tó herigenne, 353, 25. Hered, 451, 19. II. to extol the attributes of Deity :-- Heraþ concelebrat, An. Ox. 2612. On dægred man sceal God herian, Btwk. 194, JO. v. á-, efen-, ge-, wíd-herian; mæþel-hergende un-hered. herian to despise, v. hirwan. herigend, es; m. One who praises :-- Ne gelýf þú herigendrum þínum nec credos laudatoribus tuis, Scint. 205, 15. herigend-lic. Add: I. praiseworthy, deserving praise or approbation :-- Hergendlic probabilis, Wrt. Voc. ii. 67, 31. Ic wolde beón gehered þeáh ðe ic herigendlic næ-acute;re, Angl. xi. 113, 49. Se man næ-acute;re herigendlic, gif hé for þí ne syngode þe hé ne mihte; ac hé wæ-acute;re hérigendlic, gif hé ne syngode þá þá hé mihte . . . drecð deófol mancyn mid costnungum, þ-bar; þá be-ón hergendlice and hálige þe him wiðstandað magnae laudi non esset, si ideo homo non peccasset, quia male facere non potuisset . . . genus humanum ex insidiis diaboli tentantur, ut ex eo virtus tentati probetur, et palma non consentientis gloriosior appareat, Angl. vii. 24, 225-229. Hé gewilnode þ-bar; hé hæfde herenesse þæs clænan lífes, ac hé nolde in him habban þ-bar; hergendlic (heriend-, v. l.) líf (laudabilem vitam), Gr. D. 117, 34. I a. that deserves to be celebrated or eulogized :-- Hí wuldrodon þá hergendlican þrynesse and sungon Godes lofsang, Hml. S. 30, 452. Hergendlice mé wæ-acute;ron ðíne ryhtwísnessa cantabiles mihi erant iustificationes tu&e-hook;, Ps. Vos. 118, 54. Ðás herigendlicestan gehwyrfednysse . . . þæ-acute;re árwurðan Marian, Hml. S. 23 b, I. I b. having qualities that deserve praise, excellent :-- Ðeós wyrt is tó þám herigendlic þ-bar; hý man wið gewune drenceas gemencgeað, Lch. i. 172, 6. II. that expresses praise, that praises :-- Heriendlic fauorabile, i. laudabile (praeconium), An. Ox. 2774. Hergendlice, Wrt. Voc. ii. 34. 6. Swá swá sume men gewuniaþ þ-bar; hí singað mid hergendlicum cræfte æ-acute;r há etan (the translator has misunderstood the Latin, which is: Sicut quidam ludendi (laudandi seems to have been read) arte victum solent quaerere), Gr. D. 62, 13. v. ge-, un-herigendlic. herigendlíce. For last passage substitute :-- Ðæt ilce ðæt hé untæ-acute;lwyrðlíce ondréd tó onfónne, ðæt ilce se óðer swíðe hergeondlíce (hergendlíce, v.l.) gewilnode quod laudabiliter alter appetiit, hoc laudabiliter alter expavit, Past. 49, 19. Herigendlíce (hergendlíce, v. l.), 295, 5 : Bd. I, 27 ; Sch. 82, 7. Án ðæ-acute;ra is þes hálga wer þe wé nú tódæg wurðiað, for ðan ðe hé áspende swíðe herigendlíce þæt feoh þe him God befæste, Hml. Th. ii. 560, 9. herigend-sang, es; m. A song of praise :-- Fausta adclamantes, i. alto canendo vel herigendsang vel lofsang, Wrt. Voc. ii. 147, II. herig-feþa. v. here-féþa: herig-weard. v. hearg-weard: hering emulation, v. hyring: hering praise, v. herung: hér-inne. v. hér; VII. 5. hér-, hæ-acute;r-lic. Substitute: her-lic, hær-lic; adj. Laudable, noble :-- Hé hét Jóhannes, gódne pápan, heáfde beheáwon; næs ðæt hærlic dæ-acute;d. Met. i. 43. Næs þæt herlic dæ-acute;d þ-bar; hine swelces gamenes gilpan lyste, 9, 18. her-numa, -pæþ. v. here-numa, -pæþ. hér-rihte; adv. Just here, at this point :-- Uton ændian þás bóc nú hæ-acute;rrihte, Solil. H. 49, 10. Cf. þæ-acute;r-rihte. herste. v. hirste : herþa. v. heorþa. herþan. Add: [Cf. Goth. hairþram (d. pl.) visceribus.] : herþ-land, C. D iii. 18, 29; 399, 30. l. (?) irþ-land. hér-tó; adv. Up to this point :-- Héreó actenus, An. Ox. 56, 80. v. hér; VII. herung. Add: I. praise, approbation :-- Mon sceal ðone ingong ðæ-acute;re tæ-acute;linge wið heringe gemengan, ðætte hié for ðæ-acute;re lícunga ðæ-acute;re heringe . . . eác geðafigen ðá tæ-acute;linge ipsa invectionis exordia permixta sunt laude temperanda, ut dum admittunt favores etiam correptiones recipiant, Past. 303, 17-20. Ongin nú stranglíce, and þín gemynd stent on neorungc, Hml. S. 29, 272. Herunge favorem (nisi Deorum favorem repropitiarent. Ald. 67, 13), An. Ox. 4723. Herunga opinionum (oujus vitam tantis opinionum rumusculis extollit. Aid. 33, 29), 2424: pr&e-hook;coniorum, 4950. Benedictus gewilnode má þ-bar; hé þrowode þysses middan-eardes yfel þonne þá herunga (laudes), and þ-bar; hé wæ-acute;re for Gode swýðe mid gewinnum geswænced þonne hé wæ-acute;re úp áhafen on þám herungum (favoribus) þisses andweardan lífes, Gr. D. 98, 9-12. Lofu, herunga preconia, fauores, An. Ox. 3982. Heruncga preconia, i. laudes, 64. II. praise, extolling of the Deity :-- Sé þe . . . his Drihten, þe is ealra gereorda gifend mid herincge ne ðancað, R. Ben. 69, Dionisius þancode his Drihtne mid herunge, Hml. S. 29, 286 Heofon mid herungum (laudibus) swgéþ, Hy. S. 84, 30. II a. praise in song :-- Mid swiþ wégum dreámes (&l-bar;) herunge sangum dulcisonis melodie concentibus, An. Ox. 402. II b. a service of praise, lauds :-- Begém herunga lofsangas þe we hlyniende syngað attende laudum cantica qu&e-hook; excubantes psallimus, Hy. S. 26, 6. v. lof-, samod-herung. herut-beg. v. heort-beg : herwan. v. hirwan. hése, hoese, haese, hýse woodland country, land with bushes and bushwood. [The character of the land to which this name is applied seems marked by the fact that a denbæ-acute;re is called hése] :-- Adiectis quatuor denberis . . . heáhden, hése, helmanhyrst, C. D. i. 317, 20. Adiectis denberis in commune saltu . . . Meredaen . . . and Teppan hýse, 194, 36. De patrimonio meo. . . . nomine Hyse, 298, 36. In loco qui dicitur on Linga hoese, 192, 13. Terra . . . pertinens tó haese, 294, 25. Cf. Ðonon on hésleá, C. D. V. 121, 34. On hésleábróc, iii. 97, 29: vi. 102, 31. [O. L. Ger. (Gall.) hési-penning a forest-tax. See Jelliughaus, s. v. hees. Low Lat. heisia silva sepibus septa, Migne.] hese a youth, v. hyse. hete. Dele passage (Rá. 34, 5) in 1. 4, and add: I. as a human passion :-- Wæs here and hete on gehwilcum ende oft and gelóme, Wlfst. 162, 14. Hit ná næs búton hete and gewinnum, Ors. 3, II ; S. 143, 17. Ic mé wið heora hete hýde, Ps. Th. 54, 12. Ne teó ic N. for hete ne for hóle, Ll. Th. i. 180, 10. Hé nam tó Malche fulne graman, and him mid eallum hete cídde, Hml. S. 23, 695. Hine þurh hete héngon fæderas ússe, El. 424. Hannibal gecýþde þone níþ and þone hete (odium) þe hé beforan his fæder geswór, Ors. ILLEGIBLE 8; S. 186, 9. I a. an act or thought prompted by hate :-- Hé heom behét æ-acute;lcne hete, Hml. S. 23, 230. Ðá ðóhton heatas in heortan qui cogitaverunt malitias in corde. Ps. Srt. 139, 3. II. used in reference to the Deity :-- Him níð Godes. . . hete gesceóde, Dan. 620. Þú mé forlæ-acute;red hæfst on mínes herran hete, Gen. 819. II a. punishment that is due to God's anger :-- Þone mæ-acute;stan hete (magnas plagas) hé sent on eów. Deut. 28, 59. v. ellen-, sæ-acute;-hete. -hete (?) a foe. v. níþ-, scyld-hete, hete-grim. Add :-- Wæs hió hetegrim, Rä. 34, 5. hete-lic. Add: I. of persons, malignant :-- Dydon þá heáfodmenn swá swá þ-bar; hetelice wíf (Jezebel) him bebeád, Hml. S. 18, 194. II. of things, hard, severe :-- Hé mæg him wénan hetelices leánes, Wlfst, 191, 23. Hé ferde on hetelicum wintra, on swá swíðlicum cyle þ-bar; sume men swulton þurh þone, Hml. S. 31, 59. hetelíce. Add: I. of action or motion, violently, furiously, fiercely :-- Hét hé him his seax áræ-acute;can . . . and hine sylfne hetelíce ðýde, þæt him on ácwehte, Hml. Th. i. 88, 10: Hml. S. 15, 24. Þá Engliscan hí hindan hetelíce slógon, Chr. 1066; P. 199, 15. Þá gestódon hine hundas hetelíce swýðe dogs attacked him furiously. Hml. S. 12, 52. Hé sæ-acute;de þ-bar; sum hund burce hetelíce on ánne man, 31, 1132. Manega hús hetelíce feóllon many houses fell with great violence, 15, 94. Þá fýnd hine úp geond þá lyft sume hwíle feredon, þæt hé on his fylle þý hetelícor hreósan sceolde, Hml. Th. i. 380, 28. II. of disposition,