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Source: Torp, page b0322, entry 3
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The following entry has been hand-corrected once.

mizdô(n), mzdô(n) f. Lohn, Miete. g. mizdô f. Lohn; as. mêda, mieda f. Bezahlung, afries. mêde, mîde f. Miete, Pacht, Lohn, Geschenk, ags. mêd und meord f. Lohn, Bezahlung, engl. meed; ahd. miata, mêta, mhd. miete f. Bezahlung, Lohn, Bestechung, nhd. Miete. Germanisch m aus mizdh. Vgl. asl. mzda Lohn. - gr. [misqo's] m. Lohn, Sold. - skr. n. Kampfpreis, Wettkampf, zend. mîzhda n. Lohn.

Translation of the Modern German words
FormCitation formGloss
LohnLohn?[I know!]
MieteMiete?[I know!]
BezahlungBezahlung?[I know!]
PachtPacht?[I know!]
GeschenkGeschenk?[I know!]
mietemieten?[I know!]
BestechungBestechung?[I know!]
SoldSold?[I know!]
Kampfpreis??[I know!]
WettkampfWettkampf?[I know!]
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Etymologically connected words
       •meord (OE) is a reflex of mizdô(n).
       •mizd (Goth) is a reflex of mizdô(n).

Morphological category:
       • noun

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