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79, 74. Wín of berium áwrungen, Hml. Th. ii. 168, 10. Fífleáfe áwrungenu, Lch. ii. 110, 19. Æscþrotu áwringen þurh cláð, 36, 20. Betonican seáw gebeátenre and áwrungenre, 30, 4. á-writ, es; n. A writing:--Ðerh alle áwriotto per omnes scripturas, Rtl. 113, 23. Cf. ge-writ. á-wrítan. Add: I. to write out or down, write words:--Áurítteð &l-bar; áurát (scribebat) on eorðe, Jn. L. 8, 6. Heora æ-acute;lces naman áwrít (superscribes) on his girde, Num. 17, 2. Áwrítt, eádgo deádo scribe, beati mortui, Rtl. 48, 5. Wé ne magon swáþeáh ealle naman áwrítan, ne furþon geþencan, Wrt. Voc. i. 86, 74. 'Nelle ðú áwríta (-urítte, L.) cyning Iudéana' . . . Ondsuorade ðe groefa: 'Þ-bar;te ic wrátt (áurát, L.) ic wrát (áurát, L.), Jn. R. 19, 21-2. Wæs áwriten (-uritten, L.) on Crécisc, 20. Hira naman hér sint áwritene, Num. 13, 5. Bóca mid golde áwritenra, Bt. 5, 1; F. 10, 18. II. to transcribe, copy in writing:--Bidde ic, gif hwá þás bóc áwrítan wylle, þæt hé híi geornlíce gerihte be þæ-acute;re bysene, Hml. Th. i. 8, 10. III. to state in writing:--Swá holde þ-bar; hié on monegum templum áwriten, þ-bar; æ-acute;lc crísten mon hæfde frið . . . and Antonius hét forbærnan þ-bar; gewrit þe hit on áwriten wæs hwæt mon on geáre ágiefan sceolde, Ors. 6, 13; S. 268, 18-23. Hit is áwrieten on ðæ-acute;m godspelle ðæt . . ., Past. 403, 1. IV. of authorship, to write a book, letter, &c.:--Áwrát elicuit (tractatus), Wrt. Voc. ii. 31, 58: edidit (opusculum), 85, 82: digessit (librum), 91, 48. Monige godspellas áwritton, Mt. p. 7, 1. Þæt hé áwrite tenuisse (oraculorum seriem), Wrt. Voc. ii. 77, 66. Hié næ-acute;ron on hiora ágen geðióde áwritene, Past. 5, 13. IV a. where quotation is made:--Swá swá áwrát ut (Psalmista) cyrografatur, An. Ox. 2789. Moses áwrát, Mk. L. R. 12, 19. IV b. to write of or about something:--Be þám ic áwrát on óðrum gewrite, Ælfc. T. Grn. 2, 20. Hé áwrát be heora misdæ-acute;dum, Wlfst. 166, 17. Swindrige of óðrum áwuritun, Mt. p. 11, 9. Wille wé be him áwrítan, Chr. 1086; P. 219, 18. IV c. to write to:--Gesegen wæs mé ðé áwríto (-urítta, L.), Lk. R. 1, 3. V. to write an account of, describe:--Þæs cyn is beforan áwriten, Chr. 716; P. 42, 13. Hæbbe wé áwriten þæ-acute;re Asian súþdæ-acute;l meridianam partem Asiae descripsimus, Ors. 1, 1; S. 14, 5. (Subst. this for quotation in Dict. from Bos. 17, 42.) Áwriten wæ-acute;ran pinguntur (in tomo castae praeconia vitae), Wrt. Voc. ii. 95, 42. VI. to inscribe the name of a person:--Wé wæ-acute;ron ádílegode of þám frumgewrite þe wé tó heofenum áwritene wæ-acute;ron, Wlfst. 252, 13. Hig wæ-acute;ron áwritene ipsi descripti fuerunt, Num. 11, 26. VII. to write on material, cover with writing:--Þæt hé Alexandres wísan besceáwade, swá hé hit him eft hám bebeád on ánum brede áwriten, and siþþan hit áwriten wæs hé hit oferworhte mid weaxe virum ad perscrutandos Alexandri actus, qui omnia civibus suis per tabellas scripta; et post cera superlitas enunciebat, Ors. 4, 5; S. 168, 14. VIII. to make a symbol other than a letter:--Þá áwrát hé Crístes róde tácen on þæs blindes mannes eágum, Gr. D. 77, 26. áwríþan. Add: I:--Áwríðeð (alligat) forðræ-acute;stnisse heara, Ps. Srt. 146, 3. Genim sceápes mearh, lege on þ-bar; óþer mearh, áwríþ swíðe wel, Lch. ii. 96, 1 Gif þú ne mæge blóddolh áwríþan (staunch) . . . lege þ-bar; dust on cláð, wríþ mid þý þ-bar; blóddolh. Gif þú geótendæ-acute;dre ne mæge áwríþan . . . lege on þá æ-acute;dre þ-bar; dust and áwríð swíþe, 148, 12-19. II. for awríðe, l. áwriðe, and add:--Áwriþe (or -wríþe ?) solueret [altered from soluat], Bl. Gl. á-writting, áwðer, á-wuht, awul. v. in-áwritting, á-hwæðer, á-wiht, awel. á-wuldrian; p. ode To glorify:--Áuuldrad wæs (glorificatus est) se Hæ-acute;lend, Jn. L. 12, 16. Áwuldrad sié glorietur, Rtl. 79, 30. á-wundrian. Substitute: I. to wonder, be astonished:--Ic áwundrode mirabar, Gr. D. 244, 13. Áwundrode eall se líchama in þám wífum omne in eis corpus obrigesceret, 284, 21. Áwundradon mirabantur, Lk. L. 1, 21: 4, 22: mirati sunt, 8, 25. Áundrad wæs miratus est, 7, 9. Þ-bar; hé woere áwundrad ut miraretur, Mk. L. 15, 5, Áwundrade woeron, mirati sunt, Lk. L. 2, 18: ammirati sunt, 48: 11, 14. II. to wonder at, admire, magnify:--Áuundradon God magnificabant Deum, Lk. L. 5, 26. ¶ in El. 581 áwundrad seems corrupt; Zupitza suggests áwended. á-wunian. Add:--Ic stille and swá swá deád áwunade . . . ic swígende ealle þá niht áwunade quietus et quasi mortuus permanens . . . tacitus tota nocte perduro, Bd. 5, 6; Sch. 578, 6-11. Heó ðæ-acute;r áwunode þone dægand ðá niht on hire gebede, Hml. A. 121, 145: Guth. 34, 15. Seó beorhtnys þæ-acute;r áwunode oð dæg, 86, 22. Seó studu gesund ástód and áwunade (remansit), Bd. 3, 10; Sch. 234, 16. Þá bróhton bán úte áwunedon (permanerent), 3, 11; Sch. 237, 1. Þæt hí on þám geleáfan áwunedan (persistere curarent), 2, 17; Sch. 181, 14. Wé geáxiaþ næ-acute;nig gód áwunigende, Bl. H. 109, 2. á-wyllan, -wyltan, -wyrdan, -wyrgan (to curse), -wyrpan. v. á-willan, -wiltan, -wirdan, -wirgan, -wirpan (and -weorpan). á-wyrcan. Add:--Æ-acute;nne tíman gebídan, þonne ús wæ-acute;re leófre þonne eall þ-bar; on middangearde is, þ-bar; wé áworhtan Godes willan, Ll. Th. i. 370, 19. Æ-acute;lces unnyttes wordes hié sculon ryht áwyrcean (reddent rationem), Past. 281, 10. [Goth. us-waurkjan: O. H. Ger. ar-wurchen.] á-wyrgan to strangle. Add:--Hé (Judas) þonan gangende áwyrgde (mid sáde áwrigde, L.) hine abiens laqueo se suspendit, Mt. R. 27, 5. Hé forgiet ðæt grin ðæt hé mid áwierged wirð (stranguletur), Past. 331, 19. Fugelas and óðre nýtenu þá þe on nette beóð áwyrgede (strangulantur), Ll. Th. ii. 162, 18. á-wyrn. Substitute: v. á-hwergen. á-wyrtwalian. Add: I. to pluck up or out by the root, (1) lit.:--Onweg ácorfenum þám tungum swylce hí áwyrtwalode wæ-acute;ron abscissis radicitus linguis, Gr. D. 241, 12. (2) fig. to extirpate, eradicate, exterminate:--Ic áwyrtwalie extirpo (gaudia carnis), An. Ox. 186, 26. Áwyrtwalað exterminabit (viam peccatorum), Bl. Gl. Áwyrtwala græ-acute;dignysse of ðínre heortan, Hml. Th. ii. 410, 1. Þ-bar; man áwyrtwalige æ-acute;ghwylc unriht, Ll. Th. i. 376, 9. II. to pluck, draw away:--Hé áwyrtwalað (evellet) of gryne fét míne, Ps. L. 24, 15. Sió slæ-acute;wð ús áwyrtwalað from æ-acute;lcre lustbæ-acute;rnesse gódra weorca, Past. 283, 4. á-ýtan. Add:--Áýtte eliminarat, i. expelleret, An. Ox. 4080. Ðonne áríseð þeód wið þeóde and hié beóð þonne áýtte fram heora gemæ-acute;rum (quoted in note to preceding). B bacan. Add:--Þú erast and sæ-acute;wst; þú grinst and bæcst, Hml. Th. i. 488, 25. Sé þe him hláf baceð, Wlfst. 212, 27. In þám ofne þá wíf bócon heora hláfas, Gr. D. 251, 26. Þæt man breád bace, Wlfst. 296, 8. Þá oflæ-acute;tan þe gé sylfe bacen, Ll. Th. ii. 404, 35. Hláf bacan panes coquere, 160, 26. Ofen wæs gegearwod tó þon þ-bar; man wolde on bacan, Gr. D. 219, 12. v. asc-, eald-, ele-, ge-, heorþ-bacen. bád. Add: I. a pledge:--Be bádum, Ll. Th. i. 354, 5. II. expectation, waiting:--Hwet is bád (expectatio) mín ?, Ps. Srt. 38, 8. Hé generede mé of þæ-acute;re báde (expectatione) Judéa folces, Gr. D. 107, 26. For þæ-acute;re báde his ændes, 282, 10. Hit neálæ-acute;hte þæ-acute;re tíde his deáþes . . . Hine þá on þæ-acute;re sáwle báde (while the soul expected its departure) ácsode his wíf, 301, 25. bádere. v. níd-bádere, and next word. bádian. Add:--Tó gemóte hé cóme ofþe hine man bádode he should come to the meeting or a fine might be exacted of him (? cf. iii gemót on geáre búton hé hit gebicge oþþe gebidde, 433, 33), Cht. Th. 432, 32. Cf. bæ-acute;dan. bæc, bec; m. n.: bæce, bece; m.: bæc(c); f. A beck, brook. The word, which seems to occur only in lists of boundaries in charters (except in wíl-bec?), appears with varying gender and declension. (1) bæc; m.:--In baka brycge; of baka brycge, C. D. iii. 386, 15. In ðá bakas; of ðám bakan, 382, 7: 386, 11. (2) bæc, bec; n.:--On ðæt heówbec; andlang heówbeces, C. D. iii. 135, 16. On ðæt heówbæc; of ðám heówbæce, v. 358, 22. On ðæt bec; ðonne andlang ðæs becæs; of ðæ-acute;m bæce . . . tó ðám eástran bæce; ðonne andlang bæces, 207, 16-20. On þ-bar; bec; siþþan andlang beces, on Tæmese, Cht. E. 294, 27. (3) bece, bæce; m.:--In Coddan hrycges bece; andlang beces, C. D. iii. 461, 21. In wynnabæce; of wynnabæce . . . in foxbæce; of foxbæce, 386, 9, 16. Ymbe heáfca bæce; of þan bæce, 121, 16. In earna bæce; andlang bæces . . . æft on earna bæce, v. 121, 4, 11. In beka brycge; of becha brycge (cf. 386, 15 above), iii. 382, 11. On ðá lytlan becas . . .; of grindlesbece, 80, 4. (4) bæc(c); f.:--On cyrtwara bæc; andlang cyt&dash-uncertain;wara bæcce (cf. in another copy of the same boundaries:--Of citwara beca . . . on citwara mearce; andlang bæces tó citwara becon, v. 358, 7, 27), C. D. iii. 135, 23. (5) uncertain:--In wynnabæces gemýðan; of wynnabæce, C. D. iii. 382, 5: v. 297, 31. Andlang burgbeces, vi. 43, 19. Andlang ðæs beces; of ðám bece, iv. 68, 25. Tó ðám bæce; of ðám bæce, vi. 234, 29. Tó gafærbæce (gaferbice, 302, 33), v. 306, 28. In cærsa bæc; of ðám bæce, iii. 380, 2. ¶ in one passage the word occurs apparently as fem. and masc. in the same line:--On cnollan gæte in ðá (ðám ?) diópan bæce; of ðám diópan bæce, C. D. iii. 460, 26. [O. H. Ger. bah: Icel. bekkr. These forms point to an English bece.] bæc. Add:--Bæc tergum, Wrt. Voc. i. 44, 31: terga, 65, 19: 283, 44. Se hund tótær his hæteru of his bæce, Hml. Th. 374, 9. Hé byrð byrðene on his bæce, 212, 5: 336, 16: Angl. xi. 112, 23. Him forburnon on þám bæce his reáf, Hml. S. 31, 865. Hé hine scét bæftan his bæce, 18, 336. Wæ-acute;ron his handa tó his bæce gebundene, Hml. Th. i. 466, 27. Heó wæs cumende æfter Drihtenes bæce (post tergum Domini), Bd. 1, 27; Sch. 82, 2. On úrum bæcum, R. Ben. 27, 17. In scyldrum &l-bar; bæccum in humeros, Mt. L. 23, 4. ¶ add to Ll. Th. i. 156, 6 the other version:--Mid rihte faran, l. 9. ¶ phrases giving direction or position:--Hí him on bæce filigdon persecuti sunt eos, Jos. 7, 5. Under bæce retrorsum, Ps. Spl. 34, 5. Ðæt mód him on bæc lét (turned its back on) þás gewítendlican þing, Gr. D. 4, 14. Hé him on bæc sette þá láre Benedictes, 135, 29. bæc-bord; n. (not m.). Add:--Hé lét him þá wídsæ-acute; on ðæt bæc&dash-uncertain;bord, Ors. 1, 1; Swt. 17, 11, 27: 19, 17, 35, 30. On bæcbord him wæs Langaland, 35. [Icel. bak-borði, -borð larboard.]