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geat-weard, es; m. A gate-ward, door-keeper, porter; osti&a-long;rius :-- Ðæne se geatweard læ-acute;t in huic osti&a-long;rius ap&e-short;it, Jn. Bos. l0, 3. Geat-weard janu&a-long;rius, Wrt. Voc. 81, 16. ge-aurnen; part. [aurnen run out, pp. of a-yrnan] Over-run, overtaken; cursu apprehensus, Som. Ben. Lye. ge-aworpen; part, [ge, and pp. of a-weorpan to throw away] Cast or thrown away; abjectus, Som. Ben. Lye. ge-axian; p. ode; pp. od [acsian to ask] To find out by asking, learn, hear; exqu&i-long;r&e-short;re, rescisc&e-short;re, aud&i-long;re :-- Swá hwá swá ðæt geaxaþ, he hlihþ eác mid me quicumque audi&e-short;rit, corr&i-long;d&e-long;bit mihi, Gen. 21, 6. Æfter ðære tíde ðe he geaxode fram ðám tungelwítegum s&e-short;cundum tempus exqu&i-long;si&e-short;rat a m&a-long;gis, Mt. Bos. 2, 16. Geaxodon ða cynegas audi&e-long;runt r&e-long;ges, Jos. 5, 1 : L. AIf. 49; Th. i. 56, 14, MS. H. Geaxode dómas responsa, Ælfc. Gl. 14; Som. 57, 131; Wrt. Voc. 20, 68. v. ge-ascian, ge-acsian. ge-bacen; part. BAKED; coctus :-- Gesoden, gebacen coctus, Ælfc. Gl. 31; Som. 61, 86; Wrt. Voc. 27, 16; 82, 71. DER. bacan; p. bóc, pl. bócon; pp. bacen to bake. ge-bád abode, dwelt, remained, Jn. Bos. 8, 9; p. of ge-bídan. ge-bæc, es; n. [bacan to bake] Anything baked; quod est tostum :-- Ic geseah swefen, ðæt ic hæfde þrí windlas mid meluwe ofer mín heáfod, and on ðam ufemystan windle wæ-acute;re manegra cynna gebæc ego v&i-long;di somnium, quod trio canistra f&a-long;r&i-long;næ hab&e-long;rem s&u-short;per c&a-short;put meum, et in &u-short;no canistro, quod &e-short;rat excelsius, port&a-long;re me omnes c&i-short;bos, qui fiunt arte pist&o-long;ria, Gen. 40, 17. ge-bæcu; pl. n. Back parts, hinder parts; post&e-short;ri&o-long;ra :-- Synd gebæcu hire hrycges on blácunge goldes sunt post&e-short;ri&o-long;ra dorsi ejus in pall&o-long;re auri, Ps. Lamb. 67, 14. He slóh heora fýnd on gebæcum percussit in&i-short;m&i-long;ci suos in post&e-short;ri&o-long;ra, 77, 66. v. bæc. ge-bæd prayed, Ps. Th. 108, 3; p. of ge-biddan. ge-bæ-acute;dan; p. -bæ-acute;dde; pp. -bæ-acute;ded [bæ-acute;dan to compel] To compel, constrain, force, impel, urge, oppress; compell&e-short;re, c&o-long;g&e-short;re, persu&a-long;d&e-long;re, impell&e-short;re, urg&e-long;re, pr&e-short;m&e-short;re :-- Mid rihtre nýdþearfnysse gebæ-acute;ded justa necess&i-short;t&a-long;te compulsus, Bd. 2, 2; S. 502, 27. Mid nýde gebæ-acute;ded necess&i-short;t&a-long;te c&o-long;gente, 3, 24; S. 556, 7 : Exon. 70 b ; Th. 263, 2; Jul. 343 : Bt. Met. Fox 6, 28; Met. 6, 14. Níþa gebæ-acute;ded constrained by hatred, Exon. 68 b; Th. 254, 27; Jul. 203. Mon sceal gebídan ðæs he gebæ-acute;dan ne mæg a man ought to wait for what he cannot hasten [compel to come], 90 b; Th. 340, 2; Gn. Ex. 105. Hie gecwæ-acute;don ðæt ne hie to ðam gebéde he mihte gebæ-acute;dan they said that he could not force them to that prayer, Cd. 182; Th. 228, 15; Dan. 202. Stræ-acute;la storm strengum gebæ-acute;ded, scóc ofer scyld-weall a storm of shafts, impelled from strings, rushed over the shield-wall, Beo. Th. 6226; B. 3117. Býsigum gebæ-acute;ded oppressed with labour, 5153; B. 2580; 5644; B. 2826. [Goth. gabaidjan.] ge-bælded; part. [ge-, pp. of bældan to animate] Made bold, animated; an&i-short;m&a-long;tus :-- Wæs Laurentius mid ðæs apostoles swingum and trymenessum swíðe gebælded apost&o-short;li flagellis s&i-short;mul et exhortati&o-long;n&i-short;bus an&i-short;m&a-long;tus &e-short;rat Laurentius, Bd. 2, 6; Wilk. 124, 7. ge-bændan; p. de; pp. ed [ge, and bænd a band] To bind; vinc&i-long;re :-- Ic hine gebændan hét I commanded [them] to bind him, Salm. Kmbl. 551; Sal. 275. ge-bær bare, bore, Gen. 39, 19; p. of ge-beran to bear, bring forth. ge-bæ-acute;ran; p. de; pp. ed [ge-, and bæ-acute;ru bearing, habit] To bear one's self, behave or conduct one's self; se gerere :-- Ne gefrægn ic ða mæ-acute;gþe sél gebæ-acute;ran never have I heard of the tribe bearing themselves better, Beo. Th. 2029; B. 1012 : 5640; B. 2824 : Fins. Th. 77; Fin. 38. Ne scule gé wið hine gebæ-acute;ran swá swá wið feónd ye must not behave to him as to an enemy, Past. 46, 8; Swt. 356, 7; Hat. MS. 68 a, 14. We gebæ-acute;raþ swelce we hit nyten we behave as though we know it not, 28, 4; Swt. 194, 4; Hat. MS. 37 a, 25. Ðæt hí gebæ-acute;rdon wel that they should bear themselves well, Judth. 10; Thw. 21, 20; Jud. 27 : Bd. 4, 25; S. 600, 32 : Ps. Th. 113, 6. [Laym. i-bere : O. Sax. gi-bárian : O. H. Ger. ga-baran.] ge-bærd natural quality, nature; ind&o-short;les, Som. Ben. Lye. v. ge-byrd, II. gebærd-stán, es; m. Calcisvia? Ælfc. Gl. 58; Som. 67, 102; Wrt. Voc. 38, 27 : forte gebærn-stán vel gebærned stán calx viva, Som, 67, 102. ge-bærmed; part. [ge, and pp. of byrman to ferment with barm or leaven] Fermented, leavened; ferment&a-long;tus :-- Gebærmed hláf leavened bread; p&a-long;nis ferment&a-long;tus, Som. Ben. Lye. v. ge-byrman. ge-bærnan; p. -bærnde; pp. -bærned [ge, and bærnan to burn] To burn; &u-long;r&e-short;re :-- Ne ðé sunne on dæge gebærne per diem sol non &u-long;ret te, Ps. Th. 120, 6. gebærn-lím quicklime; calx v&i-long;va, Som. Ben. Lye. gebæ-acute;r-scipe, es; n. A feast, Lk. Skt. Lind. 14, 13. v. gebeór-scipe. ge-bæ-acute;ru, gen. e; acc. e, u; f : ge-bæ-acute;ro; f. indecl. Or ge-bæ-acute;re; n; pl. u. See the cognate words at the end. [baero, bæ-acute;ru a bearing] BEARING, state, habit or disposition of body or mind, manner, conduct, behaviour, demeanour, manners in society, society; gestus, h&a-short;b&i-short;tus, m&o-long;res, consortium, consu&e-long;t&u-long;do :-- Biþ swá fæger fugles gebæ-acute;ru the bird's bearing [demeanour] is so pleasing, Exon. 57 b; Th. 206, 12; Ph. 125. We on gewritu setton þeóda gebæ-acute;ru we have set in writing the conduct of the people, Elen. Kmbl. 1314; El. 659. Gehýrde beornes gebæ-acute;ro she heard of the conduct of the man, 1416; El. 710. Ðæt he sceáwode monna gebæ-acute;ru that he might behold men's behaviour, Exon. 38 b; Th. 127, 17; Gú. 387 : Ors. 4, l0; Bos. 92, 37. Swylce habban sceal blíðe gebæ-acute;ro shall such have a blithe demeanour? Exon. 115 b; Th. 444, 8; Kl. 44 : 115 a; Th. 442, 31; Kl. 21. On gebæ-acute;rum ex h&a-short;b&i-short;tu ejus, Bd. 4, 22; S. 591, 33 : Ps. Th. 34, 15. He swíðor lufade wífa gebæ-acute;ra, ðonne wæ-acute;pnedmanna he loved the society of women more than of men, Ors. 1, 12; Bos. 35, 16. On ðæs wífes gebæ-acute;rum onfundon ðæs cyninges ðegnas ða unstilnesse by the woman's cries [?] the king's thanes discovered the disturbance, Chr. 755; Erl. 100, 2. Cf. Laym. wide me mihte iheren Brutten iberen, iii. 125. [O. Sax. gi-bári, n : O. H. Ger. ga-bári, n.] ge-bæ-acute;tan; p. -bæ-acute;tte; pp. -bæ-acute;ted, -bæ-acute;t [ge, and bæ-acute;tan to bridle] To bit, bridle, curb; fr&e-long;num &e-short;quo vel &a-short;s&i-short;no inj&i-short;c&e-short;re, fr&e-long;n&a-long;re :-- Ðá wæs Hróþgáre hors gebæ-acute;ted then a horse was bitted for Hrothgar, Beo. Th. 2803; B. 1399. He gebæ-acute;tte his ágen weorc he curbed his own work, Bt. Met. Fox 11, 152; Met. 11, 76. Hæfþ se Alwealda ealle gesceafta gebæ-acute;t mid his bridle the Almighty has restrained all creatures with his bridle, Bt. Met. Fox 11, 45; Met. 11, 23. ge-bæ-acute;te, -bæ-acute;tel, es; n. [ge, and bæ-acute;te a bit of a bridle] A bit of a bridle, a bridle, trappings; l&u-short;p&a-long;tum, c&a-long;mus, fr&e-long;num :-- Ðæt gebæ-acute;tel of ateáh he took the bridle off, Bd. 3, 9; S. 533, 34. Mid ðám gebæ-acute;tum with the trappings, Bd. 3, 14; S. 540, 22. ge-ban, -bann, -benn, es; n. I. a command, ordinance, decree, proclamation; mand&a-long;tum, st&a-short;t&u-long;tum, decr&e-long;tum :-- Brád is ðín gebann l&a-long;tum eat mand&a-long;tum tuum, Ps. Th. 118, 96. Ðíne ealle gebann omnia mand&a-long;ta tua, 118, 86. Ðínre æ-acute; geban l&e-long;gis tuæ mand&a-long;tum, 58, 10 : Elen. Grm. 556. Þurh hláfordes geban by his lord's decree, L. Edg. H. 7; Th. i. 260, 14. Gif preóst biscopes geban forbúge if a priest decline [to obey] the bishop's edict, L. N. P. 4; Th. ii. 290, 20. II. ge-bann, -bonn, es; n. the indiction; indictio, edictum. The indiction is a cycle or revolution of 15 years, like the date of the year from the Birth of our Saviour. Indiction was introduced by Augustine, through the influence of Gregory the Great. It was used by the Roman emperors in the solemn Edictum or Indictio, relative to the taxes, and adopted by the Church to denote the cycle of 15 years. The number of the Indiction was thus easily ascertained, add 3 to the year of our Lord and divide by 15, and the remainder will be the year of Indiction. If there be no remainder the Indiction will be 15. Bede, in his De R&a-short;ti&o-long;n Temp&e-short;rum, says plainly, - Si vis sc&i-long;re qu&o-short;ta sit Indictio, s&u-long;me annos D&o-short;m&i-short;ni, et adj&i-short;ce tria, part&i-long;re per xv, et quod remans&e-short;rit, ipsa est Indictio anni præsentis, Cap. xiv. Indiction is useful in ascertaining the exact year in a reign, etc :-- Ðam mildestan cyninge Cantwara, Wihtræ-acute;de, ríxigendum, ðé fíftan wintra his ríces, ðý niguþan gebanne, in ðære stówe ðy hátte Berghámstyde, ðæ-acute;r wæs gesamnad eádigra geþeahtendlíc ymcyme in the reign of the most mild king of the Kentish-men, Wihtræd, in the fifth year of his reign, the ninth indiction, in the place which is called Berham, where was assembled a deliberative assembly of the great men, L. Wih. pref; Th. i. 36. 4-7. Thus, Wihtræ-acute;d began to reign A. D. 691; add 5 years, this gives A. D. 696 for the deliberative assembly; add 3 by rule, the sum, 699, divided by 15, leaves 9 remainder after the division, or the year of the Indiction as in the preceding example. Ríxiendum ussum Dryhtene ðæm Hæ-acute;lendan Crist. Æfter ðon ðe agán wæs ehta hund wintra and syx and hundnigontig efter his acennednesse, and ðý feówerteóðan gebonn-gére; ðá, ðý gére, gebeón [p. of gebannan] Æðelréd ealderman alle Mercna weotan tosomne to Gleaweceastre under the rule of our Lord Jesus Christ. When 896 winters were passed after his birth, and in the 14th indiction-year; then, in that year, alderman Æthelred assembled all the witan of the Mercians together at Gloucester, Th. Diplm. A. D. 896; 139, 4-13. Thus, Æthelred assembled the witan at Gloucester in the year 896; 896+3 = 899; this after division by 15 leaves a remainder 14, or the year of Indiction, as stated in the foregoing example. Geban edictum, Ælfc. Gl. 87; Som. 74, 43; Wrt. Voc. 50, 25. [O. Sax. ban, n. mand&a-long;tum : O. Frs. ban, bon, n : Dut. ban, m : Ger. bann, m. edictum, interdictum, proscriptio : M. H. Ger. ban, m : O. H. Ger. pan, m. sc&i-long;tum, anath&e-long;ma : Dan, band, m. f : Swed. bann, n : Icel. bann, n. interdictum, excommun&i-short;c&a-long;tio, proh&i-short;b&i-short;tio.] ge-band bound, Gen. 22, 9; p. of ge-bindan. ge-bannan, -bonnan; p. -beónn, pl. -beónnon; pp. -bannen [ge, and bannan to summon]. I. to command, order, proclaim; j&u-short;b&e-long;re, mand&a-long;re, ed&i-long;c&e-short;re :-- Ðá ic gefrægn weorc gebannan manigre mæ-acute;gþe then I heard [him] command the work to many a tribe, Beo. Th. 149; B. 74. II. to summon, call together; c&i-short;tare, conv&o-short;c&a-long;re :-- Folc biþ gebonnen ealle to spræce all people shall be summoned to judgment, Exon. 117 b; Th. 451, 8; Dóm. 100. Ðá gebeón Æðelréd ealderman alle Mercna weotan tosomne then alderman Æthelred summoned all the 'witan' of the Mercians together, Th. Diplm. 139, 1l. [Laym. i-bannen to summon.]