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build a town, (a) to found :-- On middeweardum hire ríce hió getimbrede Babylonia þá burg (Babylonem condidit), Ors. 2, 1; S. 62, 15. Hié getimbredon Effesum þá burg and monege óðere cum Ephesum aliasque urbes condidissent, 1, 10; S. 46, 18. Romus and Romulus Rómeburg getimbredon, 2, 1; S. 60, 21. Æfter þæ-acute;m þe Rómeburg getimbred wæs anno ab Urbe condita, 2, 3; S. 68, 4 (and often): Chr. 409; P. 11, 18. (b) to rebuild, restore :-- Hié (Rome) eft Agustus bet getimbrede þonne hió æ-acute;fre æ-acute;r wæ-acute;re, Ors. 6, 1; S. 252, 25. Gewearð þá senatos þæt mon eft sceolde getimbran Cartainam Carthago restitui jussa, 5, 5; S. 226, 16. (c) in the Chronicle the word seems to imply fortification :-- Hé getimbrade Bebbanburh; sý wæs æ-acute;rost mid hegge betíned and þæ-acute;r æfter mid wealle, Chr. 547; P. 17, 20. Man þá burh worhte and getimbrede (getrymode, v. l.) æt Withám, 913; P. 96, 25. Hé hét gefaran þá burg æt Tofeceastre and hié getimbran (cf. mon worhte þá burg æt Tofeceastre mid stánwealle, 102, 29), 921; P. 101, 2. Hér on þison geáre wæs Wærincwíc getimbrod, 915; P. 99, 9. (3) used figuratively :-- Sé ðe þyllic weorc getimbrað on Godes gelaðunge, Hml. Th. ii. 590, 1. 'Ic hæbbe ðé gesetne ðæt ðú tóweorpe and getimbre.' For ðæ-acute;m búton hé ðæt wóh æ-acute;r tówurpe ne meahte hé nóht nytwyrðlíce ðæt ryht getimbran, Past. 441, 30-34. II. to use as building material :-- Swá hwá swá getimbrað ofer ðisum grundwealle gold oððe seolfor si quia superaedificat super fundamentum hoc aurum, argentum, Hml. Th. ii. 588, 23: 590, 9. III. to edify, instruct :-- Þ-bar; hé sumne fæder funde þe hine on sumum þingum getimbrede ðæs ðe hé sylf æ-acute;r ne cúðe, Hml. S. 23 b, 158. Ne mæg æ-acute;nig mann óþerne getimbrian búton hé hine sylfne gelómlíce behealde, 77. Ic wolde eów áne race gereccan, seó mæig eówer mód getimbrian, gif gé mid gýmene hí gehýran wyllað, Hml. Th. i. 412, 36. [Goth. ga-timrjan: O. H. Ger. ge-zimbrón constituere, aedificare. v. ofer-getimbran; heáh-getimbred. ge-timbru. Substitute: ge-timbre, es; n.: ge-timbru (-o); f., g. pl. ge-timbrema (cf. ge-tíme). I. a building, fabric :-- Þ-bar; æteówde þ-bar; eall þ-bar; getimbre þæ-acute;re cycenan (omne coquinae aedificium) sceolde beón forburnen, Gr. D. 123, 29. Hergiendum getimbres tempel laudantibus aedificium templi, Lk. p. 10, 13. Eallre þæ-acute;re cyricean and þám óþrum getimbre, Bd. 3, 17; Sch. 269, 17. Þurhwuniendum eallum þám getimbre þæs hames perdurante tota domus fabrica, Gr. D. 119, 27. Swá swá spearwa on getimbre (aedificio), Ps. Vos. 101, 8. Swá swá hýg getimbrena &l-bar; þæcena sicut foenum tectorum, Ps. L. 128, 6. Getimbra aedificiorum, Ps. Rdr. Ps. Vos. 128, 6. Eal þás getimbro (-u, v. l.) ... néh is þ-bar; hí ealle fýr fornimeð, Bd. 4, 25; Sch. 498, 9. Getimbro (-u, R.) temples aedificationes templi, Mt. L. 24, 1: Mk. p. 5, 6. II. building, construction :-- Be þæs temples getimbro de aedificatione templi, Bd. S. 23; Sch. 696, 16. Þá broþor óþerra weorca swíðor gýmdon and þysse cyricean getimbro forléton. Gesetton hí fore unmæ-acute;tnesse þæs gewinnes þ-bar; hí eallinga forléte þá getimbro þysse cyricean fratribus alia magis curantibus, intermissum esi hoc aedificium ... Statuerunt ob nimietatem laboris huius structuram ecclesiae funditus relinquere, Bd. 3, 8; Sch. 225, 16-226, 2. v. heáh-, stán-getimbre. ge-timbrung. Add: I. building, constructing (lit. or fig.) :-- Paulus spræc be ðæ-acute;re getimbrunge þæ-acute;re geleáffullan gelaðunge. Hé cwæð, 'Ne mæg nán man lecgan óþerne grundweall ...,' Hml. Th. ii. 588, 17. Þá stánas bæ-acute;ron tó þæs húses getimbrunge (ad aedificationem domus) ge ealde men ge geonga, Gr. D. 321, 22. Ealle ðás getimbringe hé geendode binnon ðrím geárum, Hml. Th. ii. 498, 1. II. a building, structure, fabric :-- Þæ-acute;re kicenan getimbrung (hús, v. l.) coquinae aedificium, Gr. D. 124, 13: 123, 27. Gif hwæs getimbrung ðurhwunað and ðám fýre wiðstent, Hml. Th. ii. 588, 28. Be þæ-acute;ra enta getimbrunge about the tower of Babel, 198, 17. On getimbringce in domicilio, Ps. L. 101, 7. Áræ-acute;rde getimbrunge editam structuram, An. Ox. 410 b. Þysse burge getimbrunga (aedificia), Gr. D. 134, 9. III. edification, instruction :-- Tó hyra gástlican getimbrunge pro aedificatione, R. Ben. 62, 21. Ymbe þæ-acute;re sáule getimbrunge, 21, 18. Getimbrunge definitionem (v. (?) plurimum differt inter ambiguas Pharisaeorum traditiones et elucubratam sacrae Scripturae definitionem, Ald. 73, 16), Wrt. Voc. ii. 28, 65. Hwæt is hit elles bútan getimbrunga and tól háligra manna quid aliud sunt nisi instituta virtutum?, R. Ben. 133, 9. ge-tíme, es; n. [ge-tímu; f. (?); pl. ge-tíme; gen. ge-tímena. Cf. ge-timbre.] A yoke of oxen :-- Ic bohte án getýme (getýmðe, v. l.) oxena jugum boum emi, Lk. 14, 19. 'Ic bohte fíf getýme oxena ...' Ðá fíf getýma getácniað ðá fíf andgitu ... Þás andgitu sind rihtlíce wiðmetene fíf getýmum oxena, Hml. Th. ii. 372, 23-24. Twégra getýmæna læ-acute;se and týn cúna, C. D. B. i. 544, 2. Fíf hund getýmu, Hml. Th. ii. 446, 13. Fíf hund getýme oxena, ... þúsend getýme oxena, 458, 16, 18. v. wroht-getíme. ge-tímian. Add: I. with noun or pronoun as subject :-- Þis ylce getímað on sumum óðrum stówum, Lch. iii. 258, 17. Þa getímode micel hafenleást on Benedictes mynstre, Hml. Th. ii. 170, 32. Gyf þ-bar; getímie, þ-bar; is eallum mannum gemæ-acute;ne, þ-bar; se abbud gewíte of þissum lífe, C. D. B. i. 155, 32. Hé wiste þ-bar; hit (the betrayal by Judas) æfter his geteohhunge ágán (getímian, v. l.) sceolde, Hml. A. 154, 69. I a. with dat. of object affected :-- Oft getímað yfelum teala, Hml. Th. i. 332, 15. Gif ús ungelimpas on æ-acute;htum getímiað, ii. 328, 27. Him forðsíð getímode, 546, 21. Nis mé nán þing þ-bar; mé on mínum lífe getímode, Hml. S. 37, 107. Þeáh ús ungelimp on æ-acute;htum getíme (-tímie, -tímige, v. ll.), 13, 287. Þe læ-acute;ste him forðsíð getímige, Wlfst. 300, 28. II. with indefinite hit :-- Hit getímað hwíltídum þ-bar; his trendel underscýt þæ-acute;re sunnan, Lch. iii. 242, 18. Gif hit swá getímað, hé sceal his ágen líf syllan for ðæs folces hreddinge, Hml. Th. i. 240, 13. Gif hit swá getímað þ-bar; ..., R. Ben. 119, 5. Þá getímode hit ... and Ethna úp ábleów, Hml. S. 8, 221. III. where no subject is expressed :-- Hé began tó reccenne hú him on ráde getímode, Hml. S. 26, 215. Gesáwon hí hú þám ánum getímode, 11, 163. Getímode his wífe wyrs ðonne hé beðorfte, Hml. Th. ii. 142, 2. Getímige ðám óðrum swá him getímige, 36, 4. ge-tímu(-e?). v. un-getímu: ge-ting. v. ge-þyncg(o): ge-ting-. v. ge-tyng-: ge-tín. v. un-getímu. ge-tintregian; p. ode To torment :-- Eów ðæ-acute;r (hell) deófol getintregað, Hml. Th. i. 266, 35. Hí ðone feórðan getintregodon, Hml. S. 25, 143. Hí ætforan mannum getintregode wæ-acute;ron, Hml. Th. i. 544, 4. ge-tirgan, -tirigan; p. de; pp. ed. I. to vex, provoke :-- For ðan þe ðú mé getyrgdest quia egisti, ut me ad iracundiam provocares, Hml. S. 18, 212. Wearð seó módor biterlíce gegremod fram hire ánum cilde ... wolde ðone sunu þe hí getirigde mid wyriungum gebindan, Hml. Th. ii. 20. 6. Sume ðá hæ-acute;ðenan wurdon mid andan getyrigde, i. 562, 29. II. to vex, afflict, oppress :-- Getyrged pertritus, Wrt. Voc. ii. 69, 14. Getyrge[d], 68, 58. ge-tirwan to bring to the consistency of tar :-- Scearfa eall þ-bar; smera on pannan, swá micel swá þú sealfe haban wille and þú getyrwan mæge, Lch. iii. 14, 17. ge-titelian. Add: I. to assign, (1) a person to an office, nominate :-- Ymbe náne worldbysgunge ábysgode, búton mid þæ-acute;re þe hig tó getitolode beóð (nisi illos cuinominati sunt), Ll. Th. ii. 198, 22. (2) something to a person, ascribe, v. Dict. II. to place a mark above a letter or syllable :-- Þes que is sceort mid þrým stafum gewriten oððe getitelod (is written with three letters (que) or with a mark UNCERTAIN), Ælfc. Gr. Z. 265, 8. Án getitelod &I-long;, getácnað án þúsend, and twéyen ías getitelode, &I-long;&I-long;, getácniað twá þúsend, 282, 10-12. ge-tíþian. Add :-- Ic getíðige praesto, Ælfc. Gr. 139, 11. I. to grant a request. (1) absolute, to consent to a request (with dat. of person asking) :-- Þ-bar; hé unc getíðade (-tigðade, v. l.), and on þæs gesíðes huus ineóde, Bd. 5, 4; Sch. 568, 14. Hié bæ-acute;don þ-bar; ... Sume him getygðedon, Ors. 3, 7; S. 118, 16. God þé getíþige and þíne béne gehýre, Angl. xii. 515, 13. (2) with gen. of request and dat. of person :-- Gif wé þæs biddað þe ús tó écere hæ-acute;lþe fremiað, ús getíðað þæs se heofenlica Fæder, Hml. Th. ii. 528, 20. Hié hine bæ-acute;don þ-bar; ...; and hé him þæs getygðade, Ors. 3, 1; S. 98, 20. Hé him þæ-acute;re béne getygðade, 4, 10; S. 200, 32. Hié him þæs getygðedon, 2, 2; S. 64, 30: 3, 10; S. 140, 18. Ic bidde þ-bar; þú me ánre lytelre béne getýðige, Hml. S. 23 b, 712. Him þæs getygðian, Ors. 3, 11; S. 146, 31. Him næs getíðod ðæ-acute;re lytlan lisse, Hml. Th. i. 330, 29. Him næs þæ-acute;re béne getíðod, ii. 528, 6. (3) with dat. of request :-- Hé bæd ðá heáfodmenn þ-bar; hí his bénum getíþodon, Hml. S. 26, 49. (4) with clause and dat. of person :-- Getíða mé synfullum þ-bar; ic átéo þás hringan, Hml. S. 21, 66. Getídige ús God þ-bar; wé magon eów secgan his láre, Hml. A. 12, 309. II. to grant, bestow (with acc. of object granted and dat. of person) :-- Crístes deáð getíðað ús þæt éce líf, Hml. Th. ii. 240, 20. Ðæ-acute;r getíðað Drihten micele weldæ-acute;da geleáffullum mannum, 298, 11. Þisne anweald hé forgeaf Petre ... þone ylcan andweald hæfð se Ælmihtiga getíðod biscopum, i. 370, 4-13. Críst hæfð micel getíþod eów, Hml. S. 36, 167. ge-tíung, e; f. An agreement, arrangement :-- Getíunge, gitíungi, get[o]ing (o doubtful) apparitione (-atione), Txts. 41, 185. Cf. ge-teón; wk.; ge-þinge; I. ge-toge. l. ge-tog, -toh, and add: I. a contraction, drawing together :-- Wið þá cynelican ádle þe man auriginem nemneð, þ-bar; ys on úre geþeóde þæ-acute;ra syna getoh and fóta geswel, Lch. i. 190, 15. Wið sina getoge, iii. 70, 26. Fore syna getoge, 110, 25. II. that with which one draws, a trace :-- Þá múlas þe þ-bar; cræt tugon áfyrhte tómengdon þá getogu, þ-bar; hí teón ne mihton, Hml. S. 31, 973. [Cf. O. H. Ger. pi-zog retinaculum.] ge-togen drawn. Substitute: ge-togen; adj. (ptcpl.) Educated :-- Swá getogen man and geþungen láreów, Hml. Th. ii. 122, 13. v. un-getogen, ge-teon; III. 1. ge-tónamian. v. tó-namian in Dict.: ge-togennes. Dele: ge-torfian. Add: v. ge-tyrfan. ge-tot. Add :-- Tó geflites hý fæstaþ and þæt dígle þing beón sceolde tó sige, þæt is tó bodunge and tó getotes gylpe, gewyrcaþ solent certare jejuniis, ut rem secreti victoriae faciant, R. Ben. 136, 22. Þæt nán þing flæ-acute;sclices beforan Gode mid getote ne bógie ut non glorietur omnis caro coram Deo, 139, 2. Se mæssepreóst áxað þriddan síðe, 'Wiðsæcst ðú eallum deófles getotum?,' Hml. Th. ii. 52, 7. v. tot. ge-trahtian. Add; I. to treat a subject, discuss :-- Huætd on weg gié getrahtade (gitrachtade, R.) quid in uia tractabatis?, Mt. L. 9, 33.