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Godes cyricum bringaþ of the gifts of the faithful which they bring to God's churches, 1, 27; S. 488, 39. On Cristes cyrican ða ðe on Brytene wæ-acute;ron in Christ's churches which were in Britain, 1, 8; S. 479, 26. Constantínus hét ðæt man cyricean timbrede, and ðæt man belúce æ-acute;lc deófulgyldhús Constantine ordered churches to be built, and every heathen temple to be closed, Ors. 6, 30; 605. 127, 36: Bd. 1, 8; S. 479, 22, 23. Maximian, árleás cyning, cwealde cristne men, circan fylde Maximian, the wicked emperor, slew Christian men, overthrew churches, Exon. 65b; Th. 243, 4; Jul. 5. On ðison geáre barn Cristes cyre in this year [A. D. 1066] Christchurch [Canterbury] was burnt, Chr. 1066; Erl. 202, 1. Cyrice weard, cyrce weard a warden of a church, 1043; Erl. 169, 33: 1070; Erl. 207, 33. In ðæare cyrce in the church, 1070; Erl. 209, 40. Ða cyrce the churches, 1070; Erl. 209, 36. III. a heathen temple; templum paganum :-- Gebletsode Romulus mid ðara sweora blóde ða cyrican Romulus consecrated the temples with the blood of their fathers-in-law, Ors. 2, 2; Bos. 41, 7. [Prompt. chyrche: Wyc. cherche: Piers P. kirk: Chauc. chirche: R. Glouc. chirches, pl: Laym. chirche, chireche, f; Scot. kirk: Plat. karke, kerke: O. Sax. kirika, f: Frs. tjercke: O. Frs. kerke, sthereke, sziurke, tsiurike, f: Dut. kerk, f: Kil. kercke: Ger. M. H. Ger. kirche, f: O. H. Ger. kiricha, f: Dan. kirke, m. f: Swed. kyrka, f: Icel. kirkja, f: Grk. GREEK [ GREEK ] the Lord's [house].] DER. cyric-æ-acute;we, -belle, -bóc, -bót, -bryce, -burh, -dór, -friþ, -fultum, -georn, -geriht, -griþ, -hád, -hálgung, -líc, -mangung, -mitta, -neód, -nyt, -pæþ, -ragu, -réna, -sang, -sangere, -sceat, -sócn, -stíg, -þén, -þénung, -þingere, -tíd, -tún, -wæcce, -wæ-acute;d, -wag, -waru, -weard. cyric-friþ, ciric-friþ, es; m. n. Church-peace, right of sanctuary; ecclesiæ pax :-- Cyricfriþ church-peace, L. Ethb. 1; Th. i. 2, 6. Ciric-friþes [cyric- MS. H.] to bóte as compensation for the church-peace, L. Alf. pol. 2; Th. i. 62, 5. cyric-fultum church-help, ecclesiastical support. v. ciric-fultum. cyric-georn; adj. Diligent in attending church; ad ecclesiam libenter frequens, L. Ecg. C. prm; Th. ii. 132, 15. cyric-geriht, es; n. A church-due; ecclesiæ debitum :-- Hí gyrnaþ heora sceatta on teoðungum, and on eallum cyricgerihtum they desire their monies for tithes, and for all church-dues, L. I. P. 19; Th. ii. 328, 1. cyric-griþ, es; n. Church-peace; ecclesiæ pax :-- Stande æ-acute;lc cyricgriþ swá swá hit betst stód let every church-peace stand as it has best stood, L. Edg. i. 5; Th. i. 264, 25, MS. A. v. ciric-griþ. cyric-hád, es; m. [hád II. degree, order] A church-degree, order of the church; ecclesiæ ordo :-- For ðám seofon cyrichádum [-hádan MS.] ðe se mæssepreóst, þurh Godes gife, geþeáh ðæt he hæfde, he biþ þegenrihtes wyrðe for the seven orders of the church, which the mass-priest, through the grace of God, has acquired, he is worthy of thane-right, L. O. 12; Wilk. 64, 41. cyric-hálgung, cyrc-hálgung, e; f. Church-hallowing, consecration of a church; encænia = GREEK , ecclesiæ consecratio :-- Ðys sceal to cyric-hálgungum this shall be for the consecration of a church, Rubc. Jn. Bos. 10, 22; Notes, p. 580. Æt ðære ealdan cyrchálgunge at the old church-hallowing, Homl. Th. ii. 582, 27. cyric-líc, circ-líc, cyrc-líc; adj. Like a church, ecclesiastical; ecclesiasticus :-- Cyriclíc wer vir ecclesiasticus, Bd. 2, 20; S. 522, 21. Magister cyriclíces sanges magister ecclesiasticæ cantionis, 2, 20; S. 522, 27. Fram æ-acute;lcere cyriclícre gesamnunge a quaque ecclesiastica congregatione, L. Ecg. P. A. 30; Th. ii. 236, 35. Hie heóldan ða cyriclícan sceare they observed the ecclesiastical tonsure, Chr. 716; Th. 70, 34, col. 2. Ðæt cyriclíce stæ-acute;r úres eálondes and þeóde ic wrát on fíf béc I [Bede] wrote the ecclesiastical history of our island and nation in five books, Bd. 5, 24; S. 648, 31. Cyriclíce preóstas ecclesiasíici presbyteri, L. Ecg. P. A. 5; Th. ii. 232, 17. Monad mid gelomlícre smeáwunge and leornunge cyriclícra gewrita admonitus ecclesiasticarum frequenti meditatione scripturarum, Bd. 5, 21; S. 642, 26: 5, 23; S. 645, 15. Mid óðrum cyriclícum bócum cum cæteris ecclesiasticis voluminibus, 5, 20; S. 642, 1. cyric-mangung church-mongering, simony, L. Eth. vi. 15; Wilk. 121, 19. v. ciric-mangung. cyric-mitta a church-measure. v. ciric-mitta. cyric-neód, e; f. Church-need; ecclesiæ necessitas :-- Riht is ðæt man betæ-acute;ce æ-acute;nne dæ-acute;l preóstum, óðerne dæ-acute;l to cyricneóde, þriddan dæ-acute;l ðám þearfum it is right that one part [of the alms] be delivered to the priests, a second part for the need of the church, a third part for the poor, L. Edg. C. 55, note 4; Th. ii. 256, 30. cyric-nyt, -nytt church-duty or service. v. circ-nyt. cyric-pæþ, es; m. A church-path; ad ecclesiam semita :-- Of ðære díce on ðæne cyricpæþ from the ditch to the church-path, Cod. Dipl. 736; A. D. 1021-1023; Kmbl. iv. 19, 9. cyric-ragu church-lichen or moss. v. ciric-ragu. cyric-réna, an; m. [rán robbery] Church-robbery, sacrilege; sacrilegium :-- On cyricrénan in sacrileges, L. Eth. vi. 28; Th. i. 322, 20. cyric-sang, -song, es; m. A church-song; ecclesiasticum carmen :-- He ða cyricsangas læ-acute;rde, ðe hí æ-acute;r ne cúðan quæ illi non noverant, carmina ecclesiastica doceret, Bd. 5, 20; S. 642, 8. He wæs on cyric-songe se gelæ-acute;redesta qui cantandi in eeclesia erat peritissimus, 2, 20; S. 522, 25. cyric-sangere, es; m. A church-singer; ecclesiæ cantator :-- He sumne æðelne cyricsangere begeat, se wæs Mafa háten he got a famous church-singer, who was named Mava, Bd. 5, 20; S. 642, 5. cyric-sceat, ciric-sceat, es; m. Church-scot, church-money, tax or rate; ecclesiæ census. Church-scot was at first a certain measure of corn paid to the church. In a charter of Bishop Werfrith, those to whom it was granted, agreed, -- Ðæt hí agefen élce gére þreó mittan hwæ-acute;tes to ciric-sceatte to Clife that they should give yearly to Cliff three measures of wheat as church-scot, Bd. S. 772, 8. Be cyric-sceattum. Cyric-sceattas sín agifene be S&c-tilde;e Martines mæssan. Gif hwá ðæt ne gelæ-acute;ste, sié he scyldig lx scill and be xii fealdum agife ðone ciric-sceat of church-scots. Let church-scots be given at Martinmas. If any one do not perform that, let him forfeit sixty shillings, and give the church-scot twelvefold, L. In. 4; Th. i. 104, 8-11. Ðæt neád-gafol úres Drihtnes; ðæt sýn, úre teoðunga and cyric-sceattas the necessary tribute of our Lord; that is, our tithes and church-scots, L. Edg. S. 1; Th. i. 270, 25. Cyric-sceat was also a general word, and included not only corn, but poultry or any other provision, that was paid in kind to the church. So in the Inquisition of the Rents of the Abbey of Glastonbnry, A. D. 1201 :-- In church-scet lx gallinas et semen frumenti ad tres acras, Chartul. de Glaston. MS. f. 38: L. In. 61; Th. i. 140, 12-14: L. Ath. i. prm; Th. i. 196, 7-10: L. Edm. E. 2; Th. i. 244, 15-18: L. Edg. i. 2; Th. i. 262, 10-17: L. Eth. vi. 18; Th. i. 320, 1-2: L. Eth. ix. 11; Wilk. 114, 19-22; Th. i. 342, 27-29. cyric-sócn a church-privilege, Cod. Dipl. 870; Kmbl. iv. 220, 19. v. ciric-sócn. cyric-stíg, e; f. [stíg a way, path] A church-path; ad ecclesiam callis :-- Of ðam hylle on cyricstíge, of cyricstíge on ða blacan þyrnan from the hill to the church-path, from the church-path to the black-thorn, Cod. Dipl. 1368; Kmbl. vi. 220, 19, 20. cyric-þén a minister of the church, L. I. P. 25; Th. ii. 340, 13. v. ciric-þén. cyric-þénung church-service, L. I. P. 23; Th. ii. 334, 30. v. ciric-þénung. cyric-þingere a priest, v. cyrc-þingere. cyric-tíd, e; f. Church-time, time of service in a church; in ecclesia ministerii tempus :-- His cyrictída on rihtlícne tíman his church-hours at the right time, L. I. P. 8; Th. ii. 314, 20. cyric-tún a church-inclosure, church-yard. v. ciric-tún. cyric-wæcce a church-watch or wake, L. Edg. C. 28; Wilk. 84, 30. v. ciric-wæcce. cyric-wæ-acute;d, e; f. A church-garment; ecclesiæ vestimentum :-- To cyricwæ-acute;dum [MS. -wædan] for church-garments, L. Eth. vi. 51; Th. i. 328, 8. cyrie-wag a church-wall, L. Eth. vii. 13; Wilk. 111, 17. v. ciric-wag. cyric-waru, e; f. A church-congregation; in ecclesia congregatio :-- On cyricware in a church-congregation, L. O. 13; Th. i. 184, 12. cyric-weard, -wyrd a churchwarden, Chr. 1044; Th. 300, 26, col. 1. v. cyrc-weard. cyrin a churn; sinum, Wrt. Voc. 290, 31. v. ceren. Cyring-ceaster Cirencester :-- Æt Cyringceastre at Cirencester, Chr. 1020; Th. 286, 13, col. 1. v. Ciren-ceaster. cyrlisc rustic, rural; rusticus, L. In. 18; Th. i. 114, 6, note 8, B. v. ceorlisc. cyrlisonys, -nyss, e; f. CHURLISHNESS, clownishness, rudeness; rusticitas, Som. Ben. Lye. cyrm a noise, shout, uproar, Andr. Kmbl. 2313; An. 1158; Scint. 55: Cot. 86. v. cirm. cyrman to cry out, shout, Cd. 166; Th. 207, 3; Exod. 461. v. cirman. cyrn a churn; sinum. v. ceren. Cyrn-ceaster Cirencester :-- On Cyrnceastre in Cirencester, Chr. 1020; Th. 287, 12, col. 1. v. Ciren-ceaster. cyrnel, cyrnl; gen. es; dat. cyrnele; pl. nom. acc. cyrnlu; gen. cyrnla; n. m? I. a KERNEL, grain; nucleus, granum :-- Men geseóþ oft ðæt of ánum lytlum cyrnele cymþ micel treów; ac we ne mágon geseón on ðam cyrnele náðor ne wyrtruman, ne rinde, ne bogas, ne leáf; ac God forþtíhþ of ðam cyrnele treów, and wæstmas, and leáf men often see that of one little kernel comes a great tree; but in the kernel we can see neither root, nor rind, nor boughs, nor leaves; but from the kernel God draws forth tree, and fruits, and leaves, Homl. Th. i. 236, 16-20. Cyrnel granum, Ælfc. Gl. 46; Som. 65, 8; Wrt. Voc. 33, 7. Nim ðone cyrnel ðe byþ innan ðan persogge take the kernel which is within the peach, Lchdm. iii. 102, 6. Genim of pínhnyte xx geclæ-acute;nsodra cyrnela take twenty [of] cleansed kernels of the nuts of the stone pine, L. M. 2, 2; Lchdm. ii. 180, 19. Sele ða cyrnlu ðæs eorþifiges on hátum wætre drincan give him the grains of the ground ivy in hot water to drink, 2, 39; Lchdm. ii. 248, 26. II. a hard