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UN-LEÓF - UN-MÆ-acute;NE
un-leóf; adj. Not dear, not beloved, odious, hateful :-- Sodomware, Gode unleófe, Cd. Th. 148, 6; Gen. 2452. Gigantmæcgas, Gode unleófe, Metode láðe, 77, 1; Gen. 1268. Wigláf seah on unleófe (the followers who had failed Beowulf in his need), Beo. Th. 5719; B. 2863. [Al þat is on unlef and unqueme, hit is þat oðer iqueme, O. E. Homl. ii. 189, 25. Goth. un-liubs not beloved: O. H. Ger. un-liup insuavis, non optatus.] un-leoþuwác; adj. Inflexible, intractable, implacable :-- Unlioþuwác (-lidouuác, -liuduuác) intractabilis, Txts. 69, 1079. Unliþewác (in-, MS.) Wrt. Voc. ii. 48, 72. Ðá wæs mín hláford in micle hátheortnysse, and hé wæs swíðe unlioðewác geworden wið mé, and hé gebrægd his swurd and wolde mé ofsleán, Shrn. 39, 14. [O. H. Ger. un-lidoweih invulsus, inplicabilis, implacabilis.] un-leoþuwácness, e; f. Inflexibility, implacability :-- Unlioþuwácnis infestatio, Wrt. Voc. ii. 110, 65. Unleoþowácnes, 45, 42. un-libbende; adj. Not living, dead :-- Se dyde monig wundor ge lybbende ge unlybbende, Shrn. 127, 22. v. un-lifigende. un-líchamlíc; adj. Incorporeal :-- Seó sáwul is unlíchomlíc, Homl. Skt. i. 1, 176. Unlíchamlíce incorporalia, Ælfc. Gr. 5; Zup. 11, 19: 9, 21; Zup. 47, 2. un-lícwirþe; adj. Unpleasing, disagreeable :-- Nimaþ mé mid eów; ne beó ic ná eów unlícwyrðe, Homl. Skt. ii. 23 b, 374. un-lífed; adj. Unallowed, illicit :-- Unliéfedo illicitum, Past. 51; Swt. 397, 30. Sió unliéfde byrðen pondus illicitum, Swt. 401, 5. Fleón ðone unliéfedan bryne úres líchoman illicita carnis incendia declinare, Swt. 397, 36. Ða ðe ðæt unliéfde herigaþ qui illicita laudant, 55; Swt. 427, 11. un-lífes; adv. Not alive :-- Hé is nú unlífes, Homl. Skt. i. 18, 203. un-lifigende; adj. Not living, dead, defunct :-- Unlifigendes fét and folma, Beo. Th. 1492; B. 744. Heáfod Holofernus unlyfigendes, Judth. Thw. 24, 9; Jud. 180. Unlifgendes, Elen. Kmbl. 1754; El. 879. Siteþ eorl ofer óðrum unlifigendum (Beowulf), Beo. Th. 5809; B. 2908. Ðæt biþ drihtguman unlifgendum æfter sélest, 2782; B. 1389. Hé aldorþegn unlyfigendne, deádne wisse, 2621; B. 1308. Fore gileáffullum unlifigendum pro fidelibus defunctis, Rtl. 173, 37. Fore deádum &l-bar; unlifiendum, Jn. Skt. p. 4, 20. On heora ealdfeóndum unlyfigendum, Judth. Thw. 26, 8; Jud. 316. v. un-libbende. un-lígne; adj. Not to be denied or rejected, incontrovertible :-- Biscopes word and cyninges sié unlæ-acute;gne búton áðe a bishop's word and a king's is to be accepted without an oath, L. Wih. 16; Th. i. 40, 12. Þissa ealra áð sié unlégnæ, 21; Th. i. 42, 1. v. lígnian, and cf. O. H. Ger. lougeníg negativus. un-lísan; p. de. I. to unloose, undo :-- Ic bidde ðé ðæt ðú mé unlýse ða insæglunge, Homl. Skt. i. 3, 537. II. to release :-- Hé beád ðæt man sceolde unlésan ealle ða menn ðe on hæftnunge wæ-acute;ron, Chr. 1086; Erl. 223, 38. un-líþe; adj. Ungentle, harsh, severe, cruel :-- Ðé tó heortan hearde gripeþ ádl unlíðe, Cd. Th. 57, 32; Gen. 937. Geliðewáca ðisne unlíðan cyle, Homl. Skt. i. 11, 192. Scearpnyssa beóð áwende tó sméðum wegum, ðonne ða yrsigendan mód and unlíðe gecyrraþ tó manðwæ-acute;rnysse, Homl. Th. i. 362, 30. un-lofod; adj. Unpraised :-- Ne læ-acute;t ðú unlofod ðæt ðú swutele ongite ðæt lícwyrðe sý; ðæ-acute;r ðé áuht tweóge, lofa ðæt gemetlíce, Prov. Kmbl. 62. un-lúcan; p. -leác To unclose, open :-- Godes engel unleác ðæt cweartern, Homl. Skt. ii. 25, 839. Hostiarius is ðære cyrcean durewerd, se sceal ða cyrcan unlúcan geleáffullum mannum, and ðám ungeleáffullum belúcan wiðútan, L. Ælfc. C. 11; Th. ii, 346, 29. Nán man ne dorste ða duru unlúcan, Homl. Ass. 113, 360. un-lust, es; m. I. absence of desire, disgust, disinclination. (a) want of appetite :-- Læ-acute;cedóm gif men unlust (cf. Ger. Unlust zum Essen) sié getenge, Lchdm. ii. 16, 15: 150, 17. Wiþ metes unluste, 184, 15: 28, 5. Wiþ unluste and wlætan þe of magan cymð, 158, 12. Wiþ sáre and unluste ðæs magan, se ðe ne mæg ne mid mete ne mid drincan beón gelácnod, 158, 17. Hié þrowiaþ ormæ-acute;tne þurst and metes unlust, 230, 19. Ungemetlíca metesócna and ungemetlíce unlustas and císnessa, 174, 28. [Þi mahe wið unlust warpeð hit (food) eft ut, H. M. 35, 31. Icel. ú-lyst a bad appetite.] (b) disinclination to action, listlessness :-- Hé (the slothful servant) ðolaþ neádunge þeóstra ðurh wrace, se ðe æ-acute;r lustlíce forbær his unlustes (or under III? cf. 552, 12) þeóstra, Homl. Th. ii. 556, 22. [&yogh;æn unnlusst and forrswundennle&yogh;&yogh;c, Orm. 4562. He doth alle thing with slaknes and excusacioun, and with ydelnes and unlust, Chauc. Pers. T. (de accidia). Goth. wairþan in unlustau &alpha-tonos;θωμεîν.] II. want ofpleasure, joylessness, weariness :-- For unluste pros taedio, Ps. Spl. T. 118, 28. Hé wylleþ hine on ðam wíte, wunaþ unlustum (cf. lustum, on lustum), Salm. Kmbl. 538; Sal. 268. [O. H. Ger. un-lust taedium, fastidium.] III. an evil pleasure, lust :-- Ne unlust on hire mód ne becom, Homl. Th. ii. 10, 10. Ðá gestód hine micel líchamlíc costung ... hé áwende ðone unlust tó sárnysse, 156, 32. Unlusta voluptatum, Scint. 106, 10. Ealle hyra unlustas hí sceolon gebétan sylfwylles on ðyssum lífe, oððe unþances æfter ðyssum lífe, Homl. Th. i. 148, 27. Þurh unlustas libidinibus, L. Ecg. C. 5, tit.; Th. ii. 128, 15. Winnan wið leahtras and unlustas forseón, L. Ælfc. P. 12; Th. ii. 368, 19. un-lustian. v. ge-unlustian. un-lybba (and un-lybbe, an; f., or un-lybb; dat. -lybbe ; n.?), an; m. I. poison :-- Sumum men wæs unlybba geseald, ac hit ne mihte hine ádýdan, Homl. Th. ii. 178, 11. Unþeáwas weaxaþ on yfel, swa swa átres unlibba on men; swá hé leng ðæs áttres þigene bedíhlaþ, swá wyrð his untrumnes máre, R. Ben. 135, 16. Unlybbe delatera (deletera?), Wrt. Voc. ii. 138. 55. Hí ræ-acute;ddon ðæt hí mid áttre hine ácwealdon; gemengdon ðá unlybban tó his drence, Homl. Th. ii. 158, 15. Hé ðygde unlybban on his mete, 504, 14. Hé ðone unlvbban hálsode, and hine ealne gedranc, i. 72, 24, 19: L. Pen. 7; Th. ii. 280, 6: 6; Th. ii. 280, 2: Wulfst. 150, 5. Wiþ unlybbum, Lchdm. ii. 292, 30. II. poison used for purposes of witchcraft, witchcraft, sorcery :-- Gif wíf drýcræft and galdor and unlibban wyrce ... Gif heó mid hire unlybban man ácwelleþ si mulier artem magicam, et incantationes, et maleficia exerceat ... si maleficiis suis aliquem occiderit, L. Ecg. C. 29; Th. ii. 154, 8-11. Ðæs flæ-acute;sces weorc ... hæ-acute;ðengild oððe unlybban (veneficia, Gal. 5, 19), Homl. Skt. i. 17, 25. Ðínre módor fela unlybban matris tuae veneficia multa (2 Kings 9, 22), 18, 333. [Cf. Icel. ú-lyfjan poison.] v. ge-unlybba, lybb, and next word. unlyb-wyrhta, an; m. A poison-maker, one who prepares poisons for purposes of witchcraft, a sorcerer :-- Unlybwyrhta veneficus, Wrt. Voc, i. 74, 39. Wyccan and wælcyrian and unlybwyrhtan, Wulfst. 298, 19. Antecrist hæfð mid him drýmen and unlybwyrhtan and wígleras and ða ðe cunnan galder ágalan, 194, 18. Unlibwyrht[en]a wiccecræft maleficorum (venenificorum) necromantia, Hpt. Gl. 501, 62. un-lyft, e; f. Bad air, malaria :-- Rómáne and eall súðfolc worhton him eorþhús wið ðære unlyfte, Lchdm. ii. 16, 2. un-lygen; adj. Unlying, truthful :-- Ceápige man on ðæs portgeréfan gewitnesse oþþe óðres unlygenes mannes, L. Ath. i. 12; Th. i. 206, 10. [Icel. ú-lyginn. Cf. O. H. Ger. lugín mendax.] v. un-gelygen. un-lyt; n. No little, much :-- Gé mánes unlyt wyrceaþ, Ps. Th. 61, 9. un-lytel; adj. I. of size, extent, not little, great :-- Wé magon tócnáwan be hyre leóman ðæt seó sunne unlytel is, Lchdm, iii. 236, 11. Wolcen unlytel, Ps. Th, 77, 16. Unlytel dæ-acute;l foldan, Cd. Th. 154, 4; Gen. 2550. Unlytel dæ-acute;l eorþan gesceafta, 97, 17; Gen. 1614. Unlytel leádes clympre, Exon. Th. 426, 17; Rä. 41, 75. Hé geseah sweras unlytle, Andr. Kmbl. 2985; An. 1495. II. of quantity, amount, number, not little, not few in number, much :-- Tó miclum bryne sceal wæter unlytel, Wulfst. 157, 9. Menigo, folc unlytel, Elen. Kmbl. 1740; El. 872: 565; El. 283: Andr. Kmbl. 2542; An. 1272: Beo. Th. 1000; B. 498. Se eorl com mid unlytlan weorode, Chr. 1068; Erl. 206, 10. Mycel feoh and unlytel summam pecuniae non parvam, Bd. 4, 11; S. 579, 20: 4, 5; S. 571, 35. Micle lác and unlytle ælmessan, Wulfst. 278, 5. Ic him gestrýnde unlytel folc, Homl. Th. i. 592, 31. Hyre wer læ-acute;fde unlytle æ-acute;hta on lande and on feó, Homl. Skt. i. 2, 155. III. of quality, degree, not little, great, (a) of persons :-- Hé ðúhte him selfum suíðe unlytel and suíðe medeme se parvulum non videbat, Past. 17; Swt. 113, 12. (b) of things :-- Storm, cirm unlytel, Andr. Kmbl. 2476; An. 1239. Dóm unlytel, Beo. Th. 1775; B. 885: Apstls. Kmbl. 16; Ap. 8. Wundor unlytel, Cd. Th. 250, 26; Dan. 522. Unlytel spell a tale of serious import, 145, 14; Gen. 2405. Torn unlytel, Beo. Th. 1670; B. 833. Wundur unlytel mirabilia, Ps. Th. 104, 5. [Cf. Icel. ú-lítill.] un-lytel, es; n. No small amount, much :-- Eft wearð folces unlytel, Wulfst. 10, 17. Hé læ-acute;fde þære wudewan unlytel on feó and on óðrum æ-acute;htum, Homl. Ass. 108, 200: Chr. 921; Erl. 106, 14. un-mæ-acute;g, es; m. One who is not a kinsman, an alien; or a bad kinsman :-- Unmæ-acute;gas, Wald. 102; Vald. 2, 23. un-mæ-acute;ge; adj. Not of kin, not related, alien :-- Ic wæs unmæ-acute;ge gyst módor cildum factus sum hospes filiis matris meae, Ps. Th. 68, 8. un-mægness, e; f. Inability, weariness :-- Æ-acute;þrot, unmægnes, æ-acute;melnes fastidium, Wrt. Voc. ii. 146, 46. v. un-maga. un-mægþlíc. v. un-mæ-acute;þlíc. un-mæ-acute;le; adj. Spotless, (1) in a physical sense, without marks or spots :-- Æt ánes heówes cý, ðæt heó sý eall reád oððe hwít and unmæ-acute;le, Lchdm. iii. 24, 14. (2) in a moral sense, immaculate, virgin :-- Unmaelo virgo, Wrt. Voc. ii. 123, 75. Ðurh ðingunge his ðære eádigan méder ðære unmæ-acute;lan fæ-acute;mnan Sca Marian per intercessionem beatae suae genetricis semperque virginis Mariae, Bd. 5, 19; S. 640, 42. Hát unmæ-acute;lne mon gefeccean swígende ongeán streáme healfne sester yrnendes wæteres, Lchdm. iii. 10, 31. Þé (the Virgin Mary) unmæ-acute;le æ-acute;lces þinges, Exon. Th. 21, 11; Cri. 333. Hé on fæ-acute;mnan ástág, mægeð unmæ-acute;le, 45, 18; Cri. 721. un-mæ-acute;ne; adj. I. free from evil, pure, (1) of persons :-- Þeáh þe þú welig beó þú ná byst unmæ-acute;ne fram gylte (inmunis a delicto), Scint. 179, 10. Sancta Maria, ides unmæ-acute;ne, Hy. 10, 14. Fram ealre synne unmæ-acute;ne ab omni peccato inmunes, Scint. 67, 20. (2) of an oath, without perjury :-- Se áþ is clæ-acute;ne and unmæ-acute;ne, L. O. 6; Th. i. 180, 18. II. free from, exempt from, not sharing in :-- Álýsede fram bende æ-acute;lces mennissces dómes, fram æ-acute;lcere gærsuman woruldlícra brúcunga clæ-acute;ne and unmæ-acute;ne nexu humanae conditionis exuti, ab omni munere secularium functionum immunes, Cod. Dip. B. i. 154, 16. [O. Frs. un-mén unperjured: O. H. Ger. dhiu unmeina magad Maria: Icel. ú-meinn harmless.]